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北师大版2012届高考英语一轮单元复习 课件Unit 2 Heroes,.重点单词聚焦 1Our special December issue lists the most important e_of the past year. 答案: events 2The 1987 hurricane was the worst natural d_to hit England for decades. 答案: disaster,3The volcano is famous for causing average global_(表面的) temperatures to drop by about 1 in the one to two years following the eruption. 答案: surface 4She was awarded $3,500 for_(伤害) to her feelings. 答案: injury,5The r_between the police and the local community has improved. 答案: relationship 6Perhaps there is a negative side to his_(性格) that you havent seen yet. 答案: character,7Youre absolutely_(无用的)cant you even go to the shops without getting lost! 答案: useless 8Our education system should provide_(平等的) opportunities for all children. 答案: equal,9The_(amaze) thing is that it was kept secret for so long. 答案: amazing 10Its_(usual) to find so many different plants in one garden. 答案: unusual,11There is too much_(violent) on TV these days. 答案: violence 12He is quite_(confidence) that there will be no problems this time. 答案: confident,.重点短语扫描 1_ 在我看来 2_ 单独地,独自地; 靠自己 3_ 放弃 4_ 达到某种状态 5_ 使从(受伤)中活下 来;渡过难关;康复,6_ 自杀 7_ 相处;进展 8_ 参加,参与 9_ 太,极为 10 _ 别胡扯,11_ (体育或游戏比赛中的) 得分 12_ (火箭、航天器等)发射, 起飞,升空 13_ 结束 14_ 解脱;放出去,发出; 泄露 15_ 谈论,.课文原句突破 1杨利伟展示了中国国旗和联合国国旗,以表达中国人民和平开发、利用太空资源的意愿。 Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations,_ _ _ _the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully. 答案: expressing the wishes of,2珍妮弗在厨房里,双手在面粉碗里和面 Jennifer was in the kitchen,_ _ _ _a bowl of flour. 答案: with her hands in 3布兰迪,这对姐妹的母亲,在家教她的女儿们,结果她们在培养网球能力的同时也完成了高中学业。 Brandi,the sisters mother,taught her daughters at home_ _they completed their high school_ _ their tennis careers. 答案: so that;while developing,4她们都已经表现出对网球生涯结束后从事设计的极大兴趣。 They have already_ _ _ _ _working in design after their tennis careers_ _ _ _. 答案: expressed a keen interest in;come to an end,5这就是我怎样参与到慈善活动中,为残疾人改善生活质量的。 This is_ _ _ _ _my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people. 答案: how I got involved with 6所以你看,我现在太忙于生存而无暇言弃。 So you can see,Im _ _ _with living to think of giving up! 答案: far too busy,calm vt.& vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定;adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的,Everything was calm after the storm. 风暴之后,一切平静下来了。 He kept calm in face of great danger. 面临巨大危险,他还是保持镇静。 Calm down.There is nothing to worry about! 安静下来吧,没有什么可担忧的。 The boby was crying and the mother was trying her best to calm him.婴儿在哭,妈妈尽力使他安静下来。,辨析:calm,quiet,still与silent calm平静的;沉着的,特指人的情绪,有时也指(海、湖、河)水和天气等风平浪静; quiet安静的;宁静的;指无噪音、吵闹或心境平静; still静止的、不动的,指没有运动的一种状态; silent寂静的、不出声的;不发表意见的,指无声或不讲话。,1.用quiet,still,calm或silent填空: (1)The man stood _and answered all the questions _. (2)Mr and Mrs Johnson had a _life in a peaceful environment. (3)Dont keep_when the teacher asks you a question. 答案: (1)still;in a calm voice (2)quiet (3)silent,atmosphere n大气层,空气;环境,气氛 回归课本P23:The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earths atmosphere. The waste they create goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick.它们制造出来的废气进入大气中,导致我们生病。 The simple atmosphere of the office calmed me. 简朴的办公室气氛让我平静下来。 Ever since their quarrel,there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office. 自从他们发生口角以来,办公室里总有一种不愉快的气氛。,2.(湖北高考)The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_. AAtmosphere Bstate Csituation Dphenomenon 解析: 句意为:两国高层领导人之间的会谈在友好的气氛中举行。