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Section Grammar对应学生用书P7基础题.单句语法填空12017北京高考Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time _ (spend) with his students.答案:spentspend与被修饰词the happy time之间构成被动关系,所以用spend的过去分词形式作后置定语。2The girl _ (dress) in red is my daughter. She looks so pretty.答案:dressed句意:穿着红色衣服的那个女孩是我的女儿。她看起来很漂亮。dress sb.“给某人穿衣”,其被动形式为be dressed in “穿着”。此处The girl与dress之间是被动关系,故用dressed in red作定语,修饰The girl。32016浙江高考To return to the problem of water pollution, Id like you to look at a study _ (conduct) in Australia in 2012.答案:conducted句意:为了回到水污染的问题,我想让你们看一下2012年在澳大利亚进行的研究。study与conduct之间为被动关系,且设空处表示动作已完成,故用过去分词作后置定语。4The secretary _ (want) must be able to type, use a computer and speak a foreign language.答案:wanted句意:招聘的秘书必须能够打字,会使用电脑且能说一门外语。want与secretary之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作后置定语。5The question was so difficult to answer, and the students looked _(puzzle)答案:puzzled过去分词puzzled与连系动词look构成系表结构,表示一种状态。puzzled已形容词化,look puzzled“看起来迷惑”。6I was too _ (tire) to walk any further.答案:tired句意:我太累了不能再走了。由于空前是系动词,设空处应用形容词作表语,表主语所处的状态。tired “(感到)疲倦的”。7The Whites live in a house _ (build) more than a century ago.答案:builthouse与build之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。8He looked very _ (disappoint) when he heard the news.答案:disappointed句意:当他听到这个消息时,他看起来很失望。由于空前是系动词looked,这里用disappointed作表语,用来描述人的心理特征和状态。.单句改错1When her husband left home, she felt rejecting and helpless._答案:rejectingrejected2The meeting holding yesterday is of great importance._答案:holdingheld3In April, thousands of holiday makers remained stick due to the bad weather._答案:stickstuck4There are many falling leaves on the campus after the strong wind._答案:fallingfallen5With everyone passing the driving test on the first try, the coach felt very pleasing._答案:pleasingpleased6The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain seating as the plane was making a landing._答案:seatingseated.完成句子1_ is a trip _ by someone or an organization.有组织的旅行就是由某人或机构组织的旅行。答案:An organized trip; organized2The question _ yesterday is very important to us.昨天在会上讨论的那个问题对我们很重要。答案:discussed at the meeting3Well go to visit the bridge _.我们要去看那座建于几百年前的桥。答案:built hundreds of years ago4With _ so fast, many people cant afford houses.由于房价上涨很快,很多人买不起房子。答案:house prices going up5She had a good way to have _ in a short period.她有一个好方法能使她的书面英语水平在短期内得到提高。答案:her written English improved能力题.阅读理解Louis Pasteur was a worldfamous French chemist and biologist.He is particularly famous for his work on rabies vaccine (狂犬病疫苗). The rabies virus enters the body through the bite of an infected animal or through infected saliva entering an existing wound. After experimenting with the saliva of animals suffering from the disease, Pasteur concluded that the disease rests in the central nervous system of the body. By studying the tissues of infected animalsrabbits, Pasteur was able to produce a form of the virus. This could be used for inoculation (接种)On July 6, 1885, Pasteur tested his pioneering rabies vaccine on a man for the first time. He saved the life of a young man called Joseph Meister who had been bitten by a rabid dog. Pasteur was urged to treat him with his new method. The treatment lasted 10 days and at the end he recovered and remained healthy. Since then thousands have been saved by this treatment.On March 1886, Pasteur was invited to present his results to the Academy of Sciences and in 1888 went on to found the Pasteur Institute in Paris. This was a pioneering clinic for the study of infectious diseases, the treatment of rabies and a centre for teaching. Pasteur directed the institute personally until he died. The Pasteur Institute is still one of the most important centres in the world.Pasteur became a national hero and was honored in many ways. He died at SaintCloud on September 28, 1895 and was given a state funeral at the Cathedral of Notre Dame.Modifications of the Pasteur method are still used in rabies treatment today. A newer vaccine which contains virus prepared from human cells grown in the laboratory is safer and requires a shorter course of injections.1A person can develop rabies _.Aif he is bitten by a rabbitBif he touches infected salivaCif infected saliva enters his woundsDif he touches an infected animal答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,人类感染狂犬病的途径有两种,一种是被已传染的动物咬伤;另一种是通过传染性唾液进入伤口。C项对应的是第二种途径。2Rabies probably can destroy a persons _.Anervous system BbloodCskin Dsaliva答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,动物感染狂犬病后,病毒便附着在其身体的中枢神经上,由此可推知,人类感染的话情况也是一样的。故A项正确。3What can we learn about Pasteurs test of his vaccine on the man?AThe man was sent to a clinic ten days later.BIt didnt save the mans life.CIt proved to be a great success.DThe man was his second patient.答案:C推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,路易斯巴斯德第一次在人身上试验他研制的疫苗就获得了成功。故C项正确。4What can we infer from the last paragraph?APasteurs rabies vaccine is out of date.BA new rabies vaccine has already been tested on patients.CInjections of vaccine still take much time.DMuch improvement has been made on rabies vaccine.