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Unit 4 Wildlife ProtectionIts said that dinosaurs died out because of an unexpected incident. But wildlife today disappears or is in danger just because humans do harm to it. For example, tigers are hunted for fur to make carpets so that they only live in secure reserves; grassland is destroyed without mercy so that dust storms come into being affecting distant cities.Last year, scientists saw some monkeys rubbing themselves with a certain kind of insects to protect themselves from fierce mosquitoes biting. According to the result of the inspection, they found that the insect contains a powerful drug, so local farmers were employed to catch the insects. The ending was that the insects disappeared from the whole zone. When told that it was a loss to humans, the farmers burst into tears and responded, “Our real loss is our decreasing income.”We should appreciate the natural balance and pay more attention to the importance of wildlife protection. Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live in peace can we smile in relief. 据说恐龙因一次意外事件而灭绝了,但是今天的野生动植物却是因为人类的伤害而消失或处在危险中。例如,老虎被猎杀以获取皮毛做地毯,结果它们只生活在安全的保护区里;草地被无情地破坏,以至于沙尘暴开始形成影响遥远的城市。去年,科学家观察到猴子在身上擦某种昆虫来保护自己不受凶猛的蚊子的叮咬。根据检查的结果,他们发现这种昆虫含有一种具有强大效力的药物,于是,当地的农民都被雇用捕捉这种虫子。结局是,这种昆虫从这整个地区都消失了。当被告知这是整个人类的损失时,农民们都突然哭着回应道:“我们减少收入才是我们真正的损失呢!”我们应该意识到自然平衡并多加注意保护野生动植物的重要性。直到我们成功让野生动植物平静地生活,我们自己才能如释重负地笑开颜。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空I had never had a birthday party before.So, at 18 this summer, I decided to _1_ one for myself.About 20 people _2_ that they would come.Although I didnt have much pocket money this month, I _3_ more than usual in the $1 store to buy decorations and plates.I sat, I waited, and, although all of my “friends” had said they were coming, _4_ showed up! The _5_ was supposed to start at 12 noon.Here it was 4:00 pm and _6_, no one was here.The icecream cake was not as _7_ as before and the food on the barbecue (烤架) was burnt _8_ recognition.I tried really hard not to _9_.All of a sudden, I heard a noise of a(n) _10_, just outside my front door.My uncle Kenny, clearly, did everything he could to _11_ by driving a long way.I cried in his arms, saying, “Im not worth anything!” He said the magical words _12_ I could dry my tears: “I will _13_ be your friend!” Like me, he had had so many _14_ over the past couple of weeks.However, as we sat _15_ under the clear blue sky, laughing and talking, I felt that I was truly _16_ because he was sent to me in my _17_ hour, when I wanted to give up on this world.Yes, life is _18_ because there are always people willing to be with you, no matter what happens.I dont know if Kenny realized that he _19_ me last night.He did it with just one kind act: taking _20_ out of his very busy schedule, making me smile and giving me warm, huge hugs.Sometimes thats all it takes.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者生日当天因其邀请的客人未赴约而失落,后来,叔叔Kenny的到来给了作者很大慰藉。1.A.copyBgetChold Djoin解析:选C由下文中的“buy decorations and plates”可知,作者决定为自己“举办(hold)”一个生日聚会。2A.worried BlearnedCdoubted Dpromised解析:选D由下一段中的“although all of my friends had said they were coming .showed up”可知,在聚会前,作者的朋友“承诺(promised)”要来。3A.borrowed BspentCmade Dcollected解析:选B尽管作者零花钱不多,但还是“花(spent)”了比平时多的钱去买装饰品和盘子。4A.nobody BanybodyCsomebody Deverybody解析:选A由下文中的“no one was here”可知,“没有人(nobody)”出现。5A.performance BfestivalCcelebration Dspeech解析:选C由上文中的“birthday party”可知,作者的生日“庆祝活动(celebration)”原计划12点开始。6A.still BsoonCalso Deven解析:选A由上文中的“was supposed to start at 12 noon.Here it was 4:00 pm”可知,作者从中午12点一直等到下午4点“依然(still)”没有人来。7A.necessary BperfectCproper Denough解析:选B由上文中作者从中午12点等到下午4点一直没有人来可知,奶油蛋糕没有之前那么“完美(perfect)”了(因为化掉了等原因);在烧烤架上的肉因为烤的时间过长也被烤糊了,“超出(beyond)”了其可辨认的范围。8A.for BtoCbeyond Dwithin解析:选C参见上题解析。9A.reply BsleepCfight Dcry解析:选D由上下文语境可知,作者努力忍住不“哭(cry)”。10A.kid BanimalCwindow Dcar解析:选D由下文中的“by driving a long way”可知,“我”听到“汽车(car)”声。11A.dress up Bget upCshow up Dgo up解析:选CKenny开车来参加“我”的生日聚会,即为了“出现(show up)”在“我”的生日聚会上。12A.before BsinceCunless Dif解析:选A由下一段中的“He did it with just one kind act .making me smile and giving me warm, huge hugs”可知,在作者擦干眼泪之“前(before)”,Kenny说了一些很有魔力的话。13A.always BneverChardly Djust解析:选A由上文中的“magical words”可推断,Kenny说自己将“永远(always)”是作者的朋友。