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831007 钻扩22和55孔 含CAD图纸工序卡说明书等资料 CA6140车床831007拨叉零件数控加工工艺及工装设计【钻 CA6140车床拨叉831007加工工艺及钻 22孔夹具设计

【温馨提示】 dwg后缀的文件为CAD图,可编辑,无水印,高清图, 压缩包内含CAD图的预览图片,仅用于预览,压缩包内文档可直接点开预览,需要原稿请自助充值下载, 是否包含三维文件,请见压缩包内的文件及预览,所见才能所得,请细心查看 有疑问可以咨询QQ:414951605或1304139763 =========================================================== 【温馨提示】 dwg后缀的文件为CAD图,可编辑,无水印,高清图, 压缩包内含CAD图的预览图片,仅用于预览,压缩包内文档可直接点开预览,需要原稿请自助充值下载, 是否包含三维文件,请见压缩包内的文件及预览,所见才能所得,请细心查看 有疑问可以咨询QQ:414951605或1304139763

河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 11 张产品代号831007零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号110设备材料名称组合机床名称灰铸铁型号Z525转床硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称麻花钻塞规技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数07 钻2-锥销孔、螺纹孔、89911.52205.81攻螺纹8991.52205.81编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 3 张产品代号831007零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号030设备材料名称铣床名称灰铸铁型号XA5032硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称铣刀YG6技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数01粗铣中间空下端面73730.90.4522069.11粗铣2端小孔下端面22220.40.182203611编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 4 张产品代号831007零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号040设备材料名称铣床名称灰铸铁型号XA5032硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称铣刀YG6千分表技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数02精铣两小头上端面40160800.896010.31精铣中间孔上端面73730.5496015.11编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 8 张产品代号831007零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号080设备材料名称钻床名称灰铸铁型号Z550硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称绞刀千分表技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数03钻、扩22孔;粗铰、精铰22孔2250500.50.727215.41扩中间孔22505012.512518.81编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 12 张产品代号831007零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号120设备材料名称铣断机床名称灰铸铁型号硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称铣刀YG6技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数4铣断732016010.11编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 6张产品代号831007零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号060设备材料名称铣床名称灰铸铁型号XA5032硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称铣刀YG6技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数05精铣中间孔端面73730.5496010.31编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志河南科技 学院机械加工工序卡片共14 张第 11 张产品代号831001零(部)件代号零(部)件名称拨叉工序号110设备材料名称组合机床名称灰铸铁型号硬度0.16Gpa夹具名称、编号专用夹具刀具量具辅具名称规格名称名称规格名称麻花钻塞规技术等级工时定额班产量准备及终结时间工作地点服务时间基本时间辅助时间单件时间工序号工步名称及内容加工表面尺寸切削用量直径或宽度长度加工计算长度切深走刀量转速或双 行程数切速走刀次数06 钻2X锥销孔89911.52205.81编制设计卢晓志审核批准描图校对卢晓志拨叉零件数控加工工艺卡河南科技学院拨叉零件数控加工工艺卡产品型号831007零件名称件数第1页实训产品拨 叉共1页零件加工路线零 件 规 格车间工 序材料HT200库房下料重量2.0kg钳工去毛刺钳工划线数控铣铣成形钳工去毛刺零件技术要求检验室检验序号工步名称设备名称设备型号工具编号工具名称工序内容单件工时备注01粗铣、精铣20、50下端面数控铣床XA5032YG6铣刀粗铣中间空下端面粗铣2端小孔下端面0.810.6202粗铣、精铣20上端面;粗铣、精铣50上端面数控铣床XA5032YG6铣刀精铣两小头上端面精铣中间孔上端面0.310.20503钻、扩20孔,粗铰、精铰20孔;粗镗、半精镗50孔数控钻床Z550绞刀钻、扩22孔;粗铰、精铰22孔扩中间孔1.680.22704精铣50端面YG6铣刀精铣中间孔端面1.6805钻、铰8锥孔组合机床麻花钻 钻2X锥销孔0.06606钻M6底孔钻床Z525麻花钻钻2-锥销孔、螺纹孔、0.25506铣断铣床XA5032YG6铣刀铣断0.32编制审核批准会签编制日期2009.5学生姓名卢晓志班级机教042指导教师杜家熙论文(设计)题目CA6140车床831007拨叉零件数控加工工艺及工装设计目前已完成任务1. 对数控加工工艺的发展和应用现状有了一定的认识,熟悉了数控工艺原理和规则以及数控加工系统的特点和应用,并且练习编制数控加工工序。2. 对所选拨叉零件进行了工艺特点分析。是否符合任务书要求进度: 是尚需完成的任务1. 根据拨叉零件工艺特点运用数控工艺进行加工工艺分析。2. 对比数控机加工与普通机加工两种加工方法的异同。3. 整理和完善毕业论文。能否按期完成论文(设计): 能存在问题和解决办法存在问题1. 制定数控加工工艺路线时遇到了一些问题。2. 合理选用机床及刀具参数时没能恰当选用。拟采取的办法以自己为主,多查阅参考资料,多与指导老师沟通,解决遇到的问题,另外和同学多讨论多交流,确保按时按质完成毕业设计。指导教师签 字日期 年 月 日教学院长(系主任)意 见 签字: 年 月 日河南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)中期进展情况检查表毕业论文(设计)任务书题 目 CA6140车床831007拨叉零件数控加工工艺及工装设计 学生姓名卢晓志所学专业机电技术教育班级042班指导教师姓名 杜家熙所学专业机械制造职称副教授完成期限 2008年12月22日 至 2009年5月31日一、 论文(设计)主要内容及主要技术指标1.主要内容1)数控加工工艺概述;2)数控加工工艺路线的步骤;3)拨叉零件数控工艺分析;4)拨叉零件数控工艺路线确定;5) 拨叉零件数控加工的工装设计。2.技术指标1) 数控工艺的技术指标;2)零件的数控工艺分析,确定毛坯制造方法及形状。3)拨叉零件数控工艺规程、工艺路线设计。4)确定切削用量和其本工时。5)合理刀具参数和准确对刀和检验。二、毕业论文(设计)的基本要求1.毕业设计(论文)一份:有400字左右的中英文摘要,正文后有10篇左右的参考文献,正文中要引用5篇以上文献,并注明文献出处。论文字数在6000字以上;2.