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20-40mm板材矫直机设计 20-40mm 板材矫直机设计 20--40mm板材矫直机设计 20-40mm 板材矫直机设计 20-40mm板材矫直机
20-40mm板材矫直机设计,20-40mm板材矫直机设计,20-40mm 板材矫直机设计,20,40mm板材矫直机设计,20-40mm,板材矫直机设计,20-40mm板材矫直机
ABSTRACTThere are provided an even number of paired roll-shift type rolling mills 12a,12b and a controller 16 for controlling the rolling mills 12a,12b.Each of upper and lower work rolls 13 of each of the roll-shift type rolling mills has a predetermined crown curve and has a roll shifting mechanism 14 for axially shifting the upper and the lower work rolls relative to each other.The controller 16 determines a shift amount of each rolling mill in order to obtain a predetermined cross section shape of a steel plate,shifts the work rolls of the rolling mill on the upstream side paired every rolling coil to thereby disperse wear on the roll surface,and moves the work rolls of the rolling mill on the downstream side of the pair in a predetermined direction by the same distance,thereby canceling the change in the cross section shape of the plate by the shifting operation for the wear dispersion.摘要有一对轧辊轴向移动式轧机12a,12b以及控制轧机12a,12b的控制器16。每组轴向移动的轧辊机中的工作轧辊13的各自上边缘与下边缘都有预定的凸边曲线,同时轧辊移位装置14用以控制上下工作轧辊彼此间的轴向相对移动。控制器16控制每一个轧机的位移量为了获得钢板的预定截面形状,它通过移动轧机每组成对的轧辊中上边的工作轧辊上的每组成对的轧辊以此来使轧辊的上下表面的离差,同时使轧机成对工作的下方的轧辊在预定的方向上移动同样的距离,以此通过改变磨轧的离差的过程来撤销板的截面形状的变化。1HOT TANDEM ROLLING MILLBACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION1.Field Of The Invention The present invention relates to a hot tandem rolling mill which can perform both shape control by shifting rolls and wear dispersion.2.Related Background Art A roll-shift type rolling mill schematically shown in FIG.1(for example,U.S. Pat.No.5,640,866,Janpanese Patent Laid-Open No.7-232202,and the like)is known as a roll mill used to obtain a very flat plate product.According to the roll-shift type rolling mill,upper and lower work roll 1 having convex and concave parts as shown in U.S.Pat.No.5,640,866 are alternately shifted in the axial direction of the rolls,and roll a plate member 2,thereby controlling the shape in cross section of the plate member. On the other hand,in an ordinary hot finishing rolling mill,a rolling part of the surface of a roll is worn as the number of plates which are rolled increases.Especially,the end parts of the roll are worn morn than the center part.When a plate to be rolled next is wide,the cross section of the plate has a shape in which the both ends are thicker(those are called cats ears) as schematically in FIG.2 and the rolled shape deteriorates.1热连轧机发明的背景1、发明的领域 本发明与热连轧机相关,它通过转动轧辊以及磨轧离差来控制是板面的形状。2、相关技术背景图1所示的是轧辊滚动式轧机的原理简图(例如,U.S.Pat.No.5,640,866,Janpanese Patent Laid-Open No.7-232202等),它是用来获取平钢板产品的轧制设备。根据轧辊移动式轧机,工作辊1的上部和下部有如图U.S.Pat.No.5,640,866凸、凹部分是在轴向尺寸交替变化的轧辊。轧制板面2可以控制整个板面的截面形状。 另一方面,一个普通的完备的热轧机中,轧辊表面轧制部分的外形的磨损是随着已被轧制钢板的数目越来越厉害。特别是,轧辊末端磨损大于中间部分。当下一个待轧钢板很宽时,钢板的横截面会形成两端厚的形状(那些被形象地称为猫耳朵)如简图2所示,同时这个卷形会变形。 In a conventional hot finishing rolling mill,therefore,the width of a plate cannot be freely changed and rolling operation is performed according to a predetermined operation schedule(called a coffin schedule)as shown in an example of FIG.3.According to the example of FIG.3,the axis of abscissa denotes the number of rolling coils after roll replacement and the axis of ordinate shows the rolling width of plates.In order to obtain a necessary plate width,rolling operation for narrow plates is repeated and the rolls are warmed,and plate members are rolled in accordance with the order of the wider plate members.Other various operation schedules are used according to hot finishing rolling lines. 