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2019中考英语押题考点2一.冠词。1.以辅音字母开头,却用“an”, an hour; an honest boy以元音字母开头,却用“a”, a university; a useful/useless book; a European country;a one-year-old baby2.特指某(些)人或某(些)物,这是定冠词“the”的基本用法。the ladyin red /the manover there(介词短语特指)the studentthat I told you about yesterday(定于从句特指)3. be ill in bed; be ill in hospital; by +交通工具(零冠词)4. play the piano; play basketball; play chess二名词。1. news; information; advice是不可数名词;message可数,take/leave a message for sb.为某人捎/留口信。2. a few minuteswalk/rest3.以o结尾的名词,有生命的词es;heroheroes,potatopotatoes,tomatotomatoes; 没有生命的词尾加s; zoozoos,radioradios, photophotos,pianopianos“中日不变英法变,其余S加后面”。即Chinese, Japanese的复数依然为本身。Englishman复数为Englishmen; Frenchman复数为Frenchmen; German Germans; Australian Australians; Canadian Canadians.与man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式前后都变。如:three men workers,three women teachers;a shoe factory4. book ( n.书;v.预定);last(n.最后;v.持续); train (n.火车v.培训) ;park (n.公园;v.停车) ; fine ( adj.好的;v.罚款)5.noise(噪音);sound (自然界的声音);voice(人嗓音)e.g. make a noise; the sound of the stream; Her voice is tect theenvironment; read theinstructions;be indanger;be introuble; havetroublein doing; make anoise;address; make adecision; saveenergy;experience(经历;经验);be onbusiness;vocabulary; give sb. aring/call; tell thetruth;tourist; Its onesdutyto do sth.; anexcuse; give/lend sb. ahand;be onshow; make amistake; bymistake;one of therules;asecret;make alistof; be on adiet; stress/pressure(压力);patient;advertisement,value,relationship; thief; charity; development;the worldspopulation三代词。1.either指两者中的一个;neither指两者都不;both指两者都;all指三者或三者以上都;none指三者或三者以上都不;There are many tall buildings on _ sides of the street. (长沙)A. either B. all C. both-Are Mr. and Mrs. Wang living alone in the house? (呼和浩特)-Yes, although they have three sons,of them live with their parents.A. neither B. both C. allD. None- Would you like tea or coffee?- _ is OK, I dont mind.A. neither B. both C. either D. None2.it作形式主语或形式宾语。find/think it + adj. to do sth.(形式宾语)It is + adj. for/of sb. to do sth.(形式主语)当adj.形容人的品质时,用of. e.g.It is very kind/nice of you to help me.3.one the other(两者中的一个.另一个.) ;someothers(一些.另一些.);another指三者或三者以上中的任何一个。another +数字=数字+ more。others(别人,后不加任何名词); many other + n.复数,如many other animals;any other一般加名词单数,如any other city.My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, _ is black. (北京)A. other B. another C. others D. the otherSome people like to stay at home, but _ like to go to the cinema. (上海)A. another B. other C. others D. other one- The shoes dont fit me. Would you please show me _?- Sure. Here you are.(绵阳市)A. the other one B. the others C. another pairD. another one Have you finished your report yet? (上海) No, Ill finish it in _ ten minutes.A.anotherB. other C. more D. less4.There are fifty students in Class One. Twenty of them are boys; _ are girls.(呼和浩特)A. the other B. the othersC. others D. another(the特指固定范围内的其他人)5.形容词修饰不定代词,形容词须后置。Could you please tell me _ in todays newspaper?Sorry, _.(黄冈)A. something special; specialnothingB. special something; special nothingC. anything special; something specialD. something special; nothing special6.one和it的区别。one指同类不同物;it指同类同物.Have you found your lost mobile phone? No, I havent found _, but I bought _ this morning.(扬州)A.one; that B. that; one C. it; one D. one; it7.that和thoseThe population of China is larger thanthatof Japan.(that指代前面的population)The students in our class work harder thanthosein their class.(those指代前面的students)四介词。1.表示两者之间between.and.;三者或三者以上之间among.2.across平面穿过;through空间穿过;over跨过go across the street; walk through the forest; a bridge over the river3.on具体某天的上下午,早晚on a cold morning; on the afternoon of July 14.instead of, above/below zero degree5.thanks to 多亏了,由于五形容词和副词。系动词+adj./ adj. + n. / 实义动词+adv. (基本用法)e.g. taste good; get warm; turn red/ listen carefully1.A +as+ adj./adv.原级+as+ B.He writes as carefully as his sister does.2.A + be +形容词比较级+than+ B; A +实意动词+副词比较级+than+ B3.Which/Who is/实意动词+ adj./adv.比较级,A or B? (后面如是三者用最高级)4.