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Go to the child of star. 走进星星的孩子 ,4月2日?,World Autism Awareness Day 世界自闭症关注日”,Marked annually since it was adopted in 2007 by the United Nations General Assembly, World Autism Awareness Day is designed to bring autism to the worlds attention and raise awareness of the disease as a growing global health crisis that affects millions around the world .,为提高人们对自闭症的认识,争取早期治疗改善自闭的状况,2007年联合国大会通过决议,从2008年起将每年的4月2日定为“世界自闭症关爱日”(World Autism Awareness Day)。,The world of autism,孤独症患者的世界,孤独症(autism),又称自闭症或孤独性障碍(autistic disorder)等,是广泛性发育障碍(pervasive developmental disorder,PDD)的代表性疾病。,Autism ,also known as autism or autism disorder ,is pervasive developmental disorder (pervasive developmental disorder, PDD) representative disease.,Autism is the most severe developmental disability. Appearing within the first three years of life, autism involves impairments in social interaction such as being aware of other peoples feelings and verbal and nonverbal communication.,自闭症是最严重的发育障碍。 出现在第一个三年的生活,孤独症涉及在社会交往中的障碍- 如察觉其他人的感受 - 语言和非语言的沟通。,Some people with autism have limited interests, strange eating or sleeping behaviors or a tendency to do things to hurt themselves, such as banging their heads or biting their hands.,一些有自闭症的人有有限的兴趣,奇怪的饮食以及睡眠行为或倾向做一些事情来伤害自己,如敲打他们的头或咬自己的手。,孤独症(Autism),儿童期孤独症 childhood autism,婴儿孤独症 infantile autism,儿童发育障碍性疾病,impaired social interaction 社会交往障碍 impaired communication 言语发育障碍 Interest in narrow, repetitive patterns 兴趣范围狭窄、行为刻板重复,三个典型特征,Persons with the autism may possess the following characteristics in various combinations,一些孤独症儿童的世界,Medication can help some children with autism, although no drug specifically targets the disorder. Instead, clinicians use medication to help manage whatever symptoms are most troublesome. Medication can help minimize seizures or hyperactivity, for example. Since medications on their own rarely improve behavior, behavioral interventions are crucial.,注意力不專注,過動躁動不安,癲癇,攻擊自傷,药物可以帮助一些患有自闭症的儿童,虽然没有药物专门针对的疾病。相反,临床医生使用药物来帮助管理任何症状是最麻烦的。 药物可以帮助减少癫痫发作或过度活跃,例如。由于对自己的药物很少改善行为, 行为干预是至关重要的。,Social skills training can help children with autism improve their interpersonal functioning. In the classroom, for instance, peers without autism can help those who have the disorder by teaching and modeling appropriate social behavior.,社交技能训练,可以帮助自闭症儿童改善他们的人际关系的运作。 例如,在课堂上,没有自闭症的同学可以帮助那些有障碍的教学和适当的社会行为建模。,Some other treatments: 听觉统合训练(Auditory Integrative Training,AIT) 认知训练 (Individual recognized training) 家庭训练指导(Family training instruction) 可视音乐治疗(Visual music therapy) 社交故事(Social story),海豚、白鲸辅助治疗(Dolphin and Beluga Assisted Therapy) 瑜伽(Yoga ) 水疗( water therapy ) 马术( horsemanship ) 特殊饮食 (special foods) 游戏 ( play ),影视作品中的自闭症,电影Rain Man(1988),达斯汀霍夫曼,汤姆克鲁斯,曹承佑,金美淑,日剧与光同行(2004),自闭症中的“白痴天才”,三岁半孤独症兒童的画,八岁正常儿童的画,金皮克是美国自闭症患者,他拥有超常记忆能力,精通从文学到历史在内的15门学科,能一字不漏背诵至少9000本书的内容。而奥斯卡奖获奖影片雨人中的主角原型就来自于金皮克,Kim peek is autism in the United States, he has the uncanny memory ability, proficient in 15 subjects, from literature to the history, can leak to recite every word at least 9000 books. The oscar-winning movie “rain man“, the protagonist is from Kim peek.,who has autism, has a PH.D in animal science and a successful career designing humane equipment for handing livestock.,“星星的孩子”,每个孩子原本是天上的一颗星星, 他们害怕降临人世的孤独, 上帝对他们说, 我已经在人间为你们安排了一位天使, 只要你喊一声妈妈, 她们就会来到你的身边 但有这样一群小天使, 悄悄来到我们身边, 却又那么遥不可及, 他们好像被隔绝在遥远冰冷的星球, 不会说不会看, 会感到痛但不会哭 ,Every child is a star in the sky, They are afraid to befall the world of loneliness, God said to them, I have already arranged an angel on earth for you, As long as you call a mother, They will come to your side But there is a group of angels, Quietly came to our side, But so distant and, As if they are cut off in the distant planet, cold Dont say dont see, Will feel pain but you dont cry,孩子 你为何感受不到妈妈给你的疼爱 你为何不懂爸爸的泪水 就那么一个人 沉静在自己的世界中 不和任何人说话 不对任何人笑 就像被遗落在人间的天使 尽管你有英俊漂亮的脸 尽管你有水汪汪的大眼睛 可是你却没有打开心灵的钥匙,Children Why do you feel love from the mother to you Why do you not understand fathers tears Just one person Quiet in their own world Dont talk to anyone Never give up on anybody laugh As was left in the earthly angel Although you have a pretty face Although you have watery big eyes But you have no key to open the heart,上帝啊 可怜可怜这个孩子吧 恳求你大开慈悲 让这个孩子回归社


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