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单元质量检测(六)(时间:100分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWelcome to enjoy the Mattaponi powwow(meeting on North America Indians) and culture day!Created in Virginia, America, the Mattaponi Indian Museum sits on a cliff (悬崖) overlooking the Mattaponi River.The Mattaponis have worked hard to keep their ancient way of life,customs and ceremonies.One purpose of their yearly powwow is to share these traditions with you.MATTAPONI POWWOW AND CULTURE DAY:May 18ADMISSION:Adult$ 6.00, Children(under 12)FreeCome and spend the day with us on the shores of the Mattaponi River for an educational experience presenting the customs and beliefs of the Mattaponi. During this special day, American Indians will dance and play drums while dressed in tribal clothing.This year visitors may join in the dancing and thrumming. Visitors will be able to observe artists and craftsmen as they show their basketmaking and toolmaking skills.American storytellers will help you see how their habits and beliefs are passed on to their children through stories.Enjoy ActivitiesTaste American Indian foodsPurchase crafts and souvenirsPlay American Indian childrens gamesWatch ceremonial dances and listen to ceremonial songsImportant CautionsNo petsBring your own chairs and blanketsTickets may be purchased in advance although no refunds (退款) will be allowedFor more information,please visit http://main.语篇解读:文章介绍了the Mattaponi powwow and culture day 这个活动的由来,活动的内容和参加活动时的注意事项。1According to the text, the Mattaponis habits and beliefs are handed down from generation to generation through _.AsongsBstoriesCcrafts Ddance解析:选B细节理解题。从文章中的“American storytellers will help you see how their habits and beliefs are passed on to their children through stories.”可知,Mattaponis的习惯和信念是通过故事流传下来的,故选B项。2Visitors coming to enjoy the Mattaponi powwow and culture day can do all the following EXCEPT_.Aenjoy American Indian foodsBwatch ceremonial dancesCplay American Indian childrens gamesDget crafts and souvenirs for free解析:选D细节理解题。Enjoy Activities中的第一条说明A是对的,第四条说明B是对的,第三条说明C是对的,而第二条说要购买手工艺品或纪念品,不是免费的,故选D项。3This text is mainly intended to _.Ainform readers about an eventBpersuade readers to try drummingCsell crafts and souvenirs to readersDeducate readers on different types of powwows解析:选A写作意图题。通读全文,可知文章是介绍the Mattaponi powwow and culture day 这个活动的,所以选A项。BIf you are only just starting to learn Chinese, classical Chinese poetry can seem totally impossible to understand. Sometimes the vocabulary is “oldfashioned” or “poetic” in style; often phrases are so compact (紧凑的) and economical that it is difficult to get across; and, not least, a full appreciation of a poem and all its associations requires a deep knowledge of Chinese literature and history. However, with help even a beginner can get to know some Chinese poems and benefit greatly, not only by learning new vocabulary and characters, but by becoming acquainted with one of the richest and most beautiful Chinese literary forms.A good poem to start off with is Jing Ye Si (Quiet Night Thoughts) by Li Bai (Li Po). This wellknown poem can be found in the Penguin Collection of Li Bais and Du Fu (Tu Fu)s poetry translated by Arthur Cooper, the poem along with his translation is presented below.Chuang qian ming yue guang,Yi shi di shang shuang.Ju tou wang ming yue,Di tou si gu xiang.Before my bedThere is brightlit moonlightSo that it seemsLike frost on the ground; Lifting my headI watch the bright moonLowering my headI dream that Im home.Ideally you should get hold of a recording of the poem by a native speaker so that you can hear the sound of the words and phrasing of the lines before they read it. If you focus on listening first, they will be more likely to notice and appreciate the special cadences (节奏) and rhythms used when Chinese poetry is recited (背诵) quite different from the sound of ordinary conversational Chinese.Then study the text, in both pinyin and Chinese characters, and play the recording again so that you can try following the text as you listen.Next you will need to go through the poem line by line: you may recognize simple words such as yue (moon), but you may want to know the translations of less common words. As well as learning new words and studying characters there is also one or two grammar points you can bring out: for example, in chuang qian and di shang, you have illustrations (例证) of the Chinese preposition following its noun (unlike English)In Chinese culture the moon, especially the full autumn moon, very often symbolizes family reunion and celebration. The use of light and weather words here moonlight and frost is very visually evocative (引起回忆的): although the language is simple, it is easy to imagine the poet lying on his bed in the moonlit room.Try to memorize the poem, using the recording of a native speaker as a model. It is an achievement to learn some Chinese poetry by heart and you will never again be at a loss when asked to perform at a Chinese gathering!