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,Unit5 why do you like pandas?,Section B,tree,ivory,water,zoo,flag,cut,danger,symbol,kill,save,forget,place,Thailand,Where are giraffes from?,They are from _.,Africa,They eat _.,What do giraffes eat?,leaves,What do lions like to eat?,They eat _.,Where are lions from?,They are from _.,meat,Africa,What do pandas eat?,They eat _.,Where are pandas from?,They are from _.,bamboo,China,The panda is a symbol of China. simbl,What do koalas like to eat?,They eat _.,Where are koalas from?,They are from _.,Australia,leaves,The koala is a symbol of Australia.,What do elephants eat?,They eat _.,Where are elephants from?,They are from _.,grass and leaves,Asia,The elephant is one countrys symbol.,flag now,flag before,white elephant,a symbol of good luck,The elephant is a symbol of Thailand. tailnd,The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.,Thailand,symbol,This is the national flag of Thailand. fl,It was the first flag of Thailand. It had a white elephant on it.,Do you like elephants? Why?,smart,play soccer,draw,stand on two legs,work for people,What can elephants do?,walk for a long time,never get lost,remember places with water and food,water,These things ivory.,are made of,People kill them for their ivory. kil ivory aivri 不可数名词,Elephants are in danger.,People also many trees so elephants are losing their homes.,cut down,时间:2009-04-22 09:36作者:jiaqi 点击: 498次 据泰国世界日报报道,泰国自然资源与环境部常务 次长沙实日前表示,将举办公益活动来保护大象。他说, 野生大象和人工饲养的大象数目都在急剧减少,目前泰 国全部大象的数量不足5000头,如果再不采取有效的保 护措施,大象将在14年内从泰国彻底消失。,So elephants be in (great) danger now!,are in great danger,Lets help elephants.,save the trees,Dont buy things made of ivory.,由制成,Dont kill elephants!,2b,Read this website article and check () the best title for it.,What Is an Elephant? Come to Thailand Lets Save the Elephants Elephants Are Good Pets,Read the article again then answer the questions below.,Where are the students from? _ 2. Are elephants smart animals? _,Theyre from Thailand.,Yes, they are.,3. Why are elephants in great danger? _ _ 4. When is Thai Elephant Day? _,Because people cut down many trees and they kill elephants for their ivory.,Its on March 13th.,How to save them dont cut down too many _ dont _ things made of ivory. _ is Thai Elephant Day.,Abilities can play _ can also _ well can _ places with food and water,Facts and figures people _ many trees people kill them for _ today there are _ (over _ before),Importance in Thailand first flag had _ symbol of _,2c,Read the article again and complete the mind map.,ELEPHANTS,1. 通读全文,掌握文章的大意。 2. 读题目要求。第一方框为“大象的重要性”;第二方框为“有关大象的一些实事及其特征”;第三方框为“大象的能力”;第四方框为“如何挽救大象”。根据这几方面的内容再回到短文中去寻找答案。 3. 可知第一段末尾的两句说明了大象的重要性。 第二段叙述了大象的一些能力;第三段叙述了一些有关大象的事实;如何挽救大象也应根据第三段的内容来填写。,Facts and figures people _ many trees people kill them for _ today there are _ _ (over _ before),Importance in Thailand first flag had _ _ symbol of _,a white elephant on it,good luck,cut down,ivory,only 3,000 elephants,100,000,ELEPHANTS,How to save them dont cut down too many _ dont _ things made of ivory. _ is Thai Elephant Day.,Abilities can play _ _ can also _ well can _ places with food and water,ELEPHANTS,soccer or music,draw,remember,trees,buy,March 13th,Lets remember!,Animals are our friends.,earth,Lets work hard to save all the animals.,由于人类的破坏,与栖息地的丧失等因素。地球上濒临灭绝生物的比例正在以惊人的速度增长。在工业社会以前,鸟类平均每300年灭绝一种,兽类平均每8000年灭绝一种。但是自从工业社会以来,地球物种灭绝的速度已经超出自然灭绝率的1000倍。全世界18的植物,14的哺乳动物,19的鸟类,15的爬行动物,14两栖动物,13鱼类,都濒临灭绝。灭绝原因 1.人类过度贪婪 2. 环境丧失 3. 过度开发4.盲目引种 5. 环境污染,= Save human . 人类,1. one of + 名词复数形式 意为“之一” Jack is one of my friends. 杰克是我的朋友之一。 【注意】当“one of + 名词复数形式”作主语 时,当作整体看,用单数。 One of the lions is from Africa. 狮子中的一只是来自非洲。,Language points,2. get lost 迷途;迷路 The little girl cant find her home. She gets lost. 小女孩找不到家了,她迷路了。,3. be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中。 The boy falls into the lake. Hes in great danger. 小男孩落入湖中,他处于极大危险中。,4. cut down 砍伐 Dont cut down trees. 不要砍伐树木。 5. over (数量)超过; 在之上 Over one hundred people are in the library. 有超过一百人在图书馆里。 Theres a small bridge over the river. 在河上面有一座小桥。,1. Importance in Thailand:,The elephant is one of Thailands symbols. The first flag has a white elephant on it.,This is a symbol of good luck.,Ability:,Elephants can play soccer. They can also draw very well. An elephant never forgets. They can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water.,Facts:,Elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their home. People also kill elephants for their ivory.,How to save elephants:,We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.,Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions. 读课文第一段并回答问题。,Thailands first flag had,its a symbol of,it is one of Thailands,Symbols.,good luck.,1.Where are the students from?,2.What do they want to do?,3. Why are elephants important in Thailand?,Because,They are from Thailand.,They want to save the elephants.,on it.,a white elephant,Read para.2 and answer the questions.,can or,can also very well.,can for a long time and never,can also places with food and water.,draw,1.Are elephants smart animals?,Yes, they are.,2.What can they do?,They,get lost.,remember,play soccer,music.,walk,1) Are elephants in great danger? And why? Elephants are,People many trees so elephants are losing,2) How can they save elephants? (and) Dont cut down so m


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