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The gem - Beijing Opera 国粹京剧,Chinese traditional opera is considered one of the worlds three ancient operas, together with Greek tragedy and comedy, and Indian Sanskrit opera. Among the more than 360 ancient local operas in China, Peking Opera is known as Chinas national opera, despite its comparatively young 200-year history.,Part one: Introduction of Beijing Opera Part two: Roles in Beijing Opera Part three: Beijing Opera in life Part four:The Facial Painting,Origin,京剧非“京” Opera Although it is called Peking Opera, the origins of Peking Opera are not in Beijing but in the provinces of Anhui (East China) and Hubei (South-central China). Its rise is due in great part to the favorable eyes and patronage of the imperial royalties. 京味道 Peking is a purely Chinese opera form dating back to the year 1790, when the famous Four Anhui Opera Troupes first came to Beijing in celebration of the 80th birthday of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The tour was a hit and the troupes stayed. In 1828, some famous Hubei Opera Troupe players came to Beijing.,It was after 1840 that Peking Opera formally took shape, growing even faster during the reign of the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), who was an opera aficionado. Classic Peking Opera repertoires and the names of the first-generation masters were on the lips of the people in Beijing, and eventually prevalent around the country. 京剧是1840年以后正式形成了,慈禧太后(1835至1908年)是一个歌剧爱好者,在位期间京剧发展得更快。经典京剧剧目和第一代大师的名字,经过人民的传诵,并最终在全国各地普遍存在。,生 Sheng: main male role,four roles,老生,小生,武生,旦 Dan: young and beautiful female,four roles,正旦(青衣):泛指旦中正角,不表现确定的性格特征。,旦 Dan: young and beautiful female,four roles,花旦:花旦扮演性格活泼明快或泼辣放荡的青年或中年女性,并常带喜剧色彩。,旦 Dan: young and beautiful female,four roles,旦 Dan: young and beautiful female,four roles,老旦old woman:扮演老年妇女。,旦 Dan: young and beautiful female,four roles,彩旦ugly woman:一作丑旦、丑婆子,秦腔里也称之为媒旦。扮演女性中的喜剧或闹剧人物,实为女丑,故常由丑行兼扮,Four Great Dans(四大名旦),Mei Farewell My Concubine Cheng Injustice to Doue Shang Lady Zhaojun Going beyond the Great Wall Xun Matchmaker,梅兰芳,荀慧生,程砚秋,尚小云,净,Jing: painted faced male,four roles,净:主要扮演性格、品质或相貌不同于一般、有突出特征的男性人物 。,Jing(净),The Jing is a painted face male role,丑,Chou: clown, male or female,four roles,Chou(丑),Red,signifies honesty,probity(正直),courage and bravery,Black said the types of facial makeup in operas is criticized(刚烈 ) people, integrity(正直 ), bravery and even reckless(鲁莽 ), such as Zhang Fei.,Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality(凶狠残暴 ), such as Dian Wei.,典 韦,英 布,Blue or green,types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable(粗豪暴躁 ), such as Dou Ambassador(窦尔敦), Ma Wu (马武 ).,White,types of facial makeup in operas that cunning(狡猾的),self-willed(顽固的,treacherous(奸诈的),Golden,types of facial makeup in operas that immortal(神仙) and monster,Purple,types of facial makeup in operas that wisdom and bravery.,Quiz


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