



Application Agreement for Account客户开户申请协议HPC*February 08,2011Personal Details 个人详情Surname 姓氏: ; Forenames 名字: l ;Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/other) 称呼(先生/太太/女士/小姐/其他): ;Date of Birth(DD/MM/YY) 出生日期(日/月/年): ;Home Address 家庭住址: ;Passport or ID card NO. 护照或身份证号码: ;Post Code 邮政编码: ;Contact Details 联络方式Telephone (office hours) 电话(办公时间): ;Telephone (out of hours) 电话(非办公时间): ;Mobile 手机: ; Fax 传真: ;Email Address 电子邮箱地址: ;Employment Details 就业详情Employment Status 就业状况: ;Name of Employer(if applicable) 雇主名称(如有) : ; Position held 职衔: ;Nature of business 业务性质: ;Annual Income 年收入: ; Years 工作年限: ;Joint Account Holders Personal Details 联名账户持有人个人信息Surname 姓氏: ; Forenames 名字: ;Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/other) 称呼(先生/太太/女士/小姐/其他): ;Date of Birth(DD/MM/YY) 出生日期(日/月/年): ;Home Address 家庭住址: ;Passport or ID card NO. 护照或身份证号码: ;Post Code 邮政编码: ;Joint Account Holders Contact Details 联名账户持有人联络方式Telephone (office hours) 电话(办公时间): ;Telephone (out of hours) 电话(非办公时间): ;Mobile 手机: ; Fax 传真: ;Email Address 电子邮箱地址: ;Joint Account Holders Employment Details 联名账户持有人就业详情Employment Status 就业状况: ;Name of Employer(if applicable) 雇主名称(如有): ;Nature of business 业务性质 Position held 职衔: ;Annual Income 年收入 Years 工作年限: ;Account Information 账户信息Account type 账户类型: 新手 标准 高级 Initial Margin 开户预存资金: $ ;Leverage 杠杆比例: 1:50 1:100 1:200 1:400 Trading Experience 交易经验Do you have experience trading shares? 您是否曾经交易过股票? If yes, number of years: 如果是,您具有几年交易经验: Do you have experience in trading leveraged products? 您是否曾经交易过杠杆产品? If yes, number of years: 如果是,您具有几年交易经验? Do you consider yourself able, on the basis of your trading experience and without taking advice, to assess the risks involved in this type of investment? 您认为根据自己以往的交易经验,在不需要对外寻求咨询的情况下,是否能评估此类投资风险? Financial Information 财政信息What is your total estimated annual income? 年收入数额是? Risk Capital, including initial deposit in this account (Risk Capitalif lost would not change your lifestyle.) 风险资金,包括最初存入此账户中的资金(若此资金遭受损失, 不会影响您的生活状态)。 What is your total net worth?(Excluding residence) 个人资产(不包括固定收入)净值数额? What is your liquid net worth? 您的流动资产可迅速变为现金的资产,(以美元计算)净值数额是? Bank Details 客户银行信息Principle Bank 主要来往银行名称 SWIFT Code SWIFT代码 Account Number 银行账户号码 Account Holders Name (Should be same as your name(s) appearing on this Application)账户持有人姓名(须与申请人姓名相同) How did you know HPC? 您是如何了解HPC的?Web search 搜索引擎 Online AD 在线广告 Friend 朋友 Newspaper 新闻Magazine 杂志 I ntroducing Broker 介绍经纪商IB Name 介绍经纪商名称 IB Number 介绍经纪商编号 Declaration声明1. Effect of Leverage or Gearing 杠杆效应Transactions inFX contracts accounts carry a high degree of risk. The amount of initial margin is smallrelative to the value of the FX contracts contract so that transactions are leveraged or geared.A relatively small market movement will have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited or will have to deposit; this may work against you as well as for you. You may sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited with the firm to maintain your position. If the market moves against your position or margin levels are increased, you may be called upon to maintain your position. If the market moves against your position or margin levels are increased,you may be called upon to pay substantial additional funds on short notice to maintain your position. If you fail to comply with a request for additional funds within the time prescribed, your position may be liquidated at a loss and you will be liable for any resulting deficit.外汇交易具有很高的风险。相对于外汇合约的价值而言,初始保证金的金额可能是比较小的,这样交易就被杠杆化了。即使市场上出现比较小的波动也会对您已经或将要存入的资金产生相对大的影响,这对您也许有利也许不利。您可能会为了保持您的头寸而在本公司存入的初始保证金及任何追加资金上承受损失。如果市场变动对您不利或者保证金水平提高了,您有可能接到电话要您在短时间内支付相当数量的追加资金以便维持您的头寸。如果您不能接到电话,您要在短时间内支付相当数量的追加资金以便维持您的头寸。如果您不能在规定的时间内遵从追加资金的要求,您的头寸可能会在亏损的情况下被清盘,而您将必须对由此造成的亏空额负责。2. Commission and other charges 交易佣金与其他收费Before you begin to trade, you should obtain a clear explanation of all commission, fees, markups,markdowns, rollovers, interest rate differential and other charges for which you will be liable. These charges will affect your net profit (if any) or increase your loss.您在开始交易之前,应该了解清楚您将支付的所有佣金、费用、提价、降价、延期费、利差及其他收费。这些收费将会影响您可能有的盈利或增加您的损失。3.Accuracy of information 信息准确性I/We confirm that the warranties, representations and undertakings set out in the Terms and any information disclosed by me/us are true, complete and accurate. I/We will promptly notify HPC Services in writing if any information or representation materially changes or ceases to be true and accurate.本人授权HPC按照披露的任何信息均是真实,完整和准确。若任何信息或陈述有所变更或是失去其真实性及准确性,本人将立刻书面通知HPC。4.Provision of information 信息提供I/We have regular access to the internet and consent to HPC providing me/us with informationincluding, without limitation, information about amendments to its Terms, Order Execution Policy andinformation about the nature and risks of investments by posting such i


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