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Unit 2Robots一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1household adj.家庭的;家用的n. 一家人;家庭2fiction n. 小说;虚构或想象出来的事3bonus n. 额外津贴;奖金;红利4apron n. 围裙5scan vt. 细看;仔细检查;粗略地看;浏览;扫描 第二屏听写6haircut n 发型;理发7cushion n. (坐、跪时用的)软垫;靠垫;垫子8necklace n. 项链9counter n. 柜台;计数器10armchair n. 扶手椅;单座沙发11cuisine n. 烹饪(风味);菜肴12mailbox n. (美)邮筒;信箱 第三屏听写13holy adj.神的;上帝的;圣洁的14biography n. (由他人撰写的)传记;传记文学15biochemistry n. 生物化学16chapter n. (书中的)章;篇;回17theoretical adj. 理论(上)的;假设的18framework n. 框架;结构19digital adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的;脚趾的 .高频词汇(汉译英)第四屏听写1desiren渴望;欲望;渴求vt. 希望得到;想要2satisfactionn. 满意;满足;令人满意的事物3alarmvt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n. 警报;惊恐4alarmedadj. 担心的;害怕的 第五屏听写5sympathyn 同情(心)6overweightadj. 超重的;体重超常的7favourn. 喜爱;恩惠vt. 喜爱;偏袒8clerkn. 售货员;职员;旅馆接待员9pilen. 堆;摞;叠vi. 堆起;堆积vt. 把堆起;积聚 第六屏听写10absurdadj.荒谬的;可笑的11accompanyvt. 陪伴;伴奏12awfuladj. 极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的13affairn. 事务;事情;暧昧关系14declarevt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称15envyvt. 忌妒;羡慕 第七屏听写16thinkingn 思想;思考17elegantadj. 优雅的;高雅的;讲究的18asideadv. 在一边;向一边19grandadj. 大的;豪华的;雄伟的20receivern. 收件人;接收机;电话听筒21affectionn. 喜爱;爱;感情22boundadj. 一定的;密切相关的 第八屏听写23parttimeadj.兼职的24staffn. 全体员工;手杖25navyn. 海军;海军部队26junioradj. 较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的n. 年少者;晚辈;等级较低者27talentn. 天才;特殊能力;才干 第九屏听写28divorcen 离婚;断绝关系 vt. 与离婚;与脱离29obeyvt.&vi. 服从;顺从30disobeyvt.&vi. 不服从;违抗31assessmentn. 评价;评定32test_out考验出;检验完33ring_up给打电话 第十屏听写34turn_around转身;翻转35leave_._alone不管;别惹;让一个人待着;和单独在一起36set_aside将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)37in_all一共;总计38be_bound_to一定做 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.household adj.家庭的;家用的n. 一家人;家庭2.fiction n. 小说;虚构或想象出来的事3.theoretical adj. 理论(上)的;假设的4.scan vt. 细看;仔细检查;粗略地看;浏览;扫描5.necklace n. 项链6.counter n. 柜台;计数器7.cuisine n. 烹饪(风味);菜肴8.digital adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的;脚趾的9.mailbox n. (美)邮筒;信箱10.biography n. (由他人撰写的)传记;传记文学11.holy adj. 神的;上帝的;圣洁的12.framework n. 框架;结构.写其形(汉译英)1.pilen堆;摞;叠vi. 堆起;堆积vt. 把堆起;积聚2.absurdadj. 荒谬的;可笑的3.awfuladj. 极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的; (口语)糟透的4.asideadv. 在一边;向一边5.thinkingn. 思想;思考6.parttimeadj. 兼职的7.clerkn. 售货员;职员;旅馆接待员8.affairn. 事务;事情;暧昧关系9.staffn. 全体员工;手杖核心单词练通1.It is desired (渴望) that the project be finished before the end of this month.2.To be a popular student, we must show our respect, concern and sympathy (同情) for others.3.With your diligence and concentration, you are bound (一定的) to succeed in entering an ideal university.4.Although I have just graduated from junior (初级的) middle school, I have finished the books for Senior One students and now I am working on the books for Senior Two.5.In the dream you can start any wings to fly, but you cannot be divorced (脱离) from reality.6.South Africa students like eating fast food so that they are overweight (超重的)7.As you know, the Spring Festival in China is a(n) grand (盛大的) festival, which we Chinese celebrate cheerfully.拓展单词用活记全记牢1.satisfaction n满意;满足;令人满意的事物satisfyvt.使满足;使满意satisfying/satisfactoryadj.令人满意的satisfiedadj.满意的2.alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n警报;惊恐alarmedadj.担心的;害怕的alarmingadj.令人惊恐的3.elegant adj.优雅的;高雅的;讲究的elegantlyadv.优雅地;高贵地4.favour n喜爱;恩惠vt.喜爱;偏袒favourableadj.赞成的;有利的favouriteadj.最喜爱的5.accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏companyn陪伴;伴随companionn伙伴;伴侣;同伴6.declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称declarationn宣言;公布7.receiver n收件人;接收机;电话听筒receivev接收;收到8.affection n喜爱;爱;感情affectvt.感动;影响9.talent n天才;特殊能力;才干talentedadj.有才气的;有才能的10.obey vt.&vi.服从;顺从disobeyvt.&vi.不服从;违抗11.assessment n评价;评定assessvt.评价;评定;估价;估计用准用活1.To the satisfaction of the boss, his products could satisfy the needs of the customers.(satisfy)2.I was very alarmed to hear the alarming news that another bombing had hit London.(alarm)3.The old blind man asked me to do him a favour and find his favourite book.(favour)4.Last night, my companion kept me company to see a film and then he accompanied me to my home.