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Section Grammar & WritingA卷 单句语法填空1The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.She seemed _ (prepare) for it pretty well.答案:to have prepared2I am delighted _ (invite) to the strawberry farm.I really had a good time there.答案:to have been invited3_ (feel) where he was going,the blind boy had to walk with a stick.答案:To feel4Nowadays quite a few people choose to drive their private cars to and from work.Indeed.But I think they seem _ (lose)the benefit little by little that walking brings to their health.答案:to be losing5She pretended _ (listen) to the manager,but actually she was thinking about something else.答案:to be listening6He seems _ (finish) his homework.答案:to have finished7What is the best way you can imagine _ (reduce) the overuse of water in our school?答案:to reduce8You may go now.I have no more letters _(type)答案:to be typed9Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people _ (climb) the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.答案:to climb10The international science project _(accomplish) by the end of 2022 will achieve peoples dream of living on the Mars.答案:to be accomplished 阅读理解Jeffrey Hall, a teacher of Communications from the University of Kansas(KU), has used his research to define(明确) the exact amount of time necessary to make friends with someone.Hes also found how long it will take to deepen a relationship.His new study found that it takes around 50 hours of time together to go from being someones acquaintance(泛泛之交) to casual(感情不深的) friend.It takes about 90 hours to go from being casual friends to friends, and more than 200 hours before considering someone a close friend or best friend.But it isnt spending just any kind of time together that deepens a friendshiphours spent working together, for example, dont count as much as hours spent getting to know someone by hanging out, joking around, playing video games, and doing more playful activities.The study explains that these kinds of activities help us to form a deeper connection with someone.“We have to put that_time in,”Hall said.“You cant make a friend without any effort(努力)”The results of the study come from analysis of 355 responses to an online survey from adults who said they had moved in the last six months and were looking for new friends in their new homes.Survey participants(参与者) were asked about new relationships as well as hours spent together and activities they did.They were then asked to rate their resulting relationships according to one of four stages:acquaintance, casual friend, friend and close friend.The main conclusion that Hall came to is that making close friends takes serious effort.So if you want to have some best friends, you have to know that spending time with someone is the most important thing.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。一项新的研究表明,交朋友和加深友谊都需要相应的时间投入及认真的付出。1How long does it take to turn an acquaintance into a friend?AAbout 50 hours.BAbout 90 hours.CAbout 140 hours.DAbout 200 hours.C解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“it takes around 50 hours of time together to go from being someones acquaintance (泛泛之交) to casual(感情不深的) friend.It takes about 90 hours to go from being casual friends to friends”可知,把一个泛泛之交变成真正的朋友需要大约140个小时的相处时间。2What does the underlined part “that time” in Paragraph 2 refer to?ATime spent working together.BTime spent finding new friends.CTime spent helping a new friend.DTime spent doing fun things together.D解析:词义猜测题。分析第二段的内容可知,that time指的是朋友们在一起做有趣的事情的时间。3Which may help deepen a friendship according to the study?ATrying to understand your friends feelings.BEnjoying quality time with your friend.CTreating a new friend like a close one.DBeing generous to your friend.B解析:细节理解题。由最后一段可知,这项研究告诉我们,多花点时间与朋友一起做些有意思的事情有助于增进友谊。