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专题复习,Numbers(数词),Learning Aims(学习目标),1. The definition of the numbers 数词的定义 2. The classification and composition of the numbers 数词的分类及构成规律 3. The usage of the numbers 数词的用法,定 义 数词是指表示数量的多少和顺序先后的词。表示数量多少的词叫基数词;表示顺序先后的词叫序数词。 分 类 数词分为基数词和序数词。,基数词的构成,基数词的基本用法,1、表示物品的数量,如:nine books, three girls,2、表示电话、手机号码;门牌、车牌号码;QQ号码; 身份证号码,如:,基数词的基本用法,3、表示时刻,如:seven forty/twenty to eight 7:40,4、表示年代,如:two thousand and fifteen/ twenty fifteen 2015年 in 1960s/in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代,5、表示年龄,如:fourteen/14 years old 14岁 in his forties 在他40来岁时,6、表示价格,如:ten dollars 9 美元 eleven yuan 11元,7、表示第几路公交车,如:No. 5 bus,序数词的构成,1、序数词一般在与之相应的基数词词尾加“-th”构成。但要注意first, second, third三个词词尾不是th。 2、第4-19:除fifth, eighth, ninth和twelfth外,其他都是在基数词后直接加th构成。如:fourth, fifteenth 3、第20-90:整十数是将基数词尾的字母“y”变为“ie”再加th。 如:twentieth, eightieth 4、第几十几:由整十数的“基数词+个位数的序数词”构成。两词 间用“-”连接。如:sixty-first 5、第几百(千、百万等)几:在基数词的“百(千、百万等)” 后加“and”,再加十位数或个位数的序数词构成。如: one hundred and twenty-ninth,序数词的基本用法,1、表示顺序,如: Im the first/1st student to get to school today. 2、表示生日,如: His birthday is on June sixteenth/16th. 3、表示日期,如: Today is May eighth/8th.,注:数词hundred, thousand, million, billion可表示精确数词和 含糊数词两种。但表达不同,精确数词由具体数字+ hundred/thousand等的单数形式;含糊数词由hundreds/thousands 等+of。 如:three hundred, hundreds of,数词中分数的表达法,数词专练,词语填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。,1. There are minutes in an hour. A. sixty B. sixtieth C. sixteen 2. Ive eaten dumplings. Now Im eating the one. A. twenty-two, twenty-three B. twenty-second, twenty-third C. twenty-two, twenty-third 3. We are going to learn lesson today. A. ten B. the tenth C. tenth 4. students in our school are going on a trip next month. A. Two hundred B. Two hundreds C. Hundred of,A,C,B,A,5. Tom lives in Room and mine is next to his. A. eight B. eighth C. the eighth 6. My mothers birthday is on May . A. five B. fiveth C. fifth 7. A boy can sing the English song very well. A. four-year-old B. four years old C. four-years-old 8. About of the workers in the factory were born in the . A. two three, 1970 B. two third, 1970s C. two thirds, 1970s 9. I get to school at every day. A. seven thirtieth B. seven thirtyth C. seven thirty 10. The sweater is . A. ninth yuan B. nine dollars C. nine dollar,A,C,A,C,C,B,Summary,1、数词的分类 2、数


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