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2018/2019学年度第二学期高二年级期终考试英 语 试 题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is Nick doing?A. Painting a picture. B. Playing with a cat. C. Buying a hat.2. How much does the headphone cost?A. $30. B. $20. C. $14.3. How will the weather be this weekend?A. Sunny. B. Snowy. C. Stormy.4. Why does the man decide to go to the party?A. To meet Italian people. B. To learn the Italian language. C. To have Italian food.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A hard project. B. A new worker. C. The womans colleague.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why does the man make the call?A. To cancel an order. B. To make an order. C. To change an order.7. When will the class begin?A. Next Wednesday. B. Next Thursday. C. Next Friday.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why didnt Greg come along?A. He was sick. B. He was cooking. C. He was working.9. What will the man do next?A. Call Polly up. B. Prepare a meal. C. Put the kids to bed.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the woman prefer to do?A. Go shopping. B. Read books. C. Do water sports.11. Who does the man usually spend holidays with?A. His friends. B. His brother. C. His parents.12. What do the speakers think is boring?A. Staying at home. B. Going far away. C. Living in the countryside.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why does the man feel tired?A. He couldnt fall asleep last night.B. He had to work overtime last night.C. He stayed up watching TV last night.14. What does the woman think of the reality TV show now?A. It is meaningless. B. It attracts her a lot. C. It seems strange.15. Why do people want to be in the show according to the woman?A. To earn money. B. To become famous. C. To experience a different life.16. What do we know about the speakers?A. They admire people with real talent.B. They dont like the reality TV show.C. They have different opinions on fame.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where did Carrey put on his first live performance?A. In Toronto. B. In New York. C. In Los Angeles.18. When did Carrey begin to star in an American TV show?A. In 1977. B. In 1981. C. In 1990.19. Why was Carreys character in the American TV show dropped?A. He was too young.B. He always played with fire.C. He couldnt make the audience laugh.20. What was Carreys first important film?A. The Mask. B. Batman Forever. C. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Running a marathon in Yancheng is a fantastic experience, _ willbe fresh in your memory for ever.A. one B. it C. the one D. one that22. Justice has long arms. Whoever _ breaks the law, or encourages others to do so, must expect to face justice. A. swiftly B. deliberately C. gradually D. properly23. Sadly, the child star became one of one-hit wonders that _ occasionally, only to disappear without signs. A. spring up B. hang up C. stay up D. end up24. E-commerce companies are helping small businesses in financial trouble obtain loans that they otherwise _ to raise. A. must struggleB. can have struggledC. could struggleD. would have struggled25. Chances created by the Belt and Road Initiative belong to the world, _ a promising future shared by mankind. A. ensuredB. ensuring C. to ensure D. having ensured26. To keep their innovation _ the times, Internet-based companies are sparing no efforts in digging into more core technologies.A. in tune withB. in touch with C. in exchange forD. in reward for27. Allowing changes in the way of marriage and family life, in some seniors view, is a significant _ from tradition. A. departureB. protection C. reliefD. adaptation28. With the availability of modern media, conversation _ the face-to-face exchange of thoughts exists is disappearing.A. whenB. which C. in which D. from which29. _ great works of literature, in whatever form, can encourage creativity. A. Exposing toB. Having exposed toC. Exposed toD. Being exposed to 30. Many graduates, fresh out of university, often fail to find their ideal jobs where _ work experience is usually required. A. relevantB. roughC. severeD. scientific31. You look slimmer, Emma! On diet?No, sports count more. I _ for an hour every day since last year.A. jogB. jogged C. have jogged D. have been jogging32. It is what you think about not what you have or what you are doing _ makes you happy or unhappy. A. what B. that C. whether D. when 33. Im kind of hungry, Mum!But I am occupied now, dear. Turn to Ele.me and order _ you desire.A. whichever B. whatever C. no matter which D. no matter what 34. Determined to be yourself, move forward, and free of shame, you will surely succeed _ you once failed.A. whereB. until C. unless D. when35. Late again this morning, and everything is in a complete mess!Be_. Evenafewminuteswillgiveyourdayaheadstart.A. a cold fishB. a lucky dogC. an early birdD. a dark horse第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When Bill Geske wasdiagnosed with cancersix years ago, his life was turned upside down.After being 36 to the emergency room with severe stomach pain, doctors found a tumor in his left kidney and 37 spots on his lungs. For treatment, Geske had thekidneyremoved and at the time the spots were 38 . However, a few months later, he learned from doctors that the cancer had indeed 39 .The situation wasnt good, and doctors estimated his 40 to be no more than two years. 41 the emotional and physical pains, his personal and family life suffered.