



Unit 2 What time do you go to school?(第5课时 Section B 2a3b)总课时编号:_ 编写时间:_月_日 执行时间: 月 日小组组别:_ 小组组号:_ 姓名:_一、学习目标:1. 读懂文章并完成阅读任务。2. 朗读并背诵文章,重点记忆重点句子和表达方法。二、学习重、难点:学习重点:1. I dont get up early.2. I dont have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly.3. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.4. When I get home, I always do my homework first.5. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.6. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.7. She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good!学习难点:理解课文,并能用课文中出现的语法点造句。三、学习活动:1. 预习检测:能熟练读出2b的文章,和重难点的句子。2. 2a,试试写一些关于健康方式的表达方法。_3. 2b阅读练习: Step 1 略读 1)快速阅读,先circle所有的健康方式,然后找出Who is healthier, Tony or Mary? 2)快速读letter,完成下面的时间表,然后完成2c归类健康和不健康生活方式。What time Tonys routineMarys routineIn the morning 8:00 get up; 8:30At noonIn the afternoonIn the eveningStep 2 精读 T or F,在下面的陈述中找出关键词,然后在文中找到相对应的句子,给予正确的判断并纠正错处。 Tony likes to get up late. Tony doesnt have much time for breakfast. Tony always plays basketball for an hour. Tony either watches TV or plays computer games first when he gets home. Mary usually eats breakfast quickly. Mary likes ice-cream because it tastes good. Tony and Mary go to bed at the same time.Step 3朗读课文, 记住:书读百遍,其义自见。Step 4 通过背诵,将短文填补完整(课堂上进行)。Hi! Im Tony. I _like to get up _. In the _, I _at eight. Then I _school _eight thirty. I dont have _time _breakfast, so I usually eat very _. For_, I _eat hamburgers. _school, I _play basketball for _ hour. _I get home, I always do _ homework_. In the evening, I _watch TV_ play computer games. At ten thirty, I _my teeth and then I _.Mary is my _. She usually _at six thirty. Then she always _a shower and eats _breakfast. After _, she goes _at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats _fruit and vegetables _lunch. After lunch, she _plays volleyball. She always eats _after dinner. She _its not _her, but it _good! In the evening, she _her homework and usually swims or takes _. At nine thirty, she goes _bed.4. 完成3a&3b,写你自己的日程安排。四、课堂小结:1. have time for sth. 在某事上有时间 have sth. to do sth. 拥有某物可供做某事Eg. 你有钱买礼物吗?_2. 吃早餐_吃一顿美味的早餐_三餐前没有修饰词时_(加/ 不加) the, 若有,_(加/ 不加)the。3. be+_(good/ well),即 V-be后可接_(adj./ adv.)。系动词be包括 am, is, are, look(看起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来) do+_(good/ well),即 V-do后可接_(adj./ adv.)。实意动词do包括所有的行为动词eg. 弗兰克很优秀。_ 运动员吃得好。_ 托尼很快。_玛丽跑得快。_4. either or 或者。或者。, 要么。要么。Eg. 星期日,我们要么上学要么打篮球。_5. She knows+


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