



Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountainsSectionB (1a1d).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1The young boy said that the emperor was wearing nothing except his u_2No one wants to sound s_.3S_, I heard a strange noise from the forest.4The old man never k_ anything for himself. So many people loved him.5The question is too difficult. N_ can answer it.6Dont try to _ (欺骗) others. They will know the truth one day.7I heard there was lots of _(金子) in this cave.8This dress is made of _(丝绸). Its very expensive.用所给单词的适当形式填空1He must learn to look after _(he) when his parents arent at home.2My grandmother has _ (keep) some old things for over sixty years.3What are you doing?We _(try) to do what we can to help Lily.4These young men came to this city _(find) jobs they like.5Once upon a time, there _(be) a dog who could speak.根据汉语意思完成句子1他的想法听起来很愚蠢,所以没有人同意。His idea _ _, so nobody agrees with him. 2你能为我做一条漂亮的连衣裙吗?Can you _ a beautiful dress _ me?3从前,有一个叫阿里巴巴的穷人。_ _ _ _, there was a poor man called Alibaba.4你知道皇帝的新装这个故事的内容吗?Do you _ anything _ the story The Emperors New Clothes?5两兄弟来到这座城市为国王做特别的衣服。Two brothers came to the city to _ _ _ for the emperor.6这个皇帝足够傻,只穿了内衣。The emperor was silly enough _ _ only his underwear. .单项填空()1.Once upon a time, there was _ emperor named William.Aa Ban C/ Dthe()2.The news reported that the rainstorm was in this area last night. Yes. _ bad weather it was! AWhat a BHow aCWhat DHow ()3.2016青海You will succeed finally _ you give up halfway.Aif BunlessCeven though()4.How do you like my dress?It is made of _. It looks really nice.Awood BgoldCstone Dsilk()5.I will give you a call as soon as I _ at my office.Aarrive Barriving Cwill arrive Dto arrive()6.Im sorry to keep you _ a long time.Await BwaitedCwaiting Dto wait()7.Mary tried_ a lot of vegetables and fruit to keep healthy.Ato eat Bto eating Ceat Deats()8.I lost the game today.Cheer up! _ wants to lose, but only a few can win.ASomebody BEverybodyCAnybody DNobody教师详解详析.1.underwear2.stupid/silly3Suddenly4.kept5Nobody6.cheat7gold8.silk.1.himself2.kept3.are trying 4to find5.was.1.sounds stupid/silly2make; for3On


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