“We have a family business. We have two children who were thrown into the middle of this chaos 42 , and theyve had to grow up very fast and handle the business, which they knew 43 about.” he said.But 44 all the chaos, there has been one constant: his wife Diane.Whether it was accompanying him to every doctors 45 or cooking his favorite meal, Diane always made sure her husband knew he had her full 46 .“I really see what love is. My wife 47 so much suffering. Im so 48 to have her fight with me and not against me.” Geske said.The Geskes 49 that their road has been far from easythey call it “cruel” in factand sometimes they 50 to the stresses of the illness.But Diane has 51 to learn how to cope with the more difficult times. “If hes in a mood or having a 52 day, I just leave him alone for a while she said. She also said making time to focus on herself and a life outside of their relationship help keep their 53 strong.While too many couples grow 54 when one of the partners suffers from a serious illness like cancer, the Geskes grow together. The people that are there for you on your 55 nights are the ones worth spending your brightest days with. 36. A. limited B. rushedC. followedD. invited37. A. similarB. commonC. unusualD. soft38. A. recognizedB. rejectedC. distributedD. dismissed39. A. spreadB. arisen C. declinedD. disappeared40. A. intervalB. survival C. toleranceD. reservation41. A. Free fromB. Apart fromC. Other than D. Rather than42. A. intentionallyB. temporarilyC. unexpectedlyD. willingly43. A. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything44. A. throughB. beneathC. towardsD. beside45. A. amusementB. adjustmentC. arrangementD. appointment46. A. supportB. anxietyC. envyD. complaint 47. A. bearsB. escapesC. sacrifices D. possesses48. A. regretfulB. lucky C. desperateD. determined49. A. denyB. predict C. advocateD. admit50. A. look upB. give inC. come overD. hold on51. A. failedB. offered C. grown D. intended52. A. successful B. normal C. specialD. terrible53. A. bondB. mindC. demandD. position54. A. firmB. apartC. unitedD. together55. A. coldestB. loneliestC. darkestD. longest第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A“Let Them Eat Cake!”This months issue of AQUILA Childrens MagazineIs a brilliant mixture of Science, Art and History.From Pavlova to Galette des roisChildren can join in the big sugar debate this month, as AQUILA examines the worlds unhealthy obsession (痴迷) with all things sweet: they can experiment with the chemical magic that lies behind everyday baking, investigate the negative effects of sugar on our bodies and discover why healthy home-cooking with fresh ingredients is the best. So should we eat that last slice of cake? AQUILA finds out about some famously overmuch feasts from times past, and looks back to ancient Greece, when the Philosopher Epicurus advised his followers that humans have a duty to seek out pleasure and avoid pain, but to find peace we must learn to limit our overmuch desires. PLUS: meet the Sugar Glider, Australias most lovely animal!“Advanced & Philosophical,Curious & Puzzling”Richard Robinson, Brighton Science FestivalA Brilliant Read for 8 to 12-year-oldsAQUILA Magazine is not like the childrens publications you will see on the newsstand-it is more like a special club for inquisitive kids: n A new topic every month including a feast of Science, Arts and General Knowledge.n Witty an intelligent editorial that encourages children to engage with big ideas and become self-motivated learners.n Every issue is packed with fun and challenges that will expand childrens interest and understanding beyond the school curriculum.56. How would Philosopher Epicurus think about sugar obsession? A. It should cause negative effects and be totally banned. B. We should follow desires to seek out peace and avoid pain. C. It should be replaced by healthy diets with fresh ingredients. D. We should be cautious about it despite pleasure it brings about.57. Who are the possible target audience of AQUILA? A. Parents as well as kids aged 8-10.B. Pupils with curiosity about knowledge. C. Kids trapped in sugar obsession. D. Self-motivated learners with big ideas.BCar registration plates (车牌) are just a series of numbers and letters, right? Well, yes but not for everyone. Amazingly, number plates existed before cars. The city of Victoria in Canada gave horse-drawn carriages number plates as early as 1884. And France was the first country to introduce plates in 1893. Early number plates were different shapes and sizes, and made of lots of different materials. In fact, it was not until 1957 that car manufacturers and governments agreed on standardized plates, and even today there are three different sizes.The first car registration number in the UK was A1. This was sold to Earl Russell by the London County Council in 1903. The letter “A” showed the number was from London, while the number “1” showed it was the first number issued. However, since then, the system has changed many times. At the moment, number plates in the UK consist of letters and numbers. Lets look at the registration number plate “LK51 FTN”. First of all, “LK” shows which registration office has issued the registration number (in this case, its London Stanmore). The numbers 51 show the age of the car (51 means the car was licensed in the second half of 2001). And the last three letters are random. Different EU countries use different arrangements of numbers and letters. For example, Spain uses