(accompany)5.Its declared that the both sides agree to stop fighting. They must obey the declaration for ever. (declare)6.Tom had a deep affection for his grandfather, so he was deeply affected by his grandfathers death. (affect)7.Everybody said Jane was a talented girl because she did well in all her subjects and had a talent for singing, dancing and drawing. (talent)8.He put his hand over the receiver in order to receive the signal better. (receive)1. 凡事不可过度(over)overweight adj. 超重的overload vt. 超载overvalue vt. 高估overwork vi. 过度工作overuse vt. 过度使用2.以“fy”结尾的动词集锦satisfy 使满意beautify 美化classify 分类purify 净化 simplify 简化3.“一字母之差”的单词一览affect v影响effect n影响;作用fellow n家伙follow v跟随willow n垂柳pillow n枕头weep v哭泣peep v窥视will n意愿fill v填充(二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.in_all一共;总计2.test_out 考验出;检验完;试验3.ring_up 给打电话4.or_rather 更确切地说5.leave_._alone 不管;别惹A new household smart robot produced by a small company is being tested_out now. Ringing_up the company, you may have one in your house. With the new robot, you can leave your housework alone. Or_rather the robot can do the housework for you.第二组1.turn_around转身;翻转2.set_aside 将放在一边;为 节省或保留(钱或时间)3.reach_for 伸手去够4.be_bound_to 一定做Just imagine sitting at the table to reach_for your meals your robot prepares for you without turning_around,_you are_bound_to be the happiest one in the world. Are you in favour of this new household robot now?1.rather相关短语一览or rather更确切地说rather than而不是other than 除了would rather 宁愿 2.“总共;总计”的相关表达in all一共;合计;总计in total 总共;合计;总计all together 总共;一起altogether adv. 总共;完全地3.“or”相关短语全接触or so大约;上下or else 否则;要不然or rather 更确切地说either . or . 要么要么(三)仿写用活句式造佳句表达高背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。it作形式主语的主语从句。真的令人惊奇的是曾经被毁坏的地方已经变成了一所充满生机的美丽的学校。Its_really_amazing_that the onceruined place has now been turned into a beautiful school, full of life.2.As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 她刚一转过身来,就看到格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。方位或时间副词位于句首时的完全倒装句式。展示你的创造力的机会来了!Here comes_your_opportunity to show your creativity!3.What a sweet victory to be envied by those women!受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利!what感叹句式。对我来说这是一次多么难忘的经历啊!(201811月浙江高考写作)What_an_unforgettable_experience it was to me!考点新组合阅读微技能What the elderly needWith the number of the elderly over 60 increasing, here comes an aging society in China. Thats a serious problem we are facing. The elderly truly desire to be taken good care of. As young generation, can we leave them alone and only focus on our work? Do we really have no time accompanying them _ a while? Obviously, we cant and we wont.1.处here comes为方位副词位于句首时的完全倒装句式。2处应填介词 for。3本语段是有关在中国老龄化社会中老年人需要关爱和照顾的短文。赡养老人是中华民族的传统美德,背诵下来,可用于此类话题的写作中。1desire n渴望;欲望;渴求vt.希望得到;想要(1)have a strong desire to do sth./for sth.急于做某事/渴望得到某物(2)desire to do sth.渴望做某事desire that . (should) do sth. 渴望做某事题点全练单句语法填空Since you have a strong desire to_learn (learn) Chinese culture, I think Beijing Language and Culture University is an ideal place for you.(2018北京高考)I desire to_contact (contact) him for some suggestions on improving my listening.She has a strong desire for knowledge and wants to go to college very much. We desire that immediate help (should)_be_given (give) to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.名师指津desire不用于进行时态。后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”。此外,含desire的主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句也要使用虚拟语气。2accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏;附有;配有(1) accompany sb. to someplace陪伴/陪同某人到某地(2)accompany sb. at/on sth. 用某物为某人伴奏accompanied by/with . 伴随发生(3)company n. U陪伴;伴随companion n. C伙伴;伴侣;同伴keep sb. company 陪某人in the company of sb. 在某人的陪伴/陪同下多角练透单句语法填空I dont think its necessary for parents to accompany their children to college.While she was singing on the stage, her mother was accompanying her at/on the piano.Teresa posted a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompanied_ (accompany) by the touching words.(2018全国卷)补全句子My sister has come from America to keep_me_company during my illness.我妹妹(或姐姐)从美国回来了,为了在我生病期间陪我。句型转换When children are accompanied by their parents, they are allowed to enter the stadium.Children, when accompanied_by_their_parents,_are allowed to enter the stadium.3leave . alone不管;别惹;让一个人待着;和单独在一起归纳拓展leave aside搁置一边leave behind遗留;把抛在后面leave for . 