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A little love Greatest as you, smallest as me. You show me what is deep as sea. A little love, a little kiss ,a little heart, a little give . All of little something .These are memories. You make me cry, make me smile, make me feel the love is ture . You always stand by my side. I dont want to say goodbye. You make me cry ,make me smile, make me feel the joy of lover, kissing you. Thank you for all the love you always gave to me. Oh I love you.,5B M2U2 Films (Period 3),Going to the cinema,Qinghua Primary School Zhang Qing,Shall we go and see a film? Yes, lets go and have a look. What film is on? _. Shall we go and see a film? Yes, lets go to the cinema tonight. What film is on? _.,Read the rhyme,Say a new rhyme,Shall we go and see a film? Yes, lets go and have a look. What film is on? The little Rat cook! Shall we go and see a film? Yes, lets go to the cinema tonight. What film is on? Snow White!,Chuansha China Film Cinema.,Hello, Im _. There are four films on at Chuansha China Film Cinema. I want to see _. Its about _. Its _. Its on at _. Shall we go and see it together?,Lets talk,3:30,2:00,9:20,1:30,Snow White.,A. Here you are.,B. We arrive at the cinema.,C. We see a film together.,Role play,Kitty,Ben and their mum arrive at the cinema.They should buy _ first . So they go to the _.,Try to say,the tickets,ticket office,Price ¥20/child ¥40/adult,adult,/dlt/,over 18 years old,below 18 years old,80 yuan.,Can I have three tickets for Snow White,please?,A child or an adult?,How many children and how many adults?,One child and two adults.,Two children and four adults.,Two children and two adults.,One child and three adults.,Work in pairs,Price ¥20/child ¥40/adult,-One child and two adults.,-Thats 100 yuan, please. 1,-Two children and two adults. -Thats 200 yuan, please.,-Two children and two adults. -Thats 120 yuan, please.,-One child and three adults. -Thats 140 yuan, please.,Role play,Role play,Mum is buying three tickets for Snow White. _ children and one _.Theyre _ yuan.,Two,adult,80,Try to say,Make a new dialogue,A: Can I have _ tickets for _, please?,B: Sure.,A: _child(ren) and _ adult(s).,B: Thats _ yuan, please.,A: OK. Here you are.,120 yuan,100 yuan,200 yuan,Listen and judge:,( ) 1. Kitty wants to get some drinks. ( ) 2. Ben wants to get some French fries. ( ) 3. They must be quick,because the film starts in five minutes. ( ) 4. At last, they decide to meet at the exit.,T,popcorn,T,F,F,entrance.,Shall we get ?,The filmstarts in five minutes.,Role play,OK. Lets meet at the entrance then .,Role play,OK. Lets meet at then .,They want to buy some _ and _. They must be _, because the film starts in _ minutes. Finally, they meet at the _.,Try to say,drinks,popcorn,quick,5,entrance,Lets enjoy,Lets enjoy,Lets enjoy,Going to the cinema Ben: Mum, I can see Chuansha China Film Cinema. Mrs Li: Yes. Here we are. Kitty: We should buy three tickets first. Mrs Li: Lets go to the ticket office. Ben& Kitty: OK, Mum.,Say and act,Mrs Li: Can I have three tickets for Snow White, please? Lady: Sure. Mrs Li: Two children and one adult. Lady: Thats 80 yuan, please.,Mrs Li: OK. Here you are. Kitty: Shall we get some drinks, Mum? Mrs Li: Oh yes. Ben: Shall we get some popcorn too? Mrs Li: Thats a good idea.But be quick.The film starts in five minutes. Ben& Kitty: OK. Lets meet at the entrance then . Mrs Li: All right.,They should buy the tickets. So they go to the ticket office.,They buy three tickets for Snow White. Two children and one adult.Theyre 80 yuan.,Read and match,First,Next,Then,Finally,A plan: Going to the cinema,Snow White is on at two oclock.I want to see it with my family members. Its 1:50 now. So we must be quick.,First, we should _. So we go to the _. Next, we buy _ for _. _ child(ren) and _. Theyre _ yuan. Then,we should buy some _ and _. We must be quick, because the film starts in _ minutes.Finally, we go into _ and enjoy the film.,1.Read the dialogue .,2. Act out the dialogue with your friends.,3. Finish the plan ,then read it.,Its _ now. The film _ starts in _ minutes.,nine ten,Rabbit Run,ten,Different meani


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