four numbers and three letters, while Sweden uses three numbers and three letters, and Norway and Denmark use two letters and five digits. The system has changed many times because the letter-number combinations keep running out. UK number plates dont have to include the European Union symbol although most EU countries use the symbol. Some number plates have become extremely valuable, particularly those that spell out words. Basically, numbers on the plates can be used to represent words or parts of words. For example, “8” can mean “ate”; “4” can be “four” or “for”; and “2” can symbolize “to”, “two” or “too”. For example, “NVERLA8” means “Never late”. Plates that represent words or phrases are commonly known as “vanity plates”. And they can be extremely expensive. Russian businessman Roman Abramovich is supposed to have paid over 250,000 for the plate “VIP 1”. Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton has bought the plate “LEW 1S” and the most expensive number plate ever was “M1” which an anonymous buyer has acquired for 331,000. So, whats your number plate? It might be worth a fortune. 58. What can we learn from the development of car plates? A. Canada, France and UK have invented three different plate sizes. B. In terms of giving car plates, Canada acted much earlier than France. C. UK has always been consistent in its system for car registration numbers. D. Car producers and governments cooperated to form standards for plates.59. Why have EU countries had to change their systems of arranging numbers and letters? A. No such agreement has been reached among different EU countries. B. Much confusion has arisen from different digits adopted by EU countries. C. Old letter-number arrangements were not adequate for increasing needs. D. The British design of number plates differs from that of most EU countries.60. “LEW 1S” has fetched a high priced mainly because _. A. it can be read out just the way of its masters name B. Lewis Hamilton believes that it can bring luck to him C. the public consider it as a symbol of higher social classes D. it has a long history and is different from current EU platesCPsychological stress is likely to surface during a human mission to Mars. Prof Jeff Johnson thinks an on-board “comedian” could keep spirits up during the long journey. He is drawing on his research on the differing teambuilding approaches of competing polar explorers Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott to prove his point. Amundsens team made it to the South Pole and back while Scotts died on the return journey. Well, Roald Amundsen actually put people through tests before they set off to make sure that they would take orders and, in particular, whether they would challenge any of them. Amundsen would set up situations where there would be an ambiguous context to see what their responses would be, and if somebody questioned him, they were out. However, if you read Amundsens diary, he writes that Lindstrm, the cook, was basically the most important person on the expedition. Lindstrm was the comedian. He didnt actually go to the South Pole, but youve got to remember that the walking expedition was a small component of the overall time that they were on the ice. They were there for well over a year, waiting to walk to the Pole. They had to wait during the winter and its a very tense time when people are idle (懒散的). Lindstrm played an essential role in keeping the peace in the group when there were tense moments, and he would do something funny to get everybody to laugh, which would break the tension.There are individuals who have these certain natural abilities that you want to be able to recognize and include when youre putting together groups that are going to be isolated, such as those going into space. There are a number of different roles that weve discovered are important, but one of them is somebody who has humour. Thats clearly important. So, youd want to have somebody like Lindstrm, somebody who is not only good at what they have to do (he was a very good cook) but who also has another skillset beyond whats in the job description. We can put people together thinking that theyre going to work together in a certain way, but over the course of time a crisis is bound to happen. There are the kinds of things that make groups more adaptable and help them function better. You can think about it in terms of atoms: when you put different elements together, they produce different kinds of things. Its the same with people. They may have their own characteristics, but when you put them together, theyre going to create a different kind of situation and we want to have a better idea of what that might be.61. By comparing Amundsen with Scott, the author intends to _. A. contradict his previous statementsB. introduce the topic of the passage C. illustrate the importance of a comedianD. emphasize the necessity of team spirits62. What was the very quality Amundsen was valuing in his interview? A. Willingness to take orders.B. Optimism about success. C. Eagerness to make progress.D. Curiosity about mysteries.63. For what reason was Lindstrm regarded as a key figure on the expedition? A. He went against the command of the Amundsen in every circumstance. B. He could make up many jokes about other team members to ease tension. C. Besides cooking tasty dishes, he was capable of easing tension when it arose. D. When a vacancy app


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