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Module 4 课下能力提升(十四).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1Perhaps the most important characteristic (特征,特性) of rap music is the way that the artists sing.2._Regarding (关于)the punishment, what would you advise?3Charles Chaplin has his own way of_interpreting (诠释)life of little people in cities.4Jim took it into his head to give up his good job and go off for a holiday with a relative (亲戚)5Such poets as Keats and Shelly wrote romantic poetry (poetic)6He felt greatly depressed (depress)at the news that he had been turned down by the company.7There are three basic ways of committing language to writing, and all known graphic systems use one or a combination (combine) of these.8Old Toms son was ambitious (ambition) to be a famous painter.选词填空give concerts, graduate from, the same with, in public, be true of, regardless of, be relative to, make contact with1We havent got to see our teacher since we graduated_from the school.2This is my first time to have a speech in_public,_so I am a bit nervous.3One should speak clearly and the same is_true_of writing.4By giving_concerts with other famous pianists, he collected enough money for saving the dying boy.5Ive tried to make_contact_with them, but theyve brushed me off.6The man is considered to be_relative_to the murder.7He serves the public wholeheartedly, regardless_of his personal gain or loss.8My cousin likes playing computer games but works hard.Its the_same_with my brother.完成句子1她不喜欢古典音乐,她姐姐也是如此。She doesnt like classical music.So it_is_the_same_with_her_sister.2把你的知识和技术结合起来,你就能把它做得很完美。Combine_your_knowledge_with your skills and youll do it perfectly.3相对于地球表面而言,这颗卫星位置固定。The satellite remains in one spot relative_to_the_earths_surface.4徐悲鸿擅长画马,他似乎赋予了马生命一样。Xu Beihong was good at drawing horses and he seemed to have given_life_to them.5有时候我们需要拥抱、大笑,与我们的家人、朋友甚至我们的宠物分享我们的感受与想法。Sometimes, we need to hug, laugh, and share_feelings_and_ideas_with our family, friends, and even our pets.阅读理解AMarc Yu, a nineyearold boy from California, has achieved more than most musicians do in their whole life.He has learned two musical instruments, played the piano at the most famous US concerts and won a couple of musical scholarship.Marc was an unusual child even as a baby.At just six months of age, he would sit through a twohour classical music concert.By the time he was two he started to read and sing Beethoven symphonies (交响曲)While his mother thought this was unusual, she did not realize his musical gifts until he was at a friends party and started to play a nursery rhyme on the piano.With lessons from his mom and then a professional teacher, Marcs skills improved a lot.By the time he was five, he had learned another musical instrument the cello (大提琴)When he was just six and a half, he picked up a famous prize the Davidson Fellowship in Music, which is usually given to musicians 18 or older.After making his orchestra debut (初次演出) at the age of six, there has been no looking back for this musical genius.He is always traveling, either to perform at concerts or for piano lessons.On August 31st, Marc will perform at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England, one of the worlds most famous concert halls.He will be playing the piano alongside Lang Lang, a classical pianist, who has performed at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.While Marc, who is homeschooled, like his music very much and practices 5 6 hours a day, he is by no means a bookworm (书呆子)He loves to play soccer with his friends and has a great sense of humor.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章介绍了一位九岁的音乐天才。1Which of the following is the CORRECT order to describe Marcs music career according to the text?aHe began to learn the cello.bHe made his orchestra debut.cHe won the Davidson Fellowship in Music.dHe started to read and sing Beethoven symphonies.eHe could sit through a twohour classical music concert.AeabdcBedabcCbceda Dedacb解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二、三、四段中的时间点“six months of age, he was two, he was five, he was just six and a half, at the age of six”可知答案为B。2After Marcs first performance, he_.Ais popular all over the worldBhas won a musical scholarshipCstarts to learn from Lang LangDoften travels to perform or learn piano解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段中的“He is always traveling, either to perform at concerts or for piano lessons”可知。3According to the text, Marc_.Ais skilled at playing two musical instrumentsBperformed well at the Royal Albert HallCnow learns music from his motherDhas a gift for soccer as well解析:选A推理判断题。根据第一段中的“He has learned two musical instruments”可知,他擅长两种乐器。