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Unit 4 Growing up单元基础知识过关四重点单词 )根据提示,写出下列单词和相关变形1无论何时_2.以,凭借_3得分_ 4.大学_5国家的_ 6.尽管,虽然_7毕业_ 8.逗留;保持不变_9要紧,有重大影响_10对抗;与相反;违反_11记录_ 12.胜利_13幽灵;精神;灵魂_14勇气_ 15.研究;调查_16不寻常的 adj._(反义词)_17惊奇,诧异 n_感到惊讶的adj._18死,死亡 n_vt.& vi._19领导者 n_vi. & vt._20仅仅;简直 adv._adj._21成功 vi._n._adj._adv._22成就,成绩 n_vt._ 23.想法,看法,主意 n_vi. & vt._24德国的;德国人 adj. & n_pl._重点短语 )根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1挂在心上_2把某人叫醒_3亲自_4参加的选拔(试演)_5成功地做某事_6注意,察觉_7泄气,灰心_8继续做某事_9改变主意_10从毕业_11参加_12被强迫做某事_13感到精疲力竭_14爆发_15的象征_16失去他们的生命_17躲藏起来_18因某事而钦佩某人_19为生命安全担忧_20死于_21照顾,喜欢_22令某人惊奇的是_23有一颗充满爱的心_24乐意帮助某人_25大量,许多_重点句型 )根据汉语意思完成句子1我随时可以读它们。I can read them _2自从我第一次见到你,你就一直很开心。Youve been happy _3直到你建好它再叫醒我。_ until you _ it.4结果,他成功地获得了奖学金。_, he _ a scholarship.5他训练得跟家刻苦,使教练改变了他的主意。He practised _ and got the coach _6直到你了解更多,你才会发现他的不寻常之处。You will not _ about him _7无论什么时候他有一些剩余的钱时, 他就给需要的人。 Whenever he _, he _8战争过后, 她的父亲将她的日记收集并且出版。After the war, her father collected her diary and _9然而遗憾的是,他们不能像我们一样享受幸福的生活。However, _ they couldnt _ just as we do.10安妮一直写在她的日记,直到1944年8月它们被纳粹发现。Anne _ in her diary until they _ the Nazis in August 1944.11通过努力, 斯巴德韦伯证明高矮胖瘦不重要只要永不放弃,几乎没有什么你做不到的。_, Spud Webb proved that _ you can do almost anything if you _单词回顾 ).根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1People have different hairstyles in different _ (时代)2I think anyone can realize their dreams _ (凭借) hard work.3At _(大学), he was chosen to be chairperson of the Students Union.4Some of them have disappeared while others_ (保持不变) today.5He has proved his _(勇气) in the battle.6My new _(事业) has started well.7Are you for or _(反对) the plan?8Its necessary for us to learn team _(精神)9The Great Wall is a _(象征) of China.10You must be very proud of your_(成就). 11Students in Shanghai have _ (得分) the highest in an international test.12Make a report for your _(研究) as soon as possible.13The man looks nervous. He has a long criminal _(记录)14The officers led their men to _(胜利) in the battle.15Food is what _ (要紧) most to people.16The machine is _(命名) after its inventor.17To his _(惊奇), they agreed to be his friends. 18I dont agree with him on that _(尽管) he might be right.19_(无论何时) we met with difficulties, they came to help us.20This article gave me a great _(很多)of information I had never heard of. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1As a _(lead), you should plan everything carefully.2Why not _(simple) raise prices?3Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great _ (nation) heroes of China.4Its polite to wait in line before _ (get) on the bus.5Have you succeeded in _(pass) the driving test, Amy?6I felt a great sense of _(achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.7I think his_(think) sound reasonable.8_ is a European country. Most _ are friendly. (German)9Millie spends about an hour practising _ (dance) every day. 10Ive heard of _(usual) hobbies, but Ive never heard of that one.11Did your sister enjoy _ (she) at the party last weekend?12I was watching TV while my mother _(read) a newspaper in the study.13Cathy _(not phone) since she went to Berlin.14My friend invited me _(watch) a football game on television.15Keep _(try), and your dream will come true one day.句型突破 )根据汉语意思完成句子1是时候采取措施治理污染了。Its time to _ to _ the pollution.2我爷爷70多岁时死于血癌。My grandfather _ blood cancer _3直到你看完这部小说,你才会发现它的不同寻常之处。You wont _ about this novel _ it.4我们确信中国梦会在不久的将来实现。We _ China Dream will _ in the near future.5我一到机场,就给你发信息。I will send text messages to you _ the airport.6令我们惊讶的是,她正在参加学校戏剧的选拔。_, she is _ the school play.7别泄气,总有一天你会成为NBA的成员之一的。_. You will become _ the NBA one day.8当德国人到达机场时,雨正下得大。It _ when _ arrived at the airport.9经过一段时间的锻炼,她比以前瘦多了。After _ for some time, shes _ before.10无论什么时候你需要我的帮助,尽管告诉我。_, just tell me. 详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1whenever2.through3.score4university5.national6. although/though7graduate8.remain9. matter10against11.record12.victory13spirit14.courage15.research16unusual; usual17. surprise; surprised18death; die19. leader; lead20. simply; simple21. succeed; success; successful; successfully22achievement; achieve23. thought; think 24German; Germans 重点短语1on ones mind2.wake sb up3for oneself4.try out for5succeed in doing sth6take notice of7. lose heart8. go on to do sth9.change ones mind10. graduate from11. take part in12be forced to do sth13.feel tired out14break out15.a symbol of16. lose their lives17.go into hiding18. admire sb for sth19.in fear of ones life20. die of/from21.care for22. to ones surprise23. have a heart full of love24be ready to/willing to help sb25. a great deal重点句型1whenever I want to 2. since I first met you3Dont wake me up; finish building 4As a result; succeeded in getting5even harder; to change his mind6find anything unusual; until you learn more7. has some money left; gives it to someone in need8had it published9. its a pity that; enjoy a happy life10kept writing; were discovered by11Through hard work; size and body type do not matter; never give up【基础知识迁移】单词回顾.1.times2.through3.university4remain5.courage6.career7against8.spirit9.symbol10achievement(s)11.d17.surprise18although19.Whenever20.deal .1.leader2.simply3.national4getting5.passing6.achievement7. thoughts8.Germany; Germans9dancing10.unusual 11.herself12was reading13.hasnt phoned14to watch15.trying句型突破1take action; fight against2died of; in his seventies3


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