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Module 6 War and Peace阅读障碍词august adj.威严的desolation n凄凉aglow adj.神采飞扬的staunch adj.坚定的against odds尽管极为不利或遭强烈反对minglev交往foam n泡沫,指海疆Extract from For The FallenRobert Lawrence BinyonWith proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,England mourns for her dead across the sea.Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,Fallen in the cause of the free.Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal.Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.There is music in the midst of desolation;And a glory that shines upon our tears.They went with songs to the battle, they were young,Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;They fell with their faces to the foe.They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morningWe will remember them.They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;They sit no more at familiar tables of home;They have no lot in our labour of the daytime;They sleep beyond Englands foam.Match the word with its meaning.1abandonA营救,拯救2drown B俯视,往下看3survivor C使受伤4last D放弃,抛弃5occupy E淹死,使溺死6eventually F(感到)震惊的7wound G幸存者8shocked H最后,最终9overlook I占领10rescue J持续答案:15DEGJI610HCFBA.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.1The key to the problems is to make a breakthrough with a clear aim and succeed in solving them.取得重大突破/进展2Can you pick me up at the airport at 10 am tomorrow?用车接3At one point, we were friends.However, now we are enemies.曾经4Great changes have taken place since the reform and opening policy.发生5Have you taken part in the sports meet held last week?参加6In former times, Kings of small states used to declare war on their neighbours.向宣战The picture below shows us a scene before the DDay landings on the Normandy coast of Germanoccupied France.How much do you know about the DDay landings?In the Second World War, Germany occupied many countries.In these countries, France was included.The United States, Britain and Canada united to invade France against Nazi domination.We call the event that the soldiers of these countries landed on the beaches of Normandy in France the DDay landings.FastreadingMatch the following passages with their main ideas.Passage 1 Adescribing the 60th Anniversary of the DDay landingsPassage 2Bintroducing the reason of the DDay landingsPassage 3Ctelling us the history of a company called Able Company答案:BCA.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.1Which of the following countries took part in the DDay landings according to the passage?AJapan.BGermany.CSouth Africa. DAmerica.2Which of the following is TRUE about the DDay landings?AIt marked the beginning of World War .BIt showed that Germany was successful.CIt marked the beginning of the end of World War .DIt was a failure because almost none of the soldiers from Able Company survived.3What happened to Boat 5 when it was sailing towards the beach?AThe soldiers on it jumped out before they got to the beach.BThe boat sank into the water and soldiers were killed.CIt was hit one kilometer from the beach.D20 soldiers on the boat drowned before help arrived.4Which of the following is TRUE about the poem on the memorial?AIt can only be seen on the war memorial in France.BIt was written by an English novelist.CIt was first published in TheTimes newspaper in 1946.DIt was only part of a poem.答案:14DCCD.StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1Operation Overlord started when boats full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France, known as the DDay landings.句式分析尝试翻译“霸王行动”开始于D日登陆。当日满载士兵的船只在法国诺曼底海滩登陆。2When Boat 3 was a few metres from the beach, the soldiers jumped out, but the water was so deep that some of them disappeared under the water.句式分析本句为并列复合句。but前面的第一个并列分句里面含有when引导的时间状语从句;but后面第二个并列分句里面含有so . that .引导的结果状语从句。尝试翻译当第三艘船离海滩数米远时,战士们跳入海中。但由于海水太深,有的人沉入了海底。3The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, from where the boats attempted their landings.句式分析尝试翻译墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上,从那里可以俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡,当时一艘艘船只就试图从那里登陆。阅读理解ALittle WomenBy Louisa May Alcott AmericaList Price:24Price:18.12You Save:5.88Paperback: 544 pagesAverage Customer Review:4.4 out of 5 starsLittleWomen is one of the best loved books of all time.Lovely Meg, talented Jo, kindhearted Beth, spoiled Amy: theyve learned hard lessons of poverty and of growing up in New England during the American Civil War. Through their dreams, plays, letters, and illnesses, women of all ages have become part of this remarkable family.Great ExpectationsBy Charles Dickens BritainList Price:13Price:11You Save:2Hardcover: 400 pagesAverage Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 starsIn what may be Dickenss best novel, Pip is working in a dirty forge (铁匠铺) but dares to dream of becoming a gentleman and one day, under sudden circumstances, he finds himself in possession of “great expectations”The Grapes of WrathBy John Steinbeck AmericaList Price:19.5Price:13.2You Save:6.3Paperback: 464 pagesAverage Customer Review:4.2 out of 5 starsFirst published in 1939, Steinbecks Pulitzer Prizewinning novel of the Great Depression describes the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s in America through the story of one Oklahoma farm family the Joads driven from their home and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. The novel describes the horrors of the Great Depression and reflects the very nature of equality and justice in Americans.The Adventures of Tom SawyerBy Mark Twain AmericaList Price:8.88Price:6.3You Save: 2.58Paperback: 208 pagesAverage Customer Review: 4 out of 5 starsThis childhood classic relates a smalltown boys pranks (恶作剧) and naughty behavior with timeless humor and wisdom. Tom experiences a big turn of events when he witnesses a murder, runs away, and returns to attend his own funeral and testify (作证) in court.FREE shipping on orders over 30.