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完形填空模拟检测(三)记叙文 (C卷)(共2篇,限时35分钟)A(2018成都诊断)When Heather McHugh, a poet, won a $500,000 “genius grant” from the MacArthur Foundation, she didnt buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris. _1_, she put the money in the bank and _2_ writing poems.In 2011, she finally _3_ what to do with it. That year, Heathers godson and his wife _4_ their first child, a beautiful baby girl but severely disabled. “I saw how peoples _5_ can change overnight. I started thinking about people in a _6_ situation,” says Heather.She _7_ there were millions of caregivers taking care of the chronically (慢性地) ill or disabled. So in 2012, Heather _8_ a nonprofit organization offering a sevenday vacation, with all _9_ paid, to people who have been caregivers for at least ten years.Tricia was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation. When Tricia got a call saying she was offered a _10_ vacation, she couldnt _11_it; disbelief even _12_ her concern about leaving her two kids.Tricia went, and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy the _13_ things. “I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold. I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to,” says Tricia. She was afraid the _14_ would return when the _15_ was over, but to her surprise, it hasnt been back since.Heather says Tricias _16_ resembles those of the other ten caregivers she helps every year. “Before the vacation they are so _17_, but the _18_ is so amazing. They reflect and relax. It feels _19_ like another world and gives them a chance to see their lives from another _20_,” she adds.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Heather McHugh利用自己的五十万美元奖金建立一个非营利组织,为照顾慢性病患者和残疾人的护理员提供免费休假,让他们到新的环境中,从不一样的角度来看待他们的人生。1A.HoweverBThereforeCInstead DBesides解析:选C根据空处前一句中的“she didnt buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris”可知,在获得了五十万美元的奖金后,她并没有购买汽车或去旅游,反而,她将这些钱存入银行。instead“而是,反而”,符合语境。2A.continued BquittedCpracticed Dstarted解析:选A她(这位诗人)获奖后,将奖金存进银行,继续(continued)写诗。quit“停止”;practice“实践,训练”。3A.thought over BwonderedCtalked about Ddecided解析:选D根据下文第三段中的“Heather _8_ a nonprofit organization offering a sevenday vacation”可知,此处表示在2011年,她终于决定如何使用这笔钱。decide“决定”,符合语境。think over“仔细考虑”;wonder“想知道,好奇”;talk about“谈到,谈论”。4A.held BwelcomedClost Dsaved解析:选BHeather的教子和他的妻子迎来了他们的第一个孩子,那是一个漂亮的女婴,但是有严重的残疾。welcome“迎接”,符合语境。5A.feelings BfutureClives Droutine解析:选C根据语境,并结合上文中提到的Heather的教子和他的妻子生下了一个残疾的女婴可知,Heather看到了人的生活(lives)是如何在一夜之间发生改变的,并开始关注那些有相似(similar)境遇的人。routine“惯例,常规”。6A.different BsimilarCworse Dbetter解析:选B参见上题解析。7A.discovered BclaimedCadmitted Dfelt解析:选A她发现有数百万照顾慢性病患者和残疾人的护理员。discover“发现”,符合语境。claim“宣称;断言”;admit“承认”;feel“感觉”。8A.donated BfoundCvisited Dformed解析:选D因此Heather在2012年建立了一个非营利组织,为那些当护理员至少十年的人提供七天休假,并支付所有费用。form“建立,组成”,符合语境。donate“捐赠”;find“发现”;visit“参观”。9A.taxes BsalaryCexpenses Drent解析:选C参见上题解析。expense“花费”,符合语境。tax“税”;salary“薪水”;rent“租金”。10A.free BcaringCshort Dlong解析:选A根据上文中的“. with all 9.(expenses) paid”可知,free“免费的”符合语境。11A.believe BtakeCrefuse Denjoy解析:选A根据空后的“disbelief”可知,Tricia不相信她获得了一个免费休假这件事。believe“相信”,符合语境。12A.woke BdefeatedCshowed Dmoved解析:选B根据下一段中的“Tricia went, and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy”可知,Tricia接受了免费休假这件事情,由此可知,她对免费休假的怀疑(和向往)打败(defeated)了对于留下孩子们的担忧。wake“醒来”;show“展示”;move“移动”。13A.wonderful BdeliciousCpeaceful Dsimple解析:选D根据空后的“I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold. I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to”可知,Tricia在度假时所做的事情都是很普通、很简单的(simple)事情。wonderful“精彩的,极棒的”;delicious“美味的”;peaceful“平静的,和平的”。14A.heaviness BpainCsadness Ddisbelief解析:选A她担心度假结束后,自己的生活会回归以前的沉闷,但出乎她意料的是后来的生活并没有回到从前。根据上文可知,Tricia是一个护理员,平时的工作都是照顾病人,生活少有放松的时候,故heaviness“沉闷”符合语境。pain“伤痛”;sadness“伤心,悲伤”;disbelief“怀疑,不信任”。15A.entertainment BdreamCvacation Dfreedom解析:选C根据第四段第一句“Tricia was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation.”可知选C。16A.comment BstoryCsurprise Dfortune解析:选B上文讲述的是Tricia享受免费休假的故事,故B项story“故事”,符合语境。17A.worried BconfusedCunexpected Dstressed解析:选D根据上文提到的Tricia担心度假结束后自己的生活会回归以前的沉闷可知,D项“stressed”,符合语境。