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单元质量评估(一)时间:100分钟分数:120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。ACheck out our top 5 weather apps(应用程序)for your smartphones,which will keep you one step ahead of nature.Tornado Warning and Alert AppThis app from the American Red Cross tracks a tornado as it approaches with step-by-step advice about what to do before the storm hits.A siren warning is built into the app and goes off when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issues a tornado warning in your area.The Weather Channel AppThis app includes weather forecasts from more than 200 meteorologists and lets you check what kind of weather lays ahead,complete with storm prediction maps.The Weather Channel App also alerts users to storm warnings in the area. Lightening FinderIf the goal is to get to the storm,rather than avoid it,this app is here to help.The Lightening Finder colourcodes the age of the lightening bolt,and estimates a safe distance from which to watch it.NOAA Weather Radio HDThis app broadcasts radio reports from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,and gives you around-the-clock updates on the latest weather warnings,watches,advisories,and forecasts.Push notifications alert you to serious storm warnings in your area even when you are not currently using the application.The app also gives detailed four-day forecasts based on your GPS coordinates,or a chosen location.Dark SkyStay dry with Dark Sky,which offers weather reports,including minute-by-minute rain forecasts for your exact location.To keep its predictions as accurate as possible,this app forecasts only one hour into the future.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,介绍了五种应用程序。1If you want to keep track of daily weather changes,you may choose _ALightening FinderBThe Weather Channel AppCTornado Warning and Alert AppDNOAA Weather Radio HD解析:细节理解题。根据NOAA Weather Radio HD中的“This app broadcasts.and gives you around-the-clock updates on the latest weather warnings”可知,该软件可以提供一天24小时的天气状况,故选D项。答案:D2Which of the following is TRUE about Dark Sky?AIt is especially suitable to predict wet days.BIt provides more services than the others.CIt only offers accurate prediction for your area.DIt keeps you aware of the weather days ahead.解析:细节理解题。根据Dark Sky中的“minute-by-minute rain forecasts for your exact location”可知,A项正确,而C项错误;B项文中没提到;根据最后一句“this app forecasts only one hour into the future”可知,D项也是错误的。答案:A3The main differences of the five apps lie in _Ausers phones Busers locationsCtheir images Dtheir functions解析:综合判断题。从对五种软件的介绍可以明显看出,它们的功能各不相同,故选D项。答案:DBAll those Christmas toys and books may spread more than good cheer.A new study has concluded that two common bacteria that cause colds,ear infections,and sore throats can live for long periods on the surfaces of toys,books,and other child-related items,even after being cleaned.The findings,published in the journal Infection and Immunity and reported by Medical Xpress,show some bacteria continue to exist on surfaces for far longer than has been believed.The researchers said they had drawn a conclusion that additional precautions(预防)may be necessary to prevent infections,especially in settings such as schools,daycare centres,and hospitals.“These findings should make us more cautious about bacteria in the environment since they change our ideas about how these particular bacteria are spread,”said Anders Hakansson,assistant professor of microbiology and immunology in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.“This is the first paper to directly study that these bacteria can survive well on various surfaces,including hands,and potentially spread between individuals.”Spneumoniae is widespread in daycare centres and a common cause of hospital infections;Hakansson explained to us that it commonly causes sore throats and skin infections in children and adults.To reach their conclusions,the UB researchers tested the surfaces of toys in a daycare centre.They found four out of five toys tested positive for Spneumoniae and several surfaces,such as beds,tested positive for Spyogenes,even after being cleaned.The testing was done just before the centre opening in the morning so it had been many hours since the last human contact.