有不少于2000汉字的与本课题有关的外文翻译资料;3.毕业设计总字数在10000字以上;三、毕业论文(设计)进度安排1.2008年12月12日-12月16日,下达毕业设计任务书;寒假期间完成外文资料翻译和开题报告。2. 2098年2月25-3月9日(第1-2周),指导教师审核开题报告和设计方案。4. 2009年3月10日-5月4日(第3-10周),毕业设计单元部分设计。5. 2009年5月5-5月11日(第11周),毕业设计中期检查。6. 2009年5月12日-6月1日(第12-14周),拨叉零件数控加工工艺及工装设计,整理、撰写毕业设计报告。8. 2009年6月2日-15日(第15-16周),上交毕业论文,指导、评阅教师审查评阅论文,毕业设计答辩资格审查。毕业设计答辩,学生修改整理设计论文。Production Automation1.1.1 Automation Concepts Automation may be defined as a system that is relatively safe-operating .Such a system includes complex mechanical and electronic devices and computer-based system that the place of observation,effort,and decision by a human operator. It is a system that exhibits properties of human being by following predetermined operations or responding to encoded instructions.1.1.2 Computer process control Process control involves the control of variables in a manufacturing process, where one or any combination of materials and equipment produces or modifies a product to make it more useful and hence more valuable. In process control controls continuous operations. Two kinds of control systems are the open loop and the closed loop.In an open-loop control system, the computer dose not itself automate the process .That is ,there is no self-correction.The process remains under the direct control of human operators,who read form various sources of information such as instruments, set calibrated dials for process regulation, and change the controlling medium.Closed-loop control systems use computers to automate the process. He computer is directly in charge of the process. It sdjusts all controls form the information provided by sensing devices in the system to keep the process to the desired specifications, a technique that uses a feedback mechanism . Feedback is the action of measuring the difference between the actual result and the desired result and using that difference to drive the actual result toward the desired result. The term feedback comes forms from a measured sample of the output of the process (production) function that becomes the input of the control function . That is ,the output of the control function ,meeting special designed requirements is the input to the control system . Thus ,the signal begins at the output of the controlled production function and end at the input to the production. Typical functions of process control systems are moonitoring ,data logging, quality control, maximizing profit for a given out put, supervisory control , and factory information systems (FIS). Benefits of computer process control system are increased productivity , improved product quality ,and enhanced efficiency , safety , comfort ,and convenience.1.1.3 Management Information Systems (MIS)Management information systems are designed to aid in the performance of management functions.These systems are generated by computer systems and are developed to provide executives with up-to-the-minute information about the operations of the enterprise.When required, information systems are used to aid management in the decision-making functions of the enterprise . Viewing CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) as an informations system for the enterprise for decision-making , CAPACS must be informations interconnected . As a result , there are many software packages associated with the CAPACS in Fig . 1 . 2 . Typical of there are CAPP , DCS , FIS and CAD . The concept of an MIS is a design objective , its goal being to get the correct information to the appropriate manager at the right time . As a result , MIS implementation varies considerably among manufacturing enterprises because of each organizations function , type of production , informations resources available , and organizational commitment to MIS .1.1.4 Engineering Computer are used extensively in most engineering functions . Engineering is a profession in which a knowledge of the natural sciences is applied with judgment to develop ways of using the materials and