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2019年临沂市初中学业水平考试八年级下册阶段检测卷第卷(选择题共55分)一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1 2. 3._4. 5._ (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6A.Yes, he could. BNo, he couldnt. CNo, he dont.7A.Walking home. BHolding an umbrella. CWaiting for the bus.8A.Over 5000 years old.BA little more than 200 years old.COver 2019 years old.9A.Yesterday. BLast night. CLast week.10A.Peter. BTom. CAlice.(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。11The woman usually buys things from Mr. Greens shop.12The pants are too short for her son.13The shirt is too big for her husband.14Her daughter likes a yellow skirt.15She writes the letter to buy some new clothes.请同学们翻到第卷,先找到第四大题。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案。16Whats matter with Ben?He has sore back.Aa; the Bthe; an Ca; a Dthe; a17We need to a plan to save the environment.Apick up Bcome up with Ccatch up with Dcheer up18 friends you have, you will be.AThe fewer; the happier BThe more; the happierCThe less; the more happier DThe more; the more happier19Most parents want to get good jobs lots of money.Amake Bmade Cto make Dmaking20My English teacher talked and didnt drink .Atoo much; enough water Btoo much; water enoughCmuch too; enough water Dmuch too; water enough21My brother wasnt doing his homework at 6:00 pm. My sister , .Awasnt; too Bwasnt; either Cdidnt; too Ddidnt; either22 your friend broke your model plane, its not a big deal. Dont fight with him. Youre friends.AAlthough; / BAlthough; but CBut; / D/; /23The news makes everyone .Aexcited; exciting Bexciting; excitedCexcited; excitement Dexcite; excite24The boy with his classmate loudly when the teacher came in from outside.Awas talking Btalked Cwould talk Dtalks25Once upon a time, an old man tried the mountains.Anot move Bnot to move Cmoving Dto move26“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics.Yeah, it receives Internet hits(点击) a day.Athousands Bthousands of Cthousand of Dten thousands27Beibei writes than Helen does.Acareful Bmore careful Cmore carefully Dcarefully28Have you ever to Beijing?Yes. I there with my son last year.Agone; have gone Bbeen; have been Cgone; went Dbeen; went29 have you had the bike?For two years.AHow often BHow long CHow much DHow many30Could you please clean the kitchen? . Ill do it at once.ANo problem BSorry, thanks CNot at all DNo, I cant三、阅读理解(共25小题,计25分)AMount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayan Mountains between Nepal(尼泊尔) and China, and it is about 8,844.43 meters high. Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal were the first people ever to climb Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰) in 1953.Men from several different countries climbed it after that.Junko Tabei, a Japanese was the first woman to make this difficult climb. A Japanese newspapertelevision company(公司) chose fifteen women from mountain climbing clubs to climb Mount Qomolangma in 1975.The group climbed for several days. Then there was an accident. The heavy ice and snow hurt ten of the women. They had to stop climbing. The other five went on climbing.Only Ms. Tabei was able to climb the last 70 meters. She was standing on the top of the world. She was the first woman there. Ms. Tabei was 35 years old at the time. She started climbing mountains in 1960.She is not an ordinary(普通的) Japanese housewife. Ms. Tabei makes money for her trips by teaching English and piano to children. She climbs a mountain about every three years. She has climbed some of the highest mountains in six countries. She wants to climb the highest mountain in every country in the world. When she reaches the top of a mountain, she thinks, “Im glad that Im at the top.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。31The highest mountain in the world is Mount Qomolangma.32Two men from New Zealand and Nepal climbed Mount Qomolangma in 1953.33Ten of the women climbers had to stop climbing because they were too tired to climb it.34Ms. Tabei was the first woman to climb up to Mount Qomolangma.35Ms. Tabei is a housewife who has climbed all the high mountains in the world.BRock climbing(攀岩) did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity.While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing, most people just climb low mountains for fun.If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice. What most people dont know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind(意志)To climb successfully, one must use wonderful skills. One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up, the closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb.Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb, youll find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problemsolving may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape, rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36When did rock climbing become a sport?AIn 1900. BEarly in the 1900s.CIn the middle of the 1900s. DLate in the 1900s.37The chess players may like rock climbing because .Atheyd like to get into beautiful shape Bit is more interesting than chess playingCit is like chess playing in the way of thinking Dthey really like to do sports38Who should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby?APeople who enjoy indoor activities.BPeople who enjoy a difficult game and love the outdoors.CPeople who enjoy music.DPeople who love dancing.39What does rock climbing depend on?AIt depends on your brain. BIt depends on your hobby.CIt depends on your interests. DIt depends on your body and mind.40What can we learn from the passage?ARock climbing is a kind of outdoor activity.BRock climbing is a very easy sport.CWhen you climb, your arms push you up.DThe closer you are to the rock face, the more difficult it is to climb.C根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供4145小题选用,第二个方框供4650小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。AfanBincludeCmodernDregardedEfull ofFlonelinessWhat kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite singer or band? Alex likes The Toms best. They play pop music but it sounds more like rock. And their music is loud and 41 energy. He feels excited when he listens to their music. However, Sarah is a 42 of American country music.American country music is also 43 as country western music. It has a very long history. Country music uses simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as 44 , love, and sadness. That is to say, country music describes life. Many songs these days are just about 45 life in the US, such as the importance of money and success, but not about belonging to a group.AbeautyBrecordsCsuccessfulDchangesEone anotherFforeverHowever, country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people were kind to each other and trusted 46 . It reminds us that the best things in life are freelaughter, friends, family, and the 47 of nature and the country.Many musicians have made country western music a little different from the one in the past. These 48 make the songs sound even better. They have brought country music more and more fans from all over the world. Garth Brooks, one of the most 49 musicians in American history, is Sarahs favorite singer. Hes sold more than 120 million 50 . Sarah hopes to see him sing live one day.答案:41. 42. 43._44. 45. 46._47. 48. 49. 50._ DSixteen years ago a boy gave me an important gift. It was a smile.It was the early autumn of my first year at a new school, and my old school was far away. 51 I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing together, I felt sad. 52 Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy came into the classroom. I didnt know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me with a smile. 53 It made me feel happy and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. 54 One day I asked him why he smiled, but he couldnt remember smiling at me!It doesnt matter because all the dark days have gone. 55 If you think it lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world, and it will smile back.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。ASuddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly.BSmile is very important in our life.CI couldnt talk with anyone about my problems.DI believe that the world is what you think it is.EThe boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend.FAs a result, no one knew who I was.答案:51. 52. 53. 54._55._ 第卷(非选择题共45分)四、听写(共5小题, 计5分)听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。(共5小题,计5分)56What did Peter get for his tenth birthday?He got a nice .57How did Peter get it?His aunt visited them and gave it to him.58Where is Peters aunt?She is from Berlin(柏林). She is a .59How long has Peter had the record of Michael Jackson?For more than .60What kind of music does Peter like?He likes .五、词形转换 (共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。61The old stories have left a lot of happy .(memory)62Mount Tai has given us the of nature.(beautiful)63What famous books has Guo Jingming ?(write)64Unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn into a man.(he)65The panda at Chengdu Research Base wake up early to prepare breakfast for the baby pandas.(keep)66We will take part in all kinds of activities, swimming, tennis and so on.(include)67If you read it twice or more, youll get what you want from the passage.(easy)68We want to take a trip in China.(west)六、动词应用 (共7小题,计7分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可添加助动词或情态动词。Mr. Jenkins is fifty years old. He 69 (teach) math in a middle school for twentysix years. He works hard and always comes to his office on time. He hopes his students can be honest and he is strict with them. Some of his students become famous persons, but they still remember him and often 70 (write) to him. Of course the old man is proud of it.He began to teach Grade One this term. Some of the new students were told about him, but the others didnt know him well. He told them how 71 (be) an honest person. He gave them several examples and said, “I hate 72 (tell) a lie most.”Before class was over, he asked all his students 73 (finish) Exercise 8 in Unit 1. The next morning, while the students 74 (sit) in the classroom, he came into the classroom and said, “Who has finished Exercise 8?”A few students 75 (put) up their hands. He shook his head and said, “Open your workbooks and see whether theres Exercise 8 in Unit 1 or not.”The students had a look at their books and their faces turned red at once.