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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 品句填词1The two men kept talking in a loud voice, which _(打扰) the other guests in the coffee shop.答案:disturbed2She _(与相似) her mother in appearance but not in character.答案:resembles3Nobody is allowed to go against the regulations and there is no _(例外)答案:exception4He suffered serious injuries in the accident, which _(迫使) him to receive dozens of surgeries.答案:forced5The little girl gave a _(生动的) description about what happened in her school.答案:vivid6In the past few years, the actress has _(塑造) many new figures in her movies.答案:created7She was so sad that she left angrily,_(坚决的) never to come back again.答案:determined8His _(名誉) was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.答案:reputation9Miss Lin gradually realized the importance of _(建立) a close relationship with clients.答案:establishing10Although we can see the fish in the river clearly, the river is not so _(浅的) as it looks.答案:shallow 单句改错1If you want to catch that train youd better set off to the station immediately._答案:第二个tofor2Its bad manners to play a trick in the disabled; instead, we should care about them._答案:inon3They have been dreaming of making their fortunes by finding gold, but most of them disappointed at last. _答案:fortunesfortune4Lucy is not in the mood of going to the ball tonight._答案:offor5The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has very good reputation._答案:在very前加a 课文语篇改错As we all know, Mark Twain leads an adventurous life. He left the school early. As a adolescent, he was determined to make his fortune, so he set off New Orleans. However, he reached New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to finding there were no boats for South America, where he could get rich quick. Forcing to change his plans, he worked for several year as a pilot on a steamboat. Later he became a journalist and begin to write stories about life on the river. Twains vivid and often amused descriptions of life on the river became popular, making him one of Americas greatest writers.答案:As we all know, Mark Twain an adventurous life. He left school early. As adolescent, he was determined to make his fortune, so he set off New Orleans. However,he reached New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to there were no boats for South America, where he could get rich . to change his plans, he worked for several as a pilot on a steamboat. Later he became a journalist and to write stories about life on the river. Twains vivid and often descriptions of life on the river became popular, making him one of Americas greatest writers. 单句语法填空1As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides, and watching TV is without _(except)答案:exception2The Curies set out _(find) the cause of this mysterious reaction.答案:to find3John made _ a funny joke to amuse his younger brother who was in deep sorrow for his dead pet.答案:up4To tell you the truth,he is not really in the mood _(do) anything now because he failed in the exam.答案:to do5The Chinese film, _(set) in Tang Dynasty, is well received by many foreign viewers.答案:set6Because it was boring to sit there without anything_(do), Tom decided to find a novel to read.答案:to do7After two days we finally arrived at the small village, only _(tell) that the old man had passed away.答案:to be told8I was forced _(take) a taxi because the last bus had left.答案:to take9I warned her not _(walk) on the thin ice but she wouldnt listen.答案:to walk10Find a quiet, warm, comfortable room where you wont _(disturb)答案:be disturbed 阅读理解When I decided to write the story of my early years growing up in poverty, many of my friends and family members were shocked. They were more interested in my story of success, such as how I was able to create the nations largest law firm and sell it to a bank. “How does one sell a law firm for millions of dollars?” Thats the story everyone wanted me to write, but its not the story I wanted to tell.Looking back, I see so clearly how often, throughout my boyhood, I was touched by the acts of kindness that helped shape me into the man I am today. And the acts of violence and ignorance played just a powerful role in making me who I am. Becoming a successful lawyer involves hard work, but escaping generational poverty is the hardest thing I have ever done. I chose to write the story of my childhood years in poverty, with the hope that