语篇解读:本文通过李白的静夜思介绍了中文古诗在汉语学习中的作用,以及如何利用古诗学习汉语。4For a beginner to learn Chinese, the difficulty in learning classical Chinese poetry lies in the following EXCEPT _.Athe oldfashioned vocabularyBthe compact and economical phrasesCthe knowledge of Chinese literature and historyDa lack of good translations of poems by Li Bai and Du Fu解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,初学汉语的人学习古诗的难处在于:古诗中有大量的古代词汇和紧凑的短语,需要了解中国的文学和历史。但不包括李白、杜甫的诗歌翻译材料。5Which of the following is the correct order to learn a Chinese poem?aFollow the text as you listen.bListen to its reading by a native speaker.cStudy pinyin and Chinese characters in the text.dRecognize simple words and bring out some grammar points.AcbadBbcadCbcda Dadcb解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第三段和第四段可知。学习中文古诗首先要“get hold of a recording of the poem by a native speaker so that you can hear the sound .”对应是b。然后“study the text, in both pinyin and Chinese characters”对应c。接着是“try following the text as you listen”对应a。最后是第四段的“As well as learning new words and studying characters there is also one or two grammar points you can bring out”对应d,故答案选B项。6What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?AThe full moon always symbolizes reunion and celebration.BIf you cant remember the poem after learning, youll be at a loss.CPeople at a Chinese gathering are likely to ask others to perform.DThe grammar in English is totally different from that in Chinese.解析:选C推理判断题。由文章最后一段最后一句中“you will never again be at a loss when asked to perform at a Chinese gathering”在中国聚会中当别人要求你表演一个节目时,如果会背古诗,你就不会感到束手无策,故聚会中别人可能会要求你表演节目。7What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?ATo give an introduction to classical Chinese poetry.BTo compare classical Chinese poetry with its translation.CTo emphasize the importance of learning classical Chinese poetry.DTo guide beginners to learn Chinese through classical Chinese poetry.解析:选D写作目的题。根据全文内容可知,文章第一段讲古诗学习对汉语学习的好处,第二段讲你能发现古诗及翻译的书籍,后面的四段则讲如何学习古诗以及学古诗的成就感,答案选D项。CKrubera Cave in the western Caucasus Mountains is the deepest known cave in the world. An international team prepared to descend into Krubera. The team members hoped to be the first cavers to reach a depth of 2,000 meters, brought five tons of equipment and other necessities with them, and established camps at key locations along the route. They worked for up to 20 hours each day.In the third week, progress was blocked at 1,775 meters by a sump a cave passage filled with water that gives cavers few options. There are basically three techniques available: dive through it, empty it, or go around it. Gennadiy Samokhin dove to the bottom but was disappointed. “No chance to get through,” he said. Searching for a way around the sump, Garcia Dils risked entering a waterfall of near freezing water and discovered that his dry suit had holes in it. “The water was so cold I lost the feeling in my fingers,” he said later. He, too, was unsuccessful.Finally, two teammates found a way around the sump through a tight passage they called the Way to the Dream. The team was exhilarated. The passage led to yet another sump at 1,840 meters. After a short test dive, Samokhin emerged, smiling. There was a promising passage, he reported. But it would have to wait. After nearly four weeks, with supplies running low, the team had run out of time and would have to return to the surface.Four weeks later, a team of nine Ukrainian cavers led by Yuri Kasjan went back to Krubera. Following the path opened by the previous team, they reached the sump at 1,840 meters relatively quickly. After much searching, a pit (坑), later named the Millennium Pit, was discovered that allowed them to pass the 2,000meter depth. More pits and passages led them to 2,080 meters, a spot they named Game Over. But the caving game is never over. Deeper caves will probably continue to be discovered and call out to be explored.