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Air Transport Essentials,Basic Concept of Air Transport,民航旅客国际运输的定义,民航旅客国际运输(INTERNATIONAL AIR PASSERGER)是民航旅客运输中的重要组成部分,也是民航旅客运输中最具潜力、发展最快的部分,是世界各国主要航空公司的重要业务之一。 关于民航国际运输的定义,华沙公约所给出的定义是: 就本公约而言,国际运输是指:根据有关各方所订契约,不论在运输中有无间断或转运,其出发地和目的地是处在两个缔约国领土内,或处在一个缔约国的领土内而在另一国的主权、宗主权、委任统治权利或权利管辖下的领土内有一个协议的经停地点的运输。 可见,民航旅客国际运输的定义是: 如果旅客与承运人签署的契约中要求的运输始发地和目的地不在同一国家内,或者在同一国家内,但在另一国家有至少一个约定的经过停留地,这样的运输被称为“民航旅客国际运输”,简称“民航国际客运”或“国际客运”。,世界航空客运增长情况(PKP),世界航空旅客运输发展历史,第一阶段、初级阶段(1903年-1950年) 第二阶段、发展阶段(1950年-1970年) 第三阶段、放松管制阶段(1970年-1990年) 第四阶段,开放天空阶段(1990年至今),民航旅客运输的分类和定义,民航旅客运输:民航国际旅客运输,民航国内旅客运输 民航国际旅客运输:旅客与承运人签署的的契约中要求的运输始发地和目的地不在同一个国家内,或在同一个国家内但在另一个国家有至少一个约定的经停点的运输. 民航国内旅客运输:如果旅客与承运人签署的契约中要求的运输始发地目的地约定经停地均在同一个国家内的运输.,民航旅客运输的发展趋势,第一、客运飞机的性能将不断提高 第二、客运信息化程度将日益加深 第三、国际客运市场的专业化分工、合作、竞争和重组的趋势日益明显。,现代民航旅客国际运输流程图,一、流程图涉及的部门 1.出票人:航空公司代理人和售票处 2.全求分销系统、订座系统和座位控制系统 3.值机部门 二、流程图,现代旅客国际旅客运输的流程,(1) 出票人向航空公司代理人/售票处销售部门查询有关旅行座位信息。在销售部门完成有关业务操作(包括审查付款人已付款)后出票人可从销售部门拿到机票信息(包括有形的纸质机票上的信息或无型的电子机票上的信息)。 (2)航空公司代理人/售票处销售部门通过GDS系统/CRS系统/ICS系统查询座位信息。航空公司座位控制部门通过GDS系统/CRS系统/ICS系统控制不同级别的座位开放。 (3)付款人向航空公司代理人/售票处财务查询有关旅行票价信息。在财务部门完成有关业务操作后支付票款,并得到付款凭证(包括有形的凭证或无形的凭证的信息),民航旅客国际运输流程,(4)航空公司代理人/售票处财务部门可以通过GDS系统/CRS系统/ICS系统查询票价,航空公司票价控制人员可利用收益管理系统确定票价后在以上系统发布。 (5)航空公司代理人/售票处财务部门在得到付款人付款后通知销售部门可以出票。,民航旅客国际运输流程,(6)旅客在航空公司/代理值机部门办理值机手续,包括领取登机牌、交运行李等。 (7) 航空公司/代理值机部门办理值机手续后将旅客登机信息(包括有形的机票或无形的电子客票信息)手工或自动传递给航空公司的财务部门。 (8)航空公司财务部门内部对来自销售部门的财务信息和来自值机部门的财务信息进行检查和配比。 (9)旅客在办理完值机手续后可以登机旅行。,中国BSP结算计划的简要流程图,中国BSP办公室 中国BSP航空公司 中国BSP代理人 中国BSP数据处理中心 中国BSP清算银行 中国BSP出票系统,中国BSP航空公司,中国BSP,数据处理中心,清算银行,国际航协认可代理人,自动出票系统,指定代理,付款,发送帐单和票联单据,提供清算数据,发送帐单,自动出票,提供帐单,付款,直接借记,销售报告、票联单据,发放客票表格,旅客国际运输组织 国际航空运输协会(IATA),国际航空运输协会(IATA):全称是INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION,成立于1945年,由国际上主要的定期航空公司的组成。今天,其成员航空公司已经包括了来自140多个国家的260多个航空公司,是由航空公司组成的最大的国际性的组织。现在,国际航协的总部设在北美洲航空运输枢纽之一加拿大蒙特利尔,在加拿大蒙特利尔和瑞士日内瓦设立总办事处,在日内瓦设立了清算所,在曼谷、内罗毕、里约热内卢、北京等地设有地区办事处。,旅客国际运输组织 国际航空运输协会(IATA),国际航协的宗旨是: “为了世界人民的利益,促进安全、正常、经济的航空运输,为直接或间接从事国际航空运输工作的各空运企业提供合作的途径,与国际民航组织(ICAO)及其他国际组织通力合作”。,旅客国际运输组织 国际航空运输协会(IATA),多边航空运输协定”(MULTILATERAL INTERLINE TRAFFIC AGREEMENTS) 标准旅客销售代理协议”(STANDARD PASSENGER SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT),旅客国际运输组织 国际航空运输协会(IATA),国际航协的主要活动有: 1、协调制定国际航空客货运价。 2、统一国际航空运输的规章制度。 3、通过清算所统一结算各会员与非会员之间联运业务的帐目。 4、开展技术合作。 5、协助各会员航空公司改善机场布局和程序标准以提高机场营运效率。,旅客国际运输组织 国际民航组织(ICAO),国际民航组织(ICAO)的全称是INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION,是协调各国有关民航经济和法律义务,并制定各种民航技术标准和航行规则的政府间的国际组织。,旅客国际运输组织 国际民航组织(ICAO),1.Ensure safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation worldwide 2.Encourage the art of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes 3.Encourage development of airways, airports, and air navigation facilities 4.Meet the needs of people for safe, regular, efficient, and economical air transport 5.Prevent economic waste caused by unreasonable competition,旅客国际运输组织 国际民航组织(ICAO),6.Ensure that the rights of contracting states are fully respected, avoid discrimination between contracting states, and ensure that every contracting state has a fair opportunity to operate international airlines 7.Promote safety of flights and the development of all aspects of international civil aeronautics,旅客国际运输组织 国际民航组织(ICAO),大会是国际民航组织的最高权利机构,理事会是向大会负责的常设机构,在大会休会期间,理事会代表所有缔约国处理日常事务。