表示“越来越”,用“比较级+比较级”的结构(better and better)。如形容词为多音节词,用“more and more +形容词/副词原级”(more and more beautiful)。5.表示“越就越”时,用“the +比较级,the +比较级”结构。The fewerchildren there are in a family,the better their life will be.(天津)6. A + be + the + adj.最高级+of/in短语A +实意动词+(the)+ adv.最高级+of/in短语7.one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数( one of the biggest cities)8.形容词最高级前可以加序数词,表示“第几最”(the second longest river)9.比较级表最高。What do you think of Toms speaking?No one doesin our class.(呼和浩特)A. good B. betterC. well D. best10. look/smell/sound/feel/taste + adj.Those toys for children look _ and sell _.A.good; lovely B. lovely; good C. well; lovely D. lovely; well11.副词可以修饰动词,整个句子。What is the main cause of the accident? (山东)Driving _.A. carefully B. careful C. careless D. carelesslyLuckily,I have been a volunteer of the activity organized by the charity.(包头)12.adj./adv. + enoughDont worry. He is _ to take care of little Betty. (郑州)A. carefully enough B. enough careful C. careful enough D. enough carefully13.hard和hardly;too much和much too, too many的区别Do you enjoy traveling by air? (辽宁)No, its _ expensive.A. too much B. more much C. much D. much tooI was so tired that I could _ walk any farther.(天津)A.nearly B. hardly C. really D. Suddenly14.“数词-名词-(形容词)”构成的复合形容词,做前置定语,中间的名词不能用复数形式而须用单数形式。Mozart started writing music when he was a _ child. (贵港)A. 4 years old B. 4-year old C. 4-year-oldD. 4-years-old15. Though the old man is _, he doesnt feel _. (益阳)A. lonely, alone B. alone, lonelyC. lonely, lonely16. ing结尾的形容词修饰物(exciting; relaxing; boring; surprising; amazing)ed结尾的形容词修饰人(excited; relaxed; bored; surprised; amazed)除:an interesting person固定搭配:only a few; only a little; quite a few = manyWe can do the work better with _ moneyand_people.A.less,fewerB.fewer,less C. less, less D.fewer,fewer18.how long(多长时间); how soon(多久); how far(多远); how often(问频率);How soon will.? In.e.g. -How soonwillyou finish your homework? -Inan hour.-How often do you go to the cinema? -Twice a week.-How long have you kept the book?Fortwo weeks./Sincelast week.(how long引导的句子谓语动词用延续性动词)How long can Ikeepthe dictionary? (不能用borrow)-How far is it from your home to school? -Ten minutes walk.六数词。1.数字+hundred/thousand/million/billion +复数名词hundreds/thousands/millions/billions + of +复数名词(前不能加数字)2. 20-99第几十的形式由其对应的基数词改变词尾字母“y”为“i”,再加“eth”构成(seventy - seventieth)3.分数由基数词和序数词一起来表示。基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子是“1”以外,其他情况下序数词都要用复数形式。如:three fourths ; two thirds; four fifths4.第九,ninth5.pagetwo= thesecondpage6.in ones thirties在某人三十多岁时七情态动词。1.must意为必须,表示必须要做的事,其否定式mustnt表示禁止,即不许对方做某事。例如:-May I go to the cinema, Mum?-Certainly. But you_be back by 11 oclock. (安徽)A. can B. may C. mustD. need2.回答must开头的一般疑问句,如果是否定的回答,要用neednt或dont have to-Must I finish the work before five oclock?-No, you_. (四川)A. needntB. mustnt C. have to3.This book_Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book cover. (河南)(must表肯定推测)A. must beB. may beC. cant be D. mustnt be4.neednt意为“不必”。You have already tried your best, so you _ worry about the matter. (上海)A.cant B. needntC. mustnt D. couldnt5.-Could I look at your pictures? (could表语气更加委婉)-Yes, of course you_. (武汉)A. could B. canC. will D. Might6.-Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li? (can表否定推测)-No, it_be him. Mr. Li is much taller. (河北)A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt7.May I do sth.? 8.Shall we/I do sth.?9.should do八非谓语动词。1.动词+to do sth.refuse(拒绝), decide, offer(主动提出), promise, fail, used to do(过去常常做某事), prefer,cant afford(支付不起), want, would like, happen(碰巧做某事),plan, hope2.动词+宾语+to do sth.如:ask/tell/allow/encourage/warn/advise/want/would like/invite(否定not to do)3.动词+doingenjoy, be busy, cant help, finish, practise, give up, imagine, feel like, how/what about, mind, keep, have fun, have trouble/problem/difficulty(in), spend(in), look forward to, be/get used to(习惯于),pay attention to, make a contribution to(为.做贡献), prefer doing to doing4.有些动词后面既可接不定式又可接动名词作宾语,但意义和用法大不相同。例如:a. stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事stop doing sth.