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Unit 7,Summer holiday plans,( Sound time, Checkout time),响水县小尖中心小学 吕杰成,What places do you know?,Where will you go if you can travel around the world?,How about Mike?,Lets retell!,London,stay there,a month,aunt and uncle,Beijing,train,Hell/Shell,Lets retell!,Hong Kong,my family,Disneyland,Ocean Park,Taipei,my parents,show you some photos,the holiday,Hell/Shell,Lets retell!,Look at the Playing with his He really is so happy. Hes so full of,boy,toy,joy,i,Fill in the blanks!,Learning Tip:跟读时请认真感觉并注意模仿字母组合正确的发音,Read after it.,Read together.,Lets read!,coy, cloy, hoy, soy, alloy, annoy, convoy, destroy, enjoy,oil, join, coin, noise, soil, spoil,and try these:,i,Try to read!,我能准确地发“oy”的音。,Ticking time,1. Where will you go for the summer holiday?,2. How will you go there?,3. When will you go for the summer holiday?,4. How long will you stay there?,5. What will you do there?,Do a survey!,5. What will you do there?,Ask again!,1. Where will you go for the summer holiday?,2. How will you go there?,3. When will you go for the summer holiday?,4. How long will you stay there?,Tell us!,Write down your friends travel plans, according to his/her answers. 根据你同桌刚才的回答,为他/她整理出一篇旅行计划,写下来。看一看,班上是不是一些同学有类似的计划,说不定可以结伴而行哦。,My friends travel plan!,Think and write!,My friend Jack will go to Shanghai this summer. He will get to Shanghai by train. He will stay there for a week. He will go to the Bund and the Shanghai Museum. He will play with his friends there. He will live in his aunts house. I think his travel will be very interesting.,Model(范例),What will you do before travelling?,look for a map,take some pills,collect some information,book hotels,I will ,More:,Homework:,1. Read


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