理事会由33个理事国组成,由每届大会选举产生。大会由理事会在适当的时间和地点,每三年至少召开一次。 在理事会下国际民航组织还建立了航空运输委员会、航行委员会、财务委员会、防止非法干扰委员会、联营导航委员会和法律委员会。 秘书处是国际民航组织的常设行政机构,由秘书长负责保证国际民航组织各项工作的顺利进行。秘书长由理事会任命。在国际民航组织内的日常办事机构还有航空技术局、航空运输局、法律局、技术援助局、行政服务局和对外关系办公,旅客国际运输组织 国际民航组织(ICAO),秘书处下有一个地区事务处和7个地区办事处,这7个地区办事处分别是: 1、西非和中非地区办事处,位于塞内加尔首都达喀尔。 2、亚太地区办事处,位于泰国曼谷。 3、东非和南非地区办事处,位于肯尼亚内罗毕。 4、欧洲地区办事处,位于法国巴黎。 5、中东地区办事处,位于埃及开罗。 6. 北美和加勒比地区办事处,位于墨西哥的墨西哥城。 7.南美地区办事处,位于秘鲁利马。,旅客国际运输组织 国际民航组织(ICAO),1971年10月25日,联合国第26届大会通过2758号决议,恢复我国在联合国组织中的合法席位。同年11月19日国际民航组织第74届理事会第十六次会议做出相应决定,恢复中华人民共和国的合法权利。我国于1974年承认芝加哥公约并自该日起参加国际民航组织的有关活动。从1974年起,我国连续当选为理事国,并在蒙特利尔设有常驻国际民航组织的代表。,相关公约:芝加哥公约,1、缔约国承认每一个国家对其领空具有完全的排他的主权; 2、根据国际航空运输的发展和实践,公约对定期航班和不定期航班飞行的权利做出了有关规定; 3、对从事国际飞行的航空器的国籍和航空器应具备的条件做出了规定; 4、缔约各国同意采取一切可行的措施,通过发布特别规章或其他方法,以便利和加速航空器在缔约各国之间的航行。,相关公约:芝加哥公约,5、制定了国际民航技术标准和建议的措施。 国际民航组织随后将这些方面的标准和建议的措施作为公约的附件公布实行。迄今为止,该附件数量已经达到18个。 6、关于国际民航运输递交统计材料和联营问题的规定。 7、关于组成国际民航组织的规定,相关公约:华沙公约,华沙条约 华沙条约签定于1929年10月12日,全称是统一国际航空运输某些规则的条约,是民航国际旅客运输中第一部重要的航空法律。华沙条约于1933年2月13日生效。我国于1958年7月20日送交了加入书,使该公约于同年10月18日在我国生效。,相关公约:华沙公约,公约共分5章41条,对国际航空运输的定义、运输凭证和承运人责任作出了明确规定。 公约特别规定,在运输过程中由于承运人的过失使旅客、托运人或收货人遭受损失,承运人应该承担赔偿责任。公约同时规定,承运人对每名旅客的最大赔偿责任是12.5万金法郎,行李和货物每公斤250金法郎,旅客手提行李每人不超过5000金法郎。这里的金法郎是指含有900/1000成色的65.5克黄金的金法郎。这些金额可以折合成任何国家的货币,并取整数。,相关公约:服务贸易总协定与航空运输附件,世界贸易组织(WTO)、服务贸易总协定与航空运输附件 世界贸易组织的前身是缔约于1947年、正式生效于1948年的关税与贸易总协定,它是一项有关关税和贸易的多边国际协定,同时也是一个调整缔约国之间经济贸易关系方面的国际组织。根据客观形势的要求,关税与贸易总协定于*年更改为世界贸易组织,总部位于瑞士日内瓦。,服务贸易总协定与航空运输附件,1986年9月在乌拉圭发动的乌拉圭回合,最后于1994年4月15日发表了“马拉喀什部长宣言”,并最终形成了世界贸易组织国际法体系的服务贸易总协定。 服务贸易总协定包括29条和8个附件,航空运输附件是其中之一。 服务贸易总协定将服务贸易定义为“国际间服务的提供”,包括某项服务的生产、分配、营销、销售等一系列活动。,服务贸易总协定与航空运输附件,服务贸易总协定认为,服务贸易的形式包括: 1、跨境服务:表示从一国境内向其他国家境内提供的服务,它没有人员、物资的流动,而是通过电信、邮电、互联网等实现的。 2、境外消费:表示在一国境内为其他国家的消费者提供的服务。 3、商业存在:某一国的服务者通过到其他国家境内成立公司、分支机构等实体来为其他国家的用户提供服务,它是服务贸易中最普遍的形式。 4、自然人移动:某一国的自然人通过在其他国家的存在来为有关用户提供服务。,服务贸易总协定与航空运输附件,在民航运输服务领域里,早在1990年国际民航组织就与当时的关税与贸易总协定达成共识:在民航运输业的“硬约束”方面,即航空权、航路、航空器适航、飞行安全、人员执照等方面要受国际民航组织签署的协议和颁发的规则的约束;在民航运输业的“软约束”方面,即民用航空器贸易、民航客货运输销售、计算机定座、航空器及附件的维修方面,需要受到当时的关税与贸易总协定的原则和规则的约束。,IATA Geography,Traffic conference area 1- TC1: the western hemisphere. Sub- areas: North America Canada USA Mexico Central America Caribbean Area South America OR North Atlantic Sub- Area, Mid Atlantic Sub- Area, South Atlantic Sub- Area,IATA Geography,Traffic conference area 2- Sub- areas: Europe: Europe Community(EC)countries, Economic & Monetary Union(EMU) Africa Middle East,IATA Geography,Traffic conference area 3- Sub- areas: South East Asia Sub- area(SEA) South Asian Subcontinent Sub- area(SASC) Japan,Korea Sub- area South West Pacific Sub- area,Major City Codes,VIE- Vienna BRU-Brussels SOF-Sofia