答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,改进过的巴斯德方法到今天仍然在使用,新的疫苗比旧的更加先进,因此推断D项正确。.完形填空Do you think you have what it takes to be a successful scientist? A successful scientist is generally a good observer. He makes full _1_ of the facts he observes. He doesnt accept ideas which are not _2_ on obvious facts, and therefore _3_ to accept authority as the only reason for truth. He always checks ideas _4_ and makes experiments to prove them. The rise of modern science may perhaps be considered to _5_ as far back as the time of Roger Bacon, the wonderful philosopher of Oxford, who lived between the years 1214 and 1292. He was probably the first in the Middle Ages to _6_ that we should learn science _7_ observing and experimenting on the things around us, and he himself _8_ many important truths. Galileo (15641642), however, who lived more than 300 years later, was the greatest of several great men in Italy, France, Germany, and England, _9_ began to show how many important _10_ could be discovered by observation by degrees. Before Galileo, learned men believed that large bodies fell more_11_ towards the earth than small ones, _12_ Aristotle said so. But Galileo, going to the _13_ of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, let fall two _14_ stones and proved Aristotle was wrong. It is Galileos _15_ of going direct to nature, and proving our _16_ and theories by experiment, that has _17_ all the discoveries of modern science. What _18_ those people good scientists? From the example of Galileo, we know _19_ that successful scientists are those whose observations have _20_ better results.1A.use Bsense Cspeed Dtrust答案:A根据第一段第二句可知,一位成功的科学家通常是一位好的观察者,故此处应填make full use of “充分利用,充分使用”这一固定词组。2A.relied BbasedCinsisted Dcentered答案:B根据该空前的“He doesnt accept ideas”和后面的“on obvious facts”可知,此处应用be based on这个固定词组,表示“以为基础,基于”。 3.A.refuses BdesiresCintends Dregrets答案:A由空前的“doesnt accept ideas .”和“and therefore”可知,此处应选refuses,表示拒绝因为观点是权威提出的就接受。 4.A.casually BcarefullyCquickly Dprivately答案:B结合语境“He always checks ideas”和后面的“and makes experiments to prove them”可知,此处表示仔细地(carefully)核查这些观点。 5.A.date BkeepClook Dcome答案:A由空格后的“the time of Roger Bacon”和下文的“the years 1214 and 1292”可知,现代科学的兴起可以追溯到很早的时期。date back是固定词组,意为“追溯到”。 6.A.command BsuspectCsuggest Dconclude答案:C根据空后的内容可知,这里应是Roger Bacon提出的建议,故选C项。 7.A.in BwithCon Dby答案:D根据后面的“observing and experimenting on the things around us”可知,此处表示通过(by)观察我们周围的事物并做实验。 8.A.brought BdiscoveredChandled Dannounced答案:B结合空后的“many important truths”可知,他本人发现(discovered)了很多重要的真理。第10空后的discovered也是提示。 9.A.who BwhenCthat Dwhere答案:A设空处引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词great men进行补充说明,故用who引导定语从句。 10.A.truths BproblemsCinvestigations Dsubjects答案:A由空后的“could be discovered by observation”可知,很多真理可以通过观察而被发现。truth “事实,真理”。第8空后的“many important truths”也是提示。 11.A.slowly BrapidlyClightly Dheavily答案:B此处表述在伽利略之前,学者们认为大的物体比小的物体落地快,因此选rapidly “迅速地”。 12.A.although BbecauseCwhen Dif答案:B根据语境可知,这里表示学者们信奉这一学说是因为亚里士多德是这样说的。13A.place BfootCtop Dceiling答案:C结合空后的“of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, let fall two _14_ stones”可知,伽利略为了做实验,跑到了比萨斜塔的塔顶。14A.big BsmallCsimilar Dunequal答案:D根据前文和后面的“stones and proved Aristotle was wrong”可知,此处表示使用了两块不同重量的石头,因此选unequal “不相等的”。15A.spirit BskillCtheory Dwish答案:A由后面的“of going direct to nature”及下文可知,此处表示科学精神(spirit)。16A.plans BopinionsCworld Dability答案:B与后面“and theories by experiment”中的theories呼应,此处表示通过实验证明我们的观点(opinions)和理论。17A.led to Bturned toCset up Dput forward答案:A这里是说正是伽利略对自然不断探索的精神使得现代科学能有发现。结合语境,应选A项。lead to “导致,造成”。18A.makes BpreventsCconsiders Dpromises答案:A结合下文中的“successful scientists are those .”可知,此处是说“什么使这些人成为好的科学家”。make “使变得,使成为”。19A.likely BclearlyCnaturally Dunwillingly答案:B结合上文中所举的例子我们可以清楚地(clearly)知道,科学家之所以成功是因为他们的观察产生了更好的结果。20A.foreseen BrejectedCproduced Dchallenged答案:C这里是说成功的科学家是那些他们的观察产生了(produced)更好的结果的人。结合语境,应选C。.语法填空Scientists have discovered that _1_ (stay) in the cold could help us lose weight. Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fata type of fat _2_ produces heat and keeps us warm. Brown fat burns energy, which helps us lose weight. White fat stores extra energy, which results _3_ weight gain. The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant and _4_ (comfort) temperatures, our bodys need for brown fat has decreased. They found that:“Outdoor workers in northern Finland who _5_ (expose) to cold temperature have _6_ significant amount of brown fat when _7_ (compare) to sameaged indoor workers.” The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice. _8_ group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat. This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed highfat diets. The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity (肥胖症). People who are obese have _9_ (low) levels of brown fa


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