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教学材料的处理与使用 绍兴市教育教育教学研究院 戴军熔,理论层面: 有效教学、高效教学的基点:“教准”、“教对”、“教好”,对教材内容的正确解读与科学、合理的处理与使用,现实层面:,省、市新课程调研反馈: 行为与理念的差距 现实与理想的差距,课堂生态并未因新课程的推进而改善 传统、低效的教学痕迹依然明显,华东地区外语教学法研究会第十五届年会: 讨论的一个焦点问题教材问题 如何创造性地运用教材? 如何利用教材资源开展写作训练? 如何对英语教材的教学效果进行反思? 如何克服教材难度和课时不足的矛盾?,高中教学调研中发现的问题:,问题之一:语篇材料利用率不高 问题之二:教学内容窄化 问题之三:盲目舍弃教材内容 问题之四:教学内容泛化 问题之五:教材处理机械化 问题之六:教材处理形式化 问题之七:联系生活形式化 问题之八:无视文本内涵或价值尊重,高中教学调研: 问题之一:语篇材料利用率不高 分析阅读、完形时仅仅局限于“读一句、译一句”的传统形式;或者,仅仅停留在对答案式的分析,忽视在此基础上进行语言层面、理解层面的多层次分析(语篇结构、语言表达的分析),如:语篇段落间的关系、深层推理性问题、有哪些好的语言表达等,忽视对语篇进行综合利用; 问题之二:教学内容窄化 放弃文本的语意理解,教学过于注重语言知识的落实,总是担心“考点”,教学中“戴着脚镣跳舞”现象依然存在。,高中教学调研: 问题之三:盲目舍弃教材内容 如教材听力材料的处理。 问题之四:教学内容泛化 冷落或偏离教材,忽视对文本的阅读理解过程,过早、过多地补充或拓展课外内容。主要表现在: 读前、读时、读后三阶段教学活动在时间分配上不平衡,读前的导入预测和读后的拓展评价占据了课堂绝大部分时间,而读时阶段的处理则存在着过程缺省、过程解读不到位、过于简单化的问题,有的甚至仅用4-5个提问而匆匆带过, 偏离了阅读课型以阅读为主线的基本方向。,高中教学调研: 问题之五:教材处理机械化 语篇教学按部就班,无视教材自身存在的内部缺陷,如: 前后衔接的不足,前后逻辑联系的缺失和断裂; 前后内容的跳跃性和不系统性; 话题内容的不集中性与不一致性,学习活动难以构成认知连续体; 问题或任务过大过泛、过于抽象、单调或笼统。,例1:Module 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,Pre-reading: Imagine that somebody gives you a large sum of money to spend as you like. What would you do with it? Have you read the story of “the Million Pound Bank Note”? Have you seen the film? If you have, what did you think of it? 【问题1】: 作为活动前活动,其目的是在语言、背景、情感等方面为下一步教学活动做好热身准备,所以教学的这个环节不宜过长、过难、过大、过复杂。而这一问题的设问内容过大、过泛。 【问题2】: 该问题属于评价性问题。从阅读设问的层次性看,一般遵循:引入话题宏观感知(导读性理解题)微观探究(梳理细节性理解题)整体吸收(评价提高性理解题),因此该问题置于阅读后的讨论中比较适合。,例2:Module 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists,Warming up: 小测验,检测学生对科学家的成就了解多少 Pre-reading: What do you know about infectious diseases? What do you know about cholera? Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? Discuss in small groups the stages in examining a new scientific idea. 【问题】:读前活动的第一个问题与热身部分问题无关,容易造成学生思维中断。因此,处理中可将这一问题置于第二个问题,从热身部分顺利过渡到读前活动。,课例1:2007年5月省优质课评比 Greetings & warming-up: Talk about special hair style of some famous persons.-an exception: Dr. Yuan Longping -ordinary hair styleDo you want to know about him? 2. Reading: -Read the passage and then share information about the great person. What can we learn about him from the text? His family? His education, etc.? -Summarize the main idea of each paragraph. -Dealing with some questions: 1) Why do you think his super hybrid rice a great achievement? 2) What caused him to make such a great achievement? 3) What about his another dream? Do you think his dream will come true one day? Why are you so sure?,3. Free Talk: -Do you want to be successful one day as well? -If you want to be successful, you have to think about the following question: What are the qualities that make him a pioneer for all people? Why? try to find out some supporting details Summarize some adjectives that are used to describe a great person Eg. Kind-hearted/ modest/ creative/ generous/ persistent/ considerate/ determined/ competitive/, etc. -Choose one of the great persons and talk about their contributions to the world.,【结论】对一般学生而言,寄希望通过几个问题就理解整篇文章是不现实的,这种处理方式无疑造成教学内容的泛化,使学生失去认知停靠点的同时,也偏离了阅读课型以阅读为主线的基本方向,达不到“培养学生的阅读策略,培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力”这一阅读教学的基本目标。