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JX18-18 【JX18-18】小型牵引式花生收获机二维+论文
第21卷 第1期2005年1月农 业 工 程 学 报T ransactions of the CSA EVol . 21No. 1Jan.2005Design principle and analyses of the motioncharacteristics of 4H-2 type peanut harvesterS hang S huqi,W ang J iangang,W ang Fangyan,Liu S huguang,J iang Yuanzhi(Eng ineering S chool,L aiyang A g ricultural U niversity,L aiyang,S handong265200,China)Abstract: The structure, working principle and design of main parts of the 4H22 type peanut harvesterwere described andanalyzed, and the kinematics model of the main work parts was founded. On the basis of the opti m ized structure, therepresentative tracks of the work parts were described by means of V isual Basic and SPSS software and the machinefunction characteristics . The theoretical foundation has been provided for further study of this kind of machines.Key words: Peanut harvester; design principle; motion characteristicsCLC number: S225. 73Document Code: AArticle I D: 100226819(2005)0120087205Received date: 2004204219Accepted date: 2004211218Biography: Shang Shuqi(1958- ), born in Q ingzhou City, ShandongProvince, Professor, Head of Engineering SchoolofLaiyangAgriculturalU niversity, Shandong Province 265200, China. M ajored in design andperformance test of agricultural machinery.Email: sqshanglyac. 1IntroductionThe peanut is one of the main oil plants in theworld, which is only inferior to soybean but ranks thesecond for oil production and international trade1, 2.Foralongtime,theplanting,harvestingandprocessingofpeanut were mostlycompletedbymanual work.It is a piece of labored work w ith lowefficiency,whichaffectsthepeanutproductionseriously.Especially in the last fewyears,as thetransferring surplus rural labors to urban areas,thecontradiction of each link of peanut production ismoreintensifying,themechanizationofthepeanutproduction becomes particularly important.Ithasbeenalongtimeforresearchinganddevelopingthepeanutharvestersindevelopedcountries, it is a typical representative that the L P22type peanut harvester and peanut combine harvester ofCourtesy lf L illi stonM fg. Co. in the U nited StatesandPH22type peanutharvester of M ichiganinN etherlands3.The development of peanut harvesterin China is later than that in developed countries,perhaps the beginning of the 1960s.Since the 1970s,many representative m im ic peanut harvesters wereintroduced into China such as the Dongfeng 69 type,4HW2800type and 4H2150type peanut harvesteretc.4.Theseproductsbringconvenienceforharvesting peanut,but the structure of all currentharvestersadoptedthetwostepsofharvestprinciplescoopandseparatingchaincombinetogether.These machines have to match w ith themedium2big power tractors.It is not only complex instructure,higher manufacturing costs, more powerconsumption,poorreliability,butalsohigherharvesting loss rate, peanut vines spread disorderly,andinconvenient for manual collection.Itis notsuitableforthecurrentrequirementofpeanutharvesting and results in that the harvesting of peanutis almost completed by manual work at present.Themechanization level of peanut harvesting affected thedevelopment of the peanut production seriously.W iththe environment deterioration,at sow ing2season in spring or autumn,the phenomenon of dryandlittle rainfall appears.The peanut productionsuffered fromthe weather.It had led to adoptingtechnique of plastic film covering(Figure 1 show s itssection structure).This new technique w ill play animportantroleinkeepingthe moisture ofsoil,increasinggroundtemperature,andreducingmanagement in seedling period, and then increasingthe output of peanut.The peanut seeding2machinew ith many functions has already applied in large2scaleareas,butthequantityofthefilmremainsisincreased, which influences the follow ing work5- 9.Fig. 1Profile of peanut covering plasticfilm and seeding beds8For solving the problem s mentioned above, a newtype of peanut harvester w ith new working principleand structurewas invented, which has already come tothe market.The harvester has already acquired the78petty patent now(patent number: ZL 01221476. 0),andpatentforinvention(patentnumber:99124518. 0)has been investigating in substance.2Structure design of the peanut harvester2. 1Analysis of the whole machine structure4H22 type peanut harvester combines w iththeadvancedmethodofplantingandagriculturalrequirement,which can harvesttworow s at oneworking stroke.It matches w ith the 8. 813. 0 kWsmall four2wheel tractors.4H22 type peanut harvesteris composed of gaging wheel,transm issionshaft,eccentricwheel, pitman, long rocker2arm , erect axis,harvesting parts, long pitman, rocker2arm , mountingdeviceandframeetc.Thefigure2show sitsstructure.1. gaging wheel2. joint coupling3. transm ission shaft4. erectaxis5. long rocker2arm6. long pitman7. mounting device8. rocker2arm9. erect axis10. harvester part11. eccentricwheel12. pitman13. harvest part14. frameFig. 