atmosphere气氛;state状态;situation处境;phenomenon现象。由句意可知A项正确。 答案: A,equal adj.平等的,均等的;胜任的;vt.比得上,敌得过 回归课本P25:His first victory was to win the equal rights for blacks to sit on buses. (1)A equals B in.A 在方面比得上B be equal ton./doing sth.等于;与相等;胜任 be without equal/have no equal无与伦比;无敌 (2)equality n相等;平等 equally adv.相等地;平等地,With his last jump he equalled the world record. 他的最后一跳平了世界记录。 None of us can equal her,either in beauty or as a dancer. 不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。,But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal. 但是,我乐于帮忙,因为我知道,这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。 It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work. 要求同工同酬是合理的。,3.(天津高考)Fitness is important in sport,but of at least_importance are skills. Afair Breasonable Cequal Dproper,解析: equal相等的,同等的,(be) of equal importance意为“同样重要”。句意为:在比赛中,身体状态是重要的,但是比赛技巧至少也同等重要。 答案: C,4完成句子 I dont think he_(胜任做这项工作),so I wont employ him. 答案: is equal to doing the job,struggle vt.,vi.& n斗争,拼搏;努力;挣扎,He has been struggling to succeed in his business. He has been struggling for success in his business. 为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。 The explorers had to struggle for their lives against awful climate and wild animals. 为了生存,探险者们不得不与恶劣的天气和野兽进行抗争。,Although he was seriously injured in the accident,he wanted to struggle to his feet. 尽管他在事故中严重受伤,他仍然想要挣扎着站起来。 The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to be heard. 在餐桌上孩子们高声谈话以至于我必须努力被听到。 She will not give up her children without a struggle. 她不会轻易放弃自己的孩子的。,5.(2010湖南卷)Dina,_for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency. AStruggling Bstruggled Chaving struggled Dto struggle,解析: 句意为:几个月以来,Dina一直努力想找一份女服务员的工作,最终她在当地一家广告代理处谋到了一个职位。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。设空处与句子主语为逻辑上的主谓关系,故排除B项;不定式作状语一般表示目的,故排除D项;,C项相当于:Dina had struggled for months to find a job as a waitress.而A项相当于:Dina was struggling for months to find a job as a waitress.根据句意可知,C项更符合要求,故为答案。 答案: C,protest n抗议,抗议书;v.反对;抗议;申辩,坚决地表示 回归课本P25:Martin liked Gandhis ideas about peaceful protest. (1)protest about/against/at sth.对提出抗议 (2)make a protest against对提出抗议 without protest没有任何反对地,一声不吭地 under protest无奈地,不服气地;不甘心地,Students went to the street to protest against the decision. 学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。 There is no use protesting;I wont change my mind. 抗议没有用,我决不改变主意。,She accepted the charge without protest. 她一声不吭地接受了指控。 They didnt make a protest against the plan we put forward at the meeting. 他们并没有对我们在会议上提出的计划表示异议。,6.完成句子 她怎么能心甘情愿地接受别人那样对待她呢? How can she accept that kind of treatment_? 答案: without protest,compete v竞争;比赛 回归课本P26:He has always been very strict with his daughters,training them hard to compete against each other.,Many students in our class competed in the physics contest. 我们班许多学生参加了物理竞赛。 Tom competed with/against five other athletes for the first prize in a race.汤姆在赛跑中与另外五名运动员竞争第一名。,Young children will usually compete for their mothers attention.小孩子们往往会争妈妈的宠。 Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world. 没有人能够完全远离这个竞争的社会。 We are in competition with four other companies for the contract.我们在与其他四家公司竞争这份合同。,7.About 5,000 singers competed_each other_six medals in the National Singing Competition. Aagainst;with Bwith;on Cwith;in Dagainst;for 解析: compete with/against sb.for sth.“为和某人竞争”,为固定搭配。 