,课例2:2009年4月份省优质课评比,Step. Lead in 1. Free Talk: I wish I had known T:I wish I had known the famous writer Adrian Savage when I was younger. 2. Introduction of background information: Something about the writer 3. Elicitation of the topic: “Things I wish I had known when I was younger” 4. Analysis of the writing purpose: Why did the writer write this passage? How many suggestions did the writer list?,Things I wish I had known when I was younger,课例2:2009年4月份省优质课评比,Step 2:Reading 1. Read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the context. A. Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity. B. The quickest and simplest way to wreck any relationship is to listen to gossip. C. Following the latest fashion is spiritual and intellectual suicide. D. If you make your work your life, youre making your life into hard work. E. However hard you try, you cant avoid being yourself. _ _ _ _ 2. Read the passage again and match the words with their meanings. Step 3: Discussing: What touches you most ?Give your reasons. Step 4:Writing: Write a passage about what you have learned from the text. (about 100 words). The passage does hit me much._,高中教学调研: 问题之六:教材处理形式化 设置情境的目的:赋予知识以鲜活的背景,使学生在把握知识来龙去脉的过程中获得认知和情感的体验。 设置任务的目的:根据教材内容设计真实的语言任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中积极尝试使用语言,并通过主动体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究来发展语言能力。(任务型语言教学应遵循的基本原则) 问题: 实际教学中却存在着 “为情境而情境”、 “为任务而任务任务”、“为活动而活动”、“为问题而问题”等现象。,案例1: Module 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games的ReadingAn Interview导入: 先用5分钟播放北京申奥的主题片,然后马上导入课文:Thats Beijing, the host city of the 29th Olympic Games. Are you proud of it? Now, lets read a passage about the topic An Interview. 【问题】为情境而情境。播放宣传片虽激发了学生的学习兴趣,但片中的字幕及解说均为中文;且播完后教师也未组织任何基于视频内容的问题讨论或语言实践活动,这样的视频情境导入显然只是为情境而情境,看不出任何信息输入与信息输出之间的关系。 案例2: 某听力课以下二项任务:First Listening: Listen to the tape and find out the main idea of each paragraph;Second listening: Listen to the tape and design some questions according to what you hear. 【问题】为任务而任务。面对较长的语篇,让高一学生在听一遍录音后迅速概括出每段主旨大意显然不合情理;而听音时,既要听取信息,又要同时对所听内容进行信息加工并进行输出,活动定位过高,远非学生实际语言能力所及。,高中教学调研: 问题之七:联系生活形式化 教学内容所联系的实际必须体现真正的生活实际,而不是给知识教学所穿的一件“外衣”。而课堂上有些教师牵强附会地联系实际,使联系生活实际变成了一种外在的装饰,主要体现在: 收集和处理信息的形式主义。如,只要文中涉及某一人文、地理或科技知识,便让学生去收集、查阅相关资源,盲目对一些即便是不很重要或简单明了的内容也进行所谓的延伸、与拓展。 教学内容泛化,语言课变成了“大杂烩”、“大拼盘”。教学由原来的“满堂灌”变成了“满屏灌”,大量教学资源的无效链接也在一定程度上加重了学生的课业负担。 只重视搜集材料,而不重视材料的处理和使用。信息素材是收集到了,但其作用只限于在课堂上展示一下,读一读,而没有对材料进行多方位、深层次的利用、分析和加工。,高中教学调研: 问题之八:无视文本内涵或价值尊重,凸显学生主体性 培养学生批判性思维和创造性思维能力的重要策略: 教学中充分尊重学生在学习过程中的独特观点、见解和体验,鼓励其创造性地、个性化地解读文本,引导其尽可能多地提出自己的个人见解与观点。 【问题】学生生活阅历的局限性 自身语言能力和认识能力的局限性, 缺乏教师的正确引领 理解文本的过程中就不可避免地出现各种主观性偏差甚至误解,曲解文本内涵、原意或教学本质。,案例:09年浙江省高中英语课堂教学评比活动 一教师在让学生阅读文本The art of living后,设计了以下语言输出任务,要求学生列举日常生活中令其开心或满足的事情。 Make a survey:List what you are content with in your daily life. 学生的主要观点: meet super stars, go home every weekend, have three meals every day, go shopping all day,etc. 