



Lesson 47The UK. and Australia 一、单项选择1Big Ben is _ famous clock tower in the world.Aa Ban Cthe D/ 2Do you often speak English _ the English corner?Ain Bon Cwith Dat3Do you like _ flag?Athe UK. Bthe UK.sCthe UK. DU.K.4I have a cat. _ name is Mimi.AIt BIts CIts DItself5Mikes watch is _ price _ his brothers.Asame; as Bthe same; asCsame; like Dthe same; like6The capital of Australia is _ and _ is the capital of the UK.ACanberra; Washington, DC.BSydney; LondonCCanberra; LondonDLondon; Canberra7People in Australia speak _.AChinese BFrench CJapanese DEnglish8Australia is _ of the UK., but _ of the US.Asoutheast; southwest Bsoutheast; northwestCnorthwest; southwest Dnortheast; southeast9One of my teachers _ an Englishman.Ais Bare Cdo Ddoes10_ is Australias flag?Its blue and the stars are white.AHow BWhat colourCWhere DWhat二、用所给词的适当形式填空11Many people _ (be) learning English now.12Look out! Here _ (come) a bus. 13I go to the zoo to see _ (animal)14My uncle works in a big _ (build)15One of the _ (kangaroo) is looking after her baby. 三、按要求完成下列各题16They speak English and French. (对画线部分提问) _ _ do they speak? 17Lucy looks the same as her mother. (改为同义句)Lucy _ _ her mother.18This is a star. (改为复数句) _ _ _.19A lion is the UK.s national animal. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the UK.s national animal?20The Sydney Opera House is famous. (改为一般疑问句) _ the Sydney Opera House famous?四、连词成句21a, in the corner, shop, is_.22you, how, can, learn, much _?23Australia, live in, kangaroos_.24the same, they, class, in, are_.25speak, in China, people, Chinese_.五、根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给词的适当形式填空Lucy is my friend.She looks the s_26 as her twin sister, Lily.People cant tell them apart(把她们区分开)They live in one of the _27 (build)in my neighborhood (社区)They are from London.They can s_28 English very well.The lion is the UK.s _29 (nation)animal.The UK.is famous for Big Ben.Its a clock t_30.六、阅读理解 (词数:约140;建议用时:5分钟)People in the UK. like fast food. 30% of people have hamburgers every week, and 46% have fish and chips! People in the UK. dont do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week. 9% ride bikes and 8% play golf (高尔夫). Only 6% play football.Movies are very popular in the UK., and about 60% of people between 15 and 24 go to the movies every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day half an hour more than (比) women.People in the UK. love going on holiday. Most of these holidays arent in the UK. 27% are in Spain, 10% are in the US., and 9% are in France. I think this is because the weather is bad in the UK.!31About _ of people ride bikes every week in the UK.A17% B9% C8% D6%32How many hours do women watch TV every day?A3.5. B3. C2.5. D0.5.33Where do people in the UK. like to go on holiday best?AChina. BSpain. CThe US. DFrance.34Which is the best title (题目)?ALife in the UK. BThe UK.s foodCThe UK.s holiday DThe UKs sports答 案一、1.A2D点拨:句意:你经常在英语角说英语吗?在英语角,用at the English corner。故选D。3B4.C5.B6.C7.D8.A9.A10.B二、11.es13.animals14building15.kangaroos三、16.What language17.looks like18These are stars19.What is20.Is四、21.A shop is in the corner 22How much can you learn 23Kangaroos live in Australia 24They are in the same class 25People speak Chinese in China五、26.same27.buildings28.speak29national30.tower六、31.B32C点拨:数字推断题。由文中信息At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day half an hour more than (比) wome


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