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Business English Reading Courseware,Book One,Chapter 2,Abstracts from Articles on Free Trade Policy 自由贸易政策文摘,made by Wang Jianna,单元教学目的,通过阅读定位段落大意 。,本章阅读技巧提示,如何阅读定位段落大意? 本章将涉及中心词定位法,排除不含中心词的选项定位的基本思路,是拿题干或选项中的细节关键词跟意群(一般是段落)关键词做比较,首先确定所定位段落,然后再以题干中的更细的内容在意群中去找答案,即所谓“先意群后细节”。,定位的技巧是要在定位的地方有:1.如果题目中包含数字,可以成为很好的题眼,因为数字在文章中一般是以阿拉伯数字的形式出现,比较容易寻找,方便快速定位。2. 留意人名、地名、机构名称等专有名词:专有名词都是以大写字母开头,与数字信息一样,它们在文章中显得比较突出,比较容易寻找,方便快速定位。,3. 留意比较关系:形容词、副词的比较级或最高级,或是表示比较的词语或结构,经常会被作为设题题眼。4. 留意破折号、冒号、括号、引号等特殊标点。5. 留意因果、并列、转折等逻辑关系词:逻辑关系处是快速阅读的重要设题点之一,因此题目中的 because,since, so, therefore, but, while等逻辑关系词语往往可以成为重要的信息定位点之一。,但需要注意的是,题目可能会对原文中的逻辑关系词语进行替换,查找时要注意。另外,我们还可以利用逻辑关系判断哪些信息是相对重要的信息,哪些信息是相对不重要的信息,从而简化阅读。,三段以上的篇章题从第二段开始定位(起始段落或句子一般不作为细节定位所在)真正细节题答案一般不在意群起始句。难定位的题目从选项中找定位线索,因为选项是从同一个角度来说的。一种情况是考段落或意群主题,定位与预想答案都比较简单。,一种情况是考段落或意群中的特殊语言形式,如让步,负评价和混合评价,对比和比较,如短文中的从句等。最难的一种情况是看不出或至少不能明显看出,考什么内容,总之所考查的似乎与段落主题没有什么直接关系,虽然也会出现与意群或段落主题无关或相反的选项,但其他的选项仍然需要做进一步的判断。,Step One,First, read Material One under teachers instructions. Then teacher gives hints or tips for reading. Finally, teacher checks the answers and gives explanations.,For the past two decades, the United States has pursued parallel but separate approaches toward deepening bilateral trade relations with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the Asia-Pacific region. For the past five years, similar initiatives have been launched with countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). In all three regions, the trade pacts build on the precedents established first by the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed in January 1988, and then the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed in December 1992.,The Canada-US pact sparkeda run of proposals in the late 1980s for bilateral FTAs between the United States and South Korea, Taiwan, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and Australia that resulted in stacks of economic studies but no negotiations. Similarly, the NAFTA catalyzed interest throughout Latin America in securing greater access to the US market and to US capital. Besides the exceptional US FTA with Israel (signed in 1985), no country in the MENA region expressed interest in a similar trade deal with the United States.,In both the LAC and Asia-Pacific regions, proposals for bilateral talks quickly were submerged into regional initiatives with similar long-run objectives but starkly different modalities. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum launched its vision of free trade and investment in the region at its Bogor Summit in November 1994. A few weeks later, Western Hemisphere countries followed suit by committing to negotiate a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) at the Summit of the Americas in Miami in December 1994.,A decade later, the APEC and FTAA initiatives have achieved only modest results. The APEC process has been stalled by agricultural protectionism, financial crises, and the challenge of integrating China into the regional economy. The FTAA talks have slogged along under the weight of trying to forge consensus among 34 widely disparate countries in terms of size and level of development. In both cases, new bilateral initiatives have sought to spur” competitive liberalization in the region to accelerate the