教师的总结与评价:Good, thank you. 【问题】就任务本身而言,虽接近学生实际生活,学生也热情参与其中,给出了各自的观点。但从学生的回答内容看,其对问题的认识与理解还是与主题有一定的偏差。而最后教师仅仅就此进行简单评价,没有根据学生的回答对本节课的主题进行任何引导来纠正和提升学生对主题的认识:The art of living is to learn is to learn how to be content with what we have.,教师既要鼓励学生对所学内容进行多元解读和感悟,又要引导其尊重人文主旨,追求共同见解,正确处理一元标准与多元解读、个性解读与文本主旨、独特认识与共性认识、多元文化与普遍价值的关系。,思考: 新课程背景下高中英语教师究竟应怎样用好教学材料,用好身边的课程资源?,教材使用之我见: 把握目标的定位:为什么而用教材? 把握运用的适切性:这样使用适合学生和能力要求吗? 把握教材的生发点:什么可以成为教材的拓展点? 把握开发的多维性:如何立体开发将文本运用到极致? 把握学科的本位性:如何遵循学科本位? 把握用与评的一致性:如何在教学评价中体现教材的 特点与导向?,一、把握目标的定位:为什么而用教材?,从教师出发,还是从学生出发? 从语言知识点出发,还是从学生的综合语言运用能力发展出发? 目标是否体现了课型特点?如精读还是泛读? 目标是否具体,具有可操作性和检测性? 目标定位是否恰当、合理 ? 目标是否紧扣文本主题?体现了文本的内涵与价值? 活动目标有否体现和保持前后的一致性?,教学目标主体不明确或不一致: eg. To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking. eg. To train Ss ability of working in groups. eg. To inspire the Ss to learn positive qualities from great women. eg. To get/To lead/To help /To enable/To motivate Ss to. eg. Ss will develop their skimming and scanning skills. eg. Ss will learn to think and speak logically in English. 行为主体是教师,而不是学生。目标本身以“教师为中心”,关注老师教了什么,而未体现一节课后学生学了什么?会了什么? Ss will be able to understand and use the following words. By understanding the passage, Ss can know about Through the study of the passage, Ss will realize,目标体现课型特点:,泛读:大意的把握,主要观点或信息的处理 精读:处理文本与鉴赏语言相结合,每一词、每一句、每一段都应理解、明白,对原文透彻理解(语言,思想,文化,情感等),精读课文本鉴赏的多层次:,语义层次文化背景、主旨大意、细节信息(浅层次) 文本行文特点、逻辑关系与架构、主要观点与哲 理、作者的写作意图(深层次) 语言层次语言美、结构美(气势、神韵、用词、短语表达、句式结构、关联方式) 情感价值层次情感渗透、价值观、自然美 文化层次文化知识、文化内涵,阅读是读者与作者的interaction,目标太大,要求不明确,重点不突出,缺乏可操作性: eg. To improve Ss reading ability through various tasks. eg. To review modal verbs. 问题:How to improve? What skills or strategies to improve? Review what modal verbs?What usage to review? 教学目标应是通过一堂课后可以达成的目标。如果所定的目标是要经3-6年后才得以实现,在本质上就意味着没有目标。 Ss will be able to make, and accept or decline an invitation in the given situations or their real life. SS will be able to read for specific information. SS will be able to write an email message to decline/accept an invitation. Ss will be able to be aware when and how western people make an invitation. Ss will be able to understand and use the following words and expressions.,语言技能目标定位不当: eg. careful reading: Read aloud for detailed information. 问题:第1项目标:集体朗读是否能确保学生理解课文?目标究竟定位在阅读还是诵读上?如果是阅读,其侧重点主要是培养学生的阅读策略和学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力,而如果是诵读,则主要是以体会语音语调为目的。 eg. Listening: Listen to the tape and find the main idea of each paragraph. Listen to the tape and then design some questions according to what you hear. 问题:第2项目标究竟定位在读还是听?如果是听,那么阅读就会对听产生干扰,达不到训练听的目的;而如果是听,在听一次后就让学生找出每段的大意,或者让学生根据文本内容提出问题则难度过高。 eg. Post-reading: If you want to be successful, you have to think about the following question: What are the qualities that make Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people? Please summarize the great mans qualities and find some words to describe him. 问题:该目标只是某一特定人物、特定语境下的任务目标,并非代表描述人物品质这一类能力。,Writing,思考: 文章的功能、写作框架的分析是否已达成了为类似写作做好充分的铺垫? 所学语言(intake)的积累是否已达成了为后续写作做好相关语言知识铺垫? 