



摘 要电子商务(Electronic Commerce)是互联网上出现的新概念。它是利用计算机技术、网络技术和远程通信技术,实现整个商务过程中的电子化、数字化和网络化。近年来它已经被广泛使用,给人们带来了便利,并逐渐改变了人们的生活方式。根据电子商务专业教学计划、电子商务基本理论知识和操作技能等要求,开发一套模拟的“电子商务实验系统”软件,既能满足教学需求,也能使学生在一个逼真的环境中进行电子商务全过程的操作实验。国内的C2C交易系统多数是用ASP,PHP技术实现的,而基于JSP的系统较少。SunMicrosystems所开发的JSP以Java为平台,利用Java纯面向对象编程语言的巨大优势(跨平台性即一次编译处处运行的特点),给我们的动态网页设计带来了很大的方便。本系统利用JSP + JavaBeans + Microsoft SQL Server 2000实现了“电子商务教学实验模拟系统:C2C交易系统的设计与开发”,C2C实现电子商务中消费者对消费者的个人交易模式。本文对系统的需求分析、总体设计及详细设计进行了详细地阐述,主要实现了以下功能:用户注册、用户登录、商品销售、购买与销售信息发布、购物车、订单生成与查询、后台管理。最终实现完成了该系统。关键词:电子商务教学实验模拟系统C2CJSPMicrosoft SQL Server 2000ABSTRACTElectronic commerce is a new concept over the Internet. It achieves electronization, digitalization and networking in entire business process by using computer technology, network technology and long-distance communication technology. In recent years, it has been widely used, brought convenience to people and gradually changed our life styles. According to the needs of electronic commerce major teaching plan, electronic commerce basic theoretical knowledge and operational skill and so on, we develop simulated Electronic Commerce Experimental System software. It not only meets the needs of teaching, but also makes students carry out operational experiment of electronic entire commerce process in a real environment.Domestic C2C transaction systems are mostly achieved by ASP, PHP technologies whereas that based on JSP are less. The JSP developed by Sun Microsystems uses Java as a platform, and takes advantage of the overwhelming superiority (cross-platform characteristics: compile once and run everywhere) of pure object-oriented programming language, Java, facilitates our dynamic web page design. This system achieves the Electronic Commerce Teaching Experimental Simulation System: The Design and Development of C2C Transaction System with JSP + JavaBeans + Microsoft SQL Server 2000, C2C achieves consumer-to-consumer personal transaction pattern in electronic commerce process. This paper elaborates on the need analysis of system, the overall design and detailed design, mainly achieves the following functions: user registration, user login, sell products, release of purchase and sell information, a shopping cart, generate and query orders, administrator management. Eventually I finish this system.Key words: Electronic Commerce Teaching Experimental Simulation System C2C JSP Microsoft SQL Server 2000目 录第一章 概述11.1项目简介11.2主要开发技术及工具简介1第二章 可行性分析32.1经济可行性32.2技术可行性32.3法律可行性3第三章 需求分析43.1实践教学需求43.2功能需求43.3系统开发环境需求5第四章 总体设计64.1系统功能模块的化分64


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