14A.plans BdifficultiesCinvitations Dexplanations解析:选B由上文作者的处境和本句中的“Like me”可知,Kenny在过去的一段时间里也经历过和“我”相似的“困苦(difficulties)”。15A.backwards BforwardsCoutside Dinside解析:选C由本句中的“under the clear blue sky”可知,作者和Kenny坐在“外面(outside)”。16A.lonely BpatientChonest Dlucky解析:选D由上下文作者从失落到感动可知,作者此刻感到很“幸运(lucky)”。17A.finest BwarmestCbusiest Ddarkest解析:选D由上文作者的朋友们失约可知,这是作者人生中“最黑暗的(darkest)”时刻。18A.peaceful BsimpleCbeautiful Dcruel解析:选C由本句中的“there are always people willing to be with you, no matter what happens”可知,生活是“美好的(beautiful)”。19A.controlled BsavedCfreed Dshocked解析:选B由上文中的“when I wanted to give up on this world”可知,作者不知道Kenny是否能意识到他的到来“挽救(saved)”了作者。20A.time BenergyCeffort Dmoney解析:选A由本句中的“busy schedule”可知,Kenny抽出“时间(time)”来参加作者的生日聚会。.阅读理解After the heavy rain passes, a man at a company that lies on the riverbank arrives for work. At the waters edge, he notices a baby beaver (海狸) balls up on the ground. Realizing that the animal needs help, the man picks him up and drives to a nearby animal hospital. From here the beaver is sent to the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society(CWRS), where he will begin his recovery.Vets check the beaver now named Birch for wounds or broken bones. Luckily they find no injuries. “But hes a real little animal only three and a half pounds,” says Andrea Hunt, a worker at the rehab center. According to his weight, they think that Birch is about eight weeks old. “Baby beavers stay with their families for one to two years,” Hunt says. “Hes not ready to care for himself. If he hadnt been saved, he almost certainly wouldnt have survived.”To keep Birch from getting lonely, Hunt pairs him with another baby beaver named Aspen. At first theyre fed a milky cereal. A few weeks later, Birch and Aspen begin a diet of solid food that includes leafy kale and collard greens. Wood is also on the menu. For exercise, each beaver receives its own pool to swim in.About a year later, Birch weighs 27 pounds. “Not only is he healthy, but hes also learned good survival skills,” Hunt says. “Its time to let him go.” Early one morning the beaver is driven into a Canadian forest to be set free. Birch is carried in a cage (笼子) to the bank of a lake. When the door opens, he carefully steps out, then jumps into the water and swims away. “Well miss Birch,” Hunt says. “But nothing feels better than putting an animal back where it should be.”语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一只小海狸遇险获救并最终被放归大自然的故事。1On his way to work, the man _.Agets caught in heavy rainBsaves a little young animalCis driven to a hospitalDsends a beaver home解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段中的“the man picks him up and drives to a nearby animal hospital”和第二段中的“If he hadnt been saved, he almost certainly wouldnt have survived.”可知,那位男子在上班途中救了小海狸一命,故选B项。2According to Paragraph 2, Birch _.Amoves to the rehab center with HuntBloses his parents when he is bornCis too young to care for himselfDbreaks his bones in an accident解析:选C细节理解题。由该段中的“they think that Birch is about eight weeks old . Hes not ready to care for himself”可知,Birch太小还不会照顾自己,故选C项。3Which of the following may Andrea Hunt agree with?AIf you love him, stay with him forever.BIt is dangerous to get close to animals.CJust keep a beaver as your pet.DSave animals, save the world.解析:选D推理判断题。由Andrea Hunt帮助小海狸康复并将其放归大自然的故事及她在最后一段所说的“But nothing feels . should be.”可知,Andrea Hunt会同意D项说法。4What would be the best title for the text?ABirch:a lucky beaverBAspen:a special friendCAndrea Hunt:a skilled workerDThe CWRS:home to injured animals解析:选A标题归纳题。总览全文可知,文章主要讲述了一只小海狸遇险获救并最终被放归大自然的故事,故用A项作为标题最恰当。加餐练(二)主观题规范增分练.语法填空What on earth does happiness mean? I cant give you its _1_ (exactly) definition (定义), but Im sure if you love and help others, youll get it.Ill never forget an old lady. She lives in _2_ small house alone. It is said that her husband and her son _3_ (die) in a road accident years ago. Her life is bitter, but she often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children _4_ (live) nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the _5_ (story) she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, _6_ I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.But Im sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They talk _7_ (noisy) in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees _8_ (enjoy) themselves and they laugh at others shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality already.Now I know what happiness is. _9_ means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, I have come to understand that _10_ (bring) happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.