忽视了上二个问题也就导致学生的语言输入与输出无关,看似活跃的语言输出仍停留在原有基础上,学生并未能正确、创造性地运用文本中的语言知识进行表达。因而,在语言知识学习和运用方面学生并没有得到什么收获,由此,也就可能最终导致写作能力、口头表达能力难以提高。,常见模式:,阅读教学中,语言输入与输出脱节、不一致,忽视输入与输出间的吸纳(Intake)环节。,案例:Module3 Unit5 Canada-“The True North” 阅读后的小组讨论: (1)What impresses you most in your hometown? (2)How to introduce your hometown to the two foreign teachers from Canada? 【问题】活动前教师既没有对家乡的地理概貌、名胜古迹进行必要的讨论,也没有在之前的教学环节中提供任何必要的词汇及句式方面的支持,忽视了上述二个问题也就导致了学生在活动时不能紧扣主题,学生的语言输入与输出无关,看似活跃的语言输出仍停留在原有基础上,输出活动中学生并未能创造性地运用文本中的新语言知识进行表达。,Reading and writing,Introducing famous places of interest,运用的方法:新课标对教材使用的建议: 教师要善于结合实际的需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材内容、编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当地重组和调整。,二、把握运用的适切性:这样用适合学生和能力要求吗?,学生的起点如何?学生的能力要求趋向? 眼里有资源,心里有学生。以学生为基点,开发利用贴近学生生活和经历的资源。 与前后内容的联结点如何? 眼里有资源,心中常联系。以前后内容为联结点,开发利用贴近教学内容的资源。,运用的视角:,Supple-ment,贴近学生生活和经历? 贴近教学内容?,符合学生认知能力? 符合学生语言能力?,把握用的适切性: 量体裁衣,符合学生实际 取舍整合,突出主题内容 创设过渡情景,建构认知链条 替换改编原文,降低学习难度 创造性使用网络资料,丰富话题内容 重组主题内容,加强前后逻辑联系 合理设计问题与任务连续体,有效激发学生思维 体现内容与任务的层次性与阶梯性,深化学习体验,量体裁衣,符合学生实际:任务教学的目标设计要依照学生的实际情况而定,选择任务时要仔细分析学生的需要和起点。,案例1:09年浙江高中英语课堂教学评比 (教师A) 3. Understanding difficult points:How do you understand the underlined words: playing the role of God (Para 1.) look outside the box (Para 2.) smell the roses (Para 5.) 【问题】任务本身的设想很好,但教师对学生语言能力的预测与现实有差距。由于这些表达的理解本身有一定难度,非学生语言能力和生活阅历所及,而教师在任务的预设中又没有给予任务的理解支架,导致任务无法顺利实施。,教师B: 3. Understanding difficult points:How do you understand the underlined words: playing the role of God (Para 1.) What is the “The Law of Attraction” according to the paragraph? Does the writer agree with it? Why? In peoples imagination, what can God do? (图片1)Here the writer compares what kind of people to people playing God? look outside the box (Para 2.) What does the box refer to?(图片2) smell the roses (Para 5.) What are the “roses” here? Do you often “smell roses” just like them? (图片3),Almighty God!,问题和图片支架,启发思维,提供感性认识,案例2: Complete the short summary of the writers opinion about “the art of living” with the words in the box.,The art of living is to learn how to be _ what we have. _, we should restrain our desires, such as the desire to have more _. When we _ our life and have a closer look at our real needs, we will find we are more easily satisfied. So, look at the world with _. Also, dont always hurry through your life. Take a break to _. Live every moment to the fullest and we will truly feel happy. _, we have found a _ solution to our dissatisfaction.,生词或超纲词汇,学生既不理解其意,也不会拼读,以此来填空完成课文小结难度过高。,取舍整合,突出主题内容:舍弃无关、关系不密切或不适用的内容,使讨论问题紧扣主题;必要时把同一话题内容合而为一。,案例1:Module 6 Unit 2 Poems Warming up: 1. Do you remember any little poems or songs you learned when you were a child? These little poems and songs might have been some of the first poetry you learned. 