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Zhi-jie Xi, MD 2012-09-22,Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Tear,2019/5/22,Lesions of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) are a common source of ulnarsided wrist pain.1,2 Radial side tear or perforations tend to be traumatic and occurs more in young age group , on the other hand , central and ulnar side lesions are more often degenerative and commonly seen in older patients2,1. P S McAlinden, J Teh, . Imaging of the wrist. Imaging 2003; 15:180-192 2. Philip E. Blazar, Peter S.H. Chan, J.Bruce Kneeland, Donald Leatherwood, David J. Bozentka, Roman Kowalchick, . The Effect of Observer Experience on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interpretation and Localization of Triangular Fibrocartilage . Hand Surg 2001;26A:742748,Anatomy,TFCC,TFCC,Triangular fibrocartilage (articular disc) Meniscus homologue UCL ( ulnar capsule) Volar and Dorsal DRU Ligaments ECU subsheath Prestyloid recess,2019/5/22,A 3D depiction of the TFCC,Arthroscopy,Complex fibrous structure on volar aspect of wrist Origin-dorsal distal corner of sigmoid notch Insertion- triquetrum and base of fifth metatarsal Partially or completely separates pisotriquetral joint from radiocarpal joint,MENISCUS HOMOLOGUE,ULNOLUNATE AND ULNOTRIQUETRAL LIGAMENTS,From volar aspect of radioulnar ligament to lunate and Triquetrum Firmly attached to triquetrum Less strong attachment to lunate,ULNOLUNATE AND ULNOTRIQUETRAL LIGAMENTS,From volar aspect of radioulnar ligament to lunate and triquetrum,Type 1-Traumatic A Horizontal tear adjacent to the radius B Peripheral detachment from the ulna C Tear of the Ulnocarpal ligaments D Avulsion from sigmoid notch,PALMER CLASSIFICATION,Type II-Degenerative A Partial thickness thinning of the articular disc B A + Chondromalacia of lunate and/or ulnar head C B + full thickness tear of the articular disc D C + Partial tear of the lunatotriquetral ligament E D + Full tear of the lunatotriquetral ligament and arthrosis,PALMER CLASSIFICATION,TFCC TRAUMATIC TEAR,2019/5/22,Anatomy,2019/5/22,The ulnar portion of the TFCC is vascularised by ulnar and posterior interosseous artery braches The central and radial aspects of the complex are avascular,Vascular supply,Transmit load Stablise the DRUJ,biomechanical functions,biomechanical functions,2019/5/22,1) stability of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), 2) axial load transmission from the carpus to the ulna and 3) ulnar sided carpal stability.,Natural History,60 years 50% had TFC perforations Fall on dorsiflexed and ulnar deviated wrist Axial load with forearm in hyperpronation,Symptoms,Ulnar sided wrist pain Quite well localised Usually with ulnar deviation Sudden pronation activity Clicking on rotation Instability is rare,Signs,Pronation Ulnar devation Axially load Rotate,Investigations,X-ray MRI Arthroscopy Sonograph Arthroscopy -gold standard,2019/5/22,Using arthroscopy as the gold standard, MRI has been shown to have an accuracy of 64 75% for perforations or tears . 1 The inhomogeneous signal intensity and striated appearance of the TFCC especially the ulnar side may make these disruptions more difficult to detect,P S McAlinden, J Teh, . Imaging of the wrist. Imaging 2003; 15:180-192,Marius R Schmid, Thomas Schertler, Christian W Pfirrmann, Nadja Saupe, Mirjana Manestar, Simon Wildermuth et al . Interosseous ligament tears of the wrist: comparison of multi-detector row CT arthrography and MR imaging. Radiology2005 ;237:1008 -1013,TFCC Tear Pathoanatomy,Tear in structures of TFCC Positive ulnar variance predisposes to injury,2019/5/22,arthrogram,a tear at the para radial part of the TFCC ( site 2)B: coronal T1W Fat Sat sequence confirming the arthrogram finding and clearly show the tear ( arrow).,About 60-70% of the TFCC tears are associated with ulnar styloid fracture J L JL Hobby, B D BD Tom, P W PW Bearcroft , A K AK Dixon. Magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist: diagnostic performance statistics. Clin Radiol 2001;56:50 -57,ultra-high-frequency sonograph,2019/5/22,The TFCC appears very similar to the knee meniscus on MRI images,Oneson SR, Timins ME, Scales LM, Erickson SJ, Chamoy L. MR imaging diagnosis of triangular fibrocartilage pathology with arthroscopic correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1997; 168:1513-1518.,TFCC TRAUMATIC TEAR,TFCC Tear Imaging,Plain films may show positive ulnar variance Assess for fracture or ulnar subluxation MRI or Arthrography,a large central tear (arrow) along the radial aspect of the articular disc of the TFCC. Associated subchondral degenerative changes are evident within the proximal lunate,2019/5/22,2019/5/22,A typical degenerative central tear,a discrete vertical tear (arrow) involving the thicker, volar radioulnar ligament component of the TFCC.,2019/5/22,2019/5/22,avulsion of the ulnar styloid attachment of the TFC,2019/5/22,TFCC tears were classified according to its location as 1 if it was at the cartilage attachment to the radius; 2, pararadial (23 mm from the radius); 3, at the mid portion; 4, paraulnar (23 mm from the ulnar insertion point of the TFC); or 5, at the ulnar insertion point(Fig 4),2019/5/22,location of the TFCC tears,2019/5/22,a relatively big communicating tear (arrow head) close to the radial attachment of the TFCC,with more fat sat sequences as required,2019/5/22,A small central perforation (arrow) is seen within the central portion of the articular disc of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. An additional, partial thickness undersurface tear (arrowhead) is also present at the articular disc.,Arthroscopic inspection,Conservative Activity avoidance Steroid injection (10mg Kenolog) Surgery,Treatment,Arthroscopic Repair Debridement Shavers Radiofrequency (Vapr) keep the heat down Open Repair Ulnar Shortening,Surgery,2019/5/22,The peripheral and central tears of the TFCC must be differentiated as the mode of treatment is different between the two conditions, peripheral tears have a good vascular supply and are repaired however central tears are avascular and are commonly managed with debridement.,Marco Zanetti, David Linkous, Louis A. Gilula, Juerg Hodler, . Characteristics of Triangular Fibrocartilage Defects in Symptomatic and Contralateral Asymptomatic Wrists. Radiology 2000 ;216 : 840-845.,Arthroscopic treatment,2019/5/22,Case 1, suture,Case 2, debridement,Pearls,Patients with injuries to the wrist, particularly displaced distal radius fractures, should be examined after re


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