动身前往leave out省略;遗漏应用领悟The picture shows that in our society some old people are left alone by their own children like the old man in the picture, who leads a lonely life without being looked after.这张图片表明在我们的社会中,一些老人被他们的子女单独留在家中,就像图片中的这位老人一样过着无人照料的孤独的生活。The United Nations estimates that more than 900 million people move away for work, often leaving their children behind.联合国估计,超过9亿人离家去工作,常常丢下了他们的孩子在家中。No wonder you couldnt get through. Youve left out a zero in this phone number.难怪你打不通。你在这个电话号码中漏掉了一个零。4完全倒装句式 As she turned around, there_stood Gladys Claffern.她刚一转过身来,就看到格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。引起完全倒装的几种情形:(1)时间、地点、方位副词位于句首(2)介词短语位于句首(3)作表语的分词、不定式、形容词等位于句首There stands_an_old_temple which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.这里矗立着一座追溯到明代的古寺。In the center of our school lies (lie) our library, which is between the garden and the teaching building.我们的图书馆坐落于学校的中心,就在花园和教学楼中间。Present at the evening party was (be) our favourite English teacher.我们最喜欢的英语老师出席了晚会。名师指津当主语是人称代词时,不用倒装语序。In he_came and the lesson began.他走进来开始上课。考点新组合阅读微技能In that case, we can often pay a visit to the nursing homes and do them a favour for washing or cleaning. We should never set aside the elderlys needs. Remember that we shouldnt be _ (alarm) when the elderly declare what they want. Maybe what they really need is just a little psychological comfort of us.1.处应填词的正确形式为 alarmed,_其同义词有:panic; frightened; afraid等。2Whats the main idea of this paragraph?(C)AHow to wash the elderlys clothes.BHow often we can visit the nursing homes.CHow we should take care of the elderly.DHow alarmed the elderly are when we see them.5favour n喜爱;恩惠;帮忙;偏爱 vt.喜爱;偏袒(1)ask sb.a favour请某人帮忙do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙do a favour for sb. 帮某人一个忙 (2)in favour of 同意;支持;赞成in ones favour 有利于某人;对有利(3)favourable adj. 赞成的;有利的多角练透单句语法填空I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me (I) a favour.(2016全国卷书面表达)The response to the invention hasnt been all favourable (favour)People who are in favour of modern city life may think it is rather dull to live in the countryside.同义替换Now I wonder whether you could do me a favour.Now I wonder whether_you_could_do_a_favour_for_me.Now I wonder whether_I_could_ask_you_a_favor.英译汉Then we voted for the monitor. The result was 28 to 15 in Wang Hongs favour.然后我们投票选举了班长。结果是28票对15票,对王红有利/有利于王红。6alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n警报;惊恐(1)in alarm惊恐地(2)alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的be alarmed at/by 对惊恐/担心be/get alarmed about 对大惊小怪题点全练单句语法填空On hearing the scream, he jumped up in alarm.There is nothing to get alarmed (alarm) about for it is common in our daily life.The firemen were alarmed at/by the big forest fire they had never seen before.7declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称declare for/against声明赞成/反对declare war on/against 向宣战declare . to be/as . 宣布为/是declare that . 宣告;宣称多角练透单句语法填空The opening of the 13th National Games of PRC was_declared (declare) on August 27, 2017 in Tianjin.The government has declared war on/against drug dealers (毒贩)The students declare against cheating in exams.补全句子She declared_that she didnt want to forgive him.她宣称她不想原谅他。Soon they will declare_her_to_be/as the leader of the company.很快他们就会宣布她为公司的领导人。8set aside将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间);暂时不考虑归纳拓展set off动身;出发;引爆;引发set up建立;引起set down写下;放下set out (to do sth.) 出发;开始(做某事)set about (doing sth.) 着手(做某事)应用领悟I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art feast.(2017全国卷书面表达)我真诚地希望你能抽出一些时间来参加这次艺术盛宴。Our English club was set up two months ago.我们的英语俱乐部成立于两个月前。Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set about preparing your business plan.有了这些你所收集的信息,你可以着手准备你的商业计划了。单元语基落实.单句语法填空1The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees.2In our country, all citizens are banned to disobey (obey) the constitution (宪法)3Only one third of the people present at the meeting voted in favour of the new law.4In 1972, President Richard Nixon declared the third Sunday of June every year as Fathers Day in America.5It is true that the earths resources are decreasing at an alarming (alarm) rate, so we should make good use of them.6Everyone has a desire for success while success only belongs to the hardworking people.7From the smile on her face, we know she is quite satisfied with the result of the exam.8My daughter showed a lot of sympathy for the people who were begging from the passing shoppers.9After living in Hangzhou for five years, she has developed quite an affection (affect) for the city.10On seeing that the famous actress came onto the stage with her boyfriend accompanying (accompany) her, all the fans burst out screaming.