2. Do you remember any poems you have read in high school, either in Chinese or in English? Can you recite any? 3. There are many reasons why people write poems. In small groups make a list of these reasons. The list has been started for you. People write poems:to tell a story/ to express feelings/ to recall an enjoyable or unpleasant incident Pre-reading: Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese or in English? Why is it your favorite poem? Skim the poems on the following pages and tick the correct box(es) for each question.,12两个问题引导学生回顾幼时以及学生时代接触的汉英诗歌,探讨写诗目的,问题1阻碍学生思维,使Warming up部分问题3无法进一步展开和深入,该问题与Warming up问题3相似,因此可将两个问题进行整合,并将Pre-reading问题1调整到warming up问题2后,使问题2得以展开,创设过渡情景,建构认知链条:补充或拓展与主题或话题相关的内容,使教学具有连贯性、关联性,降低学生的认知难度。,案例2:Module 7 Unit 4 Sharing Warming up:问卷调查,列举班上同学所做的好人好事,并在调查中初步感知volunteer一词的意义,并通过小组讨论得出volunteer一词的定义。 Pre-reading: 导入reading部分的背景知识: The reading passage is an airmail letter from a young Australian woman, Jo, who worked as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. Do you know where PNG is? Jo also sent her friend some photos,与“志愿者”话题相关,与志愿服务地点相关,在warming up后增加以下过渡情景: T: In our daily life, many people work without being paid. They are willing to devote themselves to their work and do not need any payment. Maybe, some of us may think they are foolish, even stupid. But you are wrong. Although they work for free, they are not worthless but priceless. They are volunteers. 进一步设问: Why should people volunteer? What volunteer work have you done? In which country or place do you want to do volunteer work? In China or abroad? Why? Which countries do you think need help most? Why? T: Jo was a volunteer who worked in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. She is from Australia and just now I heard from her. Now I will show the letter to you.,替换改编原文,降低学习难度:对于教材中篇幅过长、生词过多或难度过大的材料(尤其是听力材料);或者,对一些不符合学生实际生活或经历的文本予以替换或进行改编,以降低难度。,案例3:Module 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the World Listening:Trinidad Carnival(特立尼达岛狂欢节),话题内容:对绝大部分学生来说陌生; 话题写作:听力材料中的语言对话题写作无实际指导意义,Behind the Turkey: The story of Thanksgiving Task 1: Listen to para.1 and answer the following questions: When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated every year? What did O. Henry call Thanksgiving Day? What is special about Thanksgiving Day? Whats the spiritual meaning of the day? Task 2: Spot dictation: Listen to the whole passage and fill in the missing words. Task 3: Find out the useful expressions for describing a holiday. (when / how/ what/ who/ where/ why, etc.) Task 4: Describe Christmas Day by using some of the expressions in the passage.,创造性使用网络资料,丰富话题内容: 利用幻灯片、录音资料、电影片段或网络资源等丰富教学资源,为学生提供与话题相关的听力材料或阅读材料等作为课文学习的补充与拓展,丰富背景知识,积累与话题相关的核心词汇、句式结构、语篇结构、表达技巧等。,案例4:Module 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes 【课外阅读】: Chile rattled by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake Science in the News - A New Way to Help Predict Earthquakes,Task 1: Skim the passage to find out the topic sentence. Task 2: Scan the passage and complete the following table.,Task 3: Find out the useful expressions for describing an earthquake. (when / where/ what/ who/ how, etc.),Eg. hit southwestern China in May /was not identified early enough for people to flee the area /killed sixty-nine thousand people/That quake measured three in intensity /found similar changes taking place two hours before the other quake struck five days later /rated seven point nine in intensity/ help move people from the area and save lives,Task 4: Writing,Module1 Unit4 Earthquakes,话题表达 2008年5月12日下午,四川发生里氏7.8级地震,造成了惨重损失,假如你是杭州某中学学生会主席,请代表学生会向全校师生简单介绍灾情,并号召师生踊跃捐款捐物,参加义卖活动。