在传统的热轧机,要求钢板的宽度不可以随意变动,根据预定的运行流程(所谓的密闭流程)轧制流程正如图3的例图所示。根据图3的例图,轴的横坐标表示通过轧制的轧辊数目,纵坐标代表轧板的轧制宽度。为了获取一个需要的轧板宽度,轧制系统将窄轧板重复轧制,轧辊在轧制前要预热。钢板的轧制要按照宽钢板的轧制顺序。其他的各种轧制过程依据热轧相关规则。In the conventional hot finishing rolling mill,as mentioned above,since the rolling operation is performed according to a predetermined operation schedule,there is a problem that schedule-free rolling operation which is performed irrespective of the plate width cannot be executed.上面提到的传统的热轧机,由于轧制操作是根据预定的操作流程来执行的,那么将导致一个问题,即不考虑钢板宽度的自由规程轧制过程降无法执行。 Consequently,there has been proposed that the upper and lower work rolls are axially shifted relative to each other by using the above-mentioned roll-shift type rolling mill,thereby dispersing local wear of the surface of the roll and achieving the schedule-free rolling operation.In this case,however,since a shifting function is used to disperse the wear of the surface of the roll,there is a problem that an inherent control of the cross section shape cannot be performed.因此,由已经提出的,上下工作辊根据上述的滚扎轧辊移动式轧机的原理,通过彼此相对的轴向移动,从而分散轧辊表面的磨轧,而实现自由规程轧制。然而在这种情况下,由于移动的运行使轧辊的表面离差产生,将导致一个不可避免的问题,即截面形状的控制无法保证。 That is,hitherto,the function of shifting the upper and lower work rolls of the roll-shift type rolling mill in the axial direction is used to control the cross section shape of a steel plate.The shifting function is,however,used for dispersing the wear of the roll,so that the shape cannot be controlled.There is consequently a problem that the wear dispersion and the cross section shape control are incompatible.这是迄今为止,通过利用轧辊移动式轧机的上下工作轧辊在轴向的移动功能来控制钢板的截面形状。然而,这个移动的功能是使轧辊相互错位,以致无法控制形状。因此,表面的形状的不平整性和截面形状的控制仍存在不相容性问题。SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is provided in order to solve the problems.Therefore it is an object of the present invention to provide a hot tandem rolling mill which can realize both of schedule-free rolling operation by dispersing wear of the surface of the roll and a control of a cross section shape of a steel plate.该发明的概括现今的发明是为了解决问题。因此本连轧机的发明,在实现分散轧辊表面的离差的同时,又控制钢板截面的面积而完成自由规程轧制。 According to the present invention,there is provided a hot tandem rolling mill having roll-shift type rolling mills of an even number which are paired and a controller for controlling the rolling mills.Each of upper and lower work rolls of each of the roll-shift type rolling mills has a predetermined crown curve.There is also provided a roll shifting mechanism for axially moving the upper and lower work rolls relative to each other.The controller determines a shift amount of each rolling mill in order to obtain a predetermined cross section shape of a steel plate,shifts the work rolls of the rolling mill on the upstream side of a pair by a predetermined amount by using the shift position as a center for every rolling coil to thereby disperse wear of the surface of the roll,and moves the work rolls of the rolling mill on the downstream side of the pair in a predetermined direction by the same distance.thereby canceling the change in the cross section shape of the plate caused by the shifting operation for the wear dispersion. 本发明所提供的热连轧机,有两个成对的轴向移动式轧机和控制轧机的控制器。每个轴向移动式轧机的上下工作辊都有预定的凸度曲线。也提供了使上下工作轧辊在轴向相对彼此的转移机械装置。该控制器控制每个轧机的移量为了获得钢板的预定横截面形状,它通过转移位置作为中心改变轧机中的一对工作轧辊的上游移量用以分散轧辊的表面离差。同时移动一对下游轧机在工作轧辊在预定方向相同的距离。从而撤销由磨损离差在移位操作过程中引起的板的截面形状的改变。 