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科技文献阅读和翻译,主讲人:徐剑平,Significance of academic writing,一篇完整规范的学术论文结构如右所示, 其中: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion 和Reference 八项内容是必不可少的,其他内容则根据具体需要而定,学术论文的概述,二、正文 学术论文的正文一般包括Method,Result,Discussion三个部分。这三部分主要描述研究课题的具体内容、方法,研究过程中所使用的设备、仪器、条件,并如实公布有关数据和研究结果等。 Conclusion是对全文内容或有关研究课题进行的总体性讨论。它具有严密的科学性和客观性,反映一个研究课题的价值,同时提出以后的研究方向。 为了帮助说明论据、事实,正文中经常使用各种图表。最常用的是附图(Figure)和表(Table),此外还有图解或简图(Diagram)、曲线图或流程图(Graph)、视图(View)、剖面图(Profile)、图案(Pattern)等。在文中提到时,通常的表达法为: 如图 4 所示 As (is) shown in Fig.4, 如表 1 所示 As (is) shown in Tab.1,学术论文的英文写作简介,三、结论 在正文最后应有结论(Conclusions)或建议(Suggestions)。 (1) 关于结论可用如下表达方式: The following conclusions can be drawn from (由可得出如下结论) It can be concluded that (可以得出结论) We may conclude that或We come to the conclusion that(我们得出如下结论) It is generally accepted (believed, held, acknowledged) that(一般认为)(用于表示肯定的结论) We think (consider, believe, feel) that(我们认为)(用于表示留有商量余地的结论) (2) 关于建议可用如下表达方式。 It is advantageous to (do) It should be realized (emphasized, stressed, noted, pointed out ) that It is suggested (proposed, recommended, desirable) that It would be better (helpful, advisable) that,学术论文的英文写作简介,四、结尾部分 1、致谢 为了对曾给予支持与帮助或关心的人表示感谢,在论文之后,作者通常对有关人员致以简短的谢词,可用如下方式: I am thankful to sb. for sth I am grateful to sb. for sth I am deeply indebted to sb. for sth Thanks are due to sb. for sth The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to sb. for sth. The author wishes to acknowledge sb. The author wishes to express his gratitude for sth.,学术论文的英文写作简介,四、结尾部分 2、注释 注释有两种方式,一种为脚注,即将注释放在出现的当页底部;另一种是将全文注释集中在结尾部分。两种注释位置不同,方法一样。 注释内容包括: (1) 引文出处。注释方式参见“参考文献”。 (2) 对引文的说明,如作者的见解、解释。 (3) 文中所提到的人的身份,依次为职称或职务、单位。 如: Professor, Dean of Dept. University(教授,大学系主任) Chairman, Company, USA(美国公司董事长) (4) 本论文是否曾发表过。,学术论文的英文写作简介,四、结尾部分 3、参考文献 在论文的最后应将写论文所参考过的主要论著列出,目的是表示对别人成果的尊重或表示本论文的科学根据,同时也便于读者查阅。 参考文献的列法如下: 如果是书籍,应依次写出作者、书名、出版社名称、出版年代、页数。 如: Dailey, C.L. and Wood, F.C., Computation curves for compressible Fluid Problems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1949, pp.37-39 如果是论文,应依次写出作者、论文题目、杂志名称、卷次、期次、页数。 如: Marrish Joseph G.,Turbulence Modeling for Computational Aerodynamics, AIAA J.Vol-21,No.7, 1983, PP.941-955 如果是会议的会刊或论文集,则应指出会议举行的时间、地点。 如: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fracture Dec.4-10,1984, New Delhi, India 如果作者不止一人,可列出第一作者,其后加上et al。 如:Wagner, R.S. et al, .,学术论文的英文写作简介,学术文章的标题主要有三种结构: 名词性词组(包括动名词), 介词词组, 名词词组+介词词组。 间或也用一个疑问句作标题(多用在人文社会科学领域),但一般不用陈述句或动词词组作标题。 一、名词性词组 名词性词组由名词及其修饰语构成。名词的修饰语可以是形容词、介词短语,有时也可以是另一个名词。名词修饰名词时,往往可以缩短标题的长度。以下各标题分别由两个名词词组构成。 例如: Latent demand and the browsing shopper (名词词组+名词词组) Cost and productivity (名词+名词),科技论文标题的写法,二、介词词组 介词词组由介词十名词或名词词组构成。如果整个标题就是一个介词词组的话,一般这个介词是“on”,意思是“对的研究”。 例如: From Knowledge Engineering to Knowledge Management (介词词组+介词词组) On the correlation between working memory capacity and performance on intelligence tests,科技论文标题的写法,三、名词/名词词组+介词词组 这是标题中用得最多的结构。 例如: Simulation of Controlled Financial Statements (名词+介词词组) Impact of Internal Marketing activities on External Marketing Outcomes (名词+介词词组+介词词组) Diversity in the Future Work Force (名词+介词词组) Models of Sustaining Human and Natural Development (名词+介词词组) 标题中的介词词组一般用来修饰名词或名词词组,从而限定某研究课题的范围。这种结构与中文的“的”字结构相似,区别是中文标题中修饰语在前,中心词在后。