语篇解读:本文为读者推荐了四本非常著名的书。1Which of the following books offers the smallest price cut?ALittleWomen.BGreatExpectations.CTheGrapesofWrath.DTheAdventuresofTomSawyer.解析:选B细节理解题。通过比较四本书的You Save部分可知,GreatExpectations减价最少。2If you are interested in American history of the Great Depression, you may choose to read _.ATheAdventuresofTomSawyerBTheGrapesofWrathCGreatExpectationsDLittleWomen解析:选B细节理解题。根据The Grapes of Wrath 部分中的最后一句话可知,本书的写作背景是美国的大萧条时期。3Whats the difference between GreatExpectations and the other three books?AIt is written by an American author.BIt receives the best review from customers.CIt is the thickest one among the four books.DIt is the only hardcover one among the four books.解析:选D细节理解题。根据Great Expectations 部分中的Hardcover:400 pages可知,Great Expectations是精装书,其他三本书均为简装书。4If you want to get free shipping, you should buy _.ALittleWomen and GreatExpectationsBLittleWomen and TheGrapesofWrathCTheGrapesofWrath and TheAdventuresofTomSawyerDGreatExpectations and TheAdventuresofTomSawyer解析:选B数字计算题。根据文末“FREE shipping on orders over 30” 可知,购书满30美元免运费,LittleWomen 和 TheGrapesofWrath 两本书总售价为 31.32 美元,符合免运费要求。BIn the summer of 1862, a young man belonging to a Vermont regiment was found sleeping at his post. He was tried and sentenced to be shot. The day was fixed for the execution (处决), and the young soldier calmly prepared to meet his fate.Friends who knew of the case brought the matter to Mr Lincolns attention. It seemed that the boy had been on duty one night, and on the following night he had taken the place of a comrade who was too ill to stand guard. The third night he had been again called out, and, being exhausted, he fell asleep.As soon as Mr Lincoln understood the case, he signed a pardon (赦免令), and sent it to the camp. The morning before the execution arrived, Mr Lincoln had not heard whether the pardon had reached the officers in charge of the matter. He began to feel uneasy. He ordered a telegram to be sent to the camp, but received no answer.As last, feeling that he must know that the boy was safe, he ordered a carriage and rode rapidly ten miles over a dusty road and beneath a hot sun. When he reached the camp, he found that the pardon had been received and the execution had been called off.The soldier was set free, and his heart was filled with lasting gratitude. When the campaign opened in the spring, the young man was with his regiment near Yorktown, Virginia. They were ordered to attack a fort, and he fell at the first volley (齐射) of the enemy.His comrades caught him up and carried him bleeding and dying from the field.“Bear witness,” he said, “that I have proved myself a brave soldier, and I am not afraid to die.” Then, making a last effort, with his dying breath he prayed for Abraham Lincoln.语篇解读:本文讲了一件林肯与一位年轻的士兵之间关于知恩图报的故事。5The young soldier was sentenced to death because_.Ahe tried to escape at nightBhe wasnt on his duty on timeChe broke the military disciplineDhe was found cheating his friend解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段前两句可知,这位年轻的战士因为在站岗时睡着了而被判死刑。因此,C项(他违反了军纪)正确。6We can learn from Paragraph 2_.Athat Mr Lincoln was angry with what had happenedBwhy the young soldier slept when he was on dutyCthat the young soldier was forced to do other thingsDwhy the young soldier was praised by his friends解析:选B细节理解题。由第二段可知,这位年轻的战士因为连续三天晚上站岗而过度疲劳,所以才在岗哨上睡着了。因此,B项正确。7Mr Lincoln rode to the camp by himself because_.Athe officers didnt obey his orderBthe young soldier didnt obey his orderChe didnt believe in the officers in the campDhe doubted if the officers received the pardon解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段及第四段第一句可知,林肯之所以自己驾车到营地,是因为他没有收到营地关于已经收到他发布的赦免令的回复,即他不确定营地是否收到他发布的赦免令。8According to the last paragraph, which word can best describe the young soldier?ADetermined.BPatient.CThankful. DFriendly.解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后一段中这位年轻的战士在临死前说的话及他最后挣扎着为他的恩人(林肯)祈福可推知,他很忠诚,是个知恩图报的人。因此,thankful符合题意。CA team of Oscarwinning producers is working on a film about the life and death of Vincent Van Gogh.Entitled LovingVincent its a handpainted animation based on hundreds of paintings and letters by the artist. Its not only about the art that Van Gogh created, but also about him as a person.As a painter, the films director Dorota Kobiela says she was inspired by the artists unique style and his own words we can only speak through our paintings.“We have over fifty painters on this film and each needs to be able to paint to an incredibly high level,” says the films producer, Hugh Welchman.They have to handpaint about 57,000 paintings, all of which are oil on canvas(帆布)to get the original Van Goghs look. The animator uses material and paint based on a projected (投射的) picture, covering the previous image with another image.