forces of nature . Typical engineering functions using CAPACS are design , process planning , analysis and optimization , synthesis , evaluation and documentation , simulation , modeling , and quality control planning . Using CAPACS in engineering increases the productivity of engineers and improves the quality of designs . For example ,the application of computers to an engineering design process is performed by a CAD system Engineers can design and thoroughly test concepts quickly and simply from one workstation . Computers permit engineers to take a concept from its original design through testing to numerical control (NC) output , or a combination of steps in between . They perform complex scientific and engineering computations rapidly with high accuracy , calculate physical properties before actual parts are made and provide a fast , easy method to create models of even the most complex parts . The computer has influenced the way products are designed , documented and released for production . As technology develops , engineering operations are becomeing more and more automated and are relieving the engineer of many tedious manual calculations . 1.1.5 Production Applications of computers to the production process encompass such functions as computer monitoring , supervisory computer control , direct digital control ( DDC) , material handing , product fabrication , assembly and test/inspection operations . New ideas and technology developments are gaining acceptance on the factory floor . More important , the integration of more computers into the production process increases automation on the factory floor . Computer automation helps to organize , access , and provide vital information in a common date base system for use by all manufacturing operations . Computer automation helps to control and to schedule machines and process , and to control raw materials and parts . A computer automated system concept is shown in FIG . 1 . 3 . Each function in manufacturing has its own area controller under the control of a host computer in order to share information with other operations . 生产自动化1.1.1自动化概念自动化可以被定义为一个操作比较安全的系统。这个系统,包括复杂的机电设备和由一个人为操作员观察、尝试并决定其方位的电脑系统。它是一个按照事先确定的操作或应对编码指示来展现人的性能的系统。1.1.2计算机过程控制过程控制涉及到生产过程中的控制变量,在此生产过程中,一种或任意一种材料和设备联合生产或修改产品,使其更加有用,因此更有价值。过程控制控制不间断运行。控制系统有两种,即开环控制系统和闭环控制系统。在一个开环控制系统中,计算机本身不会使过程自动化。也就是说,没有自我更正.这个过程仍然直接受控于人为操作员,他阅读各种信息来源,如工具,建立校准盘的过程监管,来改变控制的媒介。闭环控制系统,使用计算机来实现过程自动化。电脑直接负责其过程。它根据传感装置所提供的信息对所有控制适时调整,以保持这一过程所需的规格及使用一个反馈机制的技术。反馈是衡量实际结果与期望的结果之间差异的行为,利用这种差异,以推动实际结果向所期望的结果的进展。期限反馈根据过程(生产)功能输出的测量样本而形成格式,进而转为控制功能的输入。也就是说,控制功能的输出,如果满足了特殊设计的要求即可转变成控制功能的输入。因此,信号始于控制生产功能输出之时并结束于生产功能输入之时。 过程控制系统的典型功能是操作,记录数据,控制质量,为某一输出,监控,和工厂信息系统(电)提供最大限度的好处 。计算机过程控制系统的优点在于能够提高生产率,改进产品质量和提高效率,且安全,舒适和方便。1.1.3 管理信息系统( MIS ) 管理信息系统用来为管理功能的实施提供帮助。这些系统由计算机系统产生,并被用来为管理人员提供有关企业运作的最新信息。我们可用信息系统来帮助企业制定决策。例如,可把计算机集成制造(计算机集成制造)作为一个信息系统,为企业决策, CAPACS必须是相互关联的信息。其结果是,有许多与CAPACS的图1.2 相关的软件包。典型的有 CAPP系统,集散控制系统,模糊推理系统和计算机辅助设计。 管理信息系统的概念是一个设计目标,其目的是在合适的时间,得到正确的信息并给适当的经理。因此,制造企业之间各组织的功能,生产类型,信息资源及组织对 MIS的承诺,会造成系管理信息系统的实施不尽相同。1.1.4工程电脑被广泛应用在工程领域。工程学是一门职业,在这门职业中,我们可通过所获取的自然科学知识加判断识别力来形成使用材料和自然力量的方法。使用CAPACS的典型工程功能是设计,工艺规划,分析和优化,合成,评价和记录,仿真,建模,和质量控制规划。工程使用CAPACS可以增加工程师的生产并提高设计质量。 例如,工程的设计过程使用计算机是由CAD系统的工程师负责的,他们能够迅速而简单地设计出来自工作站的方案并对其进行彻底检验。计算机允许工程师通过测试数字控制(数控)输出,或者两者之间的步骤,采用原来的设计方案。他们能迅速而精度地进行复杂的科学和工程计算,能在实际零部件被生产数之前计算出物理性能,并提供了一个快速,简单的方法,用于建立模型,即使是最复杂的部分。计算机已经影响了产品设计,记录和发布生产的方式。随着技术的发展,工程业务也在广泛采用自动化,给工程师减少了许多繁琐的人工计算。 1 .1.5 生产计算机应用于生产过程有以下功能,包括监测计算机,监督计算机控制,直接数字控制( DDC) ,材料处理,产品制造,组装和测试/检查行动。工厂车间也正在接受新的观念和技术的发展。更重要的是,伴随着更多的计算机被用到生产过程,工厂车间自动化程度加深了。 计算机自动化协助组织,存取,并提供资料库中的重要信息,供所有的制造业务。计算机自动化控制,并帮助安排机器和过程,同时还可控制原材料和零部件。计算机自动化系统的概念图.1.3.所示,在制造业领域,每种功能都会在主机电脑的控制之下行使自己的控制范围,这样方便了与其他操作共享信息。