“Bacterial colonization(细菌定植)doesnt,by itself,cause infection but its a necessary first step if an infection is going to become established in a human host,”he explains.“Children,the elderly and others with compromised immune systems(缺乏抵抗力的免疫系统)are easily infected.”【语篇解读】一项新的研究得出结论:一些常见的如引起感冒、耳部感染和喉咙痛的细菌,可以长时间存在于书籍、玩具或其他与儿童相关物品的表面,即使被清洗后也是如此。4According to Anders Hakansson,we can infer that _Athe findings make us sense the danger of the bacteria on giftsBthe findings change peoples attitude to bacteria infectionCthe existence of bacteria on gifts wasnt formally concernedDthe bacteria will spread through gifts faster than through individuals解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“This is the first paper to directly study that these bacteria can survive well on various surfaces.”可知,这是第一次关于细菌会在玩具或书本等不同表面停留很久的报告。由此可推知,此前这个问题并没有被如此正式地关注过。答案:C5The underlined word in the fourth paragraph probably refers to _Aan illness Ba bacteriumCa toy Dan infection解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词上文可知本文指出一些常见的细菌会长时间存在于书籍等儿童物品的表面,另外根据画线词下文“.it commonly causes sore throats and skin infections in children and adults.”可知,它通常会引起咽喉痛和皮肤感染。由此可猜测画线词是一种细菌的名称。答案:B6From the last two paragraphs,we can know that _Aadults wont be easily infected even if their immune systems are weakBthe testing was done just after the daycare centre openingCinfection of bacteria cant happen without bacterial colonizationDresearchers found half of the toys were infected by Spneumoniae解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“.its a necessary first step if an infection is going to become established in a human host.”可知,细菌定植是细菌在人体宿主内产生感染的必要的第一步,也就是说如果没有细菌定植就不会有细菌的感染。答案:C7Whats the best title of the passage?AAway off the toys,books or other giftsBBacteria and immune systemsCThe importance of keeping toys cleanDSpread of infectious bacteria via toys and books解析:标题判断题。根据首段以及全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了玩具以及书成为传播传染性细菌的媒介这一研究成果。答案:DCMore than half a century ago,there were 4,000 drive-in movie theatres in the United States,and watching a movie from your car was a popular way to spend an evening.But with the number of drive-ins reduced to just a few hundred,outdoor movies have been popping up across the nation.Going to an open-air theatre has become a modern summer pastime for an increasing number of movie fans.In recent years,outdoor movie screenings have come up in parks,vacant lots and shopping malls around the nation.On average,about 1,000 people attend each movie night.It attracts a lot of young professionals,young workers and residents nearby.For some,the outdoor movies bring back the memories of the drive-in theatres of their youths.But for the majorities,they think it is comparable to the atmosphere of drive-ins,as they can bring friends,food,good wine,and watch the movie together.The returning of Americans love affair with outdoor movies makes Stephen Bastas ever busier.His seven-member crew sets up screens in various locations mostly in the Washington area every day throughout the summer.They are doing pretty well and they hope to continue the trend.And it looks like they are going to.Thats because many fans say there is nothing like watching a movie on a breezy summer evening under the stars.【语篇解读】最近几年,越来越多的人喜欢观看露天电影。一部分人是因为童年的记忆,大部分人是因为喜欢露天电影舒服的氛围。8In the first paragraph,the author tries to tell us _Aoutdoor movies attract more movie-loversBsummer brings back more drive-in movie fansCdrive-in movie theatres have already disappearedDwatching a movie from your car is becoming more popular解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的最后两句可知,露天电影越来越受欢迎,故A项正确。答案:A9Most people choose to go to an outdoor movie mainly because they can _Ahave snacks before the movieBcheer up with young friends Cbring back good old daysDenjoy the casual atmosphere解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句可知,对于大多数人而言,他们喜欢露天电影舒服的氛围,故D项正确。答案:D10From the text,we can learn that Stephen Bastas is most probably _Aa movie makerBan outdoor movie fanCa movie directorDan open-air theatre operator解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的第二句“His seven-member crew sets up screens.throughout the summer”可推断,斯蒂芬是一位露天电影戏剧院的经营者,故D项正确。答案:D11How does Stephen Bastas feel about the future of outdoor movies?AOptimistic. BAmazed.CWorried. DDisappointed.解析:态度推断题。