答案: D,8Finding information in todays world is easy.The_is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. Aability Bcompetition Cchallenge Dknowledge,解析: 句意为:在当今世界,发现信息是很容易的事,所面临的挑战是你如何分辨出你所得到的信息是否有用。ability能力;competition竞争;比赛;challenge挑战;knowledge知识。 答案: C,9Four teams of three people would compete_the game and the winners would receive a free vacation. Ain Bagainst Cfor Dwith 解析: 句意为:四个三人小组将参加比赛,获胜者可免费度假一次。compete in在方面竞争;compete against/with与竞争;compete for为竞争。 答案: A,promote vt.促进;提升;晋升;促销 回归课本P28:He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. (1)promote.as.把提升为 promote.from.to.把从提升到 (2)promotion n提升;提拔;晋升,The organisation works to promote friendship between nations.该组织旨在增进各国之间的友谊。 The government is trying to promote Hefei as an industrial city.政府正在着力把合肥打造为工业城市。 He fought bravely and was soon promoted from a captain to a general.他作战勇敢,不久便从上尉提升为将军了。 The factory sells their new products by using new means of promotion.这家工厂通过使用新的促销手段销售新产品。,10._to sales manager,she decided to change the sales system of the company. ATo promote BBe promoted CHaving been promoted DBeing promoted 解析: 句意为:被提升为销售部经理,她决定改变公司的销售制度。she和promote是被动关系,promote这一动作发生在谓语动词之前。 答案: C,opinion n意见,看法,主张,Please express your opinion on what he has said. 就他所说的请发表你的看法。 Although against my opinion,the old professor didnt come up with his own.虽然这位老教授反对我的观点,但他并没有提出自己的观点。,Who,in your opinion,(Who do you think) is the best football player in the world today? 依你之见,谁是当今世界最优秀的足球运动员? The boss has a very high opinion of her. 老板对她评价很高。,11.完成句子 (1)我们应邀就如何开展工作提出意见。 We were invited to_about how the work should be done. (2)哪一个比较好只是个看法问题。 Which is the better is_. 答案: (1)give our opinions (2)a matter of opinion,commit vt回归课本P2.犯(错误);干(坏事);提交;托付 回归课本P 8:Of course,Ive had moments of feeling sorry for myself,but Ive never had any thoughts of committing suicide.,The President is committed to reforming health care. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.双方承诺和平解决争端。,You dont have to commit yourself now,just think about it. 你不必现在表达,只需考虑一下这件事。 The government made a commitment to the world over energy saving and emission reduction. 政府向世界作出了节能减排的承诺。,12.I could not find out from Jim whether he wanted to come or not;he would not_himself. Acommit Bexpress Cbehave Dcheat 解析: 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:从吉姆那里我弄不清他是否想来,他没有说明自己的观点。commit oneself意为:说明自己的立场、身份等。 答案: A,admire vt.钦佩;羡慕,赞赏;欣赏 回归课本P33:He is the most successful Chinese basketball player who has joined NBA and is admired by Americans.,I admire and respect you more than I can say. 我对你的钦佩和尊敬无以言表。 The tourists are admiring the view from the tower. 游客们欣赏着从塔上看到的景色。 The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. 这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。,China and Japan have midautumn festivals,when people admire the moon and in China,enjoy mooncakes.中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人们会赏月,在中国,人们还品尝月饼。 She was used to receiving admiring glances from others. 她习惯了别人给予赞赏的目光。,13.完成句子 (1)我不同意她的意见,但我赞赏她的恪守原则。 I dont agree with her,but I_sticking to her principles. (2)他站在那里,欣赏自己的新轿车。 He stood there,_. 答案: (1)admire her for (2)admiring his new car,pull through使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关 回归课本P28:The doctor said I was not going to pull through. His injuries are severe but hes expected to pull through. 他的伤势很重,但有望康复。 Margaret had difficulty with her maths,but her teacher pulled her through.玛格丽特数学学习上遇到了困难,但是她的老师帮助她克服了。