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Module 5 课下能力提升(十八).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1The black furnishings provide an interesting contrast (对照) to the white walls.2I cant stand working with Jane in the same office. She refuses (拒绝) to stop talking while she works.3He was put into prison because he murdered (谋杀) an old lady.4Years after the accident I still have nightmares (噩梦) about it.5The boy threw away the broken glass secretly for fear (害怕) of being found out.6He never gave up chasing (chase) after his dream in his youth.7The kitchen was in a disgusting (disgust) state when she left.8We all breathed (breath) a sigh of relief when it was over. 9He was terrified (terrify) at the thought of jumping from the plane.10These years, more and more people study the technology of cloning (clone).选词填空again and again, with fear, rush out of, up and down, burn out, contrast with, throw oneself on, take a deep breath1The child was shaking with_fear.2After the long journey, the old man threw_himself_on the bed and fell asleep.3I told them again_and_again to turn down the radio.4The snow was icy and white, contrasting_with the brilliant blue sky.5The hotel was completely_burnt_out;_only the walls remained.6He sprang to his feet and rushed_out_of the hall.7My little daughter started jumping up_and_down on the sofa with anger when she heard she couldnt go.8She took_a_deep_breath_and dived in.完成句子1我希望你以后对你父亲更尊敬些。I wish you would_be more respectful to your father later on.2我们是在下午三点的时候到的上海。It_was_at_three_in_the_afternoon_that we arrived in Shanghai.3当我在家里做家务时,我喜欢听音乐。I enjoy listening to music while_doing housework at home.4从詹姆斯的表情我可以看出他害怕被我们抛弃。From James face, I could see he was_terrified of being abandoned by us.5他的行为与诺言形成鲜明的对比。His actions contrast_sharply_with_his promise.阅读理解AThere are many ways in which human cloning is expected to benefit humans.Dr Richard Seed, one of the leading supporters of human cloning technology, suggests that it may someday be possible to completely change the aging process because of what we learn from cloning.Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged. Heart disease is the number one killer in the US and several other industrialised countries.There has been a breakthrough with human stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can be grown to produce organs to repair or replace damaged ones. Skin for burn victims, brain cells for the brain damaged, hearts, lungs, and kidneys could be produced. By combining this technology with human cloning technology, it may be possible to produce needed organs for suffering people that will be free of rejection by their immune systems. Conditions such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, heart failure, and other problems can be cured if human cloning and its technology are not banned.Though current treatments for infertility (不生育) are getting a fair amount of publicity in the news, they, in terms of percentages, are not very successful. Some data shows that current infertility treatments are less than 10 percent successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before possible.语篇解读:本文作者从几个方面介绍了克隆人技术给人类带来了益处。1According to Dr Richard Seed, we can use cloning technology to _.Aproduce more animalsBmake people live happilyCmake people look youngerDcure people of many diseases解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段中的“to completely change the aging process”可知,Richard Seed认为克隆技术可以彻底改变变老的进程。因此推知,克隆技术可以使人们看上去更年轻。2We can learn from the passage that _.Acloning has already been used to treat heart diseaseBwe can treat a mans heart disease by cloning heartsCmost people in industrial countries suffer from heart diseaseDmore people die of heart disease than of other diseases in the US解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,心脏病是美国和其他工业化国家的头号杀手,因此在美国死于心脏病的人要比死于其他疾病的人多。3What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AWith cloning infertile couples could have children.BTreatment of infertility is not successful.CInfertile couples suffer a lot physically and mentally.DIt is difficult for couples to have more children now.解析:选A段落大意题。联系全文可知,本文的主题是人类克隆技术。最后一段点明了现在治疗不孕的成功率很低,许多夫妇饱受煎熬,最后说明了利用人类克隆技术可以使不孕的夫妇有自己的孩子,因此A项正确。4What is the authors attitude towards human cloning?ASupportive.BDoubtful.CCautious. DCurious.解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章第一句,特别是关键词benefit及第二至五段(都是讲人类克隆技术会给人类带来益处)可推知,作者对人类克隆技术持支持的态度。