英文正好相反,名词在前,而作为修饰语的介词短语在后。 例如: Progress on Fuel Cell and its Materials (燃料电池及其材料进展),科技论文标题的写法,四、其他形式 对于值得争议的问题,偶尔可用疑问句作为论文的标题,以点明整个论文讨论的焦点。 例如: Is B2B e-commerce ready for prime time? Can ERP Meet Your eBusiness Needs?,科技论文标题的写法,Sources for conference information,The internet and the world 1.Internet Search Engines in the world wide web , 2.Meta-search Tools(元搜索引擎,即可搜索相关搜索引擎) ,3. Webs for translating a. .tw/ b. / 4. the best webs for dictionary A. / B. / C. / D. / E. /,英 汉 语 言 的 对 比,1. 英汉句子结构最主要区别在于英语重形合(hypotaxis),汉语重意合(parataxis) 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。 Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media. The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.,2.英语句子中,名词与介词占优势 农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得大多数农民处于贫穷的困境 Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries. 3.英汉句子重心比较 自我们别后没发生什么事情。 Nothing has happened since we parted. 他身体很弱不能动手术。 He cannot be operated upon as he is very weak.,4.英语句子中,There + be结构与虚词it的结构用得比较广泛 碰巧屋里没有人。 There happened to be none in the room. 5.英汉语态比较 附上新的通知及回信信封。 A renewal notice and return envelope are enclosed for your convenience. 应该理解,犯错误是人之常情。 It should be understood that to err is human.,中文以下三种情况应该用被动语态 1. 中文句式里动作执行者省略了 2. 中文句式里主语是泛指 3.中文句式里宾语比主语更重要时,想突出宾语时,科技论文语言特征,科技文章文体的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。那么,科技文章的语言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻译时需要探 讨的问题。现分述如下:,一、大量使用名词化结构,当代英语语法(A Grammar of Contemporary English)在论述科技英语时提出,大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实, 而非某一行为。 Carbon dioxide retention is a major restriction to the use of sedatives,tranquilizers,or narcotics in heart failure. (二氧化碳蓄积是对心力衰竭限制使用镇静、安定或麻醉等药物的主要原因。),The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. In the study, there is a lot of emphasis on . Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials. A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.,电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.,二、广泛使用被动语句,根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动语态。这是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态。 应当注意机器的工作温度。 Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine. 而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。此外,如前所述,科技文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部份。这也是广泛使用被动态的主要原因。,试观察并比较下列短文的主语,We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance .It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。 这一段短文中各句的主语分别为: Electrical energy Such a device Its ability to store electrical energy It (Capacitance ) 它们都包含了较多的信息,并且处于句首的位置,非常醒目。四个主语完全不同,避免了单调重复,前后连贯,自然流畅。足见被动结构可收简洁客观之效。,大量地运用被动语态,是因为: 第一,被动结构比主动结构更少主观色彩,k科技论文注重客观事实,正需要这种特性; 第二,被动结构更能突出要论证、说明的对象,把它放在句子主语的地位,就能吸引人的注意, 第三,在很多情况下被动结构比主动结构更简短。,三、非限定动词,如前所述,科技文章要求行文简练,结构紧凑,为此,往往使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列分句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;介词十动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。这样可缩短句子,又比较醒目。试比较下列各组句子。 直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。 A direct current is a current flowing always along the same direction. 热量由地球辐射出来时,使得气流上升。 Radiating from the earth, heat causes air currents to rise. A body can move uniformly and in a straight line,there being no cause to change that motion. 