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The trade war between China and the US(中美贸易战)热点链接From Beijing to Berlin, from Washington to Wellington, workers, traders, investors, and consumers are wondering if a trade war is looming(逼近)between China and the US dragging(拉进)the whole world towards darkness. I dont know, but I know it takes enemies to fight a war.Are America and China enemies now? Justlet us go back 40 years. In the 1970s,when China reconnected with the world, America opened its arms, providing money, technology, and talents to a fragile(脆弱的)newcomer. By 2019, the trade surplus(贸易顺差)in favor of China has jumped from zero to three to 347 billion US dollars. Big problem.The trade imbalance is really an issue of structure. Both America and China areflawed.In Aesops fables, there is the story of the blind and the limp(跛子),they forge(缔造)a partnership to help one another. The limp shows the direction, and the blind does most of the walking, the US is the limp, relying on cheap goods and credit from China to maintain the American way of life. And China is the blind, making products and saving money to keep his momentum(势力)of growth. The partnership worked well, until it didnt.China over-made and America over-spent, they both need to adapt.Change is happening, but in different ways. The blind knows he needs to spend more and make fewer but better goods. China has been shifting(转移)to consumption and innovation-driven growth. That is why technology and talents(技术和人才)are coming to its shores. You can argue whether some practices are held by the government, but theres no denying technology will go with the flow to the most needed. And right now it is increasingly on the west side of the Pacific, where a behemoth(庞然大物) supplychain(供应链), highly developed infrastructure(基础建设),well-trained labor(劳动力),and the biggest consumer market converge(聚集).The limp, however, has some trouble adjusting. Economically, America needs to consume less and make more, but the limp has been relying on the blind for too long. Easy credit (便宜的信贷)and cheap goods are addictive(上瘾的).The current trade structure benefits American companies, but not American workers. This is a design invented by America, and it can only be reinvented by America. It would probably take the vision and courage of a politician like FDR(富兰克林罗斯福总统) remake the American economic model. Trumping foreign competitors will not re-industrialize(重振雄风)the US.It would take retraining, infrastructure investment(投资)and re-energizing the can-do spirit (积极进取的精神) of early immigrant forefathers(祖先).But that is the hard way. Trump chooses the easy one. Strong-arming(施用暴力的)its partners and browbeating(恫吓)its opponents(对手). Trump is not trying to win the economic game, he is simply trying to win the argument. Winning the argument means winning votes. Politics trumps economics. But what goes around, comes around. Economics will reign(当权)and take it revenge(复仇).When America is serious about changing its economic structure, the trade imbalance will remain. The limp would be better to act immediately and do something really smart. But for now, the two flawed partners need to cool down and talk straight.Both are imperfect and both are hopeful nations. China is gaining strength but needs better vision, America wishes to balance the feet but must not lose focus. For the foreseeable(可预见的) future, China and US will cooperate willingly(有意愿的)or not to reinvent Churchills words, cooperation is the worst form of relationship except for all the others. The blind and thelimp can be better, but only when they still have faith in each other. Let me end with a line written by a Chinese writer toward the end of the Great Depression. A warm hand is always better on a cold shark.单词笔记a fragile newcomer 脆弱的新伙伴trade surplus 贸易顺差trade imbalance 贸易不均衡flawed 有缺陷的Aesops Fables伊索寓言blind瞎子limp 跛子forge 缔造momentum 势头;动力consumption and innovation-driven 消费和创新驱动Behemoth庞然大物supply chain 供应链technology and talents 技术和人才infrastructure 基础建设converge 聚集easy credit 便宜的信贷addictive 上瘾的FDR(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)一般指富兰克林罗斯福总统can-do spirit 积极进取的精神strong-arming 施用暴力的;有体力的browbeating 威逼;恫吓reign 统治;当政重点讲解.wondering if a trade war is loomingbetween China and the US dragging(拉进)the whole world towards darkness. 在疑惑:中国和美国会打一场贸易战吗?世界会因此被拖入黑暗深渊吗?亮点词汇:loomvi.(问题或困难)逼近;临近注释:生动形象地表现出中美贸易战一触即发的紧迫感。dragvt.把硬扯进(争论、战争或其他不好的情况)之中注释:中美贸易战对世界的影响,由drag这样一个动词,表现的淋漓尽致。The trade imbalance is really an issue of structure. Both America and China are flawed.贸易不平衡其实是一个结构性问题,中美双方都难辞其咎。亮点词汇:flawedadj.有错误的;有缺点的注释:在这里,用flawed一词指中美双方对于当前贸易不平衡的现状,都负有责任。In Aesops fables, there is the story of the blind and the limp, they forge a partnership to help one another. The limp shows the direction, and the blind does most of the walking.伊索寓言里,盲人和瘸子结伴而行,瘸子认路忙,盲人背着走。亮点词汇:forgevt.形成;缔造(尤指与其他人、团体或国家形成牢固的关系)注释:此段话用盲人来比喻中国,靠大量生产商品和储蓄收入来维持经济增长;而用瘸子来比喻美国,依赖中国的廉价商品和信贷来维持舒适的生活方式。十分形象具体。But what goes around, comes around. Economics will reign and take it revenge.但天道轮回,经济终将王者归来,讨回公道。亮点句子:What goes around, comes around.注释:就是中国俗话说的,“出来混,总是要还的,该来的躲不掉”。以此表达对特朗普总统“并非想重振经济,只是想赢得嘴仗从而赢得选票”的不满。设题点考察学生对文章的细节理解和推断命题示例1What does the underlinedword “flawed”mean in Chinese in this passage?A.有道理的B.可信赖的C.有错误的D.有关联的【解析】flawedadj. 有错误的;有缺点的。在这里,用flawed一词指中美双方对于当前贸易不平衡的现状都是有错误的,都难辞其咎。【答案】C命题示例2Whichis themain reasonof makingthe relationship between America and China even worse?A.Because America decided not to provide money and technology and talents to China anymore.B.Because China has been shifting to consumption and innovation-driven growth.C.Because the trade surplus in favor of China has jumped from zero to three to 347 billion US dollars.D.Because China over-made and America over-spent,both realized it didnt help the growth of economy of both countries.【解析】A选项文中未提及;B选项说的是中国做出的转变; C选项只是其中一个原因,但不是主要原因; D选项正确。根据第三段最后一句“The partnership worked well, until it didnt.China ove


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