停止正在做某的事b. remember/forget doing sth.记得/忘了曾经做过某事remember/forget to do sth.记住/忘了要做某事c. try doing sth.试着做某事try to do sth.努力去做某事d. regret doing sth.后悔做过某事regret to do sth.遗憾要做某事5.常见的不带to的动词不定式:why not/why dont you do sth? ; had better (not) do sth.; would rather do sth than do sth.; prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.; could/would/will you please(not)do sth?6.考查“疑问词+不定式”用法 We can use QQ to talk with each other online Good! Will you please show me_ it? (山东)A. what to use B. how to useC. when to use D. where to usewhat to do it(错误) how to do it(正确)7.let/make sb.dosth. 8.see/hear sb.do / doingsth.九反意疑问句。1. -She didnt come to school yesterday, did she ?-_, though she was not feeling well.A. No, she didnt B. No , she did C. Yes , she didntD. Yes , she did前否后肯的形式是中考经常考到的,注意yes和no的翻译方法。在前否后肯的句子中,yes表示不而No表示是的。当陈述部分含有以下否定意义的词,few, little, hardly, seldom(很少), never, nothing等,反意部分用肯定形式。2.祈使句后一般用will you或wont you构成反意问句。e.g. Look at the blackboard, will you/wont you?3. Lets, shall we?e.g. Lets play a game, shall we/shant we?4. Let us, will you/wont you?e.g. Let us have a try, will/wont you?5.You had a good time/had dinner at home last night,didntyou? (have为实意动词)You have been to Beijing twice,haventyou? (have为助动词)十主谓一致。1.主谓一致中的就近原则。1)当there be句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。_ a pen and two books on the desk.(贵阳)A. There are B. There isC. Have D. Has2)当either or;neither nor; not onlybut also; notbut连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。Not you but I _ to answer for it. (郑州)A. are B. amC. are D. beEither Mary or he _ going to Paris. Only one person may go there. (黑龙江)A. are B. is C. was2.谓语动词与前面的主语一致。当主语后面跟有with, together/along with, except, as well as, rather than等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。Mary as well as her sisters _ Chinese in China. (天津)A.are studying B. have studied C. studiesD. study3.a number of +名词复数+复数动词。the number of +名词复数+单数动词。Every year a number of tourists _ attracted to the beach. The number of tourists _ about 50,000. (海南)A. are; are B. have; is C. are; is D. have; are4.定语从句的谓语动词形式根据先行词而定。Peoplewhowereinvited to the party were excited.Hohhot is one of thecitiesthathavemany people.Hohhot is thecitythathasmany Mongolian people.5.“the rest of/two thirds of+名词”的结构中,谓语动词的形式要根据后面的名词的单复数及可数还是不可数来决定。The rest of the moneywasgiven to him.The rest of the studentswereasked to stay in the classroom.十一现在完成时。1.标志词already, yet, ever, never, just, before, so far, in the last/past few years, three times/twice, since then, ever since2.have /has been to (去过,现已经回来);have/has gone to (去了,没回来)have/has been in在某地多长时间 3. 短暂性动词可以用于现在完成时,但不能和for引出的一段时间连用或since引出的点时间连用。go/leave-be away from; borrow-keep; buy-have; come-be here; die-be dead; join the army-be in the army; begin/start-be on; marry-be married; open-be open;make friends-be friendse.g. They have been away from China for two years.(对)They have left China for two years. (错)I have bought this smart phone since 3 years ago.(错)I have had this smart phone since 3 years ago.(对)十二过去进行时。1.标志词from 3 to 5 yesterday; at that time/moment; at this time yesterday(last night/Sunday/week); at +点钟+ yesterday(last night/Sunday/week); when sb. did sth.e.g. I was cooking when she knocked at the door.We were playing basketball at this time yesterday afternoon.My father was watching TVwhilemy mother was cooking supper.2.根据上下文语境来确定时态。e.g. -I phoned you just now, but nobody answered.-Sorry, I didnt hear it. I was watching TV then.十三被动语态。1.结构。一般现在时的被动语态:is/am/are +done一般过去时的被动语态:was/were + done一般将来时被动语态:will/be going to be done现在完成时被动语态:have/has + been + done情态动词的被动语态:can/could/must/will/should be + done2. He makes the girl stay at home.The girlis made tostay at home. (to要补出)We saw the boy play near the house. The boy was seentoplay near the house.3.need doing = need to be done4.无被动的词和短语:happen; take place; appear; disappear; come out; spread5.It is said/reported that6.sell well主动表被动7.The children should be taken good careof. (of不能省略)十四宾语从句1.