a child somewhere in the world will read my story and be inspired to break the cycle of poverty.My publisher was quick to point out that the market would be small for a memoir(回忆录) written by an unknown author. To everyones surprise, the book received over 1,000 prepublication orders one month before the scheduled launch date(发行日). The book launch scheduled for October 1,2009, was moved up to September 14,2009. Less than four months later, the first print run of 5,000 hardbound copies(精装版) were sold out.Today, the memoir is being used by universities, high schools and middle schools, as a case study of the behavioral example of the culture of poverty as well as valuable lessons on how to succeed in life. Here are words from a president of a middle school in Texas on October 27,2010, who is using my memoir for students 5th through 8th grades:“We are halfway through your story. It is changing the lives of our students and the views of our teachers.”【解题导语】作者没有将自己在事业上取得的成功写下来,而是选择以自己多苦多难的童年为主题写回忆录,去激励那些生活在贫困中的孩子。起初朋友和家人并没有看好书的销量,然而作者的回忆录却卖得出乎意料地好,并且被用在中学和大学的教学中。1In the view of people around him,what the author chose to write is _AoriginalBsuccessfulCattractiveDuninterestingD解析:推理判断题。根据第一段前两句可知,当作者决定写自己小时候贫穷的生活时,作者的朋友和家人很吃惊。他们感兴趣的是“我”成功的故事“我”如何创建了美国最大的法律事务所,并将它卖给了银行。由此可推知,作者决定写的内容是大家不感兴趣的。2In Paragraph 2,the author is mainly trying to show _Awhy he chose to write about his early yearsBhow poor his family was when he was youngCeveryone should remember their childhoodDhe is always a hardworking manA解析:段落大意题。第二段旨在阐述作者为什么选择写自己小时候贫困的生活。3In the authors opinion,his book was written for _Aworkers in law firms and banksBchildren living in povertyCstudents all over the worldDhis family membersB解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,作者写这些是用来激励生活在贫困中的孩子,希望他们能摆脱贫困,走向美好的未来。4What do we know from the passage?AAs a lawyer,the author lived a poor life at one time.BThe authors story has led to many students success.CThe authors book sold so well beyond the publishers expectation.DThe author was amazed that he earned much money by selling his firm.C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段内容可推知,作者的回忆录的销售量远远超出了出版商的预计。 完形填空While I was studying in France,I often went to the store which was only a half hours walk from my apartment. It was a(n) _1_ place to buy food for us students studying abroad, so it usually took much time to wait in the checkout line.One day, I went shopping as usual. When I got what I needed, I began to _2_ the checkout. As usual, the lines that day were _3_. There were people everywhere. I was standing _4_ in line because I wasnt confident with my French yet. Any time I had to communicate with the _5_, I got a little nervous.When it was my _6_, I began to put my things on the cashier desk, hoping that the cashier wouldnt _7_ me. I was shaking back and forth, but I didnt even notice I was _8_ a security alarm! This got the _9_ of the people. The entire store was watching me then. To my _10_, the store manager came up to me a few moments later. She started to _11_ me in French. Soon she _12_ that I spoke no French. Then she spent nearly five minutes _13_ me:my backpack, my coat, my coat pockets, my jean pockets. There were hands _14_. Everyone was looking, pointing, and _15_I stood _16_ like ice, but my face was on fire. I wanted to get into a hole and _17_Then I remembered this had happened to me before in the States. New clothes always contain small sensors that you are supposed to _18_ before wearing. So I grabbed my shirt and turned it _19_. There was a “Remove Before Washing” tag in it._20_ I could say anything, the manager brought a pair of scissors and then cut off the tag.I packed up my backpack and marched out of the store with a strange mixture of embarrassment.【解题导语】作者在本文中讲述了自己因为不会说法语,在完成购物后等待结账时发生的令人尴尬的事情。1A.terribleBcheapCinconvenientDboringB解析:从下文可知要排很长的队,因此来买东西的人应该很多,所以这是一个人们比较愿意来的地方,东西比较便宜。2A.head forBlook forCask forDlook intoA解析:作者买完东西之后,朝收款台走去。head for 意为“前往”。3A.longBespecialCquietDwideA解析:根据上文中的“.so it usually took much time to wait in the checkout line.”和下文的“There were people everywhere.”可知队排得很长。4A.carefullyBcuriouslyCexcitedlyDnervouslyD解析:根据下文中的“.I wasnt confident with my French yet.”可知,作者由于法语不太好而感到紧张。5A.teachersBcustomersCmanagersDnativesD解析:因为作者法语不好,每次和本地人交流,都会很紧张。6A.turnBplaceCbillDrequestA解析:排队等着交钱,现在轮到作者了。7A.focus onBturn toCspeak toDlook atC解析:由于对自己的法


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