BPeople have written and recorded hundreds of songs about autumn.Most of these songs express sadness that summer is over.Some songs about autumn also express the sadness of lost love.Mary Dawson, in her Internet “Writing Journal”,writes that this season influenced songwriters to write some of the greatest songs of all time.Here are some of our favourite songs about autumn.September Song by Kurt Weill is one of the most wellknown and saddest songs about the season.It was introduced back in 1938 in the Broadway musical Knickerbocker Holiday.Many people have recorded this song.Probably the most famous version (版本) is sung by Frank Sinatra.Another famous song about this season is Autumn Leaves.This song also expresses sad feelings.It was first introduced in a French movie in 1946.Later, the famous American songwriter Johnny Mercer was asked to write English words to the music.Since then, many artists have recorded it.There is a lovely version by Eva Cassidy from her album, Songbird.The Moody Blues is a British rock band that first became famous in the 1960s.They also recorded a song about fallen leaves, dark days and lost love.It is called Forever Autumn.The former rock group The White Stripes has a song called Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, from their album White Blood Cells.Jack White sings about a woman who did not wait for him while he was away.But not all the songs about autumn are sad.Here is a more hopeful song James Taylors October Road.It is about leaving the big city for the countryside and going home again after a long time away.语篇解读:有关秋天的歌曲大部分都是哀伤的,当然也不乏欢快的、让人充满希望的歌曲。4What can we learn from the passage?AAutumn often brings songwriters sad feelings.BSad songs about autumn are soon forgotten.CMary Dawson is a famous songwriter.DAutumn brings people much hope.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第一段可知,多数关于秋天的歌曲表达的都是哀伤的情怀,因此对歌曲创作者而言,秋天通常是带给人们哀伤的季节,因此A项正确。5All the following songs about autumn are sad EXCEPT _.ASeptember SongBForever AutumnCOctober RoadDDead Leaves and the Dirty Ground解析:选C细节理解题。最后一段说明不是所有关于秋天的歌曲表达的都是哀伤的情怀,October Road 就是一首能带给人们希望的歌曲,因此C项正确。6We can infer from the passage that Jack White might _.Abe a singer of the group The White StripesBhave an unhappy marriageClike travelling along without telling his wifeDhate autumn very much解析:选A推理判断题。文章倒数第二段提到了乐队The White Stripes (白色条纹) 及这个乐队演唱的关于秋天的歌曲。结合Jack White后面的sings可以推知,他是这个乐队的一名成员,演唱了关于秋天的歌曲 Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground。7Whats the passage mainly about?ASome advice on listening to the songs about autumn.BThe musical styles of the songs about autumn.CThe singers of the songs about autumn.DThe songs about autumn.解析:选D主旨大意题。结合全文内容,特别是第二段最后一句可知,本文主要介绍了关于秋天的歌曲。很多关于秋天的歌曲传达的是哀伤的情怀,但也不乏欢快的、让人充满希望的关于秋天的歌曲。.阅读七选五MusicMusic is a group of sounds that people have arranged in a pleasing or meaningful way. All cultures of the world make some forms of music. Music can be simple for example, one person tapping (轻敲) out a beat on a log drum or singing a childrens song. _1_All music includes basic elements, or parts. The main elements of music are rhythm, melody, harmony, and form._2_ The most important part of rhythm is the beat. When you tap your foot to a song you like, you are tapping out the beat. The speed of the beats is called the tempo (速度). The pattern of the beats is called the meter (节拍)Melody is a series of different tones, or sounds, in a piece of music. The tones are played one after another to make up a song. _3_ The highness or lowness of a tone is called its pitch (音高). Musicians describe different tones with the letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G.Harmony takes place when people play more than one tone at the same time. Groups of tones played together are called chords (和弦). _4_Form is the way people put rhythm, melody, and harmony together. _5_ Repeating a short melody is one of the simplest forms. For example, in the song Mary Had a Little Lamb, each verse repeats the same melody. A symphony is a more complex form. In a symphony, different groups of instruments may play different melodies at the same time or a series of harmonies.AThe tones in a melody may be low or high.BRhythm describes the length of musical sounds.CThere are many different types of musical forms.DThe tempo may be fast or slow at different points.EHarmony also describes the way chords go along with a melody.FDrums help other instruments and voices keep the rhythm in many songs.GMusic can also be complex for example, hundreds of instruments playing together for hours.语篇解读:文章主要介绍了音乐的四大要素:节奏、旋律、和声和形式。1解析:选G由该空前的“Music can be simple . singing a childrens song”可知,G项“音乐也可能会复杂,例如,成百上千种乐器一起演奏数小时”符合此处语境。2解析:选B由上文中的“The mai


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