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BOOk 3 UNIT 7,Enjoy Your Hobby Li Yanhong,Lesson 49 Hobbies Are Fun!,What does he/she like doing ? Whats his/her hobby? ,Talk About,He likes painting.,His hobby is painting.,He likes playing computer. .,His hobby is playing computer.,He likes basketball.,His hobby is playing basketball,Her hobby is running.,Her hobby is reading English books.,Her hobby is playing football.,Vocabulary,hobby n guess v roll n sell v instruction n frame n wall n,爱好,猜,卷装物,卖,卖出,sold.,sold,指示,说明,框架,墙,1.What does Danny want to buy at first? 2. Where is Danny now ? 3. How many frames does Danny buy? 4.What else does Danny buy at last?,He wants to buy a tree at first.,Danny is in a photo shop.,He buys twenty-five frames.,Listen and Answer,He also buys two rolls of film.,Task3:Read and Guess:,Whats Dannys hobby? How do you know Dannys hobby?,一个花店- 一家鞋店- 两个咖啡杯- 三棵苹果树- 一个女朋友- 好多男朋友- 一些女老师- 几个男工人-,大显身手,a flower shop,a shoe shop,two coffee cups,a girl friend,three apple trees,many boy friends,some women teachers,a few men workers,film 还可意为“电影”。 go to see a film意为“去看电影”,film 在此作不可数名词,意为“胶卷”。 它可以借助于量词roll来表示它的数量。,a roll of film意为“一卷胶卷”; three rolls of film 意为“三卷胶卷”,watch a movie go to the cinema,Translate,我买了一些你能吃的东西? 你有一些我能读的东西吗? 爸爸给了我一些我可以玩的东西。 Tom有一些我能用的东西,I buy something you can eat .,Do you have something I can read?,My father gave me something I can play.,Tom has something I can use.,Task : 慧眼识真:,1.Can I borrow any money from you ? 2.How much books do you have? 3.There is a books store. 4. How many water do you need? 5.I watched three film in the movie theater. 6. He has a lot of films, but I dont have a roll of film.,some,many,book,much,films,film,Yesterday I bought two _ (box) of apples. 2. Look! He _ (read) the newspaper now. 3. I need some more _ (film). 4. Do you enjoy _ (play) the piano? 5. What would you like _ (eat) for lunch?,II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,boxes,is reading,film,playing,to eat,Task :Pair work,1.Whats a hobby? 2.Do you have a hobby? 3.-Whats your hobby? -My hobby is,Hobbies Are Fun! Wish you have a good hobby!,Writing: My Hobb


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