语篇解读:究竟什么是幸福?作者给出了自己的理解幸福意味着善良、爱心和无私。1exact修饰名词definition,应用形容词。2a此处泛指“一所小房子”,用不定冠词a。3died根据years ago可知,应用一般过去时。4livingving作定语修饰several children。5storiesstory“故事”是可数名词,讲的故事不止一个,故用复数形式。6but/yet由unlucky及happy的对比可知,前后句之间为转折关系,故用but/yet连接。7noisily修饰动词talk用副词。8to enjoy此处用动词不定式作目的状语。9It指代前一句提到的happiness,故用It。10bringing所用词在宾语从句中作主语,且指抽象性动作,故应用动名词形式。.短文改错Dear Kelly,Ive been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warmly reception during my stay in England.Last week, I enjoyed me in your country. I visited the city museum and some places of interests, which made me to have a better understanding of British culture and history. Of course, I also make many new friends. Beside, I was lucky enough to staying at your home. Ill never forget the days when we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offered me for a gift. Its great help for me to learn English well. Ill treasure and make full use of it.Yours,Li Hua答案:第二句:warmlywarm第三句:memyself第四句:interestsinterest; 去掉to第五句:makemade第六句:BesideBesides; stayingstay第七句:whenthat/which第八句:第二个foras第九句:great前加a.书面表达假设你是李梅,你的好朋友Susan前不久随父母去了美国,她写信告诉你开始新的学校生活不是很容易,感到很孤独。请你根据以下要点用英语给她写一封电子邮件。1听到消息很难过,并给她一些建议;2学好英语,练习口语,从而增加和别人交流的机会;3多交一些朋友,友情会使她忘记孤独;4积极参加各种活动,使自己的生活更加有趣。注意:1.词数100左右;2可根据内容需要,适当扩展细节;3邮件格式已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Susan, Yours,Li Mei参考范文:Dear Susan,Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in America, but this situation can be easily changed if you take my advice.Firstly, you should work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others. Secondly, why not make some friends? They can help you to know more about America, and it is very important to express your thoughts and feelings to them so that you can forget your loneliness. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you take an active part in all kinds of activities, which will help to make life more interesting. By doing these, you will be happier with your new life soon.I hope you will find these ideas useful.Yours,Li Mei第一部分听力(满分30分,限时20分钟)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Who was ill yesterday?ALily.BLilys mother.CLilys grandma.2What does the boy want to do during his holiday?AGo surfing.BGo hiking.CGo shopping.3How will they know the time for yoga classes?ABy making a phone call.BBy checking the website.CBy going to the yoga centre.4How can the woman recognize the man?ABy his shirt.BBy his glasses.CBy his taxi.5How much is the ticket for an adult?A120 dollars.B180 dollars.C240 dollars.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6How will the man go to the City Library?ABy taxi.BBy bus.CBy subway.7Where will the man go first?ATo the store.BTo the school.CTo the bank.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife.BBrother and sister.CMother and son.9What will the woman do in the afternoon?AVisit her parents.BMake a phone call.CDo some shopping.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Whats wrong with the mans phone?AIt is lost.BIt doesnt work.CIt is broken.11Who watched the film with Maria at last?ANobody.BHer husband.CHer families.12What time will they go shopping probably?AAt 3:00 pm.BAt 4:30 pm.CAt 5:30 pm.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13On which day does the girl have English first?AOn Wednesday.BOn Thursday.COn Friday.14Which subject doesnt the girl like?AMusic.BArt.CP.E.15How often does the boy have a physics lesson?AOnce a week.BTwice a week.CThree times a week.16What do we know about the girl?AShe thinks math is boring.BShe is poor in math.CShe is busy on weekdays.