LCA- Larnaca PAR- Paris FRA-Frankfurt ATH-Athens REK-Reykjavik MIL-Milan AMS-Amsterdam RTM-Rotterdam WAW-Warsaw LIS-Lisbon MOW-Moscow MAD-Madrid,Major City Codes,STO-Stockholm OSL-Oslo CPH-Copenhagen ZRH-Zurich GVA-Geneva LON-London IST-Istanbul MIL-Milan BCN-Barcelona LED-St Petersburge,Major City Codes (AFRICA),ABJ-Abidjan CAI-Cairo ADD-Addis ababa LUN-Lusaka HRE-Harare JNB-Johannesburg,Major City Codes (ASIA),BJS-Beijing HKG-Hongkong DEL-Delhi BOM-Mumbai JKT-Jakarta TLV-Tel aviv TYO-Tyoko OSA-Osaka SEL-Seoul KUL-Kuala lumpur ISB- Iskamabad KHI-Karachi MNL-Manila BKK-Bangkok DXB-Dubai,Major City Codes (NORTH AMERICA),YOW-Ottawa YMQ-Montreal YTO-Toronto YVR-Vancouver CHI-Chicago LAX-Los Angeles MIA-Miami NYC-New York SFO-San Francisco WAS- Washington,Major City Codes (MID AND SHOUTH AMERICA),HAV-Havana MEX- Mexico BUE-Buenos Aires RIO- Rio De Janeiro SAO-Sao Paulo CCS-Caracas LIM-Lima BOG-Bogota,Major City Codes (MID AND SHOUTH AMERICA),CBR-Canberra SYD-Sydney MEL-Melbourne PER-Perth SUV-Suva NAN-Nadi WLG-Wellington AKL-Auckland,Global Indicators,WH-western hemisphere travel EH- eastern hemisphere travel AT- via the Atlantic Ocean PA- via the Pacific AP-via the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans HKG-YTO-LON,Global Indicators,PN- transpacific routing between South America and Southwest Pacific via North America SYD-LAX-MEX-SCL SA-via South Atlantic routing between South Atlantic sub- area and South East Asia via the Atlantic and via point( s)in Central Africa, Southern Africa, Indian Ocean Islands only or via direct services RIO- HKG,Global Indicators,TS- between TC2 AND TC3 only for tans Siberian routing on nonstop service between Europe and Japan, Korea, Taiwan BKK-TYO-PAR FE- travel between the Russian Federation , Ukraine and Area3 with a nonstop sector between Russia/ Ukraine and ARea3. MOW- HKG- POM,Global Indicators,AP-via the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans example: HKG- YTO-LON,Passengers,Infants not reach 2nd birthday Children 2 - 11 Adult upon 12 UM A child, up to the age of 12, who travels alone, not accompanied by an adult. Airlines require travel agents to inform them of any unaccompanied minors reserved on flights so that suitable arrangements can be made.,Children And Infants Fare,Booking Concept,Basic Concept of Air Transport,Booking concept,CRS Computer reservation system Availability Terms used to represent the number of seats remaining for purchase Booking form A form completed by a travel agent when a booking is created. The form records details of customers name, contact address and telephone number, itinerary, payment details, and booking conditions.,Booking concept (continued),Confirmed reservation A definite booking, where seats are available and reservation has been created under a passengers name. Reconfirmation Procedure by which passengers confirm their intention to use the reserved seat booking.,Booking concept (continued),PNR A unique computerized file. A PNR