如果没有改变物体运动的原因,那么物体将作匀速直线运动。 Vibrating objects produce sound waves ,each vibration producing one sound wave. 振动着的物体产生声波,每一次振动产生一个声波。,四、后置定语,大量使用后置定语也是科技文章的特点之一。常见的结构不以下五种: 1、介词短语 由于摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。 The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. A call for paper is now being issued . 征集论文的通知现正陆续发出。 2、形容词及形容词短语。 该厂唯一可用的燃料是煤 In this factory the only fuel available is coal. In radiation ,thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy ,similar in nature to light. 热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。,3、副词 向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。 The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level. 4、单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义。 The results obtained must be checked . 获得的结果必须加以校核 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted 5、定语从句 During construction, problems often arise which require design changes. 在施工过程中,常会出现需要改变设计的问。,分子相互间都存在着力的作用,该力的大小取决于它们之间的距离 The molecules exert forces upon each other, which depend upon the distance between them. 我们几乎没有注意的很奇异的物质变化每天都在眼前发生 Very wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes every day to which we pay little attention. (定语从句to which we pay little attention 修饰的是changes,这是一种分隔定语从句。),五、常用句型,科技文章中经常使用若干特定的句型,从而形成科技文体区别于其他文体的标志。例如It-that-结构句型;被动态结构句型;结构句型,分词短语结构句型,省略句结构句型等。 显然,润滑好的轴承,比不润滑的轴承容易转动。 It is evident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one . 看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的 It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting .,已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。 It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it. 直到十九世纪人们才认识到热是能量的一种形式。 It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.,善于使用非谓语结构 氧与氢比较,重量大约是它的十六倍。 Compared with hydrogen, oxygen is nearly 16 times as heavy . 由于电阻(resistance)很大,电路中通过的电流就小。 The resistance being very high ,the current in the circuit was low. 冰在溶化时,其温度保持不变。 Ice keeps the same temperature while melting .,物体一旦运动,就会因惯性而持续运动 An object, once in motion ,will keep on moving because of its inertia. 一切物质,不论是气态、液态,还是固态,都由原子组成。 All substances ,whether gaseous ,liquid or solid ,are made of atoms .,六、长句,为了表述一个复杂概念,使之逻辑严密,结构紧凑,科技文章中往往出现许多长句。 The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations ,and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis. 为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相同的物理性质的介质。这种子尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振动的具有上述假定所以认为的那种物理性质的发光介质。,Summary for contrast between C and E,英汉句子结构对比,英语 主语突出 常用无灵主语 叙述多呈静态 组句多焦点透视 句式呈树式结构 思维重逻辑 句式严谨规范,汉语 主题突出 有灵主语 叙述多呈动态 组句多散点透视 句式呈竹状结构 思维重语感 句式灵活多变,3 动态与静态 表示动作意义时,汉语多用动词,英语多用名词(特别是抽象名次)和介词短语,同时使用形容词、副词及表示状态的弱式动词(be, have, become, grow, feel, go, come, get, do等)和虚化动词(have a look, take a walk, make an attempt, pay a visit, do harm to sb, do shopping, do some reading等)等各种手段表示动作意义。另外,英语句子的谓语动词在句中一般只有一个,其他的动词通常变成非谓语形式、或名词化等使整个叙述呈现静态,1.Motorola is the pre-eminent supplier of equipment to a global industry with some 1 billion users 2. Everyone recognizes the importance of speaking English well. In school one of the chief things to learn and to practice may be the reading and writing of


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