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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 品句填词1The Great Wall of China is one of the _(奇迹) in the world.答案:wonders2You shouldnt _(浪费) time and energy on something useless.答案:waste3She went to the city with the _(目的) of finding her lost sister.答案:aim4This lesson is not an easy one. It _(涉及) a lot of knowledge of other subjects.答案:involves5The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp _(焦点)答案:focus6He sets aside one hour each day for exercise. Thats why he is always full of _(精力)答案:energy7The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has _(分支) all over the country.答案:branches8He traveled alone the whole _(大陆)of Africa from east to west.答案:continent9The moment he got home, he switched on the TV and watched the _(现场直播的) broadcast of the football match.答案:live10The instruments _(监视) the patients heartbeats every day.答案:monitor 单句改错1As you may know, the first figure of the room number stand for the floor._答案:standstands2What a pity!The bus has just left.Oh, if only I have come to the stop five minutes earlier._答案:havehad 3She lay the baby on the bed and went to prepare lunch._答案:laylaid4He often wastes a lot of money buy something he really doesnt need._答案:buybuying5You are always full of energies. Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day. _答案:energiesenergy 课文语篇改错The WWF is the worlds largest organisation for nature conservation. It founded in the UK in 1961 and opened an international office in Switzerland at the same year. The WWF believes that we world has a future only if people learn to conserve the nature and not waste energy. The WWF has worked with the Chinese government since 1980, which Dr George Shaller arrived to working with Chinese scientists on the panda project. Today there is more than thirty staff worked on twenty projects all over the country. They include work in forests, energy and in environment education as well as save the panda, of course.答案:The WWF is the worlds largest organisation for nature conservation. It founded in the UK in 1961 and opened an international office in Switzerland the same year. The WWF believes that world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy. The WWF has worked with the Chinese government since 1980, Dr George Shaller arrived to with Chinese scientists on the panda project. Today there more than thirty staff on twenty projects all over the country. They include work in forests, energy and in education as well as the panda, of course. 单句语法填空1These days, he has stayed up late into night in order to get good marks in the following monthly test.Its no wonder _ he seems tired and asleep in class every day.答案:that2(天津卷)I think watching TV every evening is _ waste of timethere are more meaningful things to do.答案:a3We have asked the neighbors to keep _ eye on the house for us while we are away.答案:an4If you think too much about the past, you will never be able to focus_ what is more important for now and the future.答案:on5Twenty students want to attend the class that aims _(teach) them how to remember English words quickly.答案:to teach6Good Heavens! How could you stand _ and allow such a terrible thing to happen!答案:by7The young man _(involve) in studying paid no attention to the teachers coming.答案:involved8A sheep _(feed) on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than one on ordinary.答案:feeding9In Copenhagen Climate Conference, rich countries promised to set _ a fund of $100 billion a year by 2020 to help developing countries.答案:up10_(concern) about the girls safety, the police didnt catch the robber _ the spot.