18A.award BchangeCscenery Daccommodation解析:选B根据上文可知,其他护理员和Tricia一样,在度假前他们的生活较为沉闷;结合后一句“They reflect and relax.”可知,在度假之后,他们变得很放松。据此可知,这样的改变令人惊讶。change意为“改变”,符合语境。award“奖品”;scenery“风景”;accommodation“住宿”。19A.slightly BinterestinglyCmagically Dmostly解析:选C这奇妙地(magically)像是另外一个世界,并且给了他们一个从另一个角度(angle)看待他们的生活的机会。magically“魔力般地;奇妙地”,符合语境。slightly“轻微地”;interestingly“有趣地”;mostly“大多地”。20A.place BsituationCheight Dangle解析:选D参见上题解析。angle“角,角度”。BI wasnt prepared for the way I felt when my 18yearold son, Dylan, left for Asia during his winter break.I was _1_ the moment he first told my husband Michael and me that he wanted to use some of his _2_ to travel around China. We were excited for him to explore the world. We told him that _3_ was one of the best ways to spend his money and the _4_ will last a lifetime.On the morning of Dylans departure, he _5_ a few more things into his bag. Before he and Michael _6_ to the airport, I yelled, “Be safe, and _7_ when you arrive in Shanghai.”That night, _8_ he was flying somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, it hit me that Dylan was really on his _9_. I woke hourly, each time _10_ the clock and counting the hours before he would land the following morning. _11_ my decision to let him go alone, I prayed, and thought about all the things that could go _12_. Then I heard from him. The first text said hed arrived. The second text said his luggage didnt _13_ it.Feeling anxious, I madly attempted to _14_ down his luggage. To search for the lost baggage, I persuaded him to go back to the _15_ and suggested he go to the airlines office. My efforts _16_. All the while Dylan was texting me he was all right.After that, there was no more _17_ about the lost luggage. I knew that hed figure it out, and that the life lesson would be _18_.Several days into the trip, Dylan sent a photo from Hong Kong. “I thought I could never study abroad anywhere but Europe. _19_ I could definitely do it here,” his note read.And I was _20_.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者的儿子迪伦十八岁时独自一人去中国度寒假,“我”和丈夫鼓励他旅行,但“我”又担心他的安全。飞机着陆时,他的行李没能送达,最后他自己解决了行李问题。儿子的独自旅行会让他终生难忘1A.thrilledBworriedCeager Dupset解析:选A根据下文中的“We were excited for him to explore the world.”可知,对于他主动探索世界,我们很高兴;并结合本句可以判断,他告诉“我”和“我”的丈夫说他要去中国旅游,那一刻“我”很激动。thrilled“兴奋的,激动的”,符合语境。worried“担心的”;eager“热切的,渴望的”;upset“难过的”。2A.caution BsavingsCrelations Dfriends解析:选B根据下文中的“spend his money”可知,他要使用他自己的一些积蓄去中国旅行。savings“积蓄”,符合语境。caution“小心,谨慎”;relation“亲戚,关系”。3A.travelling BlearningCdriving Dpurchasing解析:选A根据上文中的“travel around China”可知,我们告诉他,旅行是使用他的钱的最好方式之一。travel“旅行”,符合语境。purchase“购买”。4A.costs BvirtuesCitems Dmemories解析:选D根据语境可知,旅行是使用他的钱的最好方式之一,而且记忆将持续终生。memory“记忆”,符合语境。cost“花费,费用”;virtue“美德”;item“项目”。5A.put BstuckCreached Dknocked解析:选A根据语境可知,在Dylan离开的那天早晨,他将更多的东西放进包里。put . into“将放进”,故A项正确。stick“粘,贴”;reach“到达”;knock“敲,击”。6A.took off Bsaw offCpulled away Dmoved on解析:选C丈夫Michael和儿子一起驾车去机场。pull away“离开”,符合语境。take off“起飞,脱掉”;see off“给送行”;move on“继续前往”。7A.write BcallCtext Demail解析:选C根据下文第四段倒数第二句中的“The first text”可知,“我”祝愿他一路平安,并希望他在到达上海时给“我”发短信。text“(用手机)给发短信”,符合语境。8A.since BthoughCafter Dwhile解析:选D那天晚上,当他飞过太平洋时,“我”突然想到,儿子真的独自一人。while“当时候”,故D项正确。9A.behalf BfeetCmind Down解析:选D参见上题解析。on ones own为固定搭配,意为“独立的,独自的”,故D项正确。behalf“代表”。10A.mending BcheckingCseeing Dwinding解析:选B根据语境可知,“我”每小时醒一次,每次都查看一下时钟。check“查看,检查”,符合语境。mend“修补,修理”;wind“缠绕,迂回”。11A.Convincing BDoubtingCAdmitting DDenying解析:选B根据语境可知,“我”对让他独自旅行的决定心存疑惑,不断祈祷,考虑了所有可能出错的事情。doubt“怀疑,疑惑”,符合语境。convince“说服,使信服”;admit“承认”;deny“否认”。12A.wrong BwildCsmooth Dbad解析:选A参见上题解析。go wrong为固定搭配,意为“出错”。wild“野生的”;smooth“光滑的”。13A.arrive BmakeCmanage Ddeserve解析:选B根据下文中的“Feeling anxious”,并结合空前的“The second text said his luggage didnt”可以判断,他的第二条短信说他的行李没有准时到达。make it为固定搭配,意为“准时到达”,故B项正确。deserve“值得”。14A.bring BturnCsettle Dtrack解析:选D根据上文可知,儿子的行李没有准时送达,“我”非常着急,疯狂地追查他的行李信息。track down为固定搭配,意为“追查,跟踪”,符合语境。bring down“减少,击败”;turn down“拒绝”;settle down“定居”。15A.homeland BairportCsupermarket Dcar解析:选B根据空后的“and suggest


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