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答案+我名字传媒2019年7月大学英语(预备一)课程考试作业考核试题总分:100分一、单选题共50题,100分12分It is reported that when you lie down to sleep at night, the increase in body _ does occur (出现).AappearBheightCcapitalDisland22分The teacher told the children, “It is very important _ careful _ fire.”Ato be; withBis; withCbeing; withDto be; to32分_does it take you to travel from Beijing to Shanghai.AHow oftenBHow longCHow many timesDHow much42分I _, because I dont want to be late for school.Aam used to getting up earlyBused to getting up earlyCam used to get up earlyDused to get up early52分Who can know the _ of the people walking in the streets without a job?AforgiveBrefuseCsimplyDsuffering62分Every firm has an _ report on its business in the year past and the year coming.AtearBannualCgameDcomfort72分Deaths were _ less in Los Angeles because the accident happened at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday, when traffic(交通) was not busy.ArelativelyBairplaneCfenceDannual82分The World Trade Organization (WTO) has recently suggested some strong _ on the use of medicine materials to improve food production.AcompareBopinionCrestrictionsDsecretary92分This is my _ opinion and you shouldnt enforce it on others.ApresidentBcouncilCpersonalDcitizen102分It is well _ the time and effort to learn how to speak English now.AexpressBfunCworthDconvenient112分I have _ question to ask you.Amore oneBany moreCsome moreDone more122分This was the chance Id been waiting for - a chance to learn a _ and make something of myself.AbirdBappleCcoupleDtrade132分Earnest Hemingway believed (相信) that he should kill himself when he was not able to _ any more.AswimBrunCcreateDbeat142分Unlike the other men, Peter did not _ they meet again.AserviceBsuggestCsilentDsport152分They tried to pull (拉) the pole down, but it stood strong and _.AluckBfitCstraightDwipe162分If you want to be _ you must take more _.Ahealthy; exerciseBhealth; exerciseChealthy; exercisesDhealth; exercises172分Well, I _ I have the time to give it a try, but Im not sure that Ill be able to finish it.AchangeBinfluenceCchairmanDsuppose182分Theres a lot of _ outside when he is trying to sleep.AnoiseBnoisesCnoisyDnoisily192分If you try all kinds of jobs, not only will you find out what you want to do, but you will also _ up a surprising amount of useful information as you go along.ApickBequipmentCdrugDdirector202分It was almost impossible for an Indian to get even a _ education and even more difficult, as a result, for an Indian to become somebody in society 。AfairBboneCwakeDanxious212分You have to make the questions clear: Firstly, who does the text describe; secondly, what does the text _?AsituationBcustomCdescribeDsuppose222分If the parents can _ it, each child should have his or her own bedroom.AaffordBvarietyCstoreDbutter232分We need to buy some important _ for the research work.AsugarBsaltCequipmentDcarrot242分We can _ your surprise when they told you that you had won the prize.AimagineBlistCroleDmodel252分Im not sure if they _ tomorrow. If they _ tomorrow they will tell me.Awill go hiking; will go hikingBwill go hiking; go hikingCgo hiking; go hikingDgo hiking; will go hiking262分Exercise is most important to health, the report says; though it doesnt _ body weight(体重) for sure.AignoreBrestrictionCreduceDarea272分The old man died but his shop _ to trade under its old name.AinventedBcontinuedCcomputerDdiscovery282分I was once _ to read a piece of writing with far too many spelling mistakes.AmixtureBstraightCshockedDcheek292分Im not hungry, but I dont _ having some cakes.AmindBbeerClineDstress302分We cheered in a loud voice when our team _ the other team at last.AdefeatedBcrazyCtreatDdiscuss312分Business has _ achieved a market (市场) for children, because every child have learned from TV what a child should have and be like.AfirmlyBavoidClieDceiling322分The policeman asked John _ he knew the victim.AwhatBthatCifDwhich332分Before his_Alfred Nobel decided to set up a prize with his money to honor the people who did great things in science.AdeathBhappyCbornDhealth342分The family life was based on love and family members (成员) _ each otherApartlyBrespectCdescribeDculture352分Once we have a(n) _ in head, we have to reach it without minding everything else.AaffordBobjectCdealDpatient362分It is not kind to _ others who ask for help.AnobleBsufferCapologizeDrefuse372分When a _ tool (工具) has been developed, it is usually because nothing else will do the job as well.ArespectBspecialCprofessorDpartly382分The president _ that the advertisement should include a well-written description to attract the buyers attention.AinsistedBnecessaryCcarriedDdefeat392分No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or _ it unimportant as a basic skill.AconsideredBchoiceCexpectDexpert402分In the middle of the morning a reporter jumped over the low (矮的) _ into Mr Lawsons garden and told him the latest news.AcomfortBfenceCshockDfirm412分Many people with AIDS (艾滋病) have to _ months in hospital up to a time when they have someone at home to help and look after them.AthinkBbelieveCspendDsmoke422分The farmer _ himself on his new method of planting carrots.AworthBadditionCpridedDsmile432分To my _ many of my classmates came over to share my problems.AgreetBnoticeCdelightDpride442分The children felt _ when they heard the news.AhappilyBhappyCsadlyDangrily452分We bought the house _ because it was convenient for the children to go to schoolAleaderBfriendlyCsimplyDshare462分Stephen took the view that his headache was caused by _.AmajorBpickCstressDenvironment472分_ does your brother _ ?AHow; look likeBWhat; look likeCWhat; lookDHow; looks482分We wrote down the direction (方向) of travel and sent the _


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