“The image is displayed on the canvas by a projector behind me. I can see the main lines and the movement required. I paint the contours (轮廓) to create the movement and then I can sense, from what I see in the live preview, whether the animation will work. When the painting is ready, a photograph is taken and the process starts over again. After twelve frames we have one second of movie material. Matching each image to the previous one requires extremely precise work. Patience is a must,” says Anna Kluza, one of the artists on the project.Described as an investigation into the life and controversial death of one of the worlds most beloved painters, as told through his paintings, the characters that exist in them and dramatic reconstructions of the events leading up to his death, LovingVincent is expected to be his screens in two years time.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了关于梵高的一部电影的拍摄过程。9Whats the film mainly about?AThe paintings of Van Gogh.BThe reasons of Van Goghs death.CThe life and death of Van Gogh.DThe present comments on Van Gogh.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段后半句内容可知,这部电影主要就是梵高传记。10Why does Dorota Kobiela want to direct such a film?AShe wants people to research the famous artist.BShe is affected by Van Goghs artistic achievements.CShe wants to teach the painters how to paint precisely.DShe is inspired by Van Goghs works and words.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第三段中的“she was inspired by the artists unique style and his own words”可知,Dorota Kobiela导演之所以想拍这部电影是因为受到了梵高作品和言语的鼓舞,故答案选D项。11According to the passage, how long may the film finally last?A30 minutes or so.BLess than an hour.CNearly two hours.DAbout 80 minutes.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第五段中的“They have to handpaint about 57,000 paintings”以及第六段中“After twelve frames we have one second of movie material.”可推知,Time57 000126079.2,所以这部电影最终可能会持续大约八十分钟,故答案选D项。12What is NOT sure about Van Gogh?AHis life conditions.BReasons of his death.CThe value of his works.DHis painting characters.解析:选B细节理解题。根据末段中的“Described as an investigation into the life and controversial death of one of the worlds most beloved painters”可知,梵高的死亡原因在世界上一直备受争议,故答案选B项。The DDay Landings Passage 1In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. The war, which lasted until 1945, is known as the Second World War. During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France. The most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord, the military operation in 1944 to invade France.Operation Overlord started when boats full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France, known as the DDay landings. More than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel, carrying 130,000 troops to the French coast.Troops from the United States, Britain and Canada took part in the DDay landings. The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats. American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach.The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion. Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough and the DDay landings were successful. It was the beginning of the end of the Second World War.Operation Overlord started as a story of danger and confusion and ended as a story of bravery and acts of heroism.The DDay Landings Passage 2The soldiers of Able Company crossed the English Channel in seven boats early on the morning of 6 June 1944. When they were about 5 kilometres from the beach, the Germans started firing artillery shells at them but the boats were too far away. The Germans continued firing and Boat 5 was hit one kilometre from the beach. Six men drowned before help arrived. Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. As a result, they missed the fighting on the beach. They were lucky. If they had reached the beach, they would probably have been killed.When Boat 3 was a few metres from the beach, the soldiers jumped out, but the water was so deep that some of them disappeared under the water. Many of the men were either killed or wounded by machine gun fire.The soldiers on Boat 1 and Boat 4 jumped into the water, but it was too deep and most of them drowned. Half an hour after the first attack, two thirds of the company (a company is a group of about 100 soldiers) were dead. The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.After an hour and fortyfive minutes, six of the survivors tried to climb up the cliff to get off the beach. Four were too exhausted to reach the top. The other two, Private Jake Shefer and Private Thomas Lovejoy, joined a group from another company and fought with them. Two men. Two rifles. This was Able Companys contribution to DDay.The DDay Landings Passage 3On 6 June 2004, survivors of the DDay landings from many different countries returned to France to remember their lost comrades. Many of them went to the cemetery and memorial which overlooks Omaha Beach.The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cli


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