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Module 2 Australia and New Zealand-Section.完成句子(每空一词)1你是要去罗马尼亚吗?Are you _ _ Romania?2他们轮流照顾他。They _ _ to _ _ _ him.3我递给他绳子,他接住了。I passed him the rope and he _ _.4花园里到处开着小黄花。_ _ _ in the garden little flowers had grown up.5他说的话似乎有道理。_ _ _ _ something in what he says.6是开始工作的时候了。_ _ _ to begin work.单项选择1In no time_ as soon as he heard the wonderful news.Ahe arrived hereBhad he arrived hereCdid he arrive hereDhe did arrive here2_ no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been settled.AIt has BThere isCIt is DThere has3Im going to Guilin next week.Do you have anything_ there?No,but thank you all the same.Ato be taken BtakingCto take Dtaken4His answer_ us by surprise.Atook BcaughtCpuzzled Dshocked5They were very excited to see the baby tiger_ by the mother dog.Atake good care ofBtaking little care ofCtaken good care ofDto take some care of6For reducing the hardship of farming,he_ interest _ making farming machines.Ahad some;at Bwas very;inCtook much;in Dgot little;for7It_ me more than three days_ I finished writing the paper.Acost;until Btook;beforeCspent;before Dwasted;after8Mr.John considered_ to see his old friend.Ago BgoingCwent Dgone9The writer and poet_ to give us a lecture.Aare going Bwere goingChave been Dis going.完形填空Australia is the worlds largest island and smallest continent in the southwestern corner of the Pacific Ocean.It is nearly as _1_ as the United States excluding(不包括) Alaska.It is almost 200 years since the _2_ settlers came from England to _3_ the colony that became the Australian_4_ in 1901.But it took ten years to decide _5_ to build its capital.The _6_ of Canberra settled the long argument between Sydney and Melbourne.Canberra _7_ 400 kilometres southwest of Sydney,and about 700 kilometres north of Melbourne.Australias _8_ of government is modeled on the _9_ and American systems.The new land has_10_ so rapidly that today Australians live in a country with an _11_ political and industrial structure and enjoy one of the worlds highest standards of _12_.Australia is a(n) _13_ country.Most of its people live in cities.Yet there is still lonely _14_ in the north and centre,where Australias first people _15_ on their Stone Age culture.On this land there are _16_ forests with animals,flowers,and birds found_17_ else in the world,and grasslands with a lot of sheep and cattle,but much of _18_ Australia is desert.Because Australia lies in the South horn Hemisphere(南半球),winter comes in July and_19_ in December.Schoolchildren often spend their Christmas holidays sunbathing on the beach or swimming in the ocean.Winters are often_20_ enough for Australians to enjoy many kinds of sport.1A.old BearlyClarge Dwide2A.later BfirstCsecond Dlast3A.found BbuyCinvent Ddiscover4A.colony BlandCgovernment Dnation 5A.how Bhow soonCwhere Dwhen6A.customs BchoiceCcity Ddiscovery7A.spreads BseemsCgoes Dlies8A.system BfaithCform Dbuilding9A.Chinese BJapaneseCBritish DCanadian10A.appeared BreturnedCgrown Ddeveloped11A.unusual BadvancedCold DEnglish12A.living BworkingCeating Dhousing13A.Chinesespeaking BFrenchspeakingCEnglishspeaking DJapanesespeaking14A.area BfieldCland Dforest15A.work BliveCinsist Dcall16A.thick BnewCfew Dsmall17A.everywhere BnowhereCanywhere Dnothing18A.eastern BsouthernCinland Dcoastal 19A.spring BothersCautumn Dsummer20A.cold BdryCwarm Dlong.经典重现1Dr.Smith,together with his wife and daughters,_visit Beijing this summer.Ais going to Bare going toCwas going to Dwere going to2John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather_with them to school.Atook Bhad takenCwere taking Dwould take 3We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all_.Agiven away Bkept awayCtaken up Dused up4Now that weve discussed the problem,are people happy with the decisions_?Ataking BtakeCtaken Dto take5I still remember_ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.Ato take Bto be takenCtaking Dbeing taken6Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon?Sorry,lets make it_ time.Aothers Bthe otherCanother Dother 7If there is a lot of work _,Im happy to just keep on until it is finished.Ato do Bto be doingCdone Ddoing8After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook overCtook up Dset up9I am afraid I cant return the book to you before Friday._.ADont be afraid BBe carefulCNot at all DTake your time10I _ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products.Amake BlookCtake Dthink参考答案.1答案:going to2答案:take turns;take care of3答案:took it4答案:Here and there5答案:There seems to be6答案:It is time.1解析:in no time 置于句首时,句子要用倒装语序。根据后半句可知,应用一般过去时。答案:C2解析:There is no need for sb.to do sth.意为“某人没有必要做某事”。答案:B3解析:anything和take之间是被动关系,且动作还未发生,要用动词不定式的被动形式。答案:A4解析:take sb.by surprise使大吃一惊。答案:A5解析:过去分词短语作宾补。句意:“他们很激动地看到小老虎受到了狗妈妈的悉心照料。”答案:C6解析:take interest in对感兴趣。句意:“为了减少农业的劳动强度,他对制造农业机械很感兴趣。”答案:C7解析:It take sb.some time to do sth.句型表示“花费某人时间做某事”。答案:B8解析:consider 作为“考虑”讲时,常跟动名词作宾语。答案:B9解析:the writer and poet指一个人,谓语用单数。答案:D.1解析:几乎和美国(不包括阿拉斯加)一样大,用large。其他选项均不符合题意。答案:C2解析:从第一批(first)英国定居者来此建立(found)殖民地到现在已经200年了。答案:B3解析:found这里是动词原形,意思是“建立”。答案:A4解析:Australian(澳大利亚的)是国家名Australia的形容词,故此处用nation。答案:D5解析:但是建国后,关于在哪里(where)建首都一事却争论了10年。答案:C6解析:最终在Sydney,Melbourne和Canberra之间选择(choice)。答案:B7解析:Canberra位于(lies)悉尼西南400千米处,距墨尔本北部700千米。答案:D8解析:根据下文“.and American systems.”可知答案。答案:A9解析:前文说过,澳大利亚曾是英国的殖民地,所以其政治体制很可能仿照英国;A、B两项文章未提及,所以只能选C项。答案:C10解析:新生的澳大利亚发展(develop)如此之快。答案:D11解析:有先进的(advanced)政治和工业结构。unusual(不一般的),old(老的),English(英国的)均不符合语境。答案:B12解析:standards of living 生活水平。答案:A13解析:由于澳大利亚曾是英国是殖民地,所以讲英语是理所当然的事。答案:C14解析:大部分澳大利亚人居住在城市,但在其中部和北部仍有荒凉的土地(land)。答案:C15解析:在这里的原住民仍然保留着石器时代的文化。work on 从事于;live on 靠生活;insist on 坚持;call on 号召。答案:C16解析:根据常识可知,澳大利亚有茂密的(thick)森林。答案:A17解析:还有在世界其他地方见不到的动物、花儿和鸟儿。答案:B18解析:前文说过,澳大利亚的北部和中部地区仍然是荒地,故可推断其inland(内陆地区)是沙漠。答案:C19解析:冬天在六月,夏天(summer)当然就在十二月(December)。答案:D20解析:根据上文可知,澳大利亚冬天往往很暖和(warm)。答案:C.1解析:考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语中心词是Dr.Smith,表单数,谓语动词用单数形式;时间状语是this summer,表计划性的将来,故时态用一般将来时,选A项。答案:A2解析: t


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