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17When did Lisa quit her job?AOn August 22nd.BOn August 13th.COn August 4th.18Why is Mark bored after he quit his job?AHe doesnt have a car.BHe doesnt know what to do.CHe is very busy as usual.19What does Jack do now?AA teacher.BA salesman.CA repairman.20What does the speaker mainly tell us?AHow to win the lottery.BThe dreams of many people.CStories about three lottery winners.答案:15CABAC610CAACB1115ACBAB 1620CABAC听力材料(Text 1)M:Lily, why didnt you come to school yesterday? Was there something wrong with you?W:No, my mum asked me to stay at home to take care of my grandma. She was ill.(Text 2)W:Whats your plan for this holiday?M:My mother wants to go shopping, but my father would rather go hiking. I think going surfing in the sea is more interesting.(Text 3)W:Do you know what time the yoga class will begin this Friday?M:Im not sure. Lets call the yoga centre.W:Checking it on the official website is much more convenient.(Text 4)W:OK. Ill see you at the City Square. How will I recognize you?M:Lets see. I will wear black glasses and I will take a taxi there.W:There may be a lot of people with glasses by taxi.M:OK, Ill wear a yellow shirt. You cant miss it.(Text 5)M:Id like two tickets for the 11 oclock train to New York, please.W:Oneway or roundtrip?M:Oneway, please. Oh, and one ticket is for my 7yearold daughter.W:Fine. The ticket is half price for the child. That comes to D|S360 in total.(Text 6)M:Excuse me, how can I get to the City Library?W:Well, if you want to take a bus, theres a bus stop over there. But its faster if you take the subway.M:I think Ill have to get there as soon as I can. How much is a student ticket?W:Five dollars from here to the library.M:Thanks. By the way, is there a store near here? I need to buy some notebooks.W:Yes, theres one on the other side of the street. Look! Next to the school.(Text 7)W:Hello, is Mike there?M:Its me.W:Do you realize its November already? Thanksgiving Day is coming.M:Youre right. Its time to express thanks to the people who love us. Would you like to visit my parents on that day?W:Sure. Why dont you call your sister and invite her family to come with us?M:Good idea. I will call her tonight. And could you help me with shopping? We need to get a turkey and some fruits.W:Dont worry. Ill do it this afternoon. And Ill buy some gifts for your parents as well as our two kids.M:Thanks. Ill pick you up when I finish my work today.W:OK, see you then.(Text 8)M:My phone doesnt seem to be working, Maria.W:You can use mine if you want. I will be having a meeting from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.M:Thank you. But you know it happens all the time.W:Hows that?M:Remember last time you called me? It didnt really connect. But what you heard was “powered off”W:Yeah. I got so angry because it was at Christmas. You made me wait for 2 hours. There were couples and families except me. I was in the cinema by myself.M:Sorry. I definitely need a new phone.W:You can take time to think about it. Its almost 3 oclock and I have to attend the meeting.M:Hold on a second! Could you please go to the shopping centre with me later?W:OK. See you after the meeting.(Text 9)M:Is this your timetable?W:Yes. You can see how busy I am.M:You have many English lessons and two of them are the first lessons in the morning.W:Thats on Tuesday and Thursday. Do you know what I like best?M:Of course. I know you like art best. And I see that you have two art lessons on Wednesday afternoon.W:Quite right. You see, the two music lessons are the last lessons on Monday and Thursday. You know I hate it, but when I think I can have sports after that, I dont feel too bad.M:I can find only one physics lesson in the timetable. You have it on Monday afternoon. I have it on that day, too. The other one is on Friday morning.W:That is great. By the way, my math teacher is very good. You know, my math was poor in primary school, but now I enjoy my math lessons very much. I feel glad on Wednesday and Friday morning, because I have math lessons.M:I dont like that subject because it is too boring to me.(Text 10)Do you dream of winning the lottery? Millions of people do. What happens if you win the lottery? Lets look at three lottery winners. Lisa wanted to be an artist, bu


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