According to the construction of the present invention,since rolling operation is performed by axially shifting the work rolls of the roll-shift type rolling mills of an even number which are paired by using the shift position determined to obtain a predetermined plate crown for every rolling coil,the wear of the surface of each roll can be dispersed.Further,by performing the rolling operation of the rolling mills on the upstream and downstream sides in a predetermined direction(for example,opposite direction or the same direction)by the same distance,the change in the cross section shape of the steel plate caused by the shifting operation to disperse wear occurring in the rolling mill on the upstream side can be canceled by the rolling mill on the downstream.Since the plate crown is controlled by changing the center position of the schedule-free rolling operation and the control of the cross section shape of the steel plate,that is,the plate crown control by the dispersion of the local wear of the roll surface can be compatibly performed.根据本发明,轧制系统通过成对的轧机的工作轧辊的轴向移位,利用确定位置的转变来获得每个扎卷板预定的钢板凸度,以及各个轧辊表面的离差可以被分离。此外,在轧机轧制系统预定方向(例如,相反的方向或同一方向)上的上、下游移动的同样距离,由于发生在轧机在上游的移位操作的分散磨损所导致的钢板截面的变化可以在轧机的下游所撤销。由于板的凸度是由自由规程轧制系统的中心位置变动和钢板截面形状的控制的改变,即由轧辊表面的局部磨损离差所导致的板的凸度控制可以妥善地得到解决。The other objects and advantageous feature of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description with reference to the appended drawings.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG.1 is a schematic diagram showing a conventional roll-shift type rolling mill;FIG.2 shows an example of a cross section shape of a plate due to wear of rolls;FIG.3 shows an example of operating schedule in a conventional hot tandem rolling mill; FIG.4 is a diagram showing the whole construction of a hot tandem rolling mill according to the present invention;FIG.5 is s diagram explaining the principle of the present invention;FIG.6A is a diagram showing a roll shift state of an odd-number stand according to the present invention;FIG.6B is a diagram showing a roll shift state of an even-number stand according to the present invention;FIG.7A is another diagram showing a roll shift state of an odd-number stand according to the present invention;FIG.7B is another diagram showing a roll shift state of an even-number stand according to the present invention.该发明的其他的结构以及特性将在下面附有注释的简图中详细列出。例图的简要说明图1是常见的轧辊移位式轧机的原理图;图2是由于轧辊的磨损,形成钢板截面截面形状的例图;图3是普通的热连轧机的工作机制直角坐标图;图4根据该发明,描述的是该热轧机的所有结构部件;图5是该发明的轧制原理图;图6A根据该发明,描述的奇数轧辊轴向移动状态的简图;图6B根据该发明,描述的偶数轧辊轴向移动状态的简图;图7A根据该发明,描述的奇数轧辊轴向移动状态的另一幅简图;图8B根据该发明,描述的偶数轧辊轴向移动状态的另一幅简图;DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTSEmbodiments of the present invention will be described hereinbelow with reference to the drawings.Common portion in the drawings are designated by the same reference numberals and repetition of the description is omitted. 首选方案的说明该发明的方案会在下文随例图一起阐述。图纸中共同的部分由相同的参数表示,重复的部分被省略。FIG.4 is a diagram illustrating the whole construction of a hot tandem rolling mill of the present invention.In the diagram,a hot tandem rolling mill 10 of the invention has an even number of roll-shift type rolling mills 12a,12b which are paired(one pair is used in the diagram)and a controller 16 for controlling the rolling mills.In the diagram,other rolling mills 5 are regular ones which are not of the roll-shift type(for example,they are four-stage rolling mills).The whole rolling mills 5 perform tandem rolling operation to thereby obtain a predetermined percentage reduction in thickness.图4是阐述该发明热连轧机的结构图。该图中的热连轧机10有两个轴向移动式的轧机12a和12b,它们是成对的(在图中有一对使用着),以及控制器16控制着轧辊的运动。图中,其他的辊子5是不用于轴向移动的常规轧辊(它们是4阶轧辊)。图中所有的5#轧机通过执行连轧操作使轧板在厚度上获得预定的百分比减幅。