,He pulled up at the traffic lights. 他在红绿灯处停下来了。,14.完成句子 医生们认为他会渡过危险期,他的体温已经降下来了。 The doctors think hell_.His temperature has gone down. 答案: pull through,15He jumped on the last bus just as it was_,so he wasnt late for work. Apulling away Bpulling over Cpulling up Dpulling through 解析: 句意为:最后一班汽车即将开走的时候,他跳上了车,所以上班没有迟到。pull over (使车)停在路边;pull up停车;pull away开走;pull through渡过难关。 答案: A,far too太,极为 回归课本P28:Im far too busy with living to thinking of giving up. He is far too young to go on his own. 他年纪太小,不能独自一人去。 Tell him to go away;Im far too busy to see him. 叫他走吧;我实在太忙了,抽不出时间见他。,They worked far into the night. 他们工作到深夜。 As far as Im concerned,you can do what you like. 就我而言,你想干什么就干什么。 It is far from clear what he intends to do. 他打算怎样做一点也不清楚。,16.Since the speech was_tiring,he brought out a novel and started to read. Afar too Bfar from Ctoo far Dso far 解析: 句意为:因为演讲的太没趣,所以他拿出一本小说看。far too非常,很;far from远非;too far太远;so far到目前为止。 答案: A,lift off(火箭、航天器等)发射,起飞,升空 When the rocket lifted off,all the people present cheered up. 当火箭升空之时,在场的所有人们都欢呼起来。,I was stopped by a foreign girl who asked for a lift. 我被一个要求搭便车的外国女孩拦了下来。 Im really lucky you stopped and offered me a lift. 我的确很幸运你能停下来让我搭便车。,17.If youre driving there,I wonder if you can give me a_. Ahand Bseat Cdrive Dlift 解析: 考查短语搭配。句意为:如果你开车去那里,不知你是否能让我搭个便车。give sb.a hand帮某人一个忙;give sb.a lift让某人搭个便车。 答案: D,get on融洽相处;进展 回归课本P28:We have always got on really well. Hes a person whos not easy to get along/on well with. 他是一个不好相处的人。 I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we get along/on fine.我过去常与父母争吵,但现在我们相处很好。,Believe in yourself.You will get over the difficulty. 相信自己,你会克服困难的。 They got down to planting trees as soon as they got there. 他们一到那里就开始植树。 I am getting along very well with my work. 我的工作进展得很顺利。,18.(全国卷)I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt_. Aget along Bget on Cget to Dget through 解析: 上文说“试着给她的办公室打电话”,下文是转折,根据couldnt判断,此处应为 “不能接通”。 答案: D,Jennifer was in the kitchen,with her hands in a bowl of flour,. 詹尼弗在厨房,双手正放在面粉碗里, “with宾语宾语补足语”称为with复合结构,此结构在句中常作状语,可位于句首或句尾,常作时间、原因、方式、伴随状语,亦可作后置定语。 结构如下:,(1)with宾语doing (doing表主动或正在进行) (2)with宾语adj.(adj.表状态) (3)with宾语adv.(adv.表状态) (4)with宾语done (done表完成或被动) (5)with宾语介词短语 (6)with宾语to do (to do表将来,有时用主动形式表示被动意义 With the boy leading the way,we found the place easily. 有那个小孩领路,我们很容易找到了那个地方。,With so much work to do,I had no time to play. 有那么多的活干,我没有时间玩。 The teacher came in with a book in his hand. 老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。 He was sleeping with his shoes on.他穿着鞋子睡着了。,19.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted it. Afinished Bfinishing Chaving finished Dwas finished,解析: 句意为:约翰收到一份宴请函而且他的工作也干完了,他就欣然接受了邀请。根据句意,工作该是被完成,所以确定A、D。在with复合结构中,所缺部分作宾语补足语,D项只能作谓语。故选A。with的复合结构是高考的重点之一,因此要牢记它的基本结构并能熟练应用。 答案: A,20(2011东城检测)With the college entrance examination_near,both the parents and the students are more and more anxious. Adraws Bdrawn Cdrawing Dis drawing,解析: 考查with的复合结构。With the college entrance examination drawing near是with的复合结构,the college entrance examination与draw near之间是主动关系,该结构的意思是“随着高考的临近”。 答案: C,As Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere,helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready to collect him. 当杨利伟返回地球大气层的时候,直升机已经在飞往他着陆地点的途中,准备好接他。,ready to collect him为形容词作伴随状语。 Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友来上学时很心烦。 We found him lying on the bed,dead. 我们发现他躺在床上,死了。