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高考提能练(十) Module 4Fine Arts Western, Chinese and Pop Arts.阅读理解A2019成都摸底 Summer Camps in Season!STEM Camp July 10 to August 14, Cost:$18090% of the jobs in the future will require STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education. We find ways to make learning fun and exciting for students to help ensure their futures. Campers participate in fun and engaging STEM activities! Register: www. stemcamp. ca or call 5194756600.Kandalore June 15 to 28, Cost: $2,340 The finest traditional camp in Canada, provides the best of both canoe (独木舟) adventures and incamp activities. For more than 65 years, Kandalore has given campers the opportunity to know and be themselves. We create a warm and supportive environment where kids can express their unique self, grow in selfconfidence and build lifetime friendships. Register: or call 4163229735.ESL Summer Camp June 25 to July 21, Cost: $5,500 Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 1218 who want to learn English and experience the wonders of summer at our 42acre campus; students enjoy the excellent dormitory, dining, academic, and social facilities of one of Canadas oldest independent schools. Register:www. pickeringcollege. on.ca or call 9051758900.DEEP Summer Academy August 16 to 26, Cost: $465 We provide highly motivated high school students from across the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science subjects. Organized by the University of Toronto, DEEP is one of the most diverse preuniversity engineering programs all over the world with scholarships. Register: www.outreach.engineering.utoronto.ca or call 4169460816.体裁:应用文题材:旅行主题:夏令营【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了四个夏令营的时间、收费标准、主要活动内容及联系方式等信息。【难句分析】Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 1218 who want to learn English and experience the wonders of summer at our 42acre campus; students enjoy the excellent dormitory, dining, academic, and social facilities of one of Canadas oldest independent schools.分析:本句中aged 1218作students的后置定语;who引导定语从句,修饰先行词students。dormitory, dining, academic和social facilities都作enjoy的宾语,of one of Canadas oldest independent schools作facilities的后置定语。译文:Pickering学院有一个为(那些)想要学习英语和在学院42英亩的校区内感受夏天的奇观的12至18岁的学生们举办的令人兴奋的ESL夏令营,(参加的)学生们(可以)享受加拿大最古老的私立学校的一流食宿、学习和社交设施。1Which number should you call if you want to improve your English? A5194756600. B4163229735.C4169460816. D9051758900.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第三则信息中的“Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 1218 who want to learn English”和“call 9051758900”可知D选项正确。2When will the shortest camp start?AOn July 10. BOn June 15.COn June 25. DOn August 16.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。综合四则信息可知,DEEP Summer Academy的时间长度是11天,与题干的the shortest camp相符合。这个夏令营是“August 16 to 26”所以D选项正确。3Where can you go if you are interested in the experience of adventure?AKandalore. BSTEM Camp.CESL Summer Camp. DDEEP Summer Academy.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第二则信息中的“provides the best of both canoe(独木舟)adventures and incamp activities.”可知,选项A与题干的“the experience of adventure”相符合,所以A选项正确。4How similar are STEM Camp and DEEP Summer Academy?AThey both offer scholarships for students.BThey provide the same courses for students.CThey both prepare students for their development.DThey are both designed for international students.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第一则信息中的“for students to help ensure their futures”和第四则信息中的“We provide highly motivated high school students from across the world with the opportunity for advanced study”可以推断二者都对学生的未来发展(development)有帮助,所以选项C正确。