The present invention is not limited that the roll-shift type rolling mills 12a,12b are paired.Roll-shifting type rolling mills of four or larger even-number can be also used.Although it is preferable to arrange the pair of the rolling mills so as to be neighboring each other as shown in the diagram,the present invention is not limited to the arrangement.A rolling mill of a different type may be also interposed between the roll-shift type rolling mills 12 on the upstream side and the downstream side.该连轧机的发明不仅仅局限于轴向移动轧辊仅为一对12a和12b。轴向移动的四辊或者更多的数目也可以应用。虽然本发明的一对12a和12b轧辊在图上是相邻分布的,其实该发明不限于图上的分布。在轴向移动的轧机12上下游间可以设置与此不同类型的轧机。 Each of the upper and lower rolls 13 of each of the roll-shift type rolling mills 12a,12b has a predetermined crown curve for controlling the cross section shape of a plate.The rolling mill 12 has a roll-shifting mechanism 14 for axially shifting the upper and lower work roll 13 relative to each other.每台轴向移动轧机12a和12b的每个上下轧辊13都有预定的凸度路拱曲线来控制板的截面形状。轧机12拥有轴向移位装置14来控制上下工作轧辊13的相对各自的轴向移动。 The controller 16 determines a shift amount of each of the rolling mills 12a,12b in order to obtain a predetermined cross section shape of a steel plate and shifts the work rolls 13 of the rolling mill 12a on the upstream side of each pair every rolling coil by using the shift position as a center,thereby dispersing the wear on the roll surface.The controller 16 shifts the work rolls 13 of the rolling mill 12b on the downstream side of the pair in a predetermined direction(opposite or same direction)by the same distance correspond to the shift stroke of the rolling mill 12a,thereby canceling the change in the cross section shape of the plate by the shift for the wear dispersion.The roll-shifting mechanism 14 axially shifts the upper and lower work rolls 13 relative to each other in accordance with a control signal from the controller 16.控制器16是控制轧机12a和12b各自的位移量以获取钢板预定的截面的形状,控制器16通过利用各档为中心改变上游轧机12a的工作轧辊的每对滚圈,从而分散辊的表面的磨轧。同时控制器16在预定的方向上(相同或相反的方向),改变在下游轧机12b的工作轧辊13相对应轧机12a的冲程的同样距离,从而撤销由表面离差在钢板截面形状上引起的改变。轴向转移机制14依据控制器16传来的信号控制着上下工作轧辊13相对各自的轴向位移。FIG.5 is a diagram explaining the principle of present invention.FIG.6 is a diagram showing a roll-shifting state of the present invention in this case.In FIG.5,the axis of abscissa denotes the shift amount of the roll-shift type rolling mills 12a,12b.Corresponding rolling operations are shown by the same numbers(1,2,3,.)in the diagram.图5是本发明的原理图。图6是本发明的轧辊在相对移位状态工作图。图5中,横坐标代表的是轴向移位轧机12a和12b的位移量。相应的轧制操作在图中由相同的数字(1,2,3,.)示出。 According to the example,the shift amounts of the rolling mills 12a,12b determined by the contronller 16 are,for example,+30mm and -30mm,respectively,although it is not necessary that the shift amount are equal.A shifting amount(oscillation amount)b in the axial direction for wear dispersion is set to,for example, 75 mm.Further,the rolling mills 12b and 12a have the opposite shifting direction(oscillation directions)for wear dispersion.That is,in the hot tandem rolling mill 10,while oscillating within a range of 150 mm,the plate crown control is performed by varying the oscillation center values A,B.根据图示,虽然不要求位移量相同,由控制器16控制的轧机12a,12b各自的位移量是+30mm到-30mm。在轴向的磨轧离差的位移(摆动位移)b为75mm。而且,轧机12b和12a的你磨轧离差有相反的移动方向(摆动方向)。即该热连轧机,有150mm的摆动位移,轧板凸度控制是通过改变位于A,B间的摆动中心。 