河南科技学院2009届本科毕业论文(设计)外文资料学生姓名:卢晓志 所在院系:机电学院所学专业:机电技术教育导师姓名:杜家熙完成时间:2009年2月27日Production Automation1.1.1 Automation Concepts Automation may be defined as a system that is relatively safe-operating .Such a system includes complex mechanical and electronic devices and computer-based system that the place of observation,effort,and decision by a human operator. It is a system that exhibits properties of human being by following predetermined operations or responding to encoded instructions.1.1.2 Computer process control Process control involves the control of variables in a manufacturing process, where one or any combination of materials and equipment produces or modifies a product to make it more useful and hence more valuable. In process control controls continuous operations. Two kinds of control systems are the open loop and the closed loop.In an open-loop control system, the computer dose not itself automate the process .That is ,there is no self-correction.The process remains under the direct control of human operators,who read form various sources of information such as instruments, set calibrated dials for process regulation, and change the controlling medium.Closed-loop control systems use computers to automate the process. He computer is directly in charge of the process. It sdjusts all controls form the information provided by sensing devices in the system to keep the process to the desired specifications, a technique that uses a feedback mechanism . Feedback is the action of measuring the difference between the actual result and the desired result and using that difference to drive the actual result toward the desired result. The term feedback comes forms from a measured sample of the output of the process (production) function that becomes the input of the control function . That is ,the output of the control function ,meeting special designed requirements is the input to the control system . Thus ,the signal begins at the output of the controlled production function and end at the input to the production. Typical functions of process control systems are moonitoring ,data logging, quality control, maximizing profit for a given out put, supervisory control , and factory information systems (FIS). Benefits of computer process control system are increased productivity , improved product quality ,and enhanced efficiency , safety , comfort ,and convenience.1.1.3 Management Information Systems (MIS)Management information systems are designed to aid in the performance of management functions.These systems are generated by computer systems and are developed to provide executives with up-to-the-minute information about the operations of the enterprise.When required, information systems are used to aid management in the decision-making functions of the enterprise . Viewing CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) as an informations system for the enterprise for decision-making , CAPACS must be informations interconnected . As a result , there are many software packages associated with the CAPACS in Fig . 1 . 2 . Typical of there are CAPP , DCS , FIS and CAD . The concept of an MIS is a design objective , its goal being to get the correct information to the appropriate manager at the right time . As a result , MIS implementation varies considerably among manufacturing enterprises because of each organizations function , type of production , informations resources available , and organizational commitment to MIS .1.1.4 Engineering Computer are used extensively in most engineering functions . Engineering is a profession in which a knowledge of the natural sciences is applied with judgment to develop ways of using the materials and forces of nature . Typical engineering functions using CAPACS are design , process planning , analysis and optimization , synthesis , evaluation and documentation , simulation , modeling , and quality control planning . Using CAPACS in engineering increases the productivity of engineers and improves the quality of designs . For example ,the application of computers to an engineering design process is performed by a CAD system Engineers can design an
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