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Some people say eating hot chili peppers can help you breathe easier if you have a cold. Others believe that chilies give you more energy. 有人说,如果感冒了,食用一些红辣椒可以让你呼吸更加顺畅。还有一些人认为,红辣椒可以让你获得更多能量。,All we know is that people have been growing chilies for centuries. 我们所知道的是,人们种植辣椒已有几个世纪的历史。 And there are plenty of different kinds of chili peppers to choose from, along with different levels of heat. 辣椒有着许多不同的品种,辣的程度也有许多种类。,Want to spice up your meals with homegrown chilies? 是不是想用自己种植的辣椒来调味? They need a warm climate. 这需要温暖的气候。 If you plant the seeds outside when the weather is cool, place a glass over them. 如果天气凉爽的时候在室外播种,在表层覆盖一层玻璃。,That will add warmth from the sun and protect them from wind. You can also start the seeds in your home or a greenhouse. 这样有助于吸收阳光的热量,还可以避免风吹。还可以在家中或温室中育种。,If you plant chili peppers inside, fill an eight-centimeter pot with soil. The pot should have holes in the bottom so water can run out. Tap the sides of the pot to settle the soil. 如果在室内种植红辣椒,将一个八厘米深的花盆装满泥土。花盆的底部要留有小孔,有利于排水。轻拍花盆的边缘,使土壤沉淀。,Drop several seeds over the surface of the pot and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite. Vermiculite is a material that can hold air, water and nutrients. 在花盆的表层撒下几粒种子,然后用薄薄的一层蛭石覆盖。蛭石是一种可以保持空气,水分和养料的材料。,Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag. Hold the bag in place with a rubber band. Place the pot in a warm area. 然后将花盆的顶部用一个透明的塑料袋覆盖,用橡皮筋将塑料袋固定。然后将花盆放在比较温暖的地方。,When the chilies start growing, take off the bag. When the plants have reached about two centimeters high, place each one carefully in its own eight-centimeter pot. 辣椒开始生长的时候,将塑料袋取下。植株长到两厘米高的时候,将每一株幼苗分别栽种在一个花盆中。,When the roots show through the holes in the bottom of the pot, transplant each seedling into a twelve-centimeter pot. When the plants are twenty centimeters high, tie the plants to a stick placed in the pot to support them. 当根系穿过花盆底部的小孔时,将他们移栽到12厘米深的花盆中。当植株涨到20厘米高的时候,将植株绑在插在花盆中的木棍上,起到固定作用。,When the chili peppers are thirty centimeters high, pinch the tops off with your fingers. That should get new branches to grow. 当红辣椒植株长到30厘米高的时候,用手指将植株的顶部掐掉。这样有利于新的枝干生长。,When the first flowers show, give the plants some potash fertilizer. When the weather is warm, put them into five-liter pots and place them outside. Make sure they get a good amount of light and water. 开始开花的时候,给植株施一些碳酸钾肥。天气变暖的时候,将植株移栽到5升的容器中,放到室外。确保植株能够获得足够的光照和水分。,Some people like mild chilies, others like plenty of heat. Some like to harvest the plants when the chilies are green. Others like their chilies red. Either


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