GB e 13432-92 Labelling of foods for special nutrient.pdf

GB e 13432-92 Labelling of foods for special nutrient.rar


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GB e 13432-92 Labelling of foods for special nutrient.rar
GB e 13432-92 Labelling of foods for special nutrient.rar,GB e 13432-92 Labelling of foods for special nutrient.rar
National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China GB e 13432-92 Labelling of foods for special nutrient - 1 Theme and scope This standard provides the general principles,and the contents for labelli- ng of foods for special nutrient. This standard applies to the labelling of packaged foods for infants and-y- oung children,nutrient fortified foods,and nutrient adjusted foods for the sale purpose (such as low-sugar,low-sodium and low-glutelin). 2 Quoted standard GB 7718 General standard for the labelling of foods 3 Definition of terms 3.1 Food for special nutrition It means any food in which the natural nutrients and their composition have been modified to satisfy special nutrient requirements for specific populations. 3.2 Nutrient It means those substances of which foods are composed to maintain the norm- al metabolism of men,including proteins,fats,carbohydrates,minerals and vitami- ns. 3.3 Other terms The definition laid down in subsections 3.1 to 3.8 of GB 7718 apply. 4 General principles In addition to compliance with section 4 of GB 7718,the labelling for spec- ial nutrient shall comply with the following principles. 4.1 The caloric value and the quantity of the nutrients ensured within the da- te of minimum durability of a food shall be declared. 4.2 The following information should not be declared on any label.They are: 4.2.1 Any claims as to the prevention or treatment of a disease. 4.2.2 Any claims as to “the recovery of ones youthful vigour”,“prolongat- ion of life”,“change hoary hairs to black”,“new teeth regrowth in the gums of fallen teeth”,“anticancer or curing a cancer”,and so on. 4.2.3 Any claims as to “a secret prescription of a food handed down in the f- amily from generation to generation”,“nourishing food”,“food for improveme- nt of health and beauty”,“food of prescription used in imperial palace”,and 免费标准下载网( w w w . f r e e b z . n e t ) 免费标准下载网( w w w . f r e e b z . n e t ) 无需注册 即可下载 so on. 4.2.4 Any declaration of drug name either immediately before or after the name of a food,or the pictorial or name of a drug implying the effects of treatment, health care,or similar effects of such foods. 5 Presentation of general contents 5.1 The name of the food 5.1.1 It shall be declared in accordance with subsection 5.1 of GB 7718. 5.1.2 The consumer offered to the foods provided in subsection 3.1 shall be d- eclared in the name of such foods. 5.2 List of ingredients 5.2.1 It shall be declared in accordance with subsection 5.2 of GB 7718. 5.2.2 If one or several kinds of raw and subsidiary materials are particularly declared,the percentage(of mass or volume) of them shall be presented. 5.3 Caloric value It shall be declared in accordance with Appendix A(Supplement). 5.4 Nutrient The contents of protein,fat,carbohydrate,mineral,vitamin,and trace elements in the food for special nutrient shall be declared in accordance with Appendix A(Supplement). 5.5 Net contents and drained weight The declaration of net contents and drained weight shall be in accordance with subsection 5.3 of GB 7718. 5.6 Name and address of manufacturer and distributor The name and address of the manufacturer and distributor shall be declared in accordance with subsection 5.4 of GB 7718. 5.7 Lot identification It shall be declared in accordance with subsection 7.1 of GB 7718. 5.8 Date marking and storage instructions In addition to the declaration of the producing date,the date of minimum d- urability, the use-by date,and storage instructions,if necessary,shall be decl- are in accordance with subsection 5.5 of GB 7718 as followings: 5.8.1 The storage conditions related with the nutritive value and/or sensory quality of the opened food for special nutrient shall be declared. 5.8.2 A warning should be included on the label,if the food is not suitable to be stored in its container after opening. 5.9 Instructions for use It shall be declared in accordance with subsection 7.2 of GB 7718. 5.10 Quality grade It shall be declared in accordance with subsection 5.6 of GB 7718. 5.11 Code of the product standard The code and the order number of the national standard,trade standard,or e- nterprise standard of such food shall be declared. 免费标准下载网( w w w . f r e e b z . n e t ) 免费标准下载网( w w w . f r e e b z . n e t ) 无需注册 即可下载 6 General requirement It shall be in accordance with section 8 of GB 7718. Note:Containers,where the largerst surface area is less than 10 cm*2,may be exempted from the requirements of subsections 5.2,5.7 and 5.9 to 5.11. Appendix A Labelling of caloric value and nutrients of foods (Supplement) This supplement applies to the labelling of caloric value and nutrients of all foods. A1 Caloric Value A1.1 Caloric value per 100 g or 100 mL food for special nutrient,and of one r ecommended serving of such food shall be declared. A1.2 The unit of caloric value is shown as kJ,or kJ(equivalent to kcal). A1.3 Calculation of caloric value Carbohydrate 17 KJ,or 17 kJ/g(equivalent to 4 kcal/g); Protein 17 kJ,or 17 kJ/g(equivalent to 4 kcal/g); Fat 38 kJ,or 38 kJ/g(equivalent to 9 kcal/g); Alcohol 29 kJ,or 29 kJ/g(equivalent to 7 kcal/g); Organic Acid 13 kJ,or 13 kJ/g(equivalent to 3 kcal/g); A2 Nutrients A2.1 Protein A2.1.1 Protein content (g) of per 100 g or 100 mL food for special nutrient,or the equivalent content (g) of one recommended serving of such food shall be de- clared. A2.1.2 Protein content is calculated in accordance with the following formula: Protein content(g)=Total nitrogen6.25 Where,total nitrogen is determined by Kjeldahl method. 6.25General conversion factor. When there is another conversion factor in the product standard or the analysis method for such food,the provided one should be used for its conversion. A2.2 Fat Fat content (g) of per 100 g or 100 mL food for special nutrient,or the eq- uivalent content (g) of one recommended serving of such food shall be declared. A2.3 Carbohydrate A2.3.1 Carbohydrate content (g) per 100 g or 100 mL food for special nutrient, or the equivalent content (g) of one recommended serving of such food shall be 免费标准下载网( w w w . f r e e b z . n e t ) 免费标准下载网( w w w . f r e e b z . n e t ) 无需注册 即可下载 declared. A2.3.2 As necessary,the type of carbohydrate shall be declared in accordance with the following manner: Carbohydrate content g in per 100 g or 100 mL such food, Where, sugar content:g. A2.4 Vitamin Vitamin content (mg,g,or international unit) per 100 g or 100 mL food for special nutrient,or the equivalent content (mg,g,or international unit)of one recommended serving of such food shall be declared.For example,mg or g is us- ed for Vitamin B1,Vitamin B2,and Vitamin C;international unit for Vitamin A,and Vitamin D. A2.5 Mineral and trace element Mineral and trace element content (mg or g) per 100 g or 100 mL food for special nutrient,or the equivalent content(mg or g) of one recommened serving of such food shall be declared. - Additional explanations: This standard is proposed by China National Industry Standardization Commi- ttee of Technique. This standard is drafted by the drafting group or
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