B2019陕西检测Hunger has been troubling the world. In 2016, the number of hungry people in the world reached one billion for the first time. Its difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people in the world do not have enough to eat.The UN figures that almost two thirds of the worlds hungry people are in Asia, which is of course the worlds most populous continent. More than a quarter are in subSaharan Africa. Although this place has a much lower population than Asia, it has the highest percentage of hungry people. Almost all of the rest are in Latin America, North Africa and the Caribbean.There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars, droughts, floods, and the overuse of farmland. All these factors affect food production. Many people also blame greedy businessmen for pushing up the prices of basic foods in the global market. In fact, many people are starving just because theyre poor. Therefore, the most important reason, quite simply, is poverty. If we cant pull out this root,_well never be able to solve food shortage.Although many people make the obvious point that there would be less hunger if the global population were smaller, few people would argue that there is not enough food to go around. The basic problem seems to be not a lack of food, but its distribution. In the last 50 years, global food production has risen even more quickly than the global population.There are many areas of the world in which people generally have more than enough food. In those places, being overweight is a far bigger problem than hunger. The answer to world hunger, therefore, may be a balanced food distribution around the whole world. Everyone will have enough to eat, but not to overeat.体裁:说明文题材:社会问题主题:世界饥饿【解题导语】本文主要介绍了世界饥饿的现状以及导致饥饿的原因。【难句分析】Although this place has a much lower population than Asia, it has the highest percentage of hungry people.分析:本句包含Although引导的让步状语从句。译文:尽管这个地方的人口比亚洲要少得多,但饥饿人口比例却最高。5Which continent has the highest rate of hungry people?AAsia. BAfrica. CAmerica. DEurope.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“More than. Although this place has a much lower population than Asia,it has the highest percentage of hungry people”的描述可知,非洲大陆有着最高的饥饿率。6The underlined word in the 3rd paragraph most probably means _.Athe fact of having many droughtsBthe reason for suffering many floodsCthe state of being poorDbad luck brought by wars答案与解析:C考查词义猜测。根据上文“Therefore,the most important reason,quite simply,is poverty”的描述可知,画线词指贫穷的状态。7According to the last paragraph, _ results in the poverty.Anot enough productionBslow growth of foodCconsuming too much foodDimbalance of food distribution答案与解析:D考查推理判断。根据最后一段第三句“The answer to world hunger,therefore,may be a balanced food distribution around the whole world”的描述可推知,是食物分配不平衡导致贫困的。8Maybe the author would write about _ if there were a sixth paragraph.Ahow to make food distribution balancedBwhen to get rid of world hunger thoroughlyCwho is to blame for the world hungerDwhat to do to help the hungry people答案与解析:A考查文章结构。根据最后一段中的“In those places,being overweight is a far bigger problem than hunger.The answer to world hunger, therefore,may be a balanced food distribution around the whole world”的描述可知,也许作者接下来会写如何使食物分配平衡。.完形填空2019石家庄摸底 On my way back home I was stopped at traffic lights by some people who asked for help. A woman in her attempt to give _1_ to an ambulance had driven her car over stony obstacles that separated the bike line from the street, and, as a result, had gotten her car _2_. She couldnt move the car in any _3_ without damaging it. A couple of people tried to _4_ the car back but the obstacles were too high. Seeing that they couldnt do much about it, they left. The woman in the car tried to _5_ some service, and was told that it would take about 45 minutes for someone to get there.While watching the other people _6_. I realized the woman would be on her own and I imagined how _7_ that would be if I were in her shoes. After some talking, she _8_ me to sit inside her car.I wasnt in a hurry, so