2D iagram of peanut harvesterThe driving power needed of the work parts of 4H22type peanut harvester comes from the PTO of tractor.W hen the machine w ith tractor goes forward,thePTOdrives eccentric wheel 11 pass throughjointcoupling 2 and transm ission shaft 3.Then eccentricwheel 11 drives longrocker2arm5 to move passthrough pitman 12. A s erect axis 4 and harvest parts13 aremade together, rocker 8w ith long pitman 6 andlong rocker2arm 5 constitute an inverse parallelogrammechanism , therefore harvest parts 10 and 13 sw ingw ith erect axis 4 and 9 w ith the same frequency andangle but contrary direction.The working process is:the scoops 10 and 13 digging the peanut out andmoving the peanut backward, while the lengthwaysgrids continuously make the fanlike sw ing, and thenbreak the adm ixture of soil and peanuts.By thismovement the heavy soil sinks down via the grids, andthelighter peanut moves up,sothat peanutisseparatedfromsoil well .The peanutis movingrearward continuously,finally evenlaying ontheexcavated ground,soitis convenient for manualcollection.2. 2Ma in techn ique parametersThe table 1 show s the main technique parameters of4H22 type peanut harvester.Table 1Main techn ique parametersPower requirement8. 813. 0 kW small four2wheeledtractorProductivity?hm2h- 10. 100. 13Losing rate of nuts2%Containing rate of soil in peanut(by quantity calculation) 5%Broken rate of nuts 1%Picked rate of nuts by mechanism s 3. 5%Overall size(LWH mm)?mm31280l180780Net weight?kg1583Design of ma in working parts3. 1Design of the transm ission partsFor overcom ing the weakness of the traditionalpeanut harvesters mentioned in this paper, the 4H22type peanut harvester has been invented w ith a newstructure and principle.Its scoops andseparatingparts have been combined together that can reduce thepower consumption,thesize ofthe machine andharvesting loss.The transm ission and control devicesare designed for transm itting power efficiently andadjust conveniently.In order to match the tractor of8. 8 kW , the power input shaft 1 of 4H22 type peanutharvester is located in flank of left.The inverseparallelogrammechanismistheremarkablecharacteristics of this machine.It sw ings both scoopsw ith the same angle but opposite direction.The sideforces acted on two scoop frames are balanced eachother.The stability of the machine is ensured and theinvestment ofmanufacturing is reduced greatly, whichisbenefitedtolarge2scaleproductionandpopularization of the harvesters.3. 2Design of scoop framesW hen the harvester working in field w ith densepeanut stalks,the flow ing channel of the peanut iseasily jammed, resulting in that the working resistan2ce is increasing, and peanut separating is ineffective,eventhe harvester cannot continueto work.Forresolving this problem , the structure of half open arm has been created for the scoop frame(show inthe figure 3)and the bottom is the scoop. A s there aretow scoops, the form respectively is and ,tow of them form ing the ? channel, which makesthe peanut stalks easily to pass it.88农业工程学报2005年Fig. 3D iagram of scoop frames3. 3Design of the transm ission with V-beltA ccording tothe different circum stances of thefields, the sw ing frequency of harvesting parts shouldbe adjusted and changed. For this reason, the one stepV2belt transm ission has been adopted for changing thesw ing frequency by replacing theV2belt pulleys. A fteroptim izing the four2bar linkage and the size of the beltpulleys,the frequencies and the range of sw ing aremore reasonable.3. 4Design of the grid shapeIfthesectionalshape ofgridisround,theconnection point of grids w ith scoop w ill be brokeneasily after working.In order to increase its anti2bentintensity,the flat rectangle sectional grids havebeenselectedoutandapplicationaftermakingtheoretical designandexperimental analysis(thefigure 4 show s its structure).Fig. 4D iagram of grid shape4Equation of kinematics4. 1Theoretical analysis of the ma in partsFigure 5 show s the structure of transm ission partsof 4H22 type peanut harvesters.In this figure, No. 3is transm ission shaft and No. 11 is eccentric wheel,the A E and BD respectively indicate the rocker2arm 5Fig. 5D iagram of transm ission parts structureand 8,the CDand EFindicate pitman 6 and 12respectively, the A and B is respectively erect axes 4and 9 (reference Figure 2).Fig. 6Si mplification diagram of movement9, 10W hen4H22typepeanutharvesterworking,transm issionshaft3driveseccentricwheel11running. A s the track of pointEis a space arc, but itslengthisfarshorterthanA ErockersinX OYcoordinate plane( 10% ), so thatEpoint track mayapproximately be the straight line movement which isin theXO Ycoordinate plane.The figure 6 show s themovement form.OFstands for eccentricity andEFstands for pitman 12. A sOF=R,EF=L, then thetrack ofEpoint may approximate be considered astraight lineO E. So the rectangular system of axis canbe established to find the kinematics equation. TurnOto be the origin of coordinates, the direction ofOOisthe positive direction ofXaxes.A ccording to theknown condition, at beginningt= 0,Fis in the placeforF,Eis in the place