宾语从句的语序要用陈述句的语序。即按照“连接词+主语+谓语”的顺序。e.g. Please tell me where are you from. (错误)Please tell me where you are from. (正确)2.如果主句是现在的某种时态,那么宾语从句的时态可根据实际情况而定。e.g.I remember that hegaveme a book yesterday.I remember that Ihave been toBeijing twice.He has told me that hellleave for New York tomorrow.2.如果主句是过去的某种时态,那么宾语从句必须使用过去的某种时态。e.g. Hetoldthat hewouldtake part in the high jump.The teacheraskedme why Iwaslate.3.如果宾语从句表示的是客观事实、真理等,不管主句是用什么时态,从句时态上都用一般现在时。e.g. Hetoldme that the earthisround.The teachertoldus that the earthgoesaround the sun.4.宾语从句有时可以简化为“特殊疑问词+to do”I dont know how I can get to the station. I dont knowhow to get tothe station.十五状语从句。1.时间状语从句由连接词when, while, before, after, since, until(till), as soon as,等引导。e.g. (1)Please tell me when he comes back tomorrow.(主将从祈)(2)While theyare waitingfor the New Year, they listen to music, sing songs and have fun. (while常用进行时态)(3) I will ring you up as soon as I get to Beijing.(主将从现)(4) I didnotgo to beduntilI finished my homework.2条件状语从句由连接词if,unless,as/so long as(只要)引导。如果主句用一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时。(主将从现)e.g. (1) We will visit the Great Wall if it doesnt rain tomorrow.(2) He wont go to the party unless he is invited tomorrow.(3) You will catch/keep up with others as long as you study hard.3.目的状语从句由so that (以便,为了),in order that (为了)引导,谓语中常含有can, could, will等情态动词。e.g. He got up early in order that/so that he could catch the early bus.= He got up early in order to/so as to catch the early bus. (主、从句主语一致)4.结果状语从句由sothat, such that引导。e.g. She issuch a lovely girlthat we love her very much.= She isso lovely a girlthat we love her very much.He ranso fastthat he caught the bus.It wassuch good foodthat we all ate a lot.5.让步状语从句由连接词though/although(虽然,尽管),even if/even though (即使),但要注意用了though/although就不能用but。例如:Though he is old, he still studies English hard.Even if he is young, he knows a lot about science.6.原因状语从句通常用because引导。e.g. I like eating apples because its good for my health.7.比较状语从句I amas tall ashe is . He doesnt writeas/so carefully ashis sister does.The morefriends you have,the happieryou will be.十六定语从句。1.关系代词的用法1. that既可以用于指人,也可以用于指物。在从句中作主语或宾语,作主语时不可省略,作宾语可省略。例如:Mary likes musicthatis quiet and gentle.玛丽喜欢轻柔的音乐。(that指物作主语)The letter(that)I received yesterday is very important.(that指物作宾语)Do you know the girl(that)I talked to just now? (that指人作宾语)Do you know the girlthat sells eggs every day? (that指人作主语) 2. which用于指物,在句中作主语或宾语,作主语不可省略,作宾语可省略。例如:The buildingwhichstands near the train station is a supermarket.位于火车站附近的那座大楼是一家超市。(作主语)The film(which)we saw last night was wonderful.我们昨天晚上看的那部电影很好看。(作宾语)3. who,whom用于指人,who用作主语,whom用作宾语。在口语中,有时可用who代替whom,也可省略。例如:The girlwhooften helps me with my English is from England.经常在英语方面帮助我的那个女孩是英国人。(作主语) Who is the teacher(whom)Li Ming is talking to?正在与李明谈话的老师是谁?(作宾语)注意:that, which指物做主语和宾语时可以互换,但有特殊情况:4. whose既可指人,又可指物,在定语从句中做定语。例如:Do you know the boywhose fatheris a factory manager?I live in that roomwhose windowfaces south.Pass me the dictionarywhose coveris black.Do you know the womanwhose nameis Mary.5.关系词只能用that的情况: a.先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、形容词最高级时,只能用that,而不用which.例如:Beijing is the 29th city _ holds the Olympic Games.A. which B. that C. what D. whereThis is the best book that I have ever read.b.被修饰的先行词为all,any,much,many,everything,anything,something, none,the one等不定代词时,只能用that,而不用which.例如:Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop?你在商店里有什么东西要买吗?c.先行词既有人又有物时,只能用that,而不用which.例如:Do you know the book and its writer that we talked about just now?d.先行词有the only, the very, the last, the same修饰时,用that引导。He is the only person that attended the meeting.十七情景对话。知识点:What does she look like? (问外貌);What is she like? (主要问性格)回答感谢时的答语:You are welcome. / Dont mention it. / Its a (my) pleasure. / My pleasure. / Not at all.回答道歉时的答语:Thats all right. / Never mind. / It doesnt matter. / Its nothing. / Thats (Its) OK.(不要紧,没关系)With pleasure.非常愿意。Thank you a


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