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西山学校 徐平建,Unit 3,Section B (1a-1e),1.功能:学习礼貌地提出请求与应答。 2.词汇和常用表达 : snack (小吃) “Could I /you please ?”Yes,sure 3.情感教育:学会体谅父母,帮助父母从事适当的家务劳动,增强责任感。,Learning goals (学习目标),小吃,快餐,借入,借用,邀请,恳请,唱机,青少年,borrow,snack,invite,player,teenager,buy some drinks and snacks,borrow some money from you,invite my friends to a party,use your CD player,many teenagers(13-19 years old),温故而知新,Guessing Game:(预习检测),Could I use your (唱片机)to listen to music?,Could I (借)some money from you?,Could I (邀请)my friends to my party?,Could you please help me do the (餐具)?,_(青少年)can move the chairs by themselves.,Could I buy some drinks and (小吃) ?,Womens Day is coming. Could I have a (晚会)for my mother?,Could I /you please.?,What do your parents often ask you to do? (你的父母经常要求你做什么?),What do you often ask your parents to do? (你经常要求你的父母做什么?),Could I ask you a question ?,1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bed,teenagers,teenagers,teenagers,teenagers,parents,parents,parents,parents,Section B 1a,Who can ask them? Write “ teenagers ”or “parents”.,P: Could you please?,1b,clean your room,go to the store,make the bed,T: Yes, Sure./ Of course. / All right. (sorry, I cant.),Pairwork,take out the rubbish,T: Could I?,1b,invite my friends to a party,buy some drinks and snacks,use your CD player,borrow some money,P: Sure./ No, you cant.,Pairwork,Did you have a party before?,And what should you do before the party?,have a party,Sandy is going to have a party,Dave,invite many friends to the party,1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish _8. make your bed,Listen and check( ) the things in 1a that you hear,1c,1.invite my friends,2._,2.buy_ _ _ _,3._,4._,1._ the big chairs to the _,2._,1d,Listen again. What are they going to do? Fill in the chart.,1.go _ _ _,耳聪目明,温馨提示:(听力技巧),Its very difficult for us to write when we are listening. So at first, we should just write the key words or the first letter of the words (写关键词或单词的首字母), then we can complete them after listening(听后完成). Pay attention to the forms of verbs and nouns(注意名词或动词的形式).,1.invite my friends,2._,2.buy_ _ _ _,3._,4._,1._ the big chairs to the _,2._,1d,snacks,some,drinks,and,move,Listen again. What are they going to do? Fill in the chart.,1.go _ _ _,to,the,store,borrow some money,clean my room,use the CD player,bedroom,clean the living room,耳聪目明,(SandyS MumM),S: Could I invite my friends to a party on Sunday, Mum? M: ! That sounds like fun. S: Yeah, could I ? M: What for? S:I need to and snacks. Could I go to the store? M:,and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you. S: Oh, good. Thanks, Mum. M: Youre welcome. Oh, could you ? S:I cleaned it last week. M: You need to clean it again for your party. S: OK.At the party, could I ? M: Yes, if youre careful with it. S: Dont worry, Mom. M:Could you to the bedroom and clean the living room? M: Sure. is coming early on Saturday, so he can help me.,borrow some money,buy some drinks,clean your room,use your CD player,move the good chairs,Dave,Of course,Read in pairs:,Joke Time,A: Tell you a story, Once there was a fool(傻瓜). He always answered “no“ to his questions. For example: “Do you have lunch? he says no. Whats your name? he says no “ By the way, do you know the story?,B: No,April Fools Day is coming.,You are having a party April Fools Day. Ask your partner for help these things.,A: Could you take out the rubbish? B: Yes, sure.,go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish,1e,能力提升,A: Could you go to the store to buy some cups? B: Of course.,go to the store,A: Could you buy drinks and snacks for the party? B: Yes, no problem.,buy drinks and snacks,A: Could you take out the rubbish? Its too dirty. B: Of course. But I want to see the football match first.,take out the rubbish,A: Could you please clean the living room? B: Yes. Ill do it now.,clean the living room,A: Could you please do the dishes? B: Of course. Ill do it right away.,do the dishes,A: Could I borrow some money from you? I have no money. B: Sorry, I cant.,borrow some money,情感升华,1. Could I .?意为“我可以吗?”其后接_(动词原形/动名词) , 表示请求允许 。肯定回答常用Yes, _ (I / you)can. / Sure. / Of course. / No problem.等。否定回答常用No, you cant / Sorry.等。 2. Could you (please) .?意为“请你好吗?”其后接 _ , 表示委婉提出_。 肯定回答常用 Id love to. / Sure. / Of course. / No problem.等。 否定回答常用Id love to, but I . / Sorry, I cant. I have to .等。,动词原形,动词原形,请求,Sum up,智者善于动脑, 勇者敢于提问!,you,说明: 每一个“大拇指”里有相应的试题,选择任一“大拇指”,做最棒的自己!,1,2,3,PK,Who is the best!,谁是最棒的!,4,5,6,选择最佳答案 1. Could you please do the dishes, Lana? Im cleaning the room. _. A. Yes, sure B. Yes, you can C. No, thanks D. No, you cant 2. Could I go to the movie this weekend, Dad? Yes, you _. But you have to come back before nine. A. shall B. must C. can D. need,发现奥秘,A,c,你好幸运哦,没有练习。大家鼓掌,分享你的好运!,翻译句子,1.请您打扫房间好吗? 2.我可以买一些小吃吗?,Could you please clean the room?,Could I buy some snacks?,翻译句子,1.请你帮助我好吗? 2.我能跟你借点钱吗?,Could you (please) help me?,Could I borrow some money (from you)?,用所给单词适当形式填空,1. Could you please _ your bed? (make) 2. Students can _ two books from the library. (borrow),make,borrow,你好幸运哦,这个答案人你的好运!,请拼写本课唯一新单词 (小吃、快餐人都会。大家鼓掌,分享),一、功能:学习礼貌地提出请求与应答。,二、词汇和常用表达: snack “Could I / you please ?”Yes, sure. /Sorry,三、情感教育:学会体谅父母,帮助父母从事适当的家务劳动,增强责任感。,learning aims (学习目标),目标完成!,我们做到了!,We Love our parents. We help do the chores .,Thank you !


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