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,导读:据研究,6500万年前的小行星撞击地球,对地球造成了几乎是毁灭性的破坏,有人认为这可能是恐龙灭绝的原因。如果是这样,那么未来再有这样的小行星或彗星撞击地球,会不会导致人类的毁灭呢?,Its said that a huge asteroid(小行星)smashed(撞击) into the earth 65 million years ago, which certainly sent the earths ecosystem(生态系统) into a disaster which took thousands of years to recover from. Scientists say that its probable that such disaster could happen again. Asteroids are rocky bodies which tend to live in orbits(轨道) between Mars and Jupiter. Comets, on the other hand, are a mix of rock and ice, and they can swing into the earths orbit from anywhere in the Solar System. Comets have an icy tail which reflects the sun,and can therefore be seen from the earth. But asteroids have far less visibility(可见度) and have to be at least half a kilometre across to be found. There are millions of such rocky and icy bodies out there which have not been discovered yet. But did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs and could another kill us? Despite what you may have heard, it hasnt been proved that the hitting was the only reason for the dinosaurs dying out. But the asteroid which created the,hitting would certainly have had a great effect on the environment, and a mass extinction(灭绝)did take place around the time. So far we have no idea when the next one will be because we havent spotted it yet and not many organizations are spending money on asteroiddetection, because a deathly hitting is such a faraway possibility.,请根据语义及提示写出单词 1. There is a friendly _(氛围)of helping each other with difficulties in study in our class. 2. Most of the students in China benefit from the new educational _(体制). 3. She listened with a _(困惑的)expression on her face. 4. I believe his words will do _(危害) to our company.,5. The warm spring wind brush our faces _(轻柔地). 6. Nothing can _(阻止) him doing research into the issue of water pollution. 7. The results of the test are very _(令人振奋). 8. Health _(依赖于) upon good food, fresh air and enough sleep.,atmosphere 2. system 3. puzzled 4. harm 5. gently 6. prevent 7. cheering 8. depends 9. existence 10. develop,9. In the opinion of some philosophers, everything in _(exist) is reasonable. 10. The best method of teaching, I think, is to _(启迪) the mind of students.,请根据语义写出短语 1. _ system 太阳系 2. _ time 及时,最终 3. _ birth to 生(孩子) 4. _ from 阻止 5. _ out 阻挡 6. _ up 欢呼雀跃 7. _ that 既然 8. _ out 爆发,1. solar 2. in 3. give 4. prevent 5. block 6. cheer 7. now 8. break,1. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. (P25) 2. Although its origin may still be a puzzle, the moon can never be anything more than a satellite of the earth. (P28), harmful adj.,根据语境猜词义 (1) Fruit juices can be harmful to childrens teeth. (2) Many households products are potentially harmful.,根据语义找匹配 有害的 B. 危害,(1) A (2) B, harmful adj.,链接 harm n. 伤害; 损害 vt. 伤害; 损害 harmless adj. 无害的; 无恶意的 短语 do sb. harm do harm to sb. 对某人有害 be harmful to 对有害, harmful adj.,句型 It does no harm to do sth. /There is no harm (in) doing sth. 不妨做某事 It wouldnt do sb. any harm to do sth. 做某事对某人并无害处 No harm done! (对别人做错事的一种劝慰) 没事儿! 不要紧!, harmful adj.,单词拼写 (1) Your smoking may be _ (有害) to the health of your baby. (2) The storm has done great _(有害) to the crops. (3) The dog seems fierce, but actually hes _.,(1) harmful (2) harm (3) harmless, harmful adj.,根据语境猜词义 (1) The heavy rain prevented us (from) going to school. (2) They have been prevented by the traffic jam from going there on time., prevent v.,根据语义找匹配 A. 阻碍 B. 阻止,(1) B (2) A, prevent v.,链接 “阻止某人做某事”的几种表达式: ban sb. from doing sth. stop sb. (from) doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth., prevent v.,单项填空 ( )(1) We must take firm and efficient measures to prevent pollution _our life even better. A. to make B. making C. make D. against making,A 考查非谓语动词的使用。本题的语义是: 为了使我们的生活更加美好,我们必须采取果断而卓有成效的措施阻止污染。根据语境非谓语动词在本句是目的状语,所以答案是A。本题极容易造成学生们的思维定势而误选B。, prevent v.,( )(2) Well spare no effort to prevent the river _. A. from polluting B. polluting C. being polluted D. polluted,C 考查非谓语动词的使用。本题的语义是:我们将不遗余力地阻止河流污染。根据语境河流与污染形成了被动关系,所以答案是C。, prevent v.,develop v.,根据语境猜词义 (1) We should develop the habit of reading, because reading can develop the mind. (2) Shanghai has developed into a commercial center of our country. (3) We must develop many more new products in order to satisfy the demands of market.,根据语义找匹配 A. 养成(习惯) B. 发展 C. 开发,(1) A (2) B (3) C,develop v.,链接 developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的 development n. 发展,develop v.,用develop的正确形式填空 With the _ of science and technology, some _ countries have developed into _ ones.,development; developing; developed,develop v., puzzle n&v.,根据语境猜词义 (1) Its a puzzle to me why he hasnt come for my birthday party. (2) Can you help me out with the math puzzle? (3) Her word puzzled him. (4) I was puzzled how to handle the situation.,(1)B (2)C (3) A (4) D,根据语义找匹配 使迷惑不解 B. 谜 C. 难题 D. 使为难, puzzle n&v.,链接 puzzling adj. 令人困惑的;使人感到困惑的 puzzled adj. 困惑的;感到困惑的 puzzlement n. 困惑,迷惑 be in a puzzle about 对大惑不解 work out a puzzle 猜谜;解决难题 puzzle over 对冥思苦想 puzzle out (苦苦思索而)搞清楚 puzzle ones brain about / over 对而大伤脑筋, puzzle n&v.,用puzzle的正确形式填空 The (1) _ boy (2) _ his mother, so there was a (3) _ expression on her face. Much to (4) _ of his mother, he left home without saying a word.,puzzling (2) puzzled (3) puzzled (4) puzzlement, puzzle n&v., gentle adj.,根据语境猜词义 (1) Mothers are always gentle with their children. (2) Its very comfortable to let the gentle wind blow on your face.,根据语义找匹配 轻轻的,轻柔的 B. 温柔的,文雅的,(1) B (2) A, gentle adj.,链接 gentlelooking adj. 看起来彬彬有礼的、看起来很绅士的 gentleman n. 绅士,先生 gently adv. 温柔地,轻柔地,轻轻地 gentleness n. 温柔,和善 短语 be gentle with sb. 对某人体贴入微,对某人温柔有加 gentle in voice / action 声音温柔,举止文雅 have a gentle m


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