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章讲述了探洞穴者对世界上最深的洞穴库鲁伯亚拉洞穴进行探索的过程。8Why did the team return to the surface after nearly four weeks?AThey were lacking in supplies.BThey had achieved their goal.CThey couldnt go through the sump.DThey gave their task to Yuri Kasjans team.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“After nearly four weeks, with supplies running low, the team had run out of time and would have to return to the surface”可知,因为物资逐渐短缺,探洞穴者才被迫返回地面。9What does the underlined word “exhilarated” probably mean in Para.3?ACheerful. BPowerful.CConfused. DExhausted.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“two teammates found a way around the sump through a tight passage they called the Way to the Dream”可知,两名队员找到了通过水坑的通道,所以他们很高兴,故选A项。10Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AGame Over was discovered at 2,000 meters.BThe Way to the Dream begins at 1,840 meters.CThe Millennium Pit passed the 2,080meter depth.DSamokhin found a way around a sump at 1,775 meters.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“progress was blocked at 1,775 meters by a sump”以及第三段中的“two teammates found a way around the sump through a tight passage”可知,Samokhin在1 775米处找到了绕过水坑的通道。11What is the text mainly about?AThe features of Krubera Cave.BFamous caves around the world.CA journey of exploring Krubera Cave.DThe importance of exploring Krubera Cave.解析:选C主旨大意题。本文讲述了探洞穴者对世界上最深的洞穴库鲁伯亚拉洞穴进行探索的过程,故选C项。DGrowing up in Puerto Rico, our family was not different from so many others. My parents got married after my father came back when the war ended. Both of my parents were struggling with the hard economic realities of the time. But somehow, they found time to cherish those cultural values that shaped our everyday life.In our daily life, we celebrated together with our friends or family members every birthday, every graduation, and all holidays with music and dancing, typical foods. When we visited our family in the countryside a trip that took about two hours in a car, with five children fighting as to who would get a window or the front seat we would break into a song, and somehow the trip would turn into one full of happiness and fun. We would sing not only interesting childrens songs but also beautiful love songs songs about the love of the country though we didnt understand the meaning of the words many times.I came to Philadelphia for the first time in 1973 to do a residency (实习) in family medicine. I remember the many hours of work. I was facing issues of life and death and suffering the clearly social unfairness and issues of poverty and race. These were all aggravated by my feeling of cultural differences.An important turning point in my life happened one Saturday night when I attended a concert of Puerto Rican singer and composer Antonio Cabn Vale. The music showed my familiar rhythms, and the words spoke to my heart. I had found a space to express, celebrate, and share my culture in Philadelphia. Therefore, I believe diversity is seen as an advantage and not as a disadvantage. As a Puerto Rican, I am a mixture of races and I believe in my strength because of this.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己家庭的文化价值观以及自己在文化差异中的经历等内容阐述了自己对文化差异的看法。12What do we know about the authors parents?AThey lived a welloff life.BThey were famous in Puerto Rico.CThey had different cultural values.DThey took cultural values seriously.解析:选D细节理解题。从第一段的“Both of my parents were struggling . cherish those cultural values that shaped our everyday life”可知,即使在困难时期,作者的父母也非常重视文化价值观。故答案选D项。13Why does the author mention the trip in Paragraph 2?ATo prove her pride in her culture.BTo show fun brought by cultural values.CTo express their love for the country.DTo explain what her family values are.解析:选B推理判断题。从第二段的内容可知,作者一家人一路欢歌,尽管他们很多时候还不懂歌词的意思,但他们享受其中的快乐。再结合全文的内容可知,作者提及这一段旅程的目的是说明文化价值观带来的乐趣。故答案选B项。14Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word“aggravated”?AWorsened. BAppreciated.CCriticized. DCaused.解析:选A词义猜测题。从第三段的“issues of life and death and suffering the clearly social unfairness and issues of poverty and race”可知,作者意识到了不平等、贫困、种族等社会问题,而当作者想到文化差异时,作者认为这些情况更严重了。故该词意为“恶化,加重”,跟A项同义。