答案:Concerned;on 阅读理解Protecting animals that are in danger is not a big priority for young people, according to a recent survey.Compiled(汇编) by the aircraft maker Airbus,the survey was announced at London Zoo on 16 May, a week ahead of the UNs International Day of Biodiversity(生物多样性) on 22 May.Forty percent of the 10,000 5 to 18yearolds who participated ranked watching TV or playing computer games higher than saving the environment.School reporters from Mayfield School and College in Barking, London, commented on the possible future effect of the surveys results.Fardus,16,said,“I do care about animals becoming extinct, as each animal is involved in a circle of life.Without each animal the world would lose its function.”He added,“We are the future generation and we need to live on the resources that animals give us.”Sophie, 16, said,“Animals are basically like us.Theyve got to live.Theyve got to eat.And its important to look after them as well as they look after us.” She believed one reason for young childrens lack of awareness(意识) was their addiction to computer games and other electrical products.Naila, 16, said,“No matter how big or small they are, animals play a really important part for the earth.”She added,“If all the animals are extinct, the future generation of children wont have anything left, and it will be the adults fault because theyre not thinking about the childrens future.”“You cant blame young people for not caring,”she said,“Because the generation that are already here are teaching us not to care by hurting animals and causing environmental damage.”【解题导语】英国一项针对青少年进行的调查显示,大部分青少年对于野生动物保护还不够重视,这种意识还有待加强。1Which would be the best title for the passage?AYoung People Pay Less Attention to Protecting AnimalsBYoung People Spend Much Time on TV and ComputersCWild Animals Are in Great DangerDWild Animals Are Part of the EarthA解析:标题归纳题。本文是一篇新闻报道,它主要告诉读者一项调查的结果,并希望引起读者的反思,这项针对青少年的调查表明,现在青少年对环境问题以及野生动物的保护关心不够。2What does the underlined word “priority” in Para.1 most probably mean?ASomething useful.BSomething popular.CSomething important.DSomething interesting.C解析:词义猜测题。根据下文可知,当今青少年对于保护动物这件事情不够重视,因此判断这里的priority一词意为“优先之事,重要之事”。3What do we learn about the survey?AIt was aimed at teenagers.BIt was conducted by London Zoo.CIt was announced on May 22nd.DHalf of the participants were from middle schools.A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“.10,000 5 to 18yearolds who participated.”可知这项调查是针对青少年进行的,故A项正确。该调查的结果是在5月22日(国际生物多样性日)之前在伦敦动物园发布的,但并不是伦敦动物园发起的,因此B、C两项错误,D项无依据。4According to Sophie, one reason that young people arent aware enough of protecting animals is that _Athey dont like animals at allBthey pay more attention to electrical productsCthey are affected by people who hurt animalsDthey arent taught to protect animals at schoolB解析:细节理解题。由倒数第三段最后一句话可知,Sophie认为青少年缺乏保护动物意识的一个原因是“他们沉溺于电脑游戏和其他电子产品”,因此B项正确。 完形填空Here in Alaska,the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago,because hunters were killing hundreds of them for sports. _1_, laws were passed to protect the wolves from _2_ and people who catch the animals for their _3_So the wolf population has greatly _4_Now there are so many wolves that they are _5_ their own food _6_A wolf naturally lives on animals in the _7_family. People there also hunt deer for _8_Many of the animals have been _9_ by the very cold winters recently and changes in the _10_ life there.When the deer cant find _11_ food, they die.If the wolves _12_ to kill large numbers of deer, the deer will _13_ someday.And the wolves, too.So we must _14_ the cycle(循环) of life there.If we killed more wolves, we would _15_ them from starving.We also save deer and some _16_animals.In another northern state, wolves attack(袭击) _17_ and chickens for food.Farmers _18_ the United States government to send a team of _19_ to study the problem.They believe it is _20_ to kill wolves in some areas and to protect them in places where there is a small population.【解题导语】本文通过讲述美国阿拉斯加州起初因为人们的滥捕滥杀,导致狼几乎濒临灭绝,后来政府通过立法对狼进行了保护,但不久狼又泛滥成灾这一事例,说明了保持生态平衡的重要性。全文还讲了生态平衡遭到破坏后,狼的数量的增加给狼及当地人们所带来的损害。1A.ButBAlthoughCHoweverDSoC解析:过去人们大量捕杀狼,然而后来国家通过法律保护狼,因此前后为转折关系。but也可表示转折,但but是连词,不用逗号分开。2A.farmersBsportsmenCsoldiersDofficersB解析:此空从前文“because hunters were killing hundreds of them for sports”得出。3A.skinBcoveringCmeatDfurD解析:有的人捕杀狼是为了它们的皮。4A.increasedBreducedCimprovedDchangedA解析:因为有法律保护狼,因此狼的数量增加了。5A.killingBusingCeatingDdestroyingD解析:从空后的“their own food _”来看,本空应该填“毁灭”。6A.supplyBanimalsCstoresDproductionA解析:狼太多了,它们破坏了自己的食物供应。7A.hunterBdeerCfarmerDwolfB解析:下文中的“People there also hunt deer.”等一系列关于鹿的叙述为重要提示。8A.joyBskinCfoodDsafetyC解析:文章一直在探讨食物链的问题,上下文中有几处“food”这一重要线索。9A.killedBh


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