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Idioms relating to numbers,English slangs for numbers,twos company, threes a crowd,This is said of two people, particulary lovers, who would prefer to be alone together rather than to have someone else with them.,MR.bulb,On all fours,If someone is on all fours, they crawl.,five oclock shadow,Its the right time to shave,This expression refers to a patch of stubble on the face of a man who hasnt shaved for at least a day.,be dressed up to the nines,to be wearing very fashionable or formal clothes for a special occasion e.g:They must have been on their way to a wedding or something. They were dressed up to the nines.,A fool at 40 is a fool forever.,If someone hasnt matured by the time they reach forty, they never will.,Some other slangs, in on something: If you zero in on something, you focus all your attention on that particular thing. 2.two peas in a pod : Two people who are like two peas in a pod are very similar in appearance. 3.second to none(独一无二): Something that is second to none is excellent or much better than any other.,4.six of one and half a dozen of the other(半斤八两): This expression means that ther is no real difference between two choices; both are equally good or equally bad. 5.Sixes and sevens(乱七八糟): If something is all at sixes and sevens, then there is a lot of disagreement and confusion about what should be done.,6.catch twenty two: A catch 22 situation refers to a frustrating situation where you cannot do one thing without doing a second, and you cannot do the second before doing the first. 7. twenty-four-seven: This term refers to something which is available or happens twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.,Numbers and Their Meanings as Online Slang,10q - “Thank you“ 10x - “Thanks“ (3)1337 - “Leet“, short for elite(精英), often used ironically. 224 - “today, tomorrow, forever“ 2m - “tomorrow“ 4 - “for“ 404 - “Couldnt find it“, “Clueless“ 833r (or b33r,) - beer or other alcoholic beverages 88, 881 or 886 “bye bye“ 9494 - “thats it“, “thats right“, “you see?“,The origin of (3)1337=elite,当黑客编写漏洞开发程序时,他们通常会留下一个签名,其中最声名狼藉的一个就是elite。如果将eleet转换成数字,它就是31337,而当它是指他们的能力时,elite=eleet,表示精英。,The translation of Chinese Slang About numbers(From Textbook),Translate this sentence,Chinese not only use numbers to appeal for good fortune, they also bring them out to chew people out: “You 250 (fool), you do things neither three nor four (without any order or out of touch), and still you dare to say that Im 13 points (stupid)and 3-8 (scatterbrained).“,中国人不仅用数字求好运,还用数字骂人:“你这个二百五(呆子),你做事不三不四(不规矩),你还敢说我是十三点(愚蠢),说我是三八(心不在焉)。”,The origins of 13 points,词义等同于痴头怪脑,愚昧无知。 是沪语中使用率最高的词之一。 “十三点”初时意谓“敲乱钟”,时钟敲出十三响,难道有十三点?当然是出了问题,正如俗语所讲癫癫地! 据1922年般上海指南,沪苏方言纪要中释痴字共十三画,故沪人以“十三点”隐指痴显然这一解释比较符合。 梁山伯与祝英台中“十八相送”一折戏中,祝英台向梁山伯反复暗送秋波,可梁竟傻乎乎的无动于衷。这是剧作者的艺术手法,故意为后来的悲剧所作的铺垫和伏笔。上海人口中的梁山伯与“两三八”谐音,这三个数相加是十三,讥讽梁山伯是“十三点”、“侬真是梁山伯,伊主动对侬有意思,侬还格能戆搭搭!”,three yang make good fortune 三阳开泰 fortune comes in pairs 好事成双 happiness comes in pairs 双喜临门 ill fortune not coming “alone.“ 祸不单行 eight character horoscope 生辰八字 66 everything goes smoothly 六六大顺 One six eight, on the way to success 一六八,一路发 if you want to succeed, dont stray from eight


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