BMy daughter just turned nine last week. We went to the supermarket, and I offered her the best gift I could imagine: picking out anything she wanted. I expected her to pick out some clothes, a new video game, maybe even a doll. However, she insisted the only thing she wanted was a model airplane.I guess I shouldnt be surprised about her request. My daughter has grown up in a military household, the pride and joy of her father. He finds it perfectly appropriate (合适的) that, from a very early age, she has shared his love of aviation (航空学). Ill never forget my shock when he taught her to jump off the swing set in our backyard, pretending she was a pilot. I believe she was four at the time, but even then she would play pilot more than house.Yet soon stories and pictures of aircraft werent enough; she wanted to see the real thing. So my husband started taking her to the annual air show at the local military base. Most other children her age admired how fast the planes flew or how nicely they were painted, but not my daughter. She would ask. “Daddy, when are they going to upgrade (升级) the avionics system in the F22 Raptor?” or “Do you think unmanned drones (无人机) will ever be as useful as manned aircraft?” I once overheard her correcting an older gentleman who was mistaken about the planned retirement date of the F15 Eagle.Of course, my husband has big dreams for his little aviatrix. She is going to be a military pilot, graduating at the top of her class from the Naval Academy. Then shes going to design the nextgeneration fighter personally, while lecturing at Harvard about the history of fixedwing aircraft. How shes going to find time to do all of these things, Ill never know!语篇解读:作者介绍了她的女儿对航空飞行器的浓厚兴趣。5How did the author celebrate her daughters 9th birthday?AShe took her to watch an air show.BShe held a dollthemed party for her.CShe gave her a model airplane as a gift.DShe set a swing in the backyard for her.解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段的“We went to the supermarket . she insisted the only thing she wanted was a model airplane”可知,女儿九岁生日时,作者带她去超市挑选生日礼物,最后在女儿的坚持下送了她一个航模作为礼物。6How did the authors daughter feel when she played pilot at age 4?AMoved.BExcited.CShocked. DFrightened.解析:选B推理判断题。由第二段的“I believe she was four at the time, but even then she would play pilot more than house”可知,作者的女儿四岁时在秋千上玩飞行的游戏多于玩过家家,故那时她玩这种游戏特别开心兴奋。7Why did the author mention her daughters special behavior in Paragraph 3?ATo introduce her big dreams.BTo describe her happy childhood.CTo show her strong interest in aircraft.DTo compare her with other children her age.解析:选C推理判断题。第三段的首句“Yet soon stories and pictures of aircraft werent enough; she wanted to see the real thing”即本段主旨句。作者描述她的女儿有别于其他同龄人的行为表现,就是为了说明女儿对航空飞行器的浓厚兴趣。8Whats the authors attitude to her husbands plans for their daughters future?ASupportive. BDoubtful.CUncaring. DSatisfied.解析:选B推理判断题。由最后一段的“How shes going to find time to do all of these things, Ill never know”可知,作者的丈夫对女儿的未来有太多的期待,但作者却不认为女儿有足够的时间能完成他的这些梦想,故作者持怀疑的态度。.阅读七选五Clones in fictionStories featuring clones always draw me in. Ive read enough fiction books about clones over the years. _1_The Lost Girl, by Sangu Mandanna_2_ Eva is Amarras clone. She learns what Amarra learns in school, eats what she eats, and studies every last detail of her life. The trouble is, no matter how hard she studies, outside of their appearances Eva and Amarra arent that much alike. To make matters more complex, she learns Amarra has a boyfriend she must learn to love as much as Amarra does when her own heart secretly belongs to someone else.When Amarra is killed in a car crash just after their 16th birthday, Eva has to pick up her life where she left it off. Her life depends on convincing Amarras loved ones that she is Amarra. _3_The House of Scorpion, by Nancy FarmerThis is not just one of my favorite books about clones, but one of my favorite books. Between the border of the United States and Aztlan, which was once Mexico, lies Opium, a land ruled by drug lords (毒枭). El Patron is the most powerful drug lord in Opium, a man almost 20 years old. _4_Matt is El Patrons clone. El Patron has been using clones like Matt to keep himself alive. But before he is needed, the drug lord treats him like a prized pet. El Patrons family dislikes him, thinking him inhuman and a possible threat (威胁) to their inheritance (遗产). The older he gets, the more Matt feels trapped at every turn. _5_ACan they accept that?BThey are very fearful and tiresome.CCloning is considered to be criminal.DIs there any way he can be free to make his own life?ECan you be attracted by the rich imagination of the stories?FEveryone is struck with fear in the heart when hearing the name.GIts unbelievable that a person has to spend the whole life learning to be someone else.语篇解读:本文介绍了科幻作品中的克隆人物。1解析:选


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