4What is the main purpose of the text?ATo solve a relationship problem.BTo introduce a teacher from KU.CTo present the findings of a new study.DTo discuss the importance of friendship.C解析:写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文报道了一项新的研究成果,即交朋友以及加深友谊都需要相应的时间投入及认真的付出。故选C。 完形填空I met a man yesterday and didnt get his name. Our meeting seemed to be _1_ by something unknown.He was a(n)_2_man. His hair was totally white and his back was bent(弯曲的). I didnt see him at first. I decided to search for the owner_3_I found a very worn and old wooden walking stick, which was hanging outside of a shopping cart. I looked around and _4_out to a man who was walking away. I_5_it was his. It was. And he returned_6_to get it. A short distance cost him a long time.I was in a friendly mood to start a(n)_7_. That was when the story between us began. I stood outside the supermarket with him for 10 minutes just_8_. And that was all he wantedto be heard and to_9_his story. I stood there feeling his_10_over losing his first wife during childbirth to his only son and later his joys of_11_this son on his own as well as traveling the world. He_12_found his true love and married a childhood sweetheart, his second wife. He is very_13_ that he has an intact(完整的) family now.At the end of our talk, this man_14_my hands, looked me in the eye and thanked me sincerely. And then he_15_and walked away.As he walked away, a strong feeling_16_me. And I seemed to hear a _17_in my mind that told me he was peaceful now.Strangers are never strangers_18_you open your heart to them. Often they dress up like_19_, waiting to bless you or to be blessed.Yesterday I was_20_an angel to this man, and at the same time, blessed by him.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者在超市外偶遇一位陌生老人并倾听他的故事,陌生老人对作者心存感激,从而引发作者的一番感慨只要敞开心扉,愿意倾听,陌生人也可以变成朋友。1A.joinedBarrangedCmadeDinventedB解析:根据语境可知,作者遇见了一位老人,但不知道他的名字,他们的相遇就像冥冥之中被安排好的一样。故答案选“arranged”。2A.poorBelderlyCstrongDhandsomeB解析:根据下文“His hair was totally white and his back was bent(弯曲的)”可知这是一位年迈的老人。故答案选“elderly”。3A.beforeBuntilCwhenDbutC解析:当“我”发现一根非常老旧的木制拐杖时,“我”决定去找到它的主人。故答案选“when”。4A.wentBcalledCbrokeDworkedB解析:作者看到一位老人就叫了他一声。故答案选“called”。5A.decidedBrememberedCguessedDsuggestedC解析:根据语境可知,作者只是猜测那根拐杖是那位老人的,结果的确是。故答案选“guessed”。6A.carelesslyBangrilyCproudlyDslowlyD解析:根据上下文可知,他已年迈,很短的一段路都耗费他不少时间,所以是慢慢地走。故答案选“slowly”。7A.speechBdiscussionCconversationDargumentC解析:根据下文可知,作者表现出乐意与这位老人交谈的样子。故答案选“conversation”。8A.listeningBwatchingClaughingDspeakingA解析:根据下文的“to be heard”等信息可知,全程“我”都是在倾听这位老人讲述自己的经历。故答案选“listening”。9A.writeBshareCfinishDreportB解析:根据上下文可知,这位老人所需要的就是被聆听和分享他的故事。故答案选“share”。10A.worryBpainCnervousnessDtroubleB解析:根据下文可知,他的第一位妻子在生下唯一的儿子之后就去世了,所以他很痛苦。故答案选“pain”。11A.bringing outBtakingCteachingDbringing upD解析:根据上下文可知,他的第一位妻子过世后,他在独自养育儿子的过程中也得到了快乐。故答案选“bringing up”。12A.hardlyBfinallyCfrequentlyDusuallyB解析:根据语境可知,他最终得到了真爱。故答案选“finally”。13A.surprisedBconfidentCpositiveDsatisfiedD解析:根据句意可知,他现在有了一个完整的家庭,所以他感到很满足。故答案选“satisfied”。14A.touchedBheldCcleanedDcoveredB解析:根据句意可知,“我们”谈话后,那位老人握着“我”的手,看着“我”的眼睛,真诚地感谢了“我”。故答案选“held”。15A.came backBturned backCstood backDput backB解析:turn back意为“转过身”;come back意为“回来”;stand back意为“后退”;put back意为“放回,推迟”。根据句意,那位老人转身走了。故答案选“turned back”。16A.came overBcame withCcame throughDcame acrossA解析:come over意为“突然产生(某种感觉)”;come with意为“伴随”;come through意为“经过”;come across意为“偶然遇见”。根据句意,那位老人走后,一种强烈的感觉涌向“我”。故答案选“came over”。17A.noiseBvoiceCsongDstoryB解析:根据语境可知,“我”似乎听到有个声音告诉我,那位老人分享完他的故事后,他的内心得到了安宁。故答案选“voice”。18A.ifBunlessCbeforeDthoughA解析:根据语境可知,如果“我们”能敞开心扉,陌生人也能成为朋友。故答案选“if”。19A.strangersBangelsCfriendsDenemiesB解析:根据下文中的“Yesterday I was.an angel to this man”可知答案选“angels”。20A.neitherBeitherCbothDallC解析:根据上下文可知,昨天“我”既是这位老人的天使,同时,也得到了这位老人的祝福。故答案选“both”。