According to the above-mentioned construction of the invention,rolling operation is performed while axially shifting the work rolls 13 of the roll-shift type rolling mills 12a,12b of an even number which are paired every coil by using the shift position A,B determined in order to obtain a predetermined plate crown,so that the wear of the surface of the roll can be dispersed.Further,in case of the odd-number stand and the even-number stand shown in FIG.6,by shifting the rolling mills on the upstream sides in the oppsite directions by the same distance,the change in the cross section shape of the steel plate caused by the shifting operation for dispersing the wear occurring in the rolling mill 12a on the upstream side can be canceled by the rolling mill 12b on the downstream side.The achievement of the schedule-free rolling operation and the control of cross section shape of the steel plate,that is,the plate crown control by the dispersion of the local wear of the roll surface can be compatibly performed.根据上述的该发明的结构,轧制操作在如下的工艺中完成,轴向移动轧机12a,12b的沿轴向工作的轧辊13通过在A,B间移动为了获得预定的轧板凸度,以便离散轧辊表面的磨轧。而且,在图6中的奇数个轧辊和偶数个轧辊的轧机,通过改变上游轧机在相反方向的相同距离,上游轧机12a因轧制操作产生的钢板截面形状的变化,可以由下游的轧机12b撤销。轧制操作的完成以及钢板的截面形状的控制,即由轧辊表面的局部磨轧离差控制的轧板凸度可以很好的控制。Although the direction of the convex crown of the upper work roll 1 of the odd-number stand and that of the even-number stand are the same in the example of FIG.6,as shown in the example of FIG.7,the directions of the convex crowns of the upper work rolls 1 may be oppsite.In this case,by shifting the rolling mills on the upper and down stream sides in the same direction by the same distance,effects similar to those of FIG.6 can be obtained.尽管图6中奇数个轧辊与偶数个的的上工作轧辊1的凸面是一样的,而图7中所示的却可能相反。在次情况,通过在相同方向改变上下游轧机的相同距离,仍然可以获得类似于图6的轧制效果。 That is,the hot tandem rolling mill of the present invention has excellent effects such that both of the schedule-free rolling operation by the dispersion of the wear of the surface of the roll and the control of the cross section shape of a steel plate can be performed.该热轧机有比较好的特性,由轧辊表面的磨轧离差产生的轧制操作和钢板截面形状的控制都可以实现。 Although the invention has been described with reference to certain preferred to the embodiments.On the contrary,the invention includes all improvements,modifications,and equivalents within the scope of the append claims.尽管这项发明被认为涉及到一定的其他创意的原形。但与此相反,在这个范围的附加的技术要求,该发明包括全部的技术提高,修改以及同等设备。 What is claimed is:1、A hot tandem rolling mill for shaping a plate to a predermined cross-sectional shape,comprising: a first rolling mill including upper and lower work rolls,each of the work rolls having a crown with a direction; a second roll-shift rolling mill including upper and lower work rolls,each of the work rolls having a crown with a direction; a controller operably connnected to the first and second roll-shift rolling mills to shift the first and second roll-shift rolling mills in tandem by a first crown control shift amount sufficient to impart a desired cross-sectional shape to a plate rolled between the upper and lower work rolls,and to shift the first and second roll shift-rolling mill in tandem by a second wear dispersion amount,whereby an effect on the cross-sectional shape of the plate due to the second amount shift of the first roll shift rolling mill is cancelled out by an effct on the cross-sectional shape of the plate duo to the second amount shift of the second roll shift rolling mill,and whereby the second amount shift disperses wear on the upper and lower work rolls.附加说明:1、形成预定横截面形状的热轧机包括如下内容:包括上下的工作辊,并且各个工作辊在一个方向上的凸度,为第一台轴向移动轧机;包括上下工作轧辊,并且各个工作轧辊一个方向上的凸度,为第二台轴向移动轧机;连接第一台和第二台轴向移动轧机控制器通过第一台凸度足够的移动来改变这一前一后两台轧机的各自的位移,以达到在上下轧辊间的钢板获得先前预定的截面的形状,控制器通过第二台的磨轧位移离差改变一前一后的两台轧机的位移.通过第二台轧机位移产生的截面形状的影响借以缓和由于第一台轧机第二位移在第二个轧机轧板截面形状的影响,再借以地而位移分散上下轧辊的表面磨轧。2、A hot tandem rolling mill according to claim1,wherein the direction of the crown of the upper work roll of the firs
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