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Martial Arts of JinYong,金 庸 武 侠,Jin Yong ( february, 6,1924 -), formerly known as Cha Liangyong, born in Zhejiang Haining, is a renowned martial arts novel writers, known as the Chinese richest writer. He moved to Hongkong in 1948,and he is the founder of “ Ming paper ” of Hongkong, and with 15 martial arts novels, works win universal praise, have been adapted into television series, games, cartoons and other products. Jin Yongs popularity, many literary talent and readers have pen to write book reviews, forming a “ gold science” research trend.,He completed his last martial arts novel in 1972, after which he officially retired from writing, and spent the remaining years of that decade editing and revising his literary works instead.,The martial arts champion (武林盟主),Jinyong wrote a total of 15 pieces, of which one (“Sword of the Yue Maiden“) is a short story and the other 14 are novels and novellas of various length.,After Jin yong completed all his titles, it was discovered that the first characters of the first 14 titles can be joined together to form a couple with 7 characters on each line:,飞 雪 连 天 射 白 鹿,笑 书 神 侠 倚 碧 鸳,飞狐外传,雪山飞狐,连城诀,天龙八部,射雕英雄传,白马啸西风,鹿鼎记,笑傲江湖,书剑恩仇录,神雕侠侣,侠客行,倚天屠龙记,碧血剑,鸳鸯刀,The Legend of the Condor Heroes,Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain,Other Tales of the Flying Fox,Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse,A Deadly Secret,Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils,The Deer and the Cauldron,Sword of the Yue Maiden,Blade-dance of the Two Lovers,Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre,Ode to Gallantry,The Smiling Proud Wanderer,The Book and the Sword,The Return of the Condor Heroes,Sword Stained with Royal Blood,The Condor Trilogy,The Legend of the Condor Heroes The Return of the Condor Heroes Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre,射雕三部曲,“ The legend of the Condor Heroes “ is Jin Yongs middle martial arts novels creation representative the work,The Legend of the Condor Heroes,The story happens in the Song Dynasty and with the Jin Dynastys invasion of northern China. The first part of the novel is about two mens friendship, Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian, who become heroes in their own right as they fight the Jin invaders. They pledge to each other that their sons will become sworn siblings.,83年黄日华、温美玲版,94年张智霖、朱茵版,03年李亚鹏、周迅版,08年胡歌、林依晨版,“ The Return of the Condor Heroes “ was written in 1959, after“ the legend of the Condor Heroes “,before “ the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber “, Mr Jin Yong in the martial arts novel creation of a milepost(里程碑). “ The Return of the Condor Heroes “ in the works of Jin Yong was adapted into a TV drama .,76年罗乐林、李通明版,84年孟飞、潘迎紫版,83年刘德华、陈玉莲版,95年古天乐、李若彤版,98年任贤齐、吴倩莲版,98年李铭顺、范文芳版,06年黄晓明、刘亦菲版,“ The Swordswoman Sword and Dragon Saber “ was written in the 1961, story time span of one hundred years, with the late Yuan heroes come from, and turbulence broad background, story around two weapons Dragon Saber and Swordswoman sword,86年梁朝伟版,94年马景涛版,01年吴启华版,03年苏有朋版,09年邓超版,“ The Deer and the Cauldron“ was Jin Yongs last full-length martial arts novels. The novel in 1969 -1972 years creation, set in the late Ming and early Qing ( 1644 -1689).,84年梁朝伟版,98年陈小春版,00年张卫健版,08年黄晓明版,Why are his work so popular ?,It is said that “Outstanding martial arts novelist to write the world faces ;and Astute readers read out the vicissitudes of life and attitudes of human”.杰出的武侠小说家写出人世的众生相;敏锐的读者读出的是人间的沧桑和百态。 We may not be the astute readers ,but we can at least enjoy martial in our own way.,Language Features,Suiting both refined and popular tastes, and phantom to really(大俗大雅,至幻至真) Freely flowing style of writing, flat in see odd(行云流水,平中见奇) Humorous and dramatic language,Character description,The characters in the novel are full of personality, no matter the character is justice or evil ,he or she is vividly portrayed and readers will never forget if they have ever known the characters. For example, even the extremely evil character LiMochou, he writes she to be a sentimental person. The poem“ What is love, it is a promise, regardless of life and death”(问世间情为何物,直教生死相许)leaves readers a deep impression .,侠之大者,为国为民,As a Chivalrous man,he do everything should for the county and for the people.,天下为怀,苍生为念,是侠的最高理想,Put the world into heart,and put all the people into mind,is the Chivalrous mans highest ideal.,金庸笔下的武功被这样翻译成英语 1.九阳神功 nine mans power (九个男子的力量) 2.九阴真经 nine womanstory (九个女人的故事) 3.九阴白骨爪 nine woman catch a white bone (九个女人抓著一个白骨,老外看了还以为会出现召唤兽呢?) 4.神照经 God bless you (神保佑你) 5.胡家刀法 Dr.Husword (胡博士的剑,天哪,咱们的胡兄何时成了博士?) 6.两仪剑法 1/2 sword (二分之一的剑,请问是左右1/2还是上下1/2?) 7.一阳指 one finger just like a pen is (一只手指像笔一样?) 8.洗髓经 wash


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