,As Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere,helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready to collect him. 当杨利伟返回地球大气层的时候,直升机已经在飞往他着陆地点的途中,准备好接他。,ready to collect him为形容词作伴随状语。 Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友来上学时很心烦。 We found him lying on the bed,dead. 我们发现他躺在床上,死了。 He arrived home,tired and hungry.他又累又饿地到了家。 A young lady lay in the bed,awake. 一位妇女躺在床上,醒着。,21.(2011成都第二次诊断)_and excited,the athletes from all over the world took part in the winter Olympics held in Vancounver. AHonoured BHonouring CBeing honoured DTo be honoured,解析: 考查形容词短语作伴随状语。句意为:来自世界各地的运动员光荣而又兴奋地参加了在温哥华举办的冬奥会。honoured是形容词,表示“深感光荣的”与excited一起作伴随状语。 答案: A,22(2011海淀一模)When it was his turn to deliver his speech,_,he walked towards the microphone. Anervously and embarrassingly Bnervous and embarrassedly Cnervously and embarrassing Dnervous and embarrassed,解析: 考查形容词作状语。短语nervous and embarrassed“紧张的,局促不安的”,描述主语的状态。 答案: D,23(北京高考)After the long journey,the three of them went back home,_. Ahungry and tiredly Bhungry and tired Chungrily and tiredly Dhungrily and tired,解析: 句意为:经过长时间旅行后,他们三个回到了家,又饿又累。本题考查形容词作状语,表示伴随或结果。 答案: B,.选词填空 come to realize;involve;on ones own;get on with;speak about;admire;compete with;be strict wit 1They found themselves_foreign companies for a share of the market. 答案: competing with,2I find it easy to make friends with most people,but I just cant_my younger sister. 答案: get on with 3She_herself in everything she does. 答案: is strict with,4All those who knew him will_him for his work. 答案: admire 5All the facts indicate that he has been deeply_in the crime. 答案: involved,6The teacher asked us to solve all the problems we met with in the camp_. 答案: on our own 7No wonder that people are_your resigning from such a good company. 答案: speaking about 8In the end I_it was my fault that caused the serious accident. 答案: came to realize,.完成句子 1一些人坚持认为电视里出现的暴力场面是社会上犯罪的主要原因之一。 Some people insist that_is one of the major causes of crime in society. 答案: the violence on TV,2数十年来Benjamin一直声称自己是无辜的,并为他的自由斗争着。 For decades Benjamin has claimed his innocence and_. 答案: has fought for his freedom 3虽然我们前面的路还很漫长,但我知道我们会渡过这次经济衰退。 Although we have a long road before us,I know that we_this recession. 答案: will pull through,4说服孩子们放弃快餐并不容易。 Its not easy to convince kids to_. 答案: give up fast food 5在没有达到用户的质量要求前,我们不会把产品装船的。 We will not ship the products before_the users demands. 答案: the quality meets,.情景交际 1(2010山东卷)Do you think you could do without help? _.This is not the first time for me. ATake care BHurry up CNot exactly DDont worry,解析: 从问句“你认为没有帮助你自己能做吗?”来看,问话人对对方不大放心。而答语的第二句“这不是我第一次(做这件事)了”表明答话人是在告诉问话人:不用担心。故选 D。A项“小心”;B项“赶快”;C项“不 完全如此”。 答案: D,2(2010山东卷)Her father is very rich. _She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered. AWhat for? BSo what? CNo doubt. DNo wonder.,解析: 句意为:他爸爸很有钱。那又怎样?即使她爸爸提供帮助她也不接受。根据语意选B,意为“那又怎么样呢?”A项“为什么?”;C项“毫无疑问”;D项“怪不得”。 答案: B,3(2010四川卷)Heres your change. _ AThank you. BDont mention it. CNo problem. DWith pleasure.,解析: 句意为:找您的钱。谢谢。“Dont mention it.”别客气,不算什么,是对别人道谢时的答语;“No problem.”没问题;“With pleasure.”非常乐意,没问题,是接受别人请求时的应答用语。 答案: A,4(2010四川卷)Im sorry.That wasnt of much help. Oh,_.As a matter of fact,it was most helpful. Asure it was Bit doesnt matter Cof course not Dthanks anyway,解析: 句意为:很抱歉,这没多大帮助。这的确有帮助,实际上这十分有用。 答案: A,5(2010陕西卷)Whats the noise?It sounds as if it comes from upstairs. _.It must be the windowcleane


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