答案:71. 72. 73._74. 75._ 七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Mike Robinson is a fifteenyearold American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen. At the moment, Mike and Clare are in Cairo in Egypt, one of the biggest and busiest cites in Africa.They moved here with their parents two years ago. Their father, Peter, works for a very big company. The company has offices in many countries, and it has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China before. Peter usually stays in a country for about two years. Then the company moves him again. His family always goes with him.The Robinsons love seeing the world. They have been to many interesting places. For example, in Egypt, they have seen the Pyramids, traveled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens.Mike and Clare have also begun to learn the language of the country, Arabic. This language is different from English in many ways, and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. However, they still enjoy learning it. So far they have learnt to speak German, French, Chinese and Arabic. Sometimes they mix the languages. “Its really fun,” said Clare.The Robinsons are moving again. The company has asked Peter to work back in the US. Mike and Clare are happy about this. They have friends all over the world, but they also miss their friends in the US. They are counting down the days.76How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt?_77Why do the Robinsons live in Egypt?_78What have the Robinsons done in Egypt?_79What do Mike and Clare find difficult about Arabic?_80Who do Mike and Clare miss?_八、书面表达(计15分) 假如你叫李华,是八年级一班的学生。暑假即将来临,学校准备部分学生参加暑期公益活动。表格中是学校安排的两项活动及要求,请按照你自己的意愿和特长选择其中一项,然后根据你的选择和问题提示,给活动负责人郝老师用英语写一封电子邮件,提出申请。ProjectWhat to doWhenOld peoples home visitCheer them up; Do some choresEvery Tuesday morningKids summer campTeach them to readTeach them to look after themselvesEvery Friday afternoon问题提示(电子邮件须包含下列要点):1Which project do you want to choose?2Why do you want to choose it?3How are you going to do it well? 要求:1.语句通顺,书写规范;词数60以上,文章开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2不得出现任何与考生本人有关的真实人名、校名及其他相关信息。Dear Mr. Hao, Im Li Hua, a student from Class One, Grade Eight. I read your notice yesterday. _ Im looking forward to your answer soon.Best wishes,Li Hua参考答案15 DBFAC610 ACBBA1115 ABBAB1620 DBBCA2125 BABAD2630 BCDBA3135 AABAB3640 DCBDA4145 EADFC4650 EADCB5155 FCAED56toy ship57.last spring58.German59six/6 years60.rock music61memories62.beauty63.written64.himself65keepers66.including67.easily68.western69has taught/has been teaching70.write71.to be72to tell/telling73.to finish74.were sitting75.put76They have been in Egypt for two years.77Because the father, Peter, works in Egypt.78They have seen the Pyramids, traveled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens.79They find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.80They miss their friends in the US.Dear Mr. Hao,Im Li Hua, a student from Class One, Grade Nine. I read your notice yesterday. Id like to work as a volunteer for the old peoples home. I want to do something for the old people like my loving grandparents. I believe I can do it well, because Im good at singing, dancing and doing some chores. And Ill be free on every Tuesday morning.Ill try to be a good volunteer. Ill sing and dance with them and we must have a wonderful time together. Besides, I can cook and do the laundry for them.Please give me the opportunity! It will be a good experience for me.Im looking forward to your answer soon.Best wishes,Li Hua【听力原文】(一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1Ive had this bike for three years.2The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.3He was taken to the hospital to get an Xray.4When the emperor looked at himself, he only saw his underwear.5Tony bought a pop music CD yesterday but he has not listen to it yet.(二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6M: Could I go to the movies tonight? My friends said the new action movie is really good.W: I guess so. But dont stay out too late.Q: Could the boy go to the movies tonight?7W: I was waiting for the bus after work. Then the rain suddenly started and I got all wet.M: I was walking home from the supermarket. Luckily, I had an umbrella, but I still got wet!Q: What was the woman doing when the rain suddenly started?8M: China is one of the oldest countries in the world. Its over 5000 years old.W: Yes, it is. But the United States is only a little more than 200 ye


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