B卷 阅读理解AEvery day, young people across the globe are doing their part to keep the Earth healthy and green.These are just a few kid heroes for the planet.Manatee MinderWhen she was in second grade, Stephanie Cohen read about a baby manatee hit by a boat off the coast of Florida.Marine biologists saved the manatee.But caring for the sea creature was costly, Stephanie took up a collection and raised $27 in one day.Now 18, Stephanie still raises money to help these“gentle giants”She sells manatee decorations, candles and cards on her website .Color Us Green!At Clarendon Elementary School, in Secaucus, New Jersey, the students know what to do with old, used and broken crayons.Recycle them! They collect the crayons and send them to Crazy Crayons, where they are made into different shapes and sizes.In the past eight years, New Jersey students have recycled nearly nine tons of crayons.Goodbye,Paper Bags!When Adrienne Boukis, 15, was in sixth grade, in Walnut Creek, California, she noticed that many of her classmates carried paper lunch bags.To help kids cut down on waste, she invented a reusable lunch bag, which is partially made from recycled plastic bottles.She sells the bags at and some of the proceeds go to charity that is in need of money.Hes Skiing to Save the EarthParker Liautaud,15,wanted to raise awareness(意识) about the effects of climate change on the polar regions.He set out to become one of the youngest people ever to ski to the North Pole.Parker feels he has met his goal to inspire others.“All young people have the power to make a change,”he said in an interview.【解题导语】每天,全球的年轻人都在为地球的健康贡献着自己的一份力量。本文主要介绍了几个年轻人是怎样保护地球的。1What do the kid heroes have in common?AThey are all high school students.BThey all involve themselves in green activities.CThey all raise money for green activities.DThey are all from poor families.B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知文中提到的孩子都在环保上做出了贡献。2According to the passage, _Aprovides some goods sold onlineBwas designed by Adrienne BoukisCfocuses on the protection of sea creaturesDinspires kids to raise money for the manateeA解析:细节理解题。根据Manatee Minder中的末句可知答案。3The underlined word “proceeds” in the passage probably means_AmoneyBbagsCgoodsDgiftsA解析:词义猜测题。根据“She sells the bags.”可知艾德丽安布克斯把卖包得来的部分钱捐给了慈善组织。4In Parkers opinion, every kid_Ashould travel to the North PoleBcan succeed at an early ageCshould set a great goalDcan make a difference D解析:推理判断题。根据文章末句“All young people have the power to make a change.”可知每个孩子都能为环保做出贡献。BYou try to enjoy your dinner in a garden, but several mosquitoes fly around you all the time. A minute later, you have a red bite on your leg. As you madly wave your hands, trying to get rid of these pests, you notice that others seem completely undisturbed. Could it be that mosquitoes prefer to bite some people over others? The short answer is yes. The experts have proved that mosquitoes do show blood preferences. But they are not biting for dinner. Female mosquitoes (males do not bite people) need human blood to develop eggs. Obviously, not just anyones blood will do.People with a high level of steroids(类固醇) or cholesterol(胆固醇) on their skin surface attract mosquitoes. “That doesnt necessarily mean that mosquitoes prey on people with higher overall levels of cholesterol,” Butler explains. These people simply may be more efficient at processing cholesterol, and the byproducts of that remaining on the skins surface are attractive to mosquitoes.“Mosquitoes also target people who produce large amounts of certain acids,” explains John Edman, phD, spokesman for the Entomological Society of America. These acids can trigger mosquitoes sense of smell, attracting them to land on unsuspecting victims.Mosquitoes can smell their dinner from an impressive distance of up to 50 meters. This isnt good news for people who give off large quantities of carbon dioxide. Any type of carbon dioxide is attractive. And larger people tend to give off more carbon dioxide, which is why mosquitoes typically prefer adults to small children. Pregnant(怀孕的) women are at increased risk, as they produce a greaterthannormal amount of carbon dioxide.Movement and heat also attract mosquitoes. Therefore, if you want to avoid a mosquito bite at your next outdoor dinner, find a bench rather than a spot on the volleyball team. Heres why: as you run around the volleyball court, mosquitoes sense your movement and head toward you. Whats more, the heat from your sweating body draws them closer.