is created by the booking agent and is used to communicate passenger details and intended flight itinerary as well as other requests and information relevant to the carrier. Also referred to as a booking or reservation.,Booking status,Confirmed reservation OK Space under request RQ Subject to space available SA No seat (infants) NS Open ticket OPEN Date not entered on the ticket,Check-in,Basic Concept of Air Transport,Check-in,Check-in Formalities undertaken by a passenger at an airport before departure. These include the checking of passenger documents, allocation of seats, and issue of boarding pass and baggage tag.,Check-in (continued),No-show A passenger holding a flight reservation who fails to use it and cancel it prior to the flight departure. Go-show A passenger who shows up for a flight without a reservation. Stand-by The term refers to a traveller who has no reservation but is ready to travel on a fully booked flight who waits to see if a seat becomes available due to a no-show.,Over Booking,Why we need Over Booking How to do it? DB and DB cost.,Baggage Concept,Basic Concept of Air Transport,Baggage concept,Baggage Personal items carried by a traveler, such as clothes, camera equipment, and other articles related to the journey. Baggage allowance Refers to the amount of luggage each passenger is permitted to transport free of charge,Baggage concept (continued),Baggage tag A document noting the passengers name and address that is attached to luggage as a means of identification. Tags issued at check-in that are used to identify checked baggage,Type of Baggage,Checked baggage Unchecked baggage,Checked Baggage,Presented, tagged, weighted at check-in Carried in the hold of the aircraft Through checked in indirect flight. Attach contact information outside and inside (Its useful in time of get lost.),Unchecked Baggage,Also known as cabin baggage Or hand baggage Placed in closed overhead lockers Or under the passengers seat,Baggage Allowance,Refers to the amount of luggage each passenger is permitted to transport free of charge Applies for both checked and unchecked luggage,Baggage allowance,Weight concept Piece concept,Weight concept,Baggage allowance F 40Kg(88lbs) C/J 30Kg(66lbs) Y 20Kg(44lbs) Airlines do vary their allowances, especially for F and C/J class passengers. Domestic routes may also differ from the above,Children and Infants,Children: same as adult Infants: no baggage allowance,Piece concept,Baggage allowance F, C/J class 2pieces(bags) Dimensions: up to, but not exceed 158cm(62inches) Y class 2pieces(bags) Dimensions: 1 bag must not exceed 158cm(62inches) Total for both bags must not exceed 273cm(107inches) Maximum weight for any one bag must not exceed either 32kg(70lbs) Or 23kg(50lbs) if travel is within North America.,Children and Infants,Children: same as adult Infants: 1 piece that three sides dimensions must not exceed 115cm,Articles consider as a single piece of baggage,The following articles, irrespective of