pace of trade reform.,In the Asia-Pacific, Singapore has taken the lead in constructing bilateral FTAs (with Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States) that aim to establish a P-5 as the heart of an APEC free trade area. In addition to the US-Singapore pact, the United States also launched FTA negotiations with Thailand in June 2004. In Latin America, the United States has complemented the NAFTA by concluding FTA talks with Chile after a decade long engagement, and negotiating a similar deal with the Central American countries and the Dominican Republic.,In addition, talks are underway with three members of the Andean Community (Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) and Panama. Taken together, the US initiatives have set out both carrots and sticks to provoke Brazil, the FTAA co-chair with the United States, and its Mercosur partners to work aggressively to conclude the FTAA negotiations. In the MENA region, FTA initiatives began in the late 1990s as a complement to broader efforts to promote peace and stability in the Middle East.,The Clinton administration established the regional benchmark by concluding a pact with Jordan in 2000. The Bush administration secured congressional ratification of that FTA in 2001, negotiated FTAs with Morocco (signed in 2003) and Bahrain (signed in 2004), and announced the long-term goal of achieving a Middle East FTA within a decade. In early 2005, US officials began FTA negotiations with Oman and the United Arab Emirates.,It examines the US trade initiatives in each region and their impact on regional negotiations and the Doha Round. It starts with a discussion of the new regionalism in US trade policy, and examines US objectives and priorities in pursuing bilateral FTAs in the three regions.,Step Two,Students read Material Two themselves firstly. Then teacher checks the answers without giving explanations.,vocabulary,1. precedent n. 先例, 惯例 2. stack n. 堆, 一大堆 3. modality n. 样式, 形式 4. submerge v. 使浸没, 潜入水中 5. ratification n. 批准, 认可 6. feasibility n. 可行性,7. cross-border a. 跨境的 8. fealty n. 效忠, 忠诚 9. dispel v. 驱散, 消除 10. falter vi. 动摇, 迟疑 11. unilateral a. 单方面的, 单边的,12. bolster v. 支持, 鼓励 13. grumble vi. 抱怨;咕哝 n. 抱怨, 14. bail-out n. 财政资助 15. subsidy n. 津贴,补助金,16. bust v. 打破 17. beget v. 产生,引起 18. slump vi. 暴跌;突然倒下 n. 萧条期 19. transparency n. 透明度,透光度,透彻性,单元注释,1. gross domestic product 国内生产总值(GDP),是衡量一个国家收入的重要指标。它是所有货物在给定时间内(通常为一年),不包括来自国外的净财产的收入,产生的总价值。,2. FTA FTA是自由贸易协定 (Free Trade Agreement) 的英文简称,它是独立关税主体之间以自愿结合方式,就贸易自由化及其相关问题达成的协定。 3. NAFTA abbr. North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定 4. ASEAN abbr. = Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟,5. APEC 亚太经济合作组织,是亚太地区的一个主要经济合作组织,1989年1月澳大利亚总理霍克访问韩国时建议召开部长级会议,讨论加强亚太经济合作问题。 6. Andean Community 安地斯组织 1969年根据安地斯条约 (Andean Pact) 所成立的南美自由贸易组织. 现有玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和委内瑞拉5个会员国. 委内瑞拉于1973年加入, 而原始会员国智利则于1976年退出. 总部设在秘鲁首都利马。,7. Gulf Cooperation Council 波斯湾合作理事会, 由沙特阿拉伯、巴林、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国、卡塔尔和阿曼六国组成。 8. Doha deal 多哈谈判 9. China-Asean Free Trade Area (CAFTA) 中国东盟自贸区 10. equity investment 股权投资,指通过投资取得被投资单位的股份。是指企业(或者个人)购买的其他企业(准备上市、未上市公司)的股票或以货币资金、无形资产和其他实物资产直接投资于其他单位,最终目的是为了获得较大的经济利益,这种经济利益可以通过分得利润或股利获取,也可以通过其他方式取得。,11. 以下动词均有“沉浸、浸入”之意: immerse


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