根据上述意思,补充完成以下语篇: Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, a severe earthquake _(爆发里氏7.8级地震) in Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. Like most strong earthquakes, the one that hit southwestern China _(未能及早作出预测,以使人们及时逃离). According to Xinhua news agency, in a few terrible seconds a large city _(变成一片废墟). _(仿佛到了世界末日). _(多达50,000人丧生) in this terrible disaster and still countless people _ (被困在废墟中). Another 20,000 were reported missing. Everywhere they looked, _(几乎一切都被毁了). We all _(听到这个消息我们都感到非常震惊和悲痛). Luckily, all hope was not lost. The army has organized teams to _(帮助人们离开灾区并挽救生命). They also dig out the trapped people and workers _(为那些无家可归的幸存者建立临时避难处). Lets just imagine how the students there need help! Schools should be rebuilt _(因此他们能够尽快返回学校). Here _(学生会号召每个人) to help the relief work by donating things and _(筹款) to help those affected in the earthquake. Well have a voluntary contribution this week. Lets give away our pocket money. Besides, well _(组织一个义卖会) on Saturday morning in the meeting hall. Please bring your books, toys, CDs or something else here to sell. _(所有筹集的钱都将被送到灾区) Thats all. Thank you.,重组主题内容,加强前后逻辑联系: 从单元角度研究和分析教材,即通过单元的整体学习建构学生的知识结构: 其一是语言知识结构,如围绕某一话题的词汇、句法、语法及功能; 其二是建构话题的知识结构,如有关话题的背景知识、观点信息、语篇模式等。 对于同一主题,可以对相互间缺乏逻辑关联,或者无法形成完整的内容序列的部分按照一定的逻辑线索或顺序进行重新组合,以使学生形成对某一问题的完整认知。,案例5:Module 4 Unit 4 Body Language,Warming up: Look at the pictures below. What are these people communicating? Discuss your ideas with your partner. 要求学生选择课本提供的15个日常交际用语中一个,用体态语表演出来,让同伴猜测其意义。 Pre-reading: What do you think is the purpose of language? Discuss your opinion with your partner. How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak? Give an example. There are many different ways to greet someone using words. How many ways can you think of to greet someone if you cannot speak? Share your ideas with your partner.,主题:体态语,主题:思考语言的目的,主题:体态语,重组: 1. 先利用warming up部分的插图,激发学生对体态语的兴趣; 2. 教师提出问题: How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak?要求结合课本提供的15个日常交际用语,选择其中三个,并用体态语表演,让同伴猜测其意; 3. 小组合作讨论:There are many different ways to greet someone using words. How many ways can you think of to greet someone if you cannot speak? Share your ideas with your partner. 4. 把Pre-reading部分放到最后,利用课本提供的15个日常交际用语分组讨论: What do you think is the purpose of language?,案例6: Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela A Modern Hero 浙江严州中学新安江校区 赖朝晖 中小学外语教学07-10,Using Language & Reading Task: 该单元的话题是人物, 因此,可将该板块中的语篇Reading “The Rest of Elias Story”与阅读任务板块中的两篇文章 “A Competitor of Bill Gates”& “A Follower of Bill Gates”进行整合,并 在此过程中培养学生区分观点(opinion)和事实(fact)的阅 读技能。,Read Passage 1: The Rest of Elias Story Task 1:


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