their actual dimensions, may be considered as a piece of baggage at 135cm(53inches) One sleeping bag or bedroll One rucksack/knapsack/backpack One pair of snow skis with one pair of ski poles and one pair of ski boots One golf bag, golf clubs and pair of golf shoes One duffle type bag or B-4 type bag One suitably packed bicycle One pair of standard water skis or one slalom water ski Suitably packed fishing equipment, comprising not more than two rods, one reel, one landing net, one pair of fishing boots, and one fishing tackle bow Certain sporting firearms (subject to each airlines conditions of carriage) Any portable musical instrument not exceeding 100cm (39 inches) in length,Where Piece System Applies,Between USA/US Territories and or countries Between Canada and Europe, Middle East, Southern Africa, South Asian Subcontinent, the Far East except Gum and South West Pacific, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay Between the Far East and Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, USA Between Guam/Saipan and Japan, Okinawa, Hong Kong, Korea Republic, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India Between Pago Pago and South West Pacific,Cabin Baggage Allowance,First class (some business class) 1 bag 233555cm (91422 inches) 1 garment bag 20cm (8inches) thick when fold, plus 1 briefcase or laptop computer Total combined weight: 10kg (22lbs) Economy class 1 piece with a maximum dimension of 115cm (45 inches); or 1 bag 233555cm (91422 inches) Total combined weight: 5kg (11lbs),Excess Baggage,Luggage over the normal free baggage allowance in either weight or dimension. Excess baggage charge The highest normal economy class one way adult fare 1.5% per kilogram Unite fare system,Special Charges,Special charge could apply if passengers wish to transport large or fragile articles such as surfboards or skiing equipment. Pets Seeing eye dog Usually, Pets will be transport in a special area of hold Small dogs, cat Unaccompanied animals are transported by air cargo. Vaccinations Special items A bag containing food for infants Wheelchair or other devices for invalid passengers,Prohibited items,Harmless or dangerous on board an aircraft Matches and lighters are forbidden in baggage. Flammable liquids, fuel, paints, solvents, adhesive, Fireworks Bleaches, drain cleaners, toxic chemicals Electronic goods Radio transmitters Mobile phones CD workman,The Journey Concept,Basic Concept of Air Transport,The Journey Concept,Anatomy of a Journey A journey consists of the entire routing included on a ticket or group of conjunction tickets., including:,The Journey Concept,Origin: the initial starting point and the first ticketed point in the routing. It is also a fare construction point and is usually in the country of commencement of travel. Destination:the ultimate stopping place of the journey and as a terminal point in the routing it is also considered a fare construction point or a fare break point.,The Journey