15What did the concert make the author aware of?AThe possibility of celebrating her own culture.BThe right to share ones culture with others.CThe happiness of possessing unique cultural values.DThe right of cultures to coexist in society.解析:选D推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Therefore, I believe diversity is seen as an advantage and not as a disadvantage. As a Puerto Rican, I am a mixture of races and I believe in my strength because of this”可知,作者由听音乐会的经历受到启发,认为对社会而言,文化差异是优势而不是劣势,由此可推知,作者认为不同的文化有权利共存。.阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There is an old Spanish Proverb which states, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week”_16_ Id say, too many. Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. We have to go for them now! Heres why._17_Nobody likes to talk about death, but the reality is everybody is going to die at one point. None of us know the day, or the hour. Therefore, today is all we have. Dont go to your grave with unfulfilled dreams. Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small right now.The world is waiting on your gift.I know this may be hard to believe, but the world is waiting on YOU! Yes, YOU! _18_ Sure, other people may be able to sing. But theyll never be able to sing exactly like you. Sure other people can write, but theyll never be able to write from the same perspective in which you write. Dont deprive the world of your gift. Its the oxygen that we need to survive. Thus, it is your responsibility to figure out exactly what your gift is, and use it to better your life and the lives of those around you._19_You can dream about writing the great American play that you want, but its never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper. You can dream about finding a cure for cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become equipped with the necessary tools to find that cure. _20_ They require you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them happen.Get to it!AYou cant let fear win.BTomorrow is not promised.CIn other words, dreams dont work unless you do.DHow many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow?EYou were born into the world with a unique gift, which nobody on this earth can copy.FPossibilities you never knew existing are waiting on you.GUnless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true.16解析:选D考查上下文逻辑能力。根据后面的回答too many 可知用How many提问。17解析:选B考查主题句的概括能力。根据下文的关键词“Nobody likes to talk about death. None of us know the day, or the hour.”,言外之意,明天是无法保证的。18解析:选E考查与主题句的呼应。根据主题句这个世界正观望着你的天赋,以及下文的第一句“the world is waiting on YOU! Yes, YOU!”可以看出“你”是独一无二的,其他任何人都不能代替。19解析:选G考查主题句的概括能力。根据下文的描述:你可以梦想写一部你想写的伟大的美国剧本,但是除非你动笔写,否则这不会发生,可以看出答案为G项:除非你迈出第一步,否则你的梦想不会成为现实。20解析:选C考查上下文逻辑能力。C项和本段的主题句照应,换句话说,不行动,梦想也实现不了。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We all have to deal with our negative feelings regularly. Its very _21_ not to let negative feelings direct our life. Im sure we all sometimes have some internal _22_, where the positive person in our mind says we can do it, _23_ the negative person keeps telling that we cant. If we dont do anything to _24_ those negative feelings, the negative person in our mind will eventually force us to act according to our negative feelings. Thats _25_ I try to practice positive selftalk every day. My favorite phrases are: “I can do it. I am the best. _26_ can stop me!” By saying these words to myself, I have developed the _27_ to do more things Im afraid to do but necessary for my success.I was scared of public _28_ before. I remember three years ago I went to a big _29_ which gathered about 500 people. The speech was really _30_ and it made my blood boiled. I wanted to raise my hand to ask a question, but I was _31_ that hundreds of people would look at me and say, “Thats a _32_ question. Why did you even ask?” My heart was beating fast and my hands were _33_. I really wanted to ask a question, which I knew would _34_ me a lot. However my negative feeling kept saying, “Dont ask. Just sit there and watch. Its more _35_ that way.” And to control it, I repeated to myself that I CAN DO IT! And at last I _36_ it and it was such a breakthrough in my life!Everyone has the gift to do something different. We must _37_ ourselves. Do selftalk every morning to pump (打气) ourselves up. Every day when we _38_ up and


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