【解题导语】本文介绍了蚊子喜欢叮咬的人群的特点。5According to the passage, why do the female mosquitoes bite people?ABecause they feed on human blood.BBecause they like the taste of human blood.CBecause they want to produce the next generation.DBecause they dont like the smell of people.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句Female mosquitoes (males do not bite people) need human blood to develop eggs.可知母蚊子需要人血来培养下一代。6What does the underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 3 mean?AMake something to be worse.BCause something to be active.CCause damage to something.DGet back the use of something.B解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的attracting them to land on unsuspecting victims可推出,画线词意为“触发,激发”。7According to the passage, who is more likely to attract mosquitoes?AA boy sleeping on the couch.BA man with type A blood.CA girl with normal levels of steroids.DA woman who is going to give birth to a baby.D解析:细节理解题。根据文章大意及第四段最后一句Pregnant(怀孕的) women are at increased risk, as they produce a greaterthannormal amount of carbon dioxide.可知,孕妇更有可能吸引蚊子。8What is the authors purpose of writing this passage?ATo teach some ways to avoid mosquitoes bites.BTo warn people not to have dinner outside.CTo introduce what kind of people mosquitoes like best.DTo explain why the smell of carbon dioxide attracts mosquitoes.C解析:写作意图题。根据文章大意可知,本文主要介绍哪些人更吸引蚊子。CPeople seem to have a natural need for friends and with good reason.Friends increase your enjoyment of life and relieve feelings of loneliness.They even can help reduce stress and improve your health.Having good friends is especially helpful when you are going through any kind of hard time such as when you are experiencing anxiety,panic attacks,or depression.When you are with good friends you feel good about yourself,and you are glad to be with them.A friend is someone whoyou like,respect,and trust,and who likes,respects and trusts youdoesnt always understand you,but accepts and likes you as you are,even as you grow and changeallows you the space to change,grow,make decisions,and even make mistakeslistens to you and shares with you both the good times and the bad timesrespects your need for secrets,so you can tell them anythinglets you freely express your feelings and emotions without judging,teasing,or criticizing youaccepts the limitations you have put on yourself and helps you to remove themA person once said,“Friendship is a continuing source of bonding(连接),releasing,and creating in yourself and with the other person.There is an emotional bond between the two people.”A good friend or supporter may or may not be the same age or the same sex as you,and may not have the same educational,cultural,or religious background,or share interests that are similar to yours.Friendships also have different depths.Some are closer to the heart and some more superficial,but theyre all useful and good.9Which of the following is NOT a function of a friend?AHe brings you some happiness.BHe helps you feel less lonely.CHe helps you get over the difficulties.DHe helps you cheat on the exam.D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的Friends increase your enjoyment of life and relieve feelings of loneliness.They even can help reduce stress and improve your health.Having good friends is especially helpful when you are going through any kind of hard time such as when you are experiencing anxiety,panic attacks,or depression


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