I _9_ my family that I would be later and then tried to _10_ the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others _11_. But actually it wasnt too much trouble _12_ they could still pass, and also there wasnt anything she could do about it _13_. We laughed and _14_ that all we needed was some tea for our picnic.Finally _15_ came and helped her back on the street. She _16_ me and asked for my phone number so she could return the _17_, but I told her it was okay. She seemed to feel much _18_ when we said our goodbyes. I believe that not having to face a difficult situation _19_ can make a lot of _20_.体裁:记叙文题材:人际关系主题:帮助他人【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者安慰并帮助一位在马路上因为给救护车让行而陷入困境的女士的故事。【高频词回顾】in ones attempt to do sth.试图做某事obstacle n障碍in ones shoes处于某人的境地make a difference有影响,有关系1A.signal BwayCtime Dhelp答案与解析:B一位女士试图给一辆救护车让行。give way to.“让行”,为固定搭配,故选B。2A.stuck BbrokenCdirty Dabandoned答案与解析:A根据下文“She couldnt move the car”可推知,因为给救护车让行,这位女士的车卡(stuck)在那里不能动弹。3A.sense BminuteCdirection Dline答案与解析:C在不损坏车的情况下,无论往哪个方向(direction)都无法移动。4A.lift BholdCpull Ddrive答案与解析:A根据上文“She couldnt move the car”以及下文“but the obstacles were too high”可推知,车子卡在那里,障碍物太高,不能被抬(lift)回来。5A.offer BseekCrefuse Dtake答案与解析:B那位女士在车里试图寻求(seek)一些服务。6A.shout BdiscussCstand Dleave答案与解析:D根据上文中的“Seeing that they couldnt do much about it, they left”可知,当时其他人因为帮不了什么忙,都走开(leave)了。7A.amazing BpleasantCuneasy Dincredible答案与解析:C根据上文可知,那位女士的车被卡在障碍物上,其他人又帮不上忙,作者将心比心,觉得此情此景,那位女士一定不舒服(uneasy),与下文“the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others _11_”呼应。8A.forced BinvitedCordered Dallowed答案与解析:B根据语境可推知,那位女士邀请(invited)作者坐进她的车里。9A.consulted BwarnedCadvised Dinformed答案与解析:D根据语境及下文“I would be later”可推知,作者是知会(informed)家人一些情况。10A.persuade BcomfortCfrighten Dsatisfy答案与解析:B根据空后的“the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others _11_”可推知,那位女士似乎感到焦虑不安,作者试图宽慰(comfort)她,这与下文“We laughed and _14_ that all we needed was some tea for our picnic”呼应。11A.trouble BdisbeliefCanxiety Dembarrassment答案与解析:A根据下文中的“But actually it wasnt too much trouble _12_ they could still pass”可推知,那位女士认为给他人带来麻烦(trouble)而感到焦虑不安。12A.though BuntilCsince Dunless答案与解析:C根据语境可推知,此处前后内容表示逻辑上的因果关系,故since“因为”符合语境。13A.anyway BthereforeCstill Dsomehow答案与解析:A根据上文“She couldnt move the car in any _3_ without damaging it”可推知,无论如何(anyway),那位女士对当时那种情况也是无能为力的。14A.remembered BrealizedCthought Djoked答案与解析:D由空前的“We laughed”可推知,作者和那位女士当时都笑了,并且开着玩笑(joked)。15A.news Bmy partnerCassistance Dan ambulance答案与解析:C根据空后的“helped her back on the street”可推知,最终援助(assistance)到了,帮那位女士回到了路上。16A.greeted BthankedCaccepted Dattracted答案与解析:B根据语境可知,作者去安慰那位受困的女士,那位女士在最终解困后应是感谢(thanked)作者。17A.car BcompanyCfavor Dpicnic答案与解析:C根据语境可推知,那位女士想要作者的电话号码,以回报作者的帮助(favor)。18A.nervous BunwillingCdisappointed Dbetter答案与解析:D根据语境可知,那位女士从困境中解脱出来,感觉比之前好了许多,故D项符合语境。19A.alone BbravelyCbitterly Ddirectly答案与解析:A根据上文可知,由于作者的帮助和安慰,那位女士最终心情变得好了许多,由此可推知,她当时不是独自(alone)面对困境。20A.decision BfortuneCchoice Ddifference答案与解析:D作者认为不用独自面对困境可以产生很大影响(difference)。.语法填空2019江西五校第一次联考The World Health Organization (WHO) has made an appeal to scientists, drug manufacturers and governments. The WHO wants them to work together _1_ (develop) drugs to fight 12 bacteria. These bacteria _2_ (be) able to resist _3_ (power) antibiotic(抗生素) drugs. The resistance is so unusually strong that all the 12 bacteria have been given a special name “superbug” The United Nations agency reported this week the 12 superbugs are a threat to human _4_ (healthy). It said they have _5_ ability to easily turn treatable infections into killers. The WHO says superbugs can also pass along genetic material _6_ helps other bacteria become resistant to drug treatment. MariePaule Kieny is the Assistant DirectorGeneral at the WHO. She said, “Antibiotic resistance is growing and we are fast runn


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