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,英语 深港版 四年级 第七册 课件,Unit 7 Eating out,Part A(I),Unit 7 Eating out,Part A(I),Lets chant!,Do you like apples, apples, apples? Yes, yes, yes, I do. Do you like pears, pears, pears? No, no, no, I dont. Do you like bananas, bananas, bananas? Yes, yes, yes, I do. I like fruit, fruit, fruit all!,Lets have a picnic! 野餐去喽!,Im hungry! I want to eat you all!,I have a good idea!,hamburger (汉堡包),dumplings (饺子),fries,a packet of,(一包薯条),Im hungry again! I want to eat you all!,cake,a piece of,(一块蛋糕),noodles,a bowl of,(一碗面条),At last, they have a nice picnic!,I can do it!,What are these?,灰太狼吃了哪些食物,你还记得吗?连连看吧!,a packet of fries,a piece of cake,a hamburger,dumplings,a sandwich,a bowl of noodles,你能帮助喜羊羊把食物的单词补充完整吗? 1.Do you like hamburgers? No, I like s_. 2. Are you h_? Well, yes, a l_. 3.I like a p_ of f_. 4.My favourite food is d_. 5.Dont give me a bowl of n_. Give me a c_.,andwiches,ungry,ittle,acket,ries,umplings,ooles,ake,Please remember:,Eat on time!,按时吃饭身体棒!,Homework:,1、给新单词画图片,并运用到A部分对话中。 2、预习A部分的其他单词和句子。,同学们,完成其中的一项作业,你可以收获一枚笑脸,两项都完成了,你会收获两枚笑脸。加油啊!,Unit 7 Eating out,Part A,(),Lets fly away!,云南,Yunnan,Im thirsty. I want to drink,juice,a glass of,(一杯橙汁),a cup of,tea,(一杯茶),What can we do for them?,喜羊羊餐厅,Menu,You can introduce your menu like this: 你可以这样介绍你的菜单: This is my menu. I like hamburgers. Theyre 1 yuan. I like sandwiches, too. Theyre 1yuan. We also have dumplings. They are 3 yuan I like my menu. How about you?,I can do it!,看一看,选一选。 ( )1.-Are you_? -Yes, a little. I want to eat a hamburger. A. Hungry B. thirsty C. a boy ( )2.-Do you like _? -Yes, I do. A. sandwiches B. sandwichs C. sandwich ( )3.-_ Pat like tea? -No, she doesnt. But she likes juice. A. Do B. Does C. Is,A,A,B,小小翻译家,一块蛋糕_ 一杯果汁_ 一碗饺子_ 一包薯条_ 一杯水_ 一杯茶_ 我的菜单_ 两块三明治_,a piece of cake,a glass of juice,a dish of dumplings,a packet of fries,a bottle of water,a cup of tea,my menu,two sandwich,Please remember:,Dont waste water. 不要浪费水资源。,Drink water is good for your health. 多喝水有益健康。,Homework:,1、收集更多的表示食物和饮料的单词,完善自己的菜单。 2、课后向同学、家人分享自己制作的菜单,并可以使用句型进行介绍和交流。 3、听录音并跟读第七课的A部分。,同学们,完成其中的一项作业,你可以收获一枚笑脸,全部完成了,你会收获三枚笑脸。加油啊!,Unit 7 Eating out,Part B1&B2,(),two hamburgers,a hamburger,two hamburgers,3 sandwiches,2 bowls of noodles,4 packets of fries,2 cups of tea,2 glasses of juice,Im full. Hamburgers are my favourite food. How about you?,My favourite food,My favourite drinks,Lets talk!,喜羊羊餐厅,Id like ,Im going to have ,Watch B1.B2.,I can do it!,a sandwich,a glass of juice,a bowl of noodles,a cup of tea,some dumplings,a piece of cake,a hamburger,a packet of fries,这么多的好吃的,你能正确写出它们的名字吗? 1.What would you like? Id like_. 2.Im thirsty. I want to drink_. 3.We would like _ _ _ and _. 4.Would you like _ ?,a hamburger,a cup of tea,some dumplings,a sandwich,a piece of cake,a packet of fries,a bowl of noodles,Please remember:,Be polite when you eat out. 外出就餐请讲礼貌。,Homework:,1、根据今天学的句型自己编两组对话。 2、在同学中找到合适的拍档,结合新句型,准备下节课的表演。,同学们,完成其中的一项作业,你可以收获一枚笑脸,全部完成了,你会收获两枚笑脸。加油啊!,Unit 7 Eating out,Part B1&B2,(),答题小能手 1.What would you like? I_ a sandwich. like B. d like C. am 2. Would you like a cup of tea? I dont know. B. Go away. C. Yes, please. 3. Im going to _ a bowl of noodles. has B. have C. having 4. _ is the hamburger? Its 5 yuan. A. How many B. How much C. What,B,C,B,B,Please remember:,Dont eat too much fast food. 不要吃太多的快餐食品。,Homework:,1、听录音,跟读并背诵课文。 2、完成活动手册的相应部分。 3、预习Part C。,同学们,完成其中的一项作业,你可以收获一枚笑脸,全部完成了,你会收获三枚笑脸。加油啊!,Unit 7 Eating out,Part C,Old Macdonald had a farm,Lets sing!,点击歌曲名播放歌曲,火眼金睛,Mr,Mrs,Miss,根据自己的实际情况回答问题。 Whats your name?_. How are you today?_. Would you like a sandwich? _. Do you like tea? _. Whats your favourite animals?_.,Answer questions. What are Mr Horse, Miss Cow and Mrs Pig going to do? _ 2. Does Miss Cow like hamburgers? _ 3. What are they going to eat? _,They are going to eat.,No, she doesnt.,They are going to eat some vegetable.,( ),( ),( ),( ),根据课文内容,为这些图片排出正确的顺序。,1,2,3,4,超级模仿秀,比一比,看看谁是最佳小演员。,读一读这张购物单,回答问题。,1.Whats the date today? _ 2. Is the food for lunch? _ 3.Is there any drink for the meal? _ 4.What is the meat? _ 5.How many dumplings? _,Christmas Day Dinner a big chicken 2 boxes of dumplings some hamburgers a packet of fries orange juice,Today is Christmas Day.,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,A big chicken.,Some dumplings.,Please remember:,Love nature, love animals. 爱护大自然,爱护小动物。 Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. 多吃蔬菜和水果。,Homework:,1、背诵C部分并进行表演。 2、将这个故事讲给你的家人听听。,同学们,完成其中的一项作业,你可以收获一枚笑脸,全部完成了,你会收获两枚笑脸。加油啊!,Unit 7 Eating out,Part E,H,G,你会算吗?,1+1= 2+2= 3+5= 6+1=,2,4,8,7,Wow! Its a piece of cake!,A. not easy B. easy C. very easy,Its a piece of cake!,niece,thief,handkerchief,chief,My little niece Is a strong little chief She can tie up a thief With her


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