forO. ObviouslyO F+OF=L+R. A t any timeEpoint coordinates is:x=OE=OO-(EG+GO) =(R+L) -L2-(Rsin)2+Rcos=R(1 -cos) +L(1 -1 -(R?L)2sin2)CauseR?L= =t, thenx=R(1 -cost) +L(1 -1 -2sin2t) )A ccording to the crank rocker structure,is usuallyamong 1?61?4. By the binom ial equation, then1 -2sin2t= 1 -122sin2t-184sin4t-A s the other numbers aremuch small from the thirdnumber, so all of them are ignored.V idelicet:1 -2sin2t1 -122sin2t, thenEpoint kinematics equation approximately is:x=R(1 -cost+12sin2t)v=x=R(sint+12sin2t)The motion characteristics of inverse parallelogrammechanism ABCD depends on the track of pointE.The figure 7 show s the structure.AandBstand forerect axes 4 and 9 respectively,A EandBDarerespectively rocker 5 and 8,CDis pitman 6.IfAis atzero(0, 0).The direction ofA Xis the positivedirection of polar axes.A E=L1. Then A(erect axis)98第1期尚书旗等: 4H22型花生收获机的设计原理及运动特性分析angular velocity equation approximate is:=RL1(1 -cost+12sin2t)=RL1(sint+12sin2t)Fig. 7Schematic of inverse parallelogram mechanism4. 2Kinematics equation of the harvest partsA s the figure 8 show s, when 4H22 type peanutharvester is static to the ground relatively, any pointof sw ing grid AH motion as horizontal and fan2shapereciprocating movement, around its erect axis. W henworking, themovement of any point of sw ing grid AHis composed of the sw ing motion of erect axis andmoving of tractor.Because of the sw ing velocity oferect axis is different,the motion track is not thesame,butthereis certainregulation.Takethefarthest point H of sw ing grid,its relatively staticequation is:v_s=v_2=L2=RL2L1(sint+12sin2t)sin+iRL2L1(sint+12sin2t)cosx_s=x_2=t0RL1(sint+12sin2t)L2dtsin+it0RL1(sint+12sin2t)L2dtcos=RL1L2(-cost-14cos2t+1 +14) sin+iRL1L2(-cost-14cos2t+ 1 +14)cosIts relatively kinematics equation is:v_=v_1+v_2=v1+L2=v1+RL2L1(sint+12sin2t)sin+iRL2L1(sint+12sin2t)cosx_=x_1+x_2=v1t+t0RL1(sint+12sin2t)L2dtsin+it0RL1(sint+12sin2t)L2dtcos=v1t+RL1L2(-cost-14cos2t+ 1+14) sin+iRL1L2(-cost-14cos2t+ 1 +14)cosOn the basis of optimum parameter, the track of thefarthest point H of sw ing grid has been gotten bymaking use of the V isual Basic and SPSS software(Show s in the figure 9).Fig. 8D iagram of velocity synthesisFig. 9Relatively kinematics track of H point5Function characteristics of the harvesterThesw ing2diggingprincipleandtheinverseparallelogrammechanismhavebeensuccessfullycreated and applied to 4H22 type peanut harvester.Ithad broken the traditional way which is scoop andseparate chain to combine together for harvesting.(1) 4H22 type peanut harvester should be matchedw ith the small four2wheel tractors which are veryuniversal.Its designisreasonable,w ithreliableworking,steady function,convenientadjustment,higher adaptability,and this machine can work invarious fields and harvest all kinds of peanut.(2)The sw ing2digging principle had been createdfor merging scoop and separator together.That hassuccessfullyrealizedtheworkofdiggingandseparating peanut by one set of part, and simplifiedthe working procedure.The two harvest parts wereusedthroughinverse parallelogrammechanismtotransfer power, turning them by the same angle forsw ing but opposite direction, making the two sidesforce acted on scoop frames balanced each other, theoperation stability of it is ensured, the resistance andthe power consumption have been reduced.(3)In harvesting process, plastic film was notbroken and easy collected w ith the peanut stalks.There is none leavings of them on the ground.(4)A s created the sw ing2digging principle,the09农业工程学报2005年whole resistance and the power consumption of theharvester have been reduced. By means of the sw ingfunction, the soil w ith heavy specific gravity sinkingpasses through the grids, and the peanut w ith lighterspecific gravity moves up,so that the loss rate ofpeanut was reduced remarkably.(5)The various working and performance indexesof the machine are superior to the sim ilar type ofpeanut harvesters, and productivity of it was higher,loss rate lower, the econom ic benefit remarkable.4H22 type peanut harvester is the newtypicalagricultural implement for the small scale farm s ofChinaandmoresuitableforChinesepeanutproduction.This harvester has the simpler structureand lower price.Its various performance indexes aresuperior tothe Standard of technique indexes forpeanutharvestinginChina.Itcanbring moreeconom ic benefit to the customers.A fter applicationand extension to peanut production,the 4H22 typepeanut harvesters have won broad praise fromthesociety.This patent achievement indicates fully thatthedesignandprincipleof4H22typepeanutharvesters has reached a new high level .References1Duan Shufen,HouW enguang.Theworldpeanutproduction and the trade outlook J . Chinese agriculturebulletin, 1990, 6(2): 21- 25.2Tao Shouxiang.The present condition and outlook ofpeanut high yield in Shandong provinceJ . Peanut scienceand technology, 1993, 2: 26- 29.3Chen Chuanqiang.Thebroadcastlectureofthemechanization of peanut techniqu
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