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,暮光之城,Twilight Saga,I think that “Twilight”, is a nice word, It is very suitable to use this word as the name of the film because twilight means the end of the day, following the night,just at this point ,it was the time for vampire (吸血鬼) to take their activity ., Edward Cullen(罗伯特帕丁森) is a vampire , but he doesnt have fanga and his family is unique(独特的) in that they choose not to drink human blood(人血),Leading man,爱德华卡伦 Edward Cullen 本名(变成吸血鬼前的名字): Edward Anthony Mason 种类:吸血鬼 生日:06/30/1901 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):1918年 (拥有永远17岁的外表) 能力:读心术,速度 配偶:伊莎贝拉斯旺 子女:蕾妮斯梅卡里卡伦(半人半吸血鬼女儿) 身高:185cm 改变原因:因为1918年得了西班牙流感而死,被卡莱尔救下(他的生母似乎明白卡莱尔能帮她儿子, 所以临死前叮嘱卡莱尔救爱德华),Bella Swan(克里斯丁斯图尔特) has aiways been a little bit different , never caring about fitting in with the trendy(时髦) girls at her Phoenix hign school.,Actress,贝拉卡伦 Bella Cullen (嫁给爱德华之后-破晓中) 本名(没有嫁给爱德华之前的名字):伊莎贝拉玛丽斯旺 Isabella Marie Swan 昵称:Bella, Bells, Vampire girl,human girl 种类:没有生下蕾妮斯梅之前是人类 (暮色到月食),生下蕾妮斯梅之后奄奄一息时被注射了毒液后成为了吸血鬼(Breaking Dawn) 生日:09/13/1987 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):09/10/2006 (拥有永远18岁的外表) 能力:盾牌术(盾牌,抵御一切来自于心理的超能力,还是人类时已经能抵御,变成吸血鬼后可以保护别人) 配偶:爱德华卡伦 子女:蕾妮斯梅卡里卡伦(半人半吸血鬼女儿) 身高:约等于168cm 改变原因:生孩子大出血肋骨脊椎骨断裂濒临死亡,被爱德华从心脏注入毒液成为吸血鬼,This film mainly tells us a romarrtic(浪漫的) loving story. 17-year-old girl,Bella lived with her mother.Because of the broken of their parents marrige,her mother brought her to a another city. When she grew up, her mother decided to remarry. Her stepfather often be on a business trip,howere,her mother must company with her,which made her feel sorry to her mother.So she decided to live with her father again .When she came back to her hometown, Forks,she met Edward at school.When they had got along with each other for a long time, they have fall in love with each other. They got married and Bella become a vampire at last.,Jacob(泰勒洛特 ) is a werewolf and falls in love with Bella,after Bella becomes Edwards wife ,then he falls in love with their daughter , Renesmee who has both human and vampires blood,雅各布布莱克Jacob Black 昵称:Jake, Mutt, Dog, Mongrel, Pup,Jacob 年龄:15(Twili


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