选词填空leave . alone, set aside, test out, ring up, turn around, be bound to, in favour of, in all1Why didnt you ring me up?Sorry, I forgot your phone number.2He turned_around as he heard a noise behind him.3There are 32 boys and 26 girls in our class in_all.4Some doctors advise setting_aside a certain hour each day for exercise.5The new policy, if strictly operated, is_bound_to benefit lots of lowincome families.6Having left Tom alone at home, he felt a bit nervous.7They usually have the medicine tested_out before putting into the market.8The majority of students were in_favour_of the suggestion that they go to picnic the next day.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子1很遗憾你错过了在北京举办的2017世界机器人大会。(it作形式主语)Its_a_pity_that_you_missed the 2017 World Robot Conference held in Beijing.2昨天我们在海滩上玩得多开心呀!(what感叹句式) What_a_good_time_we_had_on_the_beach_yesterday!3天黑之前,我们到达了一个小镇,它的东面是一个大农场。(完全倒装句式)Before dark, we arrived at a small town, east_of_which_lies_a_big_farm.4那样跟父亲说话很粗鲁,今后我不会再容忍你那样跟父亲说话。(have sb. doing)Its rude of you to speak to father like that and I wont have_you_speaking_to father like that in future.5他们坐在花园里,谈论着去年他们一起度过的日子。(现在分词作状语)They sat in the garden, talking_about_the_days they spent together last year.句型转换1Boys, if you work hard like this, you are sure to succeed in time.Boys, if you work hard like this, you are_bound_to_succeed in time.2A robot is a machine which is designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans.A robot is a machine designed_to_do_jobs that are usually performed by humans.3When in trouble, she called Tom and asked him to help her out.When in trouble, she rang_Tom_up and asked him to help her out.4What a good heart you have!How_good_a_heart you have!5With nobody accompanying her during the festival, the old lady felt lonely.With_nobody_keeping_her_company during the festival, the old lady felt lonely.高考拆组训练练(一)语言运用组块专练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空(2019杭州六校联考)A crying little girl stood near a small school from which she had been _1_ because it was too crowded. “I cant go to school,” she said to a teacher as he walked by. Seeing her old _2_ clothes, the teacher took her _3_ the hand and found a seat for her in the class. The child was so _4_ that she went to bed that night thinking of the children who had no place to study._5_ two years later, this child lay dead in one of the _6_ tenement buildings she called home and her parents called for the _7_ teacher, who had helped their daughter, to handle the final _8_. As her poor little body was being moved, a worn purse was _9_. Inside was found 57 cents and a note scribbled in childish handwriting which _10_, “This is to help build the school bigger, so more children can go to school.”For two years she had _11_ for this offering of love. When the teacher _12_ read that note, he knew instantly what he would do. Carrying this note, he told the story of her_13_ love. He decided to _14_ enough money for the larger building.A newspaper _15_ the story and published it. It was read by a businessman who _16_ them a piece of land worth many thousand dollars. When _17_ that the school could not pay so much, he offered it for 57 cents.When you are in the city of Philadelphia, have a look at the school building which _18_ hundreds of pupils. In one of the rooms you may see the picture of the sweet face of the little girl _19_ 57 cents made such a _20_ building. Alongside of it is a portrait of her kind teacher.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。57美分能建造一所学校,你相信吗?本文中的小女孩用爱积攒了57美分,在爱心人士的帮助下,建造了一所学校。这让我们相信爱心能创造奇迹。1A.turned upBturned outCturned offDturned away解析:选D由下文可知,由于学校小、学生多,这个贫穷的小女孩被拒绝入校。turn away意为“不准入内”,符合句意。turn up意为“露面”;turn out意为“证明是;结果是”;turn off意为“转弯”。2A.


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