Concept,Intermediate point(s)-transfer points intermediate stopover point:a point where the passenger breaks his journey and is not scheduled to depart within 24 hours. intermediate no stopover point:a point where the passenger arrives and departs within 24 hours.,The Journey Concept,Sector: a portion of the journey comprised of legs or section, mostly used in reference to fare construction. This usually involves a pair of points. Fare component: a component or a portion of the itinerary between two consecutive fare construction points. Thus a journey may have one or more fare component.,The Journey Concept types of journey,One way trip(OW):the origin and final destination are in different countries. Round trip(RT):a travel entirely by air from a point to another point and return to the original point. It has two fare component of equal normal fares.,The Journey Concept types of journey,circle trip(CT):travel from a point and return thereto by a continuous, circuitous air route, including journeys comprising two fare components but which do not meet the conditions of the round trip definition.,The Journey Concept types of journey,Open jaw may have two international fare components and may contain domestic surface sector or international surface sectors depending on the conditions of the special fare. single open jaw- SOJ double open jaw- DOJ,Points in the routes,Origin,Destination,Intermediate points (transfers),X/,X/,Stopover and transfer connection point,Transfer connection point (no stopovers),X/,X/,Stopover point,Stopover and transfer connection point,Stopover Intermediate points that passengers not scheduled to depart within 24 hours No stopover Intermediate points that passengers scheduled to depart within 24 hours,Ticketing Notes,Fare Component,A component or a portion of the itinerary between two consecutive fare construction points. A journey may have one or more fare components.,Routing Having One Fare Component,A,B,C,D,E,Origin,Destination,Intermediate points,Routing Having Two Fare Components,A,B,C,G,Origin,Destination,Intermediate points,D,E,F,Fare Break Point,Intermediate points,Journey Types,One Way(OW) Auckland-Sydney Auckland-Singapore-Perth Round Trip(RT) LON-NYC-LON BJS-TYO-BJS,LON,NYC,Journey Types,Circle Trip ROM-PAR-VIE-ROM ROM-PAR-ZRH-MAD-ROM Open Jaw PAR-ROM-NCE SYD-MNL-TYO-AKL,ROM,PAR,VIE,PAR,ROM,NEC,Journey Types,Open Jaw BJS-TYO surface OSA-BJS BJS-PAR surface LON-BJS BJS-TYO surface OSA-SHA,BJS,TYO,OSA,BJS,PAR,LON,BJS,TYO,OSA,SHA,International Sale Indicator,Inside,Outside,Sale,Ticketing,Inside,Outside,SITI,SOTO,SOTI,SITO,One Country rules:,Scandinavia USA and Canada,SOLD:OSL TICKETED:STO CPH VIE MAD PAR,SOLD:YVR TICKETED:NYC SIA LAX SEA LIM,Exercises,Passenger air tariff(PAT),All information in the PAT is divided into the following four categories: 1.Maximum Permitted Mileages 2.General tariff information 3.EH(Eastern Hemisphere)tariff information between and w


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