根据最后一段的第三、四句“They are doing pretty well and they hope to continue the trend.And it looks like they are going to”可知,斯蒂芬对露天电影的未来非常看好,故A项正确。答案:ADChina started 32 high-speed train routes on December 10,2014.New high-speed train lines are part of the governments plan to double the size of the national rail network.The network extension(延长)includes a link between the biggest city Shanghai and the manufacturing city of Guangzhou right next to Hong Kong.The 1,106-mile route cuts the journey time down to 6 hours and 51 minutes,instead of the 16 hours it previously took.China has the worlds largest high-speed rail network,which keeps the growing population and economy connected.The countrys two largest train makers are in the process of combining to create a more competitive company,both internationally and nationally,reports in October said.The worlds fastest passenger train is also in Chinathe Shanghai Maglev Train(磁悬浮列车)can reach speeds of over 430 kilometres(260 miles)per hour.Authorities in China have big dreams for the transport network,hoping links with Asian neighbours,Russia and even the United States and the United Kingdom.Chinas ambition could be limited by a series of cancelled contracts.In October,Mexico unexpectedly cancelled a $3.75 billion high-speed train deal with China,only two days after awarding the contract.The 210-kilometre(130-mile)railway would link Mexico City with the central manufacturing city of Queretaro.Another was in Thailand,where Chinese state companies were criticized to develop a high speed rail network.Destructive high-speed passenger train crashes in China in 2011 that killed 40,and in 2008 that left 90 dead have drawn critics to the project.But China will not stop its step.New technologies are being used to guarantee the safety of the passengers.After the 32 high-speed train routes start,it will be convenient and fast for people at home and abroad to travel around the country.【语篇解读】中国铁路网规模扩张,新增32条高铁线路。12What might be the authors purpose of writing the text?ATo give some information of Chinas high-speed trains.BTo seek help from foreign countries to build high-speed trains.CTo show Chinas ambition for building high-speed trains.DTo give passengers some advice when taking high-speed trains.解析:写作意图题。本文介绍了中国在2014年12月10日启动了32条高速列车线路以及有关中国建造高速列车线路所带来的一系列问题。故作者写这篇短文的目的是对中国的高速列车的有关情况进行介绍。答案:A13It can be known from the passage that _Athere are only two high-speed train makers in ChinaBChina will build the worlds fastest passenger trainCthe high-speed rail network in China is the largest in the worldDhigh-speed passenger trains are safer than ordinary trains解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“China has the worlds largest high-speed rail network”可知,中国拥有世界上最大的高速铁路网。答案:C14What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?AMexico will spend $3.75 billion in building the high-speed railway.BThe difficulties China meets in building high-speed train routes.CThailand will ask China to help build its first high-speed railway.DCountries all around the world are competing to build the high-speed railway.解析:段落大意题。文章第五段提到了在2014年10月份墨西哥取消了与中国的协议,泰国也对中国建造高速铁路提出责备。由此可知,本段主要说明了中国在建造高速铁路方面所遇到的一些困难。答案:B15What is the authors opinion on starting more high-speed train routes in China?ASupportive. BNegative.CDoubtful. DWorried.解析:作者态度题。根据最后一段“But China will not stop its step.After the 32 highspeed train routes start.to travel around the country.”可推知,虽然出了几次事故,但作者认为中国不会停止脚步,这个32条高速线路项目启动以后,人们将更方便,更快速地出行。由此可知,作者对中国建造更多高速铁路持赞成的态度。答案:A第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There are many magicians(魔术师)who perform shows in which they can tell what people are thinking or what will happen.Magicians who claim they can read your mind do not have magical power._16_ A mind reader is very good at asking leading questionsquestions that get the listener to think and answer in a predictable way.17_ For example,a mind reader might say,“Relax and picture a big European monument(历史遗迹)a building or a structure in Europe.Then think of the city that it is in.” The mind reader will then say you were thinking of the Eiffel Tower in Paris,and in most cases he or she will be right because there are not that many other choices.18_ For example,if you are in your 30s or 40s,he or she will say,“_19_” or “Someone close to you is having health or marital(婚姻的)problems.”How many people in their 30s and 40s are not going through changes in their life,personally,or professionally,or in their family?Mind readers know what people are feeling and experiencing because most people have similar experiences._20_AYou may think about one or two answers.BThey cannot read your mind or know your future but they are good at predicting how you will answer questions.CHowever,they are good at understanding and predicting human behaviour.DYou are going through changes in your life.EWhat you have to do is believe in yourself.FOne kind of leading questions has one or two possible answers.GA mind reader can ask leading questions about your life in the same way.答案:16.C17.F18.G19.D20.B第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Im 23 now,and Ive had about eight different jobs.From each one Ive learned something _21_The first job was as a receptionist(接待员)at a company that sold knives.I immersed(沉入)myself so _22_ in the job that I no longer had a life outside work.I was like _23_ something 80 hours a week,and only getting _24_ for 40.I was so afraid of losing the _25_ that I went to great lengths to be the _26_ employee there ever was.I would come in at 6 am to clean up the interview room.Sometimes I wouldnt leave _27_ 11 at night,cleaning up the office and listening to my boss personal problems.Not only was I afraid of getting fired,but also I _28_ being at home.I was living in an apartment with people I _29_,so I spent all my time on work.But the job was _30_ me.And so was my _31_,who sometimes asked me to lie to clients(客户)I _32_ to do so.And soon my boss told me all his _33_I listened and gave any _34_ I could.It made me feel needed and _35_I didnt like the _36_ nights.I worried not only about my own problems(which were plenty),but also about my boss.Even when my work started to suffer because of the _37_ I had,I couldnt tell my boss that I needed a(n) _38_Well,as you can imagine,I was _39_ too much.It didnt take long for me to pass out(昏倒)one night.And I had to stay in hospital and I was _40_ because my boss said I couldnt handle the jobs pressure.So at last I didnt keep the job and lost much time and health.【语篇解读】工作是我们生活的一部分,但它不是我们的全部。所以我们要在工作和生活之间寻找一个平衡点,不能为了工作而透支我们的健康。21A.specialBvaluableCskillful Ddifferent解析:根据下文内容可知,每一份工作都让“我”学到了有价值的东西,比如“我”的第一份工作就让“我”明白要在工作和生活之间寻找平衡。答案:B22A.completely BunwillinglyCproudly Dcrazily解析:根据下文“.I no longer had a life outside work.”可知,“我”完全投入在工作之中,没有任何个人生活。答案:A23A.watching BproducingCselling Dpulling解析:根据上文内容可知,“我”工作很辛苦,每周有80个小时“我”都像在拖着东西前行。答案:D24A.awarded BpraisedCpaid Dcomforted解析:句意:“我”每周辛苦工作80小时,但是得到的收入却只有付出的一半。答案:C25A.advantage BmoneyCopportunity Djob解析:句意:“我”害怕失去这份工作。答案:D26A.kindest BstrongestCbest Dwisest解析:根据下文内容可知,“我”每天辛苦工作,想要成为公司最好的员工。答案:C27A.upon BatCbefore Duntil解析:句意:直到晚上11点“我”才离开。答案:D28A.avoided BenjoyedCconsidered Dpreferred解析:根据上文可知,“我”每天很晚才下班,这不仅是因为“我”怕被解雇,还是为了避免回家。答案:A29A.accepted BdislikedCtrusted Dneeded解析:根据下文“.so I spent all my time at work.”可知,“我”不喜欢公寓里的人,所以“我”把时间全花在了工作上。答案:B30A.inspiring BexhaustingCchanging Ddisappointing解析:根据上文内容可知,“我”几乎把所有的时间都花在了工作上,所以这让“我”精疲力竭。答案:B31A.boss BcustomerCworkmate Dfriend解析:根据下文“.who sometimes asked me to lie to clients.”可知,令“我”精疲力竭的还有让“我”向客户说谎的老板。答案:A32A.planned BusedChated Dhappened解析:句意:“我”讨厌对客户撒谎。答案:C33A.dreams BproblemsCopinions Ddecisions解析:根据上文“.and listening to my boss personal problems.”可知,“我”的老板向我倾诉他遇到的所有问题。答案:B34A.apology BinformationCchoice Dadvice解析:句意:“我”尽可能地为他提出建议。答案:D35A.curious BpowerfulCuseful Dsafe解析:句意:这让“我”感到自己是被需要的,是有用的。答案:C36A.sleepless BnoisyClonely Dbusy解析:句意:“我”不喜欢这样不眠的夜晚。答案:A37A.danger BstressCdisease Denemy解析:根据下文“.because my boss said I couldnt handle the jobs pressure.”可知,因为“我”面对的压力,工作让“我”变得疲惫不堪。答案:B38A.examination BassistantCbreak Dpartner解析:根据上文内容可知,工作令“我”精疲力竭,所以“我”想休息一下。答案:C39A.concerning BworkingCoffering Dsupposing解析:根据上文内容可知,“我”不仅超负荷工作,而且还为老板解决私人问题,所以说“我”工作得太拼命了。答案:B40A.fired BbeatenCcriticized Drefused解析:根据下文“So at last I didnt keep the job and lost much time and health.”可知,老板认为“我”不能处理压力所以把“我”解雇了。所以最后“我”既没有保住工作,又浪费了很多时间并损耗了身体健康。答案:A第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Ireland,Japan,China scientists share the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine.William campbell,Satoshi Omura and Tu Youyou jointly won the prize 41._ their work against diseases,the awa


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