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,How is the weather? Its a fine day. How is the weather ? Its a cloudy day. How is the weather? Its rainy. How is the weather , Its snowy.,Lets sing.,Guess,what is the season?,Guessing game,What is the season ?,summer,The sun shines. We can swim in the sea. It is hot. Its not cool.,What is the season ?,Leaves fall and fall. Its cool. Its not hot.,Autumn/Fall,spring,What is the season ?,The birds sing, and the plants grow. Its warm.,winter,What is the season ?,Its cold. Its snowing. We can make a snowman.,spring,autumn,summer,winter,Four seasons make a year.,Spring,Summer,Autumn/Fall,winter,一年有四季,春夏秋冬要分清。 Spring , spring 春天到,百花开,鸟儿叫。 Summer , summer 夏天到,烈日炎炎当头照 。 Autumn , autumn 秋天到,红红的苹果点头笑。 Winter winter 冬天到,北风吹来雪花飘 。 Warm , 温暖,春天天气暖洋洋。 Hot,炎热,夏天天气真炎热。 Cool,凉爽,秋天天气多凉爽。 Cold,寒冷,冬天天气冷又寒!,lets say a chant,踩地雷,在单词卡片中设定一个单词为地雷,此单词不能被读出来,如果有同学踩到地雷,那么其他同学一齐对他/她说:one , two , bomb,Princess Spring(春公主),Prince Summer (夏王子),I am Angel Autumn(秋天使),I am Mr.Winter.(冬先生),Prince Summer(夏王子),Angel Autumn(秋天使),Mr.Winter(冬先生),Princess Spring(春公主),Whats the weather like in?,Its .,please enjoy the flash,1.Review the content we have learnt today. 复习今天所学的内容。 2.Write